Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

Last place I would go for news is Musky elon.

You wouldn't know truth even if it was tattooed on your ass. Keep spewing lies from your favorite twitter idiots but it doesn't mean anything other than you have found like minded people.
You have been shown this data from multiple sources and are too blinkered to face reality. The crime numbers are being drastically under reported. That is a fact. Deal with it.
Have you ever considered that they and the other sycophants look up to Trump and want to be just like him and would if given the chance? ie A bully, superficial asshole, misogynist, racist choad. That they may be as much of a scumbag as he is and want to be?
You have a triggered opinion of Trump. Are you female or simply a feminine male? The Democrats possess so many feminine men on their team it’s hard to tell.
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FOX Media proposed a debate hosted by Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. Trump immediately nixed it, saying he wanted Jesse Watters, Hannity and/or Ingraham as moderators. They’re entertainers. Might as well have circus clowns asking the questions.

Wait. BREAKING: Trump says he will not participate in any more debates! Apparently one ass-whooping was enough for The Con.
Your team has absolutely no self awareness. It’s hilarious.
The refs didn't make him shout they're eating the dogs like some senile old worm brained weirdo.

He did that on his own because that's what he does. He lost the debate because he's Trump.

I doubt he wants to get dragged again.
You don’t play in a game you know is rigged. That’s simple dumb. I know you know what dumb is, dumby.
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Anyone with a modicum of objectivity could see that the moderators were at once biased and lousy. But it’s immaterial to the outcome. The questions to trump were fine. That he was nonresponsive, rambling and triggered falls solely on him. To dive into absurd hyperbole and conspiracy bs is again him. This was a terrible debate because of his performance - blame only rests with him
We are facing the most consequential election of our lifetimes and this is what you have to say? The “dream team” ain’t what they used to be. Your “standards” are overrated. And harmful.
That’s a lie. You’ve been fact checked 1 out of 1. 100%

He was terrible. He had zero control of the room. All he had to do was calmly point out that she didn’t answer xyz. And do you want to know why she didn’t? Because…. It would have taken nothing to catch her in a trickbag and calmly call out the mods. Instead he got triggered over rally crowds and launched into aliens and cats. One of the worst debate performances I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot
He shouldn’t have done this debate. The fix was in with the moderators. If she’s so great Trump should offer a debate on FOX. You think she would accept?
Well, he also claimed that states allow the murder of kids after they are born and that Haitian immigrants in Springfield eat people’s pets. So there’s that. Which is absolutely crazy shit that would get most folks thrown in a padded room. But yeah, it was probably a much larger conspiracy.
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The refs didn't make him shout they're eating the dogs like some senile old worm brained weirdo.

He did that on his own because that's what he does. He lost the debate because he's Trump.

I doubt he wants to get dragged again.
Yeah, Trump lost by 40, and people are complaining that Harris got away with a travel in the 3rd quarter. Bitch, it don't matter. He got his ass whooped.
He was terrible. He had zero control of the room. All he had to do was calmly point out that she didn’t answer xyz. And do you want to know why she didn’t? Because…. It would have taken nothing to catch her in a trickbag and calmly call out the mods. Instead he got triggered over rally crowds and launched into aliens and cats. One of the worst debate performances I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot
The level of cognitive dissonance it takes to not see the obvious must be staggering. "Trump won so hard he doesn't need to debate again!" I can't even.
The election will remain close until the end. Harris demolished him in the debate, but the prize for that is tiny.

Plus, she's still in the same unenviable position she was already in. A great debate doesn't make food cheaper.
I wonder if some reporter will nail her down and force her to give details on her opportunity economy? Probably not. Elect her and then we find out. It might work.
I wonder if some reporter will nail her down and force her to give details on her opportunity economy? Probably not. Elect her and then we find out. It might work.
Maybe Trump will finish his concept of a healthcare plan. Never know. He might actually come up with something.

Probably would be satisfied with just changing the name Obamacare to Trumpcare while leaving everything the same.
Maybe Trump will finish his concept of a healthcare plan. Never know. He might actually come up with something.

Probably would be satisfied with just changing the name Obamacare to Trumpcare while leaving everything the same.
"I have a concept of a plan" should have been more embarrassing than any Trump supporter could handle, but alas, no.
Can you explain Kamala’s to me?

Trump campaigned on replacing Obamacare in 2016. Eight f*cking years ago. Then he won. And he couldn't pull it off. Never was able to provide a plan for replacing it. Now he's had four more years to figure it out. And he only has a "concept of a plan." This is much more than just not having an answer. It's not having an answer to the only question that he's had a decade to prepare for, and for which he's been promising he had an answer for just as long.

Trump campaigned on replacing Obamacare in 2016. Eight f*cking years ago. Then he won. And he couldn't pull it off. Never was able to provide a plan for replacing it. Now he's had four more years to figure it out. And he only has a "concept of a plan." This is much more than just not having an answer. It's not having an answer to the only question that he's had a decade to prepare for, and for which he's been promising he had an answer for just as long.
How many votes does it take to repeal it?
Kamala and Biden couldn’t pull off an assassination, how the hell could they make a decision if we were under attack.
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It's not that he didn't do it. It's that he still doesn't even have a plan. This was a critical fail on his part. For him to go into any debate and not have an actual answer for that question was inexcusable.
I’m not debating anything or trying to question you. I was just curious if Republicans could repeal it with 50 votes or if it took 60.
It's not that he didn't do it. It's that he still doesn't even have a plan. This was a critical fail on his part. For him to go into any debate and not have an actual answer for that question was inexcusable.
He doesn’t have any knowledge about a lick of policy. Worse, he doesn’t care.

I’m no Harris fan, but Trump supporters criticizing her for not doing calculus at the board while their candidate can’t do calculus and also eats the chalk is such a ridiculous double standard.
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How many votes does it take to repeal it?
He didn't have a plan. just like Mexico was never going to pay for the wall. And China does not pay the tariffs. None of this is hard.

She lies too, but he is next level. To bitch about Obamacare the way he does and still not have a plan after almost 9 years is pretty bad.

** Just saw you followed up further explaining your question was procedural.
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polls show that komilla won the battle, lost the war. Sorry man. I know how much this means to you.
But when your ideology wins a battle, but the way you won that one thing, hurts your overall chances of winning the total war, historically says that you have hitched your pony to a death sled. You have nothing but dead team members following you. (in your case, its a death boat full full of dead people).
OH, you really need to change your political affiliation registration. You are a "republican" that is in the closet. COME OUT ! just admitting that you are dem, is 99% of the struggle. WE will still love you. Maybe even love you more for being honest. We all know that you are currently living a lie and that has to hurt. Maga doesn't want you to hurt. Maga is about HAPPY !!
What? Can’t decide that.
What? Can’t decide that.
Kamala “won” the debate . She simply had a better showing, on the surface.
The problem is, Kamala is all surface skin level depth.
Much to my TOTALL amazement , the majority of American voters admit that she won the debate performance, but now side with Trump. People are finally seeing through the left BS.
Kamala “won” the debate . She simply had a better showing, on the surface.
The problem is, Kamala is all surface skin level depth.
Much to my TOTALL amazement , the majority of American voters admit that she won the debate performance, but now side with Trump. People are finally seeing through the left BS.
Polls do not indicate that. Look at RCP poll averages. They’re trending away from Trump.

Polls do not indicate that. Look at RCP poll averages. They’re trending away from Trump.

Man that was fast, under 4 minutes. You do run a tight ship, so to speak.
Polls and coverage that I see have harris equal or marginally down.
It seems that some people appreciate that she can look you in the eye and lie to your face, and then recognize that is the exact opposite of what MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is.
Harris performed better, as a monkey clanging cymbals during the debate, my props given!!
But serious Americans saw that it was a well rehearsed monkey, banging cymbals!