Official Vance /Walz debate thread

No she’s bouncing back big time. My daughter is having dinner at their house Sat. And I don’t care. About any of it. Like your linguistic post it’s funny how you get to that point
Serious moment, this is how I got there. I had a string of really, really bad relationships. Not because women suck, of course, because I suck. I'm willing to accept I'm the problem. But, either way, I was just burnt out and done with all of it. So I made like a New Year's Resolution kind of thing. No dating for one year. Just focus on me. A year later, I realized I was happier than I'd ever been in my entire adult life.

And that's that. I wish I had figured this out decades ago, and I would have become a priest or something.
I know. Again you’re young. Gifted. But young. He inherited a pile of shit and pulled us out. I know. And what he did for pre-existing is more impactful than anything any president has done in my lifetime

There’s no evil like insurance co evil. And to not get coverage for someone suffering was hell for millions
He didn’t pull us out of it, he prolonged the recovery. ACA was a disaster to small business owners and working class people.
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Serious moment, this is how I got there. I had a string of really, really bad relationships. Not because women suck, of course, because I suck. I'm willing to accept I'm the problem. But, either way, I was just burnt out and done with all of it. So I made like a New Year's Resolution kind of thing. No dating for one year. Just focus on me. A year later, I realized I was happier than I'd ever been in my entire adult life.

And that's that. I wish I had figured this out decades ago, and I would have become a priest or something.
oh that's because you came back UNRECOGNIZABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like a different life. both have their pros and cons. i'm extremely happy like you. went back to playing soccer. relaxing. less stress. no fighting. time wiht kids is undivided and super fun. just better. but i think part of it is age. she tells me what she has going every weekend and it's exhausing and i'm so glad i don't have to deal with it all.

Serious moment, this is how I got there. I had a string of really, really bad relationships. Not because women suck, of course, because I suck. I'm willing to accept I'm the problem. But, either way, I was just burnt out and done with all of it. So I made like a New Year's Resolution kind of thing. No dating for one year. Just focus on me. A year later, I realized I was happier than I'd ever been in my entire adult life.

And that's that. I wish I had figured this out decades ago, and I would have become a priest or something.
How do you go without sex? I figured out when I was 20 women suck, but they have vaginas. So, I put up with their sh#t 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't know that I've ever seen Aloha "defend" Hillary or Kamala. What he does do is categorically debunk the attempts to equate either with Trump. In that he's right, there's no comparison.
Ok..... 😂

He does a whole lot of debunking then....😂
Try to be honest. It’s apparently not one of your traits.
Where have I lied? Dude you constantly "defend" Kamala. I have never seen you call her out...Not once. But you pounce on everything Trump. People say , "Kamala lies"---You---Well not like Trump does. It simply never fails. Anything negative said toward Waltz or Harris, you attack those with, "well Trump does it worse..."

99.99% of your post, pretty much regardless the context, is anti-trump. I have yet to see you post a single negative toward Harris or Waltz.
Yes. Dumb as a post. You can’t even acknowledge a simple fact that voter fraud has a meaning and HRC did not claim she lost because of it, but Trump did. I have no desire to converse with a stubborn bonehead, so stop. We’re done.
What do you think HRC meant by the election "not being on the level"? And exactly how does one STEAL an election, without the presence of fraud? Fraud can be defined as, obtaining through deceit/deception.

I'm stubborn? Dude ytou have NEVER wavered on ANY stance, you have ever taken. None. Nadda. Zero. You feel you are above such. That you know all. Better than everyone else. TBH, you come as a pompus prick.

You love namecalling dont ya-----Isnt that something you chastise DJT for? let me guess----But he does it worse, Borden..
Where have I lied? Dude you constantly "defend" Kamala. I have never seen you call her out...Not once. But you pounce on everything Trump. People say , "Kamala lies"---You---Well not like Trump does. It simply never fails. Anything negative said toward Waltz or Harris, you attack those with, "well Trump does it worse..."

99.99% of your post, pretty much regardless the context, is anti-trump. I have yet to see you post a single negative toward Harris or Waltz.
It’s simple. I want Trump to lose. I consider he and MAGA culture a huge embarrassment to my party. Plus he’s unfit for the office of President - in my very solidified opinion. I have no affinity for Harris and if you criticize her honestly, I’ll have nothing to say about it. However, you’re not even being honest in this post. Trying to say Harris is as much of a liar as Trump is, is a lie. No objective person believes that. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact.

You be honest and you can say what you want about her and I won’t care.
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What do you think HRC meant by the election "not being on the level"? And exactly how does one STEAL an election, without the presence of fraud? Fraud can be defined as, obtaining through deceit/deception.

I'm stubborn? Dude ytou have NEVER wavered on ANY stance, you have ever taken. None. Nadda. Zero. You feel you are above such. That you know all. Better than everyone else. TBH, you come as a pompus prick.

You love namecalling dont ya-----Isnt that something you chastise DJT for? let me guess----But he does it worse, Borden..
VOTER FRAUD. Look it up. Say it. Whenever you claim she claimed voter fraud you’re lying or you’re stupid.

I’m sorry, but I’ve lost all patience with the rampant dishonesty of MAGAs. I am embarrassed by it because you think of yourseyas Republican. You came in claiming you weren’t MAGA or even political, but repeat the same dishonest talking points that every MAGA here does. Word for word, copied and pasted exactly the same. I don’t think you were being honest. I assume you can understand why.
It’s simple. I want Trump to lose. I consider he and MAGA culture a huge embarrassment to my party. Plus he’s unfit for the office of President - in my very solicited opinion. I have no affinity for Harris and if you criticize her honestly, I’ll have nothing to say about it. However, you’re not even being honest in this post. Trying to say Harris is as much of a liar as Trump is, is a lie. No objective person believes that. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact.

You be honest and you can say what you want about her and I won’t care.
Where did I say, or even insinuate Harris is as much of a liar than Trump? I have never said that. Not once. I have said, and said so repeatedly, just because she doesnt lie as much, or tell "worse lies", doesnt excuse, or dismiss the fact she lies---and A LOT.

You approach everything so literally, and seemingly have a hard time deciphering "sarcasm", poking fun, etc....with reality. Do I think she lies more than DJT? No. Do I htink she lies a lot? Absolutely. SO she wins. She's the lesser, liar---so to speak.

I have yet to ever see you NOT defend any negative brought toward her, or Waltz. I thnk your hatred for DJT simply doesnt allow to see her faults. And thats because you are always comparing. "She doesnt lie as much.....She doesnt tell worse lies, etc, etc....And by doing so, you are overlooking that even though she's not as bad as DJT, she is still pretty ****ing bad.
Where did I say, or even insinuate Harris is as much of a liar than Trump? I have never said that. Not once. I have said, and said so repeatedly, just because she doesnt lie as much, or tell "worse lies", doesnt excuse, or dismiss the fact she lies---and A LOT.

You approach everything so literally, and seemingly have a hard time deciphering "sarcasm", poking fun, etc....with reality. Do I think she lies more than DJT? No. Do I htink she lies a lot? Absolutely. SO she wins. She's the lesser, liar---so to speak.

I have yet to ever see you NOT defend any negative brought toward her, or Waltz. I thnk your hatred for DJT simply doesnt allow to see her faults. And thats because you are always comparing. "She doesnt lie as much.....She doesnt tell worse lies, etc, etc....And by doing so, you are overlooking that even though she's not as bad as DJT, she is still pretty ****ing bad.
That’s a much better post.

I don’t like Harris. Criticize her honestly all you want.
VOTER FRAUD. Look it up. Say it. Whenever you claim she claimed voter fraud you’re lying or you’re stupid.

I’m sorry, but I’ve lost all patience with the rampant dishonesty of MAGAs. I am embarrassed by it because you think of yourseyas Republican. You came in claiming you weren’t MAGA or even political, but repeat the same dishonest talking points that every MAGA here does. Word for word, copied and pasted exactly the same. I don’t think you were being honest. I assume you can understand why.
1. Not a MAGA.
2. Not a Republican, nor a Democrat.

Why must you affiliate everyone who votes for Trump, as MAGA?

Explain to me how an election can be stolen, without the presence of "voter fraud"? How is that possible? And look, just b/c HRC didnt use the word "fraud", doesnt mean that is not what she meant; ANd maybe it wasn't. Maybe she feels a Russian spy broke into a ballot box, and stole a bunch of her votes? I dunno. Guess that is possible.

What I post is what I think. I dont copy...I simply post what I feel...What I think. Pretty ****ing arrogant of you to pretend you know different. Again, its what makes you come off as a pompus, ass prick. That you know people better than they know themselves---and thus wanting to lump them in with a group, just becuase, "you know..." You are a very arrognat and obtuse person.

As for being honest....What have I lied about? I think HRC thorugh her claims of the election being stolen, was insinuating a fraudlent election. How you see that as being some far-fetched, MAGA this or that, is ****ing beyond me.

You see, problem is, in your mind, you cant be wrong...Impossible. There is no middle-ground with you: You are right, everyone else is wrong. Not even a hint of, "Ya know Broden, I could see how someone could claim she(HRC) was claiming fraud. Even though I dont thin k she was---I could see how that could be , ya know---thought of."----But naaaah. Thats not you. You cant do that. You are not wired that way. Its your way---or nothing. ANd if someone doesnt bow to you , agree with you---well you retort to telling them how dumb they stupid they are, etc....

Its ok to have a differ of opinions. To see things differently. I thiink HRC was claiming fraud, when she said the election was stolen. You dont. Ok, cool.

Grow the **** up, dude.
That’s a much better post.

I don’t like Harris. Criticize her honestly all you want.
WHo are you to judge such? WTF you mean, "much better post"?--Bro its the same shit I have said over and over, and ****ing over.

God damn are you an arrogant muther****er.
1. Not a MAGA.
2. Not a Republican, nor a Democrat.

Why must you affiliate everyone who votes for Trump, as MAGA?

Explain to me how an election can be stolen, without the presence of "voter fraud"? How is that possible? And look, just b/c HRC didnt use the word "fraud", doesnt mean that is not what she meant; ANd maybe it wasn't. Maybe she feels a Russian spy broke into a ballot box, and stole a bunch of her votes? I dunno. Guess that is possible.

What I post is what I think. I dont copy...I simply post what I feel...What I think. Pretty ****ing arrogant of you to pretend you know different. Again, its what makes you come off as a pompus, ass prick. That you know people better than they know themselves---and thus wanting to lump them in with a group, just becuase, "you know..." You are a very arrognat and obtuse person.

As for being honest....What have I lied about? I think HRC thorugh her claims of the election being stolen, was insinuating a fraudlent election. How you see that as being some far-fetched, MAGA this or that, is ****ing beyond me.

You see, problem is, in your mind, you cant be wrong...Impossible. There is no middle-ground with you: You are right, everyone else is wrong. Not even a hint of, "Ya know Broden, I could see how someone could claim she(HRC) was claiming fraud. Even though I dont thin k she was---I could see how that could be , ya know---thought of."----But naaaah. Thats not you. You cant do that. You are not wired that way. Its your way---or nothing. ANd if someone doesnt bow to you , agree with you---well you retort to telling them how dumb they stupid they are, etc....

Its ok to have a differ of opinions. To see things differently. I thiink HRC was claiming fraud, when she said the election was stolen. You dont. Ok, cool.

Grow the **** up, dude.
You can’t possibly equate what she said with claiming voter fraud. I don’t care if that seems arrogant, but it’s a fact that she didn’t. I’m fed up with the dishonesty and the absence of logical thinking.

You claim not to be MAGA, but I see no difference between you and the self-admitted and proud MAGAs on this board and elsewhere.
A fed up arrogant MF. I agree.
Fed up with..............................What? People having a different opinion than you? Me saying I think HRC claimed fraud, doesnt make me right---but it also doesnt make me wrong. I'm not the only perosn who perceived her claim of a "stolen election", as being fraud.

Problem in this world, and it includes myself as well, is that we get cuaght up in how bad the other is, that we lose sight of the shortcomings of ourselves, and/or those who we support. Just because something is worse than the other, doesnt mean it still isnt bad.

Take for example one of the worst syings ever---"It could always be worse..., or people have ot worse than you "---Ok. And? Of course it could always be worse---and of course there are people worse off than me...It doesnt change my situation. It doesnt lessen the burden. When I had my shoulder replaced, and missed 9 months of work, I had some tell me---"Well it could always be worse."---Just dumb. Of course it could. But it didnt change the fact of how bad my situation was.

I'm fed to...I'm fed up with the hypocrisy...the comparing. How politics have separated people. Its why i rarely, until now, ever participated in political talk. It just brings out the bad in everyone. SO what I will vote for Trump. Ok. What, thay makes me some type of bad person? Why? What because I think hes a better fit for POTUS, than Harris? Thats just dumb.
You can’t possibly equate what she said with claiming voter fraud. I don’t care if that seems arrogant, but it’s a fact that she didn’t. I’m fed up with the dishonesty and the absence of logical thinking.

You claim not to be MAGA, but I see no difference between you and the self-admitted and proud MAGAs on this board and elsewhere.
How could I not take what she said, and affiliate it with fraud? SHe said the election "was not on the level"? What does that mean to you?

How is me THINKING she cliamed fraud, being dishonest? Thats jsut dumb, dude. I could easily say you thinking its not, is being dishonest. Maybe I am wrong. But me thinking that, doesnt make me a liar. I could think yellow is the best color----doesn that mean I am lying?

Absence of logical thinking? What is so illogical of thinking her saying the election "was not on the level", as that meaning fraud?

Easy, softball question here----When she said, "election was not on the level", what do you think she meant by that? ANd in a election---how could someone "steal" an election, w/o the presence of fraud? If the Russians colluded to get DJT elected, how did they do this? If an outside entity, not register to vote, interfers, would than not make such an event, fraudlent?
You can’t possibly equate what she said with claiming voter fraud. I don’t care if that seems arrogant, but it’s a fact that she didn’t. I’m fed up with the dishonesty and the absence of logical thinking.

You claim not to be MAGA, but I see no difference between you and the self-admitted and proud MAGAs on this board and elsewhere.
Different types of election fraud

There are many ways for criminals to steal votes and change the outcome of an election. These include:

  • Impersonation fraud at the polls:Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.
  • False registrations: Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.
  • Duplicate voting: Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.
  • Fraudulent use of absentee ballots: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.
  • Buying votes: Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.
  • Illegal “assistance” at the polls: Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”
  • Ineligible voting: Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.
  • Altering the vote count: Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.
  • Ballot petition fraud: Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot.
You are brushing with to short of brush.....THis is a list of some ways of STEALING votes, i.e. stealing an elction---AKA, voter fraud. THis is exactly what HRC claimed---A STOLEN ELCTION----or well, voter fraud.

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