Omicron "variant of concern"

It’s not that. The hesitancy should be simple: it’s clear the current vaccines hardly slow transmission if at all. So for those that are not in danger from the respiratory / pulmonary symptoms if infected, why should we be mandated to get it? The vaccine at this point protects one person and one person only.
I don't think that's true. I think the vaccines clearly slow transmission a significant degree. But most importantly, they also dramatically decrease the incidence of severe illness. Keeping people out of hospitals is the most important thing we can do in our f*cked up health care system that is always three patients away from collapse.
Yes. Compare the risks in young people from Covid vs. from vaccine. I very well could be wrong, but I believe the risk of myocarditis from Covid is higher than from the vaccine, even when controlling for age. BICBW.
It’s not that. The hesitancy should be simple: it’s clear the current vaccines hardly slow transmission if at all. So for those that are not in danger from the respiratory / pulmonary symptoms if infected, why should we be mandated to get it? The vaccine at this point protects one person and one person only.
I believe you're correct Mark but I'd like to know too.

A healthy unvaccinated 18-30 year old who gets Covid and ends up with heart issues vs a healthy vaccinated 18-30 yr old and gets heart issues from the vax - comparative data
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Shooter is probably right. We probably have enough data by now to know the vaccine is way safer than the disease. But I can understand why people are hesitant. "Probably" is a pretty weak word when you are asked to take a risk - however small - on voluntarily.
I think the reasonableness of the hesitancy certainly decreases over time and experience. Billions have been fully vaccinated. The hospitalization data is overwhelming. If you haven’t been vaccinated it’s because you never will.
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I think the reasonableness of the hesitancy certainly decreases over time and experience. Billions have been fully vaccinated. The hospitalization data is overwhelming. If you haven’t been vaccinated it’s because you never will.

Agreed. At some point healthy skepticism becomes obstinance.
It is already at 'flu' levels due to the fact that is IS the flu.

The toll of circulatory injury, pericarditis, myocarditis, seizures and death as direct results of mRNA injection continue to snowball, even as Deep State media is silent.
Sorry buddy, but where are you reading this stuff?
The vaccine at this point protects one person and one person only.
The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 25-60% from getting infected, depending on the variant, the vaccine, the time since vaccination, and the study.

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 40-80% from getting symptoms, same caveats

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 70-90% from getting hospitalized, same caveats

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 90-95% from death, same caveats

We can debate what those numbers are, who they are, when, and why. And these are my guesses, but they're based on several studies, and an expectation of omicron's likely impact.

But no aspect of protection is 0%, or anywhere near it
Thanks for posting this. I’ve got two jabs December 2020 and January 2021. Haven’t decided on booster.

I am really struggling with the fact my 26 yearold son and his wife are resisting getting vaxxed. They have concerns about the jab and getting pregnant. My son just got great promotion and raise with the military base at Crane. He’s risking losing his job. It’s killing me.
I got the booster in early October, not long after it became available. No negative effects, and it has given me peace of mind with all the people I’m around on a daily basis.
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The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 25-60% from getting infected, depending on the variant, the vaccine, the time since vaccination, and the study.

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 40-80% from getting symptoms, same caveats

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 70-90% from getting hospitalized, same caveats

The vaccine at this point protects you maybe 90-95% from death, same caveats

We can debate what those numbers are, who they are, when, and why. And these are my guesses, but they're based on several studies, and an expectation of omicron's likely impact.

But no aspect of protection is 0%, or anywhere near it
I’d like to see the data behind the transmission prevention especially with Delta. It’s obviously too early for Omicron data. All I know is that the most vaccinated countries still get many cases and schools requiring vaccination are getting hammered by cases. About 60% of my friends that are vaccinated (and many boosted) have all had breakthroughs in the last six weeks.

Vaccines are a no brainer for the at risk (which is a lot of people), but I find mandates and further the pressure being put on people to vaccinate young kids to be disgusting.
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I believe you're correct Mark but I'd like to know too.

A healthy unvaccinated 18-30 year old who gets Covid and ends up with heart issues vs a healthy vaccinated 18-30 yr old and gets heart issues from the vax - comparative data
IIRC 54 people in the US have gotten heart issues (thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome) from vax, 9 died. I think 4 were women 20-39, 2 were older men, 3 were older women.

I don't know how many of the 800,000 unvaxxed infected dead Americans had heart issues. A shit ton more than 9, though.
You obviously have not followed my comments on this subject over the last eighteen months.

Again, the vaccination rates have leveled off. Any increase in the number of vaxxed people will be incremental. The morons have won.

That being the case, one bright spot might be seeing Omicron overwhelm Delta (like Delta did original recipe) and prove to be less virilent, resulting in less serious disease and fewer deaths. Case rates don't tell us anything about hospitalizations and deaths. It's not complicated.
I think it’s highly unlikely we’ll ever get even 50 percent of the third world countries vaccinated. This is going to end like the Spanish Flu did - it will evolve to a rarely lethal virus. Virus Lives Matter too.
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I got the booster in early October, not long after it became available. No negative effects, and it has given me peace of mind with all the people I’m around on a daily basis.
@UncleMark so what do you say to the morons that got the JJ vaccine? Wanna bet whether we find more problems with Pfizer & Moderna?

Thanks for posting this. I’ve got two jabs December 2020 and January 2021. Haven’t decided on booster.

I am really struggling with the fact my 26 yearold son and his wife are resisting getting vaxxed. They have concerns about the jab and getting pregnant. My son just got great promotion and raise with the military base at Crane. He’s risking losing his job. It’s killing me.
He should get vaccinated or his career is over. I have no influence on this, but I can advise.
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Ok, I’m confused on who’s talking to whom now.🤔
I replied incorrectly to you instead of UncleMark response.

BTW I’ve got 3 golf buddies in Evansville that had some issues with their hearts after the booster. They all seem fine now but got a scare. Who’s to say they don’t end up with some damage to their hearts? Do you remember the promises of the vaccine back in January? I don’t remember any mention of a booster and maybe a fourth shot. I don’t remember being told you will most likely still get Covid, it just won’t be as deadly.
He should get vaccinated or his career is over. I have no influence on this, but I can advise.
I know that. Many careers are going to be over. I am glad he didn’t follow some of his friends advice to just go get the JJ vaccine.

Edit: what happens if the CDC comes out and advises, sorry but we now believe the vaccines can cause problems in pregnancies?
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I replied incorrectly to you instead of UncleMark response.

BTW I’ve got 3 golf buddies in Evansville that had some issues with their hearts after the booster. They all seem fine now but got a scare. Who’s to say they don’t end up with some damage to their hearts? Do you remember the promises of the vaccine back in January? I don’t remember any mention of a booster and maybe a fourth shot. I don’t remember being told you will most likely still get Covid, it just won’t be as deadly.
I don’t know, I’m just putting my trust in the scientists to stay alive during this pandemic. I’ve followed the guidelines from the outset and hope I bet on the right horse. I don’t overthink it with “what if’s” because I’m not qualified to outthink the science and recommendations.

I think I may have had Covid a week or two ago, but the symptoms were so mild I didn’t even think of it until after the fact.
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I don’t know, I’m just putting my trust in the scientists to stay alive during this pandemic. I’ve followed the guidelines from the outset and hope I bet on the right horse. I don’t overthink it with “what if’s” because I’m not qualified to outthink the science and recommendations.

I think I may have had Covid a week or two ago, but the symptoms were so mild I didn’t even think of it until after the fact.
The girls in my office think I had it in Jan-Feb 2020. I was sick for almost a month but worked through it like I’ve always done when sick.

Call me a kook but I think even the scientists have become political. I no longer trust or have faith in our government or the scientists.
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The girls in my office think I had it in Jan-Feb 2020. I was sick for almost a month but worked through it like I’ve always done when sick.

Call me a kook but I think even the scientists have become political. I no longer trust or have faith in our government or the scientists.
The fact that Covid is a moving target with many variants is challenging to the scientists, and equally challenging for the government’s response and messaging.

The inconsistent communication and messaging to citizens can create distrust, but I’m still confident that our government wants what’s best for it’s citizens as related to health concerns, no matter which political party is in office at the time.
I replied incorrectly to you instead of UncleMark response.

BTW I’ve got 3 golf buddies in Evansville that had some issues with their hearts after the booster. They all seem fine now but got a scare. Who’s to say they don’t end up with some damage to their hearts? Do you remember the promises of the vaccine back in January? I don’t remember any mention of a booster and maybe a fourth shot. I don’t remember being told you will most likely still get Covid, it just won’t be as deadly.

I know how your buddies feel. I did my regular 3hrs bike ride like 24hrs after my 2nd jab. I thought I wasn't going to make it home that night. Felt like I was building up to a heart attack. Then I got multiple cramps during my sleep that night.
So for the booster shot, I waited like a week before I went for my 3hrs ride. Even then I felt I was near death. My heart rate was 20-25% higher than normal for each section of the ride.

btw they are preparing for a 4th booster shot here in SG.

Also for those who got the two Pfizer jabs only, the MOH SG are recommending that you get a Moderna for the booster. They seem to think its more effective to mix it for Omicron.
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I know how your buddies feel. I did my regular 3hrs bike ride like 24hrs after my 2nd jab. I thought I wasn't going to make it home that night. Felt like I was building up to a heart attack. Then I got multiple cramps during my sleep that night.
So for the booster shot, I waited like a week before I went for my 3hrs ride. Even then I felt I was near death. My heart rate was 20-25% higher than normal for each section of the ride.

btw they are preparing for a 4th booster shot here in SG.

Also for those who got the two Pfizer jabs only, the MOH SG are recommending that you get a Moderna for the booster. They seem to think its more effective to mix it for Omicron.
I know people who went to CVS and tried to get Moderna booster who’s first vaccines were Pfizer. CVS wouldn’t give them Moderna.

I believe it was CVS. My memory could be wrong.
I know people who went to CVS and tried to get Moderna booster who’s first vaccines were Pfizer. CVS wouldn’t give them Moderna.

I believe it was CVS. My memory could be wrong.
I got Moderna instead of Pfizer simply because we all know that - Moderna is the drug of choice for the modern man.
I am the Moderna Man. But seriously I only get Moderna only because the vac centre was nearby.
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Biden has said multiple times , he would Shut Down The Virus.

Another broken promise.
Remember I’m not hypothesizing. I’m apparently one of a few that is willing to say I DONT KNOW. But the more adverse events that keep appearing are very problematic and the lack of serious effort to determine how to treat the recently infected are quite bothersome. Aren’t they?
With me I've always said that I fear the long term effects of covid more that the long term effects of the vaccine. It's a gamble because I could end up with covid after taking the vaccine.
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With me I've always said that I fear the long term effects of covid more that the long term effects of the vaccine. It's a gamble because I could end up with covid after taking the vaccine.
There is no longer any doubt the vaccine isn’t protecting you from getting Covid. The only question will it make you more likely to survive.

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