Perfect example why Trump won't win...

I think you misunderstood. I was saying I was highly doubtful that Trump will get the latino/black numbers you think he will this election. I know what projected demographics are.
I answered already. I think he’ll get a higher percentage with both.
So he insinuated that she only started playing up her “blackness” for political gain?

I know exactly how you guys operate. And I’m sure you said the same of Obama, too.
Considering each likes to pretend they have had a 'black' American experience, yes, they're phonies.

They use their skin color as a political tool. Neither had slave ancestors and neither one spent the majority of their childhood in the US.

So, let's not pretend they have a lot in common with the US black community.
He should have walked off after that. Say "this is a hit job, I'm out." And walk off.

IMO: Every time he says "black" and emphasizes it, I think it's bad for him. Bad optics.
Respectfully, that's from your perspective.

If he'd have done that, he'd have lost respect from his base, imo. I'm glad he stayed and confronted them, but wish he would have just blown off their insults and stuck to policies. But that's not him and you take the good with the bad.
I answered already. I think he’ll get a higher percentage with both.
Polls show that his support among blacks has been cut almost in half in only 3 weeks. There are still undecideds, but the poll I saw nationwide among register black voters was

Trump 12%
Undecided 17%
Harris 71%

Not sure what Trump's percentage was in 2020, but I seem to recall it being something like 82-18.

So it's unclear if Trump will make any gains at all.

Yesterday didn't help him with the "Kamala isn't really black" nonsense. If any black voters thought he had changed since the racist Obama birtherism and the Central Park Five overt racism, they are reminded of who he is.
I have a friend whose son plays baseball at an hbcu. White kid. Alabama A & M lost the national championship in soccer to UConn. Hbcu school. Coached by? The great Tim Hankinson rip. Indy 11 coach for you soccer aficionados
Don't tell these morons still living in the 50s that HBCUs accept all races now.
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Just look at people who were supporters and even actually worked for him. What does it say when some people are so blind that they ignore literally hundreds of people who were actual Trump supporters who know first hand what a threat he is and the negative depths he is capable of sinking to...
That is the #1 thing that gets me. Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster, Kelly, Bolton, etc. have all said Trump is not fit. All of these very accomplished people can't be wrong or "in the swamp" as some like to say.
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The percentage of current Howard students identifying as black is 86%. In 1986, when Kamala Harris graduated, it was well up into the 90s. A non-black student then was significantly more rare than a key missed free throw by Steve Alford.
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They use their skin color as a political tool. Neither had slave ancestors and neither one spent the majority of their childhood in the US.
That’s not true, Obama had slave owning ancestors through his mother’s side.

Trump is the only living former or current president with no ancestors who owned slaves.
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Considering each likes to pretend they have had a 'black' American experience, yes, they're phonies.

They use their skin color as a political tool. Neither had slave ancestors and neither one spent the majority of their childhood in the US.

So, let's not pretend they have a lot in common with the US black community.
Harris didn't move to Montreal until she was 12 then attended one year of college in Canada before going to Howard University. Therefore, from birth to 22, she spent about 15 of those years in the US. I guess it was just too bad Obama and Harris had educated parents and weren't born and raised in the hood to suffice your definition of blackness.

Now, it's my turn to stereotype you, okay?
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Considering each likes to pretend they have had a 'black' American experience, yes, they're phonies.

They use their skin color as a political tool. Neither had slave ancestors and neither one spent the majority of their childhood in the US.

So, let's not pretend they have a lot in common with the US black community.
You're full of shit. As always.
Trump is the only living former or current president with no ancestors who owned slaves.
And the only President whose father was arrested at a KKK rally. 1927. Ah, when America was great!

A newspaper article from the time stated that "Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road, Jamaica, was discharged." This address matched records or Donald Trump's father from the 1930 census. A report in the Long Island Daily Press said all of the arrestees were "berobed marchers." To be fair, other reports said that non-Klan observers were arrested too, for brawling.

So Fred was either a Klansman or was into fighting Klansmen. We''ll never know for sure. The former, though, seems more likely, based on family history.

And the only President whose father was arrested at a KKK rally. 1927. Ah, when America was great!

A newspaper article from the time stated that "Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road, Jamaica, was discharged." This address matched records or Donald Trump's father from the 1930 census. A report in the Long Island Daily Press said all of the arrestees were "berobed marchers." To be fair, other reports said that non-Klan observers were arrested too, for brawling.

So Fred was either a Klansman or was into fighting Klansmen. We''ll never know for sure. The former, though, seems more likely, based on family history.

This post does not include any supporting source and there appears to be no immediate evidence that suggests Fred Trump was a member of the infamous white power group.

God you’re a joke.
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Respectfully, that's from your perspective.

If he'd have done that, he'd have lost respect from his base, imo. I'm glad he stayed and confronted them, but wish he would have just blown off their insults and stuck to policies. But that's not him and you take the good with the bad.
I agree, all he did was be himself and shake up the weak and easily offended. I'm 100% sure the same broadcast or whatever it was wouldn't have asked Biden about many of his remarks from the past.

Oh to be a billionaire who in the end can just give a middle finger to the world and walk away. The only thing that might be more befitting of America is an individual who applied for a job and basically was last 4 years ago can now be running the free world without one single accomplishment since they applied.

As I end all my emails to my staff "keep on rockin' in the free world" I guess I should also say enjoy it while it last.
There appears to be no immediate evidence that suggests Fred Trump was a member of the infamous white power group.

God you’re a joke.
Where did I say he was surely a KKK member? I didn't. I merely said he was arrested at a KKK rally and I even went over the 2 possibilities, only one of which is being a KKK member, and admitted that we'll never know.

DJT on the other hand puts his racist cards on the table for all to see.
That is the #1 thing that gets me. Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster, Kelly, Bolton, etc. have all said Trump is not fit. All of these very accomplished people can't be wrong or "in the swamp" as some like to say.
They can all be wrong. As soon as they turn on Trump, they are traitorous rinos
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He's a horrible human being. And everything is about him being victimized. Poor effin' Donald. He literally can't be taken to the carpet on his record and pouts and lashes out like a whiny little bitch. He's not smart, he's not well spoken, and he sucks in just about every way imaginable.

That's your hero MAGA crowd. A complete and total moron.
Did you watch how the journalists were treating him? I would like to see them treat Harris 1/2 as bad and see how she reacts.
Polls show that his support among blacks has been cut almost in half in only 3 weeks. There are still undecideds, but the poll I saw nationwide among register black voters was

Trump 12%
Undecided 17%
Harris 71%

Not sure what Trump's percentage was in 2020, but I seem to recall it being something like 82-18.

So it's unclear if Trump will make any gains at all.

Yesterday didn't help him with the "Kamala isn't really black" nonsense. If any black voters thought he had changed since the racist Obama birtherism and the Central Park Five overt racism, they are reminded of who he is.
Trump got 12% of the black vote in 2020. You can take under. I'll take over 12%. We will see who is correct in a few months.
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I said nothing about voting for anyone else. Or voting at all.

A good protest would be boycotting the election entirely, for example.
I agree, I wouldn't mind seeing people work together for once a leave the president box blank and vote however they want down ballot. I think that would send a message.
You obviously didn't look at the article. These critics of his aren't by elected officials, they're former Trump cabinet members and staffers in his WH. In other words, they worked side by side with him and their takeaway was not good at all.
I wasn't commenting on the article. I was saying we get what we get with politicians because they represent the public and the public sucks. We aren't sending our best to DC.
Did you watch how the journalists were treating him? I would like to see them treat Harris 1/2 as bad and see how she reacts.
Trump whines enough without your help.

Just because Trump doesn't like a question doesn't mean they are treating him unfairly.

He should stop making shitty comments if he doesn't want journalists to do their job and question him on them. Simple right?
Did you watch how the journalists were treating him? I would like to see them treat Harris 1/2 as bad and see how she reacts.
The nerve of those journalists, asking him about some bad things that he has actually said, VERBATIM, even pointing out WHEN he said them, and asking him to explain why he can be trusted!

If you don't say stupid racist shit then indeed journalists are not going to harp on stupid racist shit that you have spewed, since you haven't!
Here’s all you need to know about Murt. I’ve given him an open 20+ year invite for me to jump on 70, drive to St Louis, and beat the ever loving shit out of him. I’m still waiting.
Bitch. @larsIU i will tell you in our group of buds that have kept up daily in texts for 20 + years only one posts about politics and it’s very rare. 4 of the group I have no idea if they’re Dem/pub etc.
MAGA's love for his combativeness is the problem. Yes, they love it! They feel like victims, so they want to draw blood. But the majority of the country hates this stuff. They don't see it as presidential. It's a losing strategy. Red state Arizona is about to elect its third Democratic senator in the past six years. The trajectory isn't pretty for MAGA.
Then you should be happy, everything is going your way.
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If I knew you Ohio, I’d gladly bet you Trump gets a higher percentage of the black vote than he did in 2020. Illegal immigration and inflation is going to hurt Democrats with the black vote.

I’d also wager he gets a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote.
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Did you watch how the journalists were treating him? I would like to see them treat Harris 1/2 as bad and see how she reacts.
How they were treating him?! You mean asking him questions about his real, actual record and things he's said? Come on man.

He wasn't treated badly at all. Yes, he complained about being treated bad, but he does that any time someone isn't kissing his ass.

Go all the way back to the 2016 GOP convention when he directed the party to weaken the Ukraine support language in the platform. He was hell-bent on weakening NATO and US dominance of Europe, which he succeeded in, paving the way for Russian aggression.

And that was in a term where he had guard rails and foreign policy hawks around. Something which is now clear will be totally absent this time around. Anyone hosting Viktor Obran at their home is a sending a clear signal to anyone smart enough to pay attention.
Plus he told his top defense advisors that he wanted to leave NATO.
How they were treating him?! You mean asking him questions about his real, actual record and things he's said? Come on man.

He wasn't treated badly at all. Yes, he complained about being treated bad, but he does that any time someone isn't kissing his ass.
I agree, and it's fair game for reporters to ask Harris about the positions she has supposedly flip flopped on. Just as it was fair game to question Biden about his mental state after his dismal debate performance.