Official Trump/Harris debate commentary thread

What policy did Kamala talk about last night? And please be specific.

So they think she can win again - obviously. But why would you risk it?

Seems to me like they didn't do as well as they're saying they did and they're way farther behind than they're saying in public.
There's little risk if you're reasonably competent and you're debating Trump.

You're not familiar with the history of presidential debates, are you? Do you think Kennedy was perceived as the clear winner in his first debate with Nixon in 1960 because he offered better policy positions than Nixon, or because he presented them in a much better way? Of course not. It was his appearance and demeanor that carried the day. Kennedy looked good and appeared poised, confident and likable, often smiling and engaging with the moderators. Nixon, on the other hand, refused to wear makeup (never an issue, of course, for Trump) and sported a "five o'clock shadow," not a good look back then. He also sweated profusely under the lights and looked generally dour and ill-at-ease.

Do you think Carter was substantively superior to Ford when he debated him in 1976? Of course not. The sound bite that everyone remembered, and that gave the "W" to Carter, was Ford's absurd claim that "There is no Soviet domination of eastern Europe."

The debate formats, at least in the last several cycles, don't lend themselves to extended policy discussions and, like it or not, that's not what most viewers are watching for. Viewers/voters are looking for general impressions, who appears the most "presidential," who is able to avoid gaffes, and who they "like." Trump lost last night on all counts.
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The post-debate polls haven't moved and most recognize the bias of the moderators.
We have nothing but "snap" polling or focus groups (lol) so far. Normal polls don't call people after 10:30 PM EST, and you're probably not going to get a representative online sample then either. Any of those polls' samples from yesterday would be before the debate.

We'll know much more in a few days.

Edit: The overnight TV numbers were massive. Will be interesting to see the final rating. I'm sure you can add millions of streams to that number as well.

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There's no indication those fired didn't 'suck up' to him. They got fired because they didn't do a good job or weren't on board with implementing policy.

Would you keep someone employed who not only didn't follow company policy, but worked actively against it?

I think there should be a 10 year ban on writing books after anyone leaves an administration.
Ike wrote his WWII memoir without talking to a publisher or having an advance. He shopped it after he wrote it.

Thats not now how it works nowadays. Government officials and staffers now receive huge advances based upon a promise of a “tell-all” book with juicy details. If the book isn’t juicy enough, the publishers rewrite and edit. The grift is obvious. With all that money involved, an honest book is impossible.
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There's no indication those fired didn't 'suck up' to him. They got fired because they didn't do a good job or weren't on board with implementing policy.

Would you keep someone employed who not only didn't follow company policy, but worked actively against it?

I think there should be a 10 year ban on writing books after anyone leaves an administration.

About company policy.

If you suggest and firmly believe company policy is counter productive and present your case to Mr. Big, should he fire you, or take your suggestion under consideration ?

Now, if denied do you take your case outside ? If you do, you do so at the risk of being fired.

Getting back to Bolton and the ten year ban on books upon leaving. Kinda think the ban is a bad idea, except to say Bolton has pretty much banned himself from serving in any federal. executive branch office in the future
I've pointed that out many times on this forum that his former appointees who trash him, have been ones he's fired.

Biden hasn't fired anyone, despite the Afghan and illegal immigration debacles.

About the clumsy Afghan departure without any firings.

Could it be Biden's intelligence and military advisors suddenly notified Biden the Taliban advance was much bigger and faster than anticipated thus requiring an immediate evacuation.

Given this scenario, firing the military leaders who were in charge would only be scapegoating.
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Nobody on this board is Spock. Nobody.
There's no indication those fired didn't 'suck up' to him. They got fired because they didn't do a good job or weren't on board with implementing policy.

Would you keep someone employed who not only didn't follow company policy, but worked actively against it?

I think there should be a 10 year ban on writing books after anyone leaves an administration.
I've never known a single good leader who lacked the ability to be a good judge of one's character. Nor have I ever known a good leader who hired people who lacked the same ability when they would hire others on their behalf.

With that in mind, how many people joined the Trump Administration and were fired or left on their own accord? To be proud of his ability to fire someone due to their incompetence, there should be an equal embarrassment that the same person was hired in the first place. It's not something I would beat your chest about.
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I've never known a single good leader who lacked the ability to be a good judge of one's character. Nor have I ever known someone without the ability to hire others on their behalf, who had the lack of that same skillset.

With that in mind, how many people joined the Trump Administration and were fired or left on their own accord? To be proud of his ability to fire someone due to their incompetence, there should be an equal embarrassment that the same person was hired in the first place. It's not something I would be beat your chest about.
Over 60 percent of his appointees and 92 percent of his staff left during his term. These are records since they started tracking it. Many resigned. Some essentially fired. It’s not a good look either way.
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Trump did poorly last night, with some help from the moderators.

The post-debate polls haven't moved and most recognize the bias of the moderators.

With some decent moderators, he would do much better, although he'd still give into his tendancies. But I don't think it would matter, either way. Most voters have made up their mind about Trump and it's Kamala's job to convince any undecideds to come to her side. I don't believe she did that, based on her performance last night. She 'won' the debate, but did she win anyone over? I guess that will be seen.

But right now, I'd say the risk on another debates would be all on Harris.
Undecided voters, especially men, are breaking for Trump following debate. Trump is leading on Polymarket after being tied during debate. All great signs for Trump, and the country.
Undecided voters, especially men, are breaking for Trump following debate. Trump is leading on Polymarket after being tied during debate. All great signs for Trump, and the country.
you mean trumpers pretending to be undecided? although I'm going to guess that info is as legit as dbm's twitdiots.
There's no indication those fired didn't 'suck up' to him. They got fired because they didn't do a good job or weren't on board with implementing policy.

Would you keep someone employed who not only didn't follow company policy, but worked actively against it?

I think there should be a 10 year ban on writing books after anyone leaves an administration.
Is that because Conservatives believe in the First Amendment?

What Would Clarence Do?
About company policy.

If you suggest and firmly believe company policy is counter productive and present your case to Mr. Big, should he fire you, or take your suggestion under consideration ?

Now, if denied do you take your case outside ? If you do, you do so at the risk of being fired.

Getting back to Bolton and the ten year ban on books upon leaving. Kinda think the ban is a bad idea, except to say Bolton has pretty much banned himself from serving in any federal. executive branch office in the future

About the clumsy Afghan departure without any firings.

Could it be Biden's intelligence and military advisors suddenly notified Biden the Taliban advance was much bigger and faster than anticipated thus requiring an immediate evacuation.

Given this scenario, firing the military leaders who were in charge would only be scapegoating.
Come on, hoot - it's their freaking job to know. If they didn't know, they should have been fired for incompetence.
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I'll give Trump credit that he's quick for his age and could probably have hung with Harris if his ego didn't get in the way. If he did half of the prep Harris did, he wouldn't have had to rely on his angry tirades from falling in every trap that Harris set, but he just can't help himself because that is what he'd rather talk about, versus boring old policy stuff that he let's other people deal with anyway.

I mean he really did take all the bait- it was a talking point all this week in the media, and he still did it. She even got him to talk about stolen documents, and he compared his stolen documents to Biden's stolen documents.
Not only that but he repeated the Comer Pyle nonsense about the Biden's and Ukraine. All of this while Lev Parans has just completed a movie exposing the actions he took under direction of Trump/Rudy. There's even a scene where Lev meets with Hunter Biden and apologizes for trying to ruin Hunter's life...

And even more damning the GOP's "star witness" (former FBI "informant" Alexander Smirnov) is sitting in an LA Jail after admitting to Investigators that he simply made up the claim of the Biden's being bribed after Russian Intelligence developed the plan and ordered him to carry it out...

That was a hilarious rabbit hole for Trump to leap into. I don't imagine that was anything Team Harris imagined would happen even in their wildest dreams. Although Trump on his own name checking a dictator like Orban and using him as a character reference was likely a close second on the unexpected gift list...
I've never known a single good leader who lacked the ability to be a good judge of one's character. Nor have I ever known a good leader who hired people who lacked the same ability when they would hire others on their behalf.
Have you ever worked in Washington DC?

Are you really going to bash Trump for staff turnover? Really?

Not only that but he repeated the Comer Pyle nonsense about the Biden's and Ukraine. All of this while Lev Parans has just completed a movie exposing the actions he took under direction of Trump/Rudy. There's even a scene where Lev meets with Hunter Biden and apologizes for trying to ruin Hunter's life...

And even more damning the GOP's "star witness" (former FBI "informant" Alexander Smirnov) is sitting in an LA Jail after admitting to Investigators that he simply made up the claim of the Biden's being bribed after Russian Intelligence developed the plan and ordered him to carry it out...

That was a hilarious rabbit hole for Trump to leap into. I don't imagine that was anything Team Harris imagined would happen even in their wildest dreams. Although Trump on his own name checking a dictator like Orban and using him as a character reference was likely a close second on the unexpected gift list...
The plural of Biden is not "Biden's".
Yeah I saw that too... He just makes shit up to an incredible degree. Said we left $85B in brand new equipment in Afghanistan! Holy hell.

We only transferred $17b in equipment to the Afghans over a 20 years period. The high ball estimate was that $7b in used equipment remained. But Trump just pulls $85b of brand new shiny equipment out of the air.
Yeah I just saw one of the undecided voters who had shifted to Trump. Guy specifically mentioned Afghanistan and the bogus $85 Billion figure Trump just made up and has continued to spout...
Have you ever worked in Washington DC?

Are you really going to bash Trump for staff turnover? Really?

Did any of those ex-Harris staffers who quit over personality issues come out and call her a threat to the Constitution or National Security? Pretty sure none of them were cabinet level either...
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It’s incredibly weird. It’s unpresidential. What do you think, Ty?
I sat their last night watching him recite every stupid talking point from his standard stump speech and was basically laughing out loud. It amazes me that people I would normally consider intelligent will actually vote for him. He just literally makes things up and whines like a 5 yr old...
Did any of those ex-Harris staffers who quit over personality issues come out and call her a threat to the Constitution or National Security? Pretty sure none of them were cabinet level either...
lmao Who quit Trump's admin over personality issues?

Evidently quite a few did on Kamala's staff. Word is she's hard to work with. What does 'not a healthy environment' mean? And this is from Politico

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Did any of those ex-Harris staffers who quit over personality issues come out and call her a threat to the Constitution or National Security? Pretty sure none of them were cabinet level either...
A VP doesn't have a Cabinet. Just FYI, since you evidently didn't know that.
The moderators last night were bad but in no way did they cause his epic implosion.
The Trumpers are mad because they fact-checked his claims about

1) Dems allegedly favoring infanticide and wanting it to be legal
2) the cat-eating immigrants

But worse was that they continued to FAVOR TRUMP by letting him get in extra replies over and over and over again, while not doing the same for Kamala. Hence the crazy 60-40 time disparity favoring Trump
I sat their last night watching him recite every stupid talking point from his standard stump speech and was basically laughing out loud. It amazes me that people I would normally consider intelligent will actually vote for him. He just literally makes things up and whines like a 5 yr old...
My wife has basically stopped listening to him for the past four years and she decided she wanted to watch the debate last night. She was shocked by the lies he told and laughed out loud at many of them and at his behavior. A person that doesn't follow politics as closely as we do can recognize a lying clown just as easily.
lmao Who quit Trump's admin over personality issues?

Evidently quite a few did on Kamala's staff. Word is she's hard to work with. What does 'not a healthy environment' mean? And this is from Politico

You mus have been drunk when you wrote this because your interpretation is the exact opposite of what I said.I pointed out that some Harris staffers quit working for HER over personality issues. But I'm not aware of any of those people calling her a danger to the country...

Which is literally how the majority of 100+ ex-Trump/officials supporters now characterize him...

"Did any of those ex-Harris staffers who quit over personality issues come out and call her a threat to the Constitution or National Security? Pretty sure none of them were cabinet level either..."

A VP doesn't have a Cabinet. Just FYI, since you evidently didn't know that.

You seriously think I don't know that while a VP has a staff they don't have a cabinet? Again just pointing out that members of Trump's own Cabinet resigned in shock and disgust I don't recall a single Biden Cabinet official leaving, so it would be pretty hard to try and equate bureacrats who might have had personal issues with Harris to the unprecedented number of Trumpers who quit Trump...

The point is that you're trying to compare apples to oranges. Nameless bureaucrats who quit working for Harris over personality issues compared to prominent Trump Admin officials (some confirmed by Senate) who quit Trump's Cabinet/Admin over his actions related to Jan 6, the Big Lie and numerous other examples of him being unhinged...

Have you ever worked in Washington DC?

Are you really going to bash Trump for staff turnover? Really?

Wait, so are you saying she DID fire people? I thought Trump criticized them for not firing people. So which is it again? Let's establish your point and analyze appropriately?
I’ve seen many undistinguished AG’s and DA’s. Of course there are some exceptions. If you wanna see the real legal talent you look at the deputies.
You mean like in 2006 when ex Assistant DA Harris ran to oust her one time Boss? And was able to go from an initial vote share of 3% to forcing a run off and winning? After Nov she'll be like 9-0 in elections, and Walz will be 6-0. I'd say that qualifies as talent...
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