Omicron "variant of concern"

It’s going to reach everyone. Because so many South Africans have natural immunity, scientists still don’t have a sense of what Omicron might do once it arrives in sub-populations with low immunity. We have some of those communities due to vaccine resistance. Even “fully vaccinated” communities might see a huge surge in cases. Moderna has typically showed the best results of all vaccines in neutralizing previous variants but a new study I saw finds that 2 doses are 50 times less effective against omicron than they were against the original Wuhan strain.
'Science' seems to be failing the test of reacting to protect Americans from this Chinese bioweapon. Two years after the attack and the duplicitous State media still restricts any accounts of the tragic results of this attack and the pharma establishment continues to drain our Federal Treasury for jabs that have killed thousands of healthy young people, and left tens of thousands of others to face the uncertainty of their future health.
Why? Will people come back to life? Will the economy go backwards and restore people's businesses? Will Trumper's be taxed to reimburse the US for resources used for testing and treatment?

At some point...people need to accept the consequences for their ugly choices.
Trumpers only? What about your disdain for unvaccinated Blacks?
Exactly. Since the morons have won, Omicron at least gives me some hope.
Pretty lazy thinking isn’t it? Do the facts around highly vaccinated countries still experiencing spikes in deaths and cases not matter? It’s the morons?
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This isn’t entirely true
Few things are entirely true. But in this case what he said is mostly true.

Just had a 50 something hairdresser in my town die. She was a great lady. She was also unvaccinated. Very sad, magnified by the fact is was likely preventable.
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Close enough.
So what's the plan as these shots will start getting green. Get the booster and then a few months thereafter go again? Will we be notified? Will we be prevented if we go too soon? I trust they are getting stale for a lot of folks
So what's the plan as these shots will start getting green. Get the booster and then a few months thereafter go again? Will we be notified? Will we be prevented if we go too soon? I trust they are getting stale for a lot of folks
You're asking me???

The recommendation is to get boosted. It's quick, easy, and free. Maybe they'll recommend another one in six months. Who knows. If they do, it will still be quick, easy, and free.

Don't be a moron.
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Exactly. Since the morons have won, Omicron at least gives me some hope.
That's genius because it's free if you want some "hope" and are willing to do dumb things. Go to a bar, get drunk with some meth heads or some of the like Nazi types that are going to prison after an attempted coup on the goverment, or go have the Holidays with a bunch of vaccinated people, which is why it's already spreading at the rate it is because they just did that at Thanksgiving, but no, now I wished I didn't do that at all and was not worth the stomach ache or the COVID possibilty! Can't say you weren't warned. They said, don't do it or keep a very small circle of vaccinated people which I demanded if it is that important to you, which it was to my wife, but not to me, just inconvenience and danger, but I accepted that it was something that meant something to her and let her do it.

I could give a shit about Thanksgiving, it's just a day off for me and rather sleep in and not **** around with hosting something potentially dangerous to me, not only from my wife's cooking, but a bunch of people I don't want in my house to mask up for the fun dinner I didn't want in the ****ing first place and now have to clean up

Good grief, message me when your lungs explode and die on a ventilator with no family allowed to see you when you're ruminating the consequence to your family, yourself, etc. It is thoughts like that, that won't let it naturally end, cause of this antivax crowd.

It will end up in an endemic eventually when these idiots die off and stop insisting on in person shit to do and "oh, it's tradition, we've always done that" type crap. I'm through the looking glass, and if you want to go bouncing around the ****ing state because you're what, bored, lonely, whatever, and want to pretend it's not real again, you ain't welcome at my house, we don't need that.

I'm calling BS, they already said the Moderna vaccine was like 50 times less effective with Omicron, and while it might be less dangerous (that remains to be seen with no data yet). Best be advised to stay away from people that think it's the **** over when it's not at all. Got a bad vibe, just looks bad
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You obviously have not followed my comments on this subject over the last eighteen months.

Again, the vaccination rates have leveled off. Any increase in the number of vaxxed people will be incremental. The morons have won.

That being the case, one bright spot might be seeing Omicron overwhelm Delta (like Delta did original recipe) and prove to be less virilent, resulting in less serious disease and fewer deaths. Case rates don't tell us anything about hospitalizations and deaths. It's not complicated.
You obviously have not followed my comments on this subject over the last eighteen months.

Again, the vaccination rates have leveled off. Any increase in the number of vaxxed people will be incremental. The morons have won.

That being the case, one bright spot might be seeing Omicron overwhelm Delta (like Delta did original recipe) and prove to be less virilent, resulting in less serious disease and fewer deaths. Case rates don't tell us anything about hospitalizations and deaths. It's not complicated.
Even if omicron is less virulent, we could be in for a bad spike this winter, because of the sheer size of the thing. Even with a lower proportion of people getting badly ill, the numbers could easily overwhelm the healthcare system again.
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Even if omicron is less virulent, we could be in for a bad spike this winter, because of the sheer size of the thing. Even with a lower proportion of people getting badly ill, the numbers could easily overwhelm the healthcare system again.
That very well may end up being the case. But since the morons have won, Delta was going to sicken and kill a shit ton of people anyway. If Omicron is five times more infectious but only twenty percent as virulent, that's a wash. And we'll gain some natural immunity in the process.

You can just call me Mr. Sunshine.
You obviously have not followed my comments on this subject over the last eighteen months.

Again, the vaccination rates have leveled off. Any increase in the number of vaxxed people will be incremental. The morons have won.

That being the case, one bright spot might be seeing Omicron overwhelm Delta (like Delta did original recipe) and prove to be less virilent, resulting in less serious disease and fewer deaths. Case rates don't tell us anything about hospitalizations and deaths. It's not complicated.
It is that complicated, because they don't understand it enough yet or have enough US data to know what's going on or how dangerous it is to vaccinated and boosted people, like us, to spew anything other than pure speculation. My politics, which I usually don't talk about on a goddamn basketball site, even if it's off-topic forum with others that like IU Basketball to be winning, are middle of the road liberal. Probably wouldn't waste a vote on Biden/Harris again, but it wasn't Trump, and that was the only thought that crossed my mind. No more Richard Dawson as President, attempted coup, where people actually died. The evidence is mounting from their cell phones that it was a damn organized attempt to do that, and we all watched it shocked on TV with his black leather gloves like Mussolini or Hitler. Never again, I like this guy Beashear from KY, I hate to admit it because it's KY, but he seems to not be a nut job either way, maybe not Biden, Trump, or some other southern nut job and reasonable and taking control of the massive tornado damage down there
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It is that complicated, because they don't understand it enough yet or have enough US data to know what's going on or how dangerous it is to vaccinated and boosted people, like us, to spew anything other than pure speculation. My politics, which I usually don't talk about on a goddamn basketball site, even if it's off-topic forum with others that like IU Basketball to be winning, are middle of the road liberal. Probably wouldn't waste a vote on Biden/Harris again, but it wasn't Trump, and that was the only thought that crossed my mind. No more Richard Dawson as President, attempted coup, where people actually died. The evidence is mounting from their cell phones that it was a damn organized attempt to do that, and we all watched it shocked on TV with his black leather gloves like Mussolini or Hitler. Never again, I like this guy Beashear from KY, I hate to admit it because it's KY, but he seems to not be a nut job either way, maybe not Biden, Trump, or some other southern nut job and reasonable and taking control of the massive tornado damage down there

Again, if you were familiar with this forum and the people who post here regularly you'd know that what I'm posting is speculation, but I'd like to think it's relatively logical and based on the best available information. You'd also know that this isn't a basketball forum, it's a political forum, hosted on the Rivals Indiana sports site. Politics and current events is (mostly) what we do here. The basketball forum is where we talk basketball.
You're asking me???

The recommendation is to get boosted. It's quick, easy, and free. Maybe they'll recommend another one in six months. Who knows. If they do, it will still be quick, easy, and free.

Don't be a moron.
What about the morons who got J&J and are now hearing it’s problematic?

What about the morons under age 30 that got Moderna that most other developed nations now prohibit?

Man there must be a lot of morons. I’d say the biggest moron is the one who swallows the narrative hook, line and sinker without a modicum of healthy skepticism during emergency times.

edit: we can fully agree that a fat guy with one or more risk factors being unvaccinated is in fact a moron of the highest degree - but I think enough evidence and obvious real-time occurrences are showing that younger healthy people being skeptical on vaccine transmission prevention is warranted
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Again, if you were familiar with this forum and the people who post here regularly you'd know that what I'm posting is speculation, but I'd like to think it's relatively logical and based on the best available information. You'd also know that this isn't a basketball forum, it's a political forum, hosted on the Rivals Indiana sports site. Politics and current events is (mostly) what we do here. The basketball forum is where we talk basketball.
I'm not though, so thanks for the protocol rules. I'm a long time member from the star board days, banned many times from Peegs or I'd otherwise be in the HOF status. I just discovered this and to me, right now, it's actually more interesting to discuss many things and maybe some basketball, outside of what I expect to be a middling conference resume. I'll abide and adapt
That very well may end up being the case. But since the morons have won, Delta was going to sicken and kill a shit ton of people anyway. If Omicron is five times more infectious but only twenty percent as virulent, that's a wash. And we'll gain some natural immunity in the process.

You can just call me Mr. Sunshine.
Also worth remembering that, even if we suffer a bad spike this winter, the emergence of a very infectious, less virulent strain can still, in the long term, be very beneficial, if it leads us to that promised land of Covid becoming endemic and seasonal.

I was especially intrigued by the article someone linked above about the possibility that this strain was formed by recombination with a common cold coronavirus. That sounds promising to a non-expert like me.
I'm not though, so thanks for the protocol rules. I'm a long time member from the star board days, banned many times from Peegs or I'd otherwise be in the HOF status. I just discovered this and to me, right now, it's actually more interesting to discuss many things and maybe some basketball, outside of what I expect to be a middling conference resume. I'll abide and adapt
I like your style.
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What about the morons who got J&J and are now hearing it’s problematic?

What about the morons under age 30 that got Moderna that most other developed nations now prohibit?

Man there must be a lot of morons. I’d say the biggest moron is the one who swallows the narrative hook, line and sinker without a modicum of healthy skepticism during emergency times.

edit: we can fully agree that a fat guy with one or more risk factors being unvaccinated is in fact a moron of the highest degree - but I think enough evidence and obvious real-time occurrences are showing that younger healthy people being skeptical on vaccine transmission prevention is warranted
Anyone who can't see that a 1 in 296k chance of dying from the J&J vaccine is better than a 1 in 422 chance of dying from COVID ain't too smart.
You're asking me???

The recommendation is to get boosted. It's quick, easy, and free. Maybe they'll recommend another one in six months. Who knows. If they do, it will still be quick, easy, and free.

Don't be a moron.
Morons think it's free. Mark, you can't be like that. How much money do you think the Fed has? The Answer is ZERO. they have our time and efforts that are transformed into money that they take from us.
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54 deaths out of 18 million J&J vaccinations, and 780k COVID deaths out of 320 million population.
Right. That’s the macro number but that’s the same math that makes people think everyone has a 1% chance of dying of COVID. The JNJ deaths range as low as 28 yrs old. What’s the relative risk of death of a 28 yr old who contracts COVID?
I do not know that math but this story says the odds are between 38 times and 72000 times higher with COVID. But this is from April:

Story is too old. 57 people have now died and the odds of both have changed significantly.
Right. That’s the macro number but that’s the same math that makes people think everyone has a 1% chance of dying of COVID. The JNJ deaths range as low as 28 yrs old. What’s the relative risk of death of a 28 yr old who contracts COVID?
If it's not higher I'll buy you a bottle of your favorite elixir.
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Story is too old. 57 people have now died and the odds of both have changed significantly.
No matter how you crunch the numbers, the virus is more deadly than the vaccine, by a lot. I understand the point about younger, healthier people, but protecting yourself isn't the only reason to get vaccinated. I didn't get the shot for me, just like I don't get the flu shot each year for me.
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Story is too old. 57 people have now died and the odds of both have changed significantly.
I do not see numbers broken by month. Do you have the risk of death today? 57 people have died from J&J, I would be shocked if fewer than 57 20-30 year olds have died in the last couple months.
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No matter how you crunch the numbers, the virus is more deadly than the vaccine, by a lot. I understand the point about younger, healthier people, but protecting yourself isn't the only reason to get vaccinated. I didn't get the shot for me, just like I don't get the flu shot each year for me.
In the Short term you may be right. But the Long term hasn’t been worked out and measured yet. We don’t have any idea of the long term effects yet.

We do know that the mRNA vaccines have spiked myocarditis incidence with over 1k confirmed cases this year alone. Background incidence is much lower than this and it’s caused many countries to not give these vaccines to under 30.

Every quarter more information comes out. I expect this will continue years from now until we fully understand the long term ramifications of the vaccine and its risk to the otherwise healthy population. If I’m an employer there’s no way I mandate vaccines. There’s way too large a chance I’ll be sued into bankruptcy in the Not too distant future.
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In the Short term you may be right. But the Long term hasn’t been worked out and measured yet. We don’t have any idea of the long term effects yet.

We do know that the mRNA vaccines have spiked myocarditis incidence with over 1k confirmed cases this year alone. Background incidence is much lower than this and it’s caused many countries to not give these vaccines to under 30.

Every quarter more information comes out. I expect this will continue years from now until we fully understand the long term ramifications of the vaccine and its risk to the otherwise healthy population.
We do not know the long term impact of the disease either, look up Spanish Flu and Parkinson's disease. But to give a quick example:

Epidemiologists have determined that Spanish Influenza survivors have a 2-3x higher risk of developing Parkinson's Disease

In the Short term you may be right. But the Long term hasn’t been worked out and measured yet. We don’t have any idea of the long term effects yet.

We do know that the mRNA vaccines have spiked myocarditis incidence with over 1k confirmed cases this year alone. Background incidence is much lower than this and it’s caused many countries to not give these vaccines to under 30.

Every quarter more information comes out. I expect this will continue years from now until we fully understand the long term ramifications of the vaccine and its risk to the otherwise healthy population. If I’m an employer there’s no way I mandate vaccines. There’s way too large a chance I’ll be sued into bankruptcy in the Not too distant future.
Doesn’t this disregard the long term possible issues with a Covid infection? Jason Tatum now uses and inhaler and still says he has reduced wind. He’s a .001% athlete. Is my Covid infection going to increase my chances of developing Alzheimer’s which runs in my family?
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We do not know the long term impact of the disease either, look up Spanish Flu and Parkinson's disease. But to give a quick example:

Epidemiologists have determined that Spanish Influenza survivors have a 2-3x higher risk of developing Parkinson's Disease

No doubt. Fully agreed. I’m not an anti-vax person. In fact I’m boosted recently. But the mandates are wrong, not only from a constitutional perspective but from a bioethical perspective. We do not know enough about these vaccines and their long term effects to mandate them.

We know they save lives. We also know they’ve spiked myocarditis incidence (not all patients recover from this), we know there are deaths from the vaccine, we know they’re not as effective at slowing the spread, and we learn more about it every day. What will we learn in 2022? In 2032?

Vaccine mandates will not be followed at scale - nor should they be.