Largest study to date on Long Covid risk factors

zeke vs. dbmhoosier vs. McMurt

There only one pic to pull out as McM on Jeopardy.


The Ruling Class is still fighting to hide the data, but e-mails are now getting exposed that tell the tale - it was a lab leak from a gain-of-function lab.

Fauci lied to hide what the citizens could not abide.

Millions died.

But Rand smoked weed in college, so don’t listen to him.

You will never get @outside shooter to admit Fauci lied to the country. IMO he is more responsible for covid deaths than anyone else in this country. More and more scientists are standing up and calling out Fauci.
it's a legit question to ask. If you are of the opinion that the Chinese hate America and that they created a bioweapon to intentionally release, why did they then intentionally release it first on the population of China?

That would like be if our resident HVAC expert decided that he hates non-Americans and so he designed HVAC time bombs to be installed in foreign buildings. Starting with... Denver Colorado. Hmmmm....

I don't think many people believe the release was intentional.

You are moving the goalposts. You were once a strident advocate that anyone who thought the source was possibly/likely a lab leak was a wacky conspirator. You remember, back in the days before we learned about of the internal doubt and debate among the Fauci's of the world?

You can admit you were wrong. Go ahead, it will make you feel better.
He didn't say science intentionally created the are so full of s***.

BTW, do you want to take this occasion to praise Trump for saving millions of lives by so aggressively pushing the creation of the vaccines? As I recall, your hero Fauci said it would take YEARS for an effective vaccine,
You will never get @outside shooter to admit Fauci lied to the country. IMO he is more responsible for covid deaths than anyone else in this country. More and more scientists are standing up and calling out Fauci.

Do you believe that because of his support of gain of function research, or because of how he handled the pandemic?

He's a liar and an egomaniac, and was wrong about the danger to children and adults, But....I don't see how he killed millions other than, possibly, his contribution to gain of function research. If that's where you're coming from , I get you, but I don't see how anything can be proven along those lines without the support of the Chinese.
You mean the vaccine that is responsible for many more deaths than Covid?

I don't think we know the extent of the damages the vaccines caused. I don't know if or when we will know. But I've never disputed that they saved a lot of lives at the time. I never doubted the benefit/cost ratio for the elderly or vulnerable.

My specific point, re: shitter, is that he was a tremendous advocate of the vaccines. And there's 0 doubt in my mind that Trump's involvement helped them to get cranked out 1-3 years faster than some random political hack like a Biden or Harris. So I don't see why shitter's lips are not firmly pressed against Trump's ass.
I don't think we know the extent of the damages the vaccines caused. I don't know if or when we will know. But I've never disputed that they saved a lot of lives at the time. I never doubted the benefit/cost ratio for the elderly or vulnerable.

My specific point, re: shitter, is that he was a tremendous advocate of the vaccines. And there's 0 doubt in my mind that Trump's involvement helped them to get cranked out 1-3 years faster than some random political hack like a Biden or Harris. So I don't see why shitter's lips are not firmly pressed against Trump's ass.
he's in a cult. the cult tells him how to think
You were once a strident advocate that anyone who thought the source was possibly/likely a lab leak was a wacky conspirator. ...

You can admit you were wrong. Go ahead, it will make you feel better.
You are flat-out lying. I will admit that I am wrong, when I am wrong.

From day 1, though, I have never said that a lab leak was impossible. I have said that the idea (which was in fact often expressed here) that it was a purposefully engineered bioweapon was exceedingly unlikely, and I explained why, very specifically.

I did link at least one scientific study (sort of "my thing") that gave evidence against a lab leak. The study tracked the location of people who were initially known to have been infected with the virus. The patients affected were clustered around the market, about 25 miles away from the virology center.

25 miles is a significant distance.

Let's say a virology lab was located in downtown Indy and that a virus outbreak occurred in Franklin, Indiana, 22 miles away, with 50 people infected there and none infected in downtown Indy. Would you think it more likely that the responsible virus was transmitted to a human in Franklin, or in Indy?

Of course I admit that it's possible that the Chinese faked all of the data on who was infected. Or that the infected virologist was in a plastic bubble and didn't breathe on anyone he worked with, before spreading his evil engineered germ in the wet market, to "get those evil Americans" in... well... in WUHAN?
Do you believe that because of his support of gain of function research, or because of how he handled the pandemic?

He's a liar and an egomaniac, and was wrong about the danger to children and adults, But....I don't see how he killed millions other than, possibly, his contribution to gain of function research. If that's where you're coming from , I get you, but I don't see how anything can be proven along those lines without the support of the Chinese.
I don’t think he killed millions. But he helped financed gain of function in the lab where the virus most likely came from which resulted in many deaths. He lied and as the go to scientist in the US he did a horrible job.
I don’t think he killed millions. But he helped financed gain of function in the lab where the virus most likely came from which resulted in many deaths. He lied and as the go to scientist in the US he did a horrible job.

Fauci is on a book tour, and I heard him say in one of the interviews that the virus they were experimenting on in Wuhan with the gain of function stuff was so dissimilar to the SARS-Covid virus that it would have been essentially impossible for that virus to be "engineered" into Covid. FWIW. That was new (to me) info.
I don’t think he killed millions. But he helped financed gain of function in the lab where the virus most likely came from which resulted in many deaths. He lied and as the go to scientist in the US he did a horrible job.

Ok, I got you.

Here's the way I look at it. He was remarkedly efficient in not only saving his own ass, but in demonizing his opposition. He was a master of the public relations game with the enthusiastic assistance of the MSM. When you look at it that way, he is a spectacular success.

Think about it....if he had actually been completely honest from the start there is a damn chance that he would have been seen as THE face of the pandemic. His life would have been over. He would have been fortunate to avoid criminal prosecution. To anyone that doubts that.....look at the Trump charges....bookkeeping and storage....Are you telling me they couldn't have come up with a few criminal charges against someone the public thought was responsible for millions of deaths? Hell, he STILL hasn't been charged with perjuryfor his lies to Congress, a nothing charge compared to the gravity of the situation.

So to anybody who routinely opines that 'honesty is the best policy' or that 'it's not the crime, but rather the coverup'.....consider the Fauci example.
You are flat-out lying. I will admit that I am wrong, when I am wrong.

From day 1, though, I have never said that a lab leak was impossible. I have said that the idea (which was in fact often expressed here) that it was a purposefully engineered bioweapon was exceedingly unlikely, and I explained why, very specifically.

I did link at least one scientific study (sort of "my thing") that gave evidence against a lab leak. The study tracked the location of people who were initially known to have been infected with the virus. The patients affected were clustered around the market, about 25 miles away from the virology center.

25 miles is a significant distance.

Let's say a virology lab was located in downtown Indy and that a virus outbreak occurred in Franklin, Indiana, 22 miles away, with 50 people infected there and none infected in downtown Indy. Would you think it more likely that the responsible virus was transmitted to a human in Franklin, or in Indy?

Of course I admit that it's possible that the Chinese faked all of the data on who was infected. Or that the infected virologist was in a plastic bubble and didn't breathe on anyone he worked with, before spreading his evil engineered germ in the wet market, to "get those evil Americans" in... well... in WUHAN?
I don’t know what you said personally. I wasn’t around here then. But the government and lib party line was that there was no f—-ing way COVID came from the lab in Wuhan, when anyone with a lick of common sense could solve that simple equation
Fauci is on a book tour, and I heard him say in one of the interviews that the virus they were experimenting on in Wuhan with the gain of function stuff was so dissimilar to the SARS-Covid virus that it would have been essentially impossible for that virus to be "engineered" into Covid. FWIW. That was new (to me) info.
That information was provided by NIH and Fauci in 2021.

"...The viruses used in the EcoHealth Alliance experiments share only around 80% of their genomes with SARS-CoV-2 — a huge difference when making these comparisons. Much more similar viruses that share 96% to 97% of their genomes with SARS-CoV-2 have been identified."

The grant application to EcoHealth and the experiments funded at Wuhan are no mystery. They are published, as are all funded grants, including my own.

The EcoHealth grant was reviewed in advance of funding by the NIH and validated to not violate accepted procedures, including enhancing mammalian transmission of a virus (a barred gain-of-function experiment, even long before COVID). Note: as I have mentioned, not all gain-of-function experiments are dangerous or banned. Some are absolutely necessary to discover drugs and to develop vaccines.
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You will never get @outside shooter to admit Fauci lied to the country. IMO he is more responsible for covid deaths than anyone else in this country. More and more scientists are standing up and calling out Fauci.
When the reckoning comes, and have no doubt, it is coming....
Mf'ers like 2104 will be held accountable.
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I am talking to one specific poster right now.

After the 16th you have no moral standing to tell me anything.
So just to be clear, you're not instituting a new policy that posters can't accuse other posters of being in a cult. You are admittedly picking on one individual poster you personally don't like.

I'm not telling you what to do. Just trying to be helpful. You seemed to suggest it was no longer okay to accuse others of being in a cult, and I thought maybe you didn't realize how common it was.
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So just to be clear, you're not instituting a new policy that posters can't accuse other posters of being in a cult. You are admittedly picking on one individual poster you personally don't like.

I'm not telling you what to do. Just trying to be helpful. You seemed to suggest it was no longer okay to accuse others of being in a cult, and I thought maybe you didn't realize how common it was.
I could make a list of posters in cults if that helps?
So just to be clear, you're not instituting a new policy that posters can't accuse other posters of being in a cult. You are admittedly picking on one individual poster you personally don't like.

I'm not telling you what to do. Just trying to be helpful. You seemed to suggest it was no longer okay to accuse others of being in a cult, and I thought maybe you didn't realize how common it was.
Honest question. Did someone here continually make the argument that it was an intentional release, instead of a lab leak?

The theory that the Fauci gang was fighting was a lab leak, not an order to unleash the Kraken.
Why does it matter whether it was an intentional release or lab leak?

Once released, wouldn't we fight it the same way no matter how it was released?
Why does it matter whether it was an intentional release or lab leak?

Once released, wouldn't we fight it the same way no matter how it was released?
It mattered within the context of the comment I was responding to. A lab leak is accidental. Putting it in HVAC systems to facilitate the spread is a purposeful act of war and would require different intervention.
That would be my ignore list. Which of course you should be on, but when I put you on it, half the threads disappear, since you have no life
I’m just engaging. In real life too. Hard for a guy with a lab coat and piss pits who gets put on the sidewalk to understand
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Oh yeah, absolutely NOBODY on here ever said that China INTENTIONALLY unleashed this virus on the world. Nobody EVER linked nonsense like this:

Nobody named dmbhoosier would ever do such a thing! Oh wait...

Nobody on here would have ever have been CRAZY enough to say that the bioweapon idea isn't crazy! Oh wait, not just crazy, but IUcrazy2...

that same person wouldn't be CRAZY enough to link more nonsense, right? Like this..
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