Nothing on here about Trudeau declaring martial law?

It's just assholes being assholes.

They're being assholes by using a illegal blockaid with their rigs.

That's not a protest, that's being an asshole.

A protest would be not driving your rig, therefore the point is made that your inactivity is the critical component.

These blockaids are basically kidnapping and holding an area hostage.

Again, blocking international trade routes (and they've currently blocked three of the major routes with their rigs) can be considered an act of war and subject to war crimes if it's proven that it has caused suffering to another country.

The reason why the alt-right is cheering this on is because they want the country to suffer because it might help them win an election.

So yeah, they're just being assholes.
No one would know being an a**hole better than you. I'm sure you would be cheering this on with pom poms and a little skirt if it were a lefty issue. You don't even try.
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Hitler would be proud.

No, the govt is not "taking the children."

Instead, the parents parking illegally are giving them away, along with giving away their pets and the trucks and trailers they brought with them. All the parents know that if they (the parents) get arrested in the company of their children and pets, then they will go go to one place while their children and pets and trucks will go to some other place they don't know.

This is basically the same thing that happens when an impaired driver gets caught driving with kids and pets in the car. There is no immunity for DUI (or for intentionally blocking international trade highways) just because the driver brought children or pets in the vehicle.

Seriously, DBM, what would you do if you tried to leave your driveway and go to work on Monday but couldn't, because your neighbor decided to park at the end of your driveway?" blocking your exit?

Would you call the police for a tow truck? Or, would you compare yourself to Hitler?
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Disregard post below, saw picture posted by JDB in another thread. Not a good look for police.

Bailey, could you please link video showing the trampling.
I don't doubt what you've said but I've used Google to pull up "Police attack Freedom Convoy".
Viewed seven videos, I've have seen police carrying protesters away rather roughly but no one being trampled.
Bailey actually said "full Nazi" too.

In your video searches, did you find any Canadian concentration camps or Canadian art police grabbing Rembrandts or DaVincis from the cabs of truckers' vehicles or homes?

Bailey is ignorant of what the Nazis were really like. He's just a mere boy. No need to listen to such boys.
Trump b livin rent free in all the libs heads. Lmao
Trump injects himself into every political discussion, crowds out all other political discussion that doesn't mention Trump Trump Trump ... and then ... of course ... refuses to pay rent or any other fee.

Because that's what Trump does -- disputes the fees charged. He doesn't live "rent free."
  • Haha
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Are you for real or just trying to be a puppet? I hope you were drunk posting last night , it would be your best defense. If you need to smash your cell phones call in Hillary and her ball peen hammer. I still can't believe they let you loose in a classroom.
In just a few seconds, you posted:

"You were drunk"
"smash your cell phones"
"call in Hillary and her ball peen hammer"

And, to think, you named yourself after a semi-sentient crustachean that lives in sewers. You have a lot to offer .. Republicans, that is. They need all the help they can get.
In just a few seconds, you posted:

"You were drunk"
"smash your cell phones"
"call in Hillary and her ball peen hammer"

And, to think, you named yourself after a semi-sentient crustachean that lives in sewers. You have a lot to offer .. Republicans, that is. They need all the help they can get.
Cray is a special sort. No education, no family, no real skills, but has opinions about it all. He is very threatened by everyone who is smarter, more successful, or different than him.
His insecurity manifests as angry tantrums.
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Separating children from their parents as a disincentive is not without precedent.
Every apprehended drunk driver with kids or pets in the car experiences watching his kids or pets go away in another car. This is nothing new (except to ignorant DANC who apparently doesn't know anything about it).

DANC is not very knowledgeable. He thinks he's making some brilliant point qualifying him to rewrite all The Federalist Papers or something.

In truth, all he's doing is paraphrasing Tucker Carlson or Josh Hawley.
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No one would know being an a**hole better than you. I'm sure you would be cheering this on with pom poms and a little skirt if it were a lefty issue. You don't even try.
Wow. You're semi-brilliant with these:

"Pom poms"
"little skirt"
"lefty issue"

Nobody could possibly out-reason you! Typical in-depth thinking from a Republican/ conservative!
  • Haha
Reactions: Crayfish57
Wow. You're semi-brilliant with these:

"Pom poms"
"little skirt"
"lefty issue"

Nobody could possibly out-reason you! Typical in-depth thinking from a Republican/ conservative!
The first actual thought you have on your own we should put in a trophy case
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Reactions: DANC
God. Now you're just proving how ignorant you are. How foolish.

Hitler and your buddies the Nazis didn't do any of that shit because they thought that Jews were illegally parking semi-trucks on the autobahn between Germany and some other country.

Instead, Hitler and your buddies the Nazis did that because they thought the Jews were, well, were Jews and breathing air.

When you post crap like you did, you just demonstrate you don't have a clue what Hitler and the Nazis were like. You're just a boy. No need to pay attention to you.

If you and your Nazi friends, Republican friends and conservative friends don't recognize the difference, then don't expect anyone here to tolerate you. You are typical of the present Republican party -- other Republicans should disown you but they haven't and won't.
Cray is a special sort. No education, no family, no real skills, but has opinions about it all. He is very threatened by everyone who is smarter, more successful, or different than him.
His insecurity manifests as angry tantrums.
Dude go f**ck yourself. I obviously intimidate your sorry ass . WTF are you talking about dude I will take your shit but crossing the line. Any time any place bring that shit to my face you asshole. You could only bring being different because you sure as hell aren't smarter or more successful. Anytime dude . You want to post shit like that back it up. You are a f**king asshole who thinks he is a comic book hero in never never land . You don't have the balls.
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Dude go f**ck yourself. I obviously intimidate your sorry ass . WTF are you talking about dude I will take your shit but crossing the line. Any time any place bring that shit to my face you asshole. You could only bring being different because you sure as hell aren't smarter or more successful. Anytime dude . You want to post shit like that back it up. You are a f**king asshole who thinks he is a comic book hero in never never land . You don't have the balls.
Good angry tantrum, Mr. Insecure. 3 “dudes” and all! Let it all out.
Good angry tantrum, Mr. Insecure. Let it all out.
Bring it dude , you are a pussy . I said any time any place say it to my face and you wont. Do you get off on being an a**hole or something? You are a stupid whiny POS who for some reason thinks you are actually worth something
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Dude go f**ck yourself. I obviously intimidate your sorry ass . WTF are you talking about dude I will take your shit but crossing the line. Any time any place bring that shit to my face you asshole. You could only bring being different because you sure as hell aren't smarter or more successful. Anytime dude . You want to post shit like that back it up. You are a f**king asshole who thinks he is a comic book hero in never never land . You don't have the balls.
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Interesting as I remember having discussions with Cosmic years ago on the basketball boards and others throughout the seasons.

I remember having Knight fights with Danc on the basketball boards years ago.

Who knew they were bots this entire time?
It's strange... I've been to a basketball game with Randy (stollcpa), often see Rick (Martian) and his dogs at the Dog Park, and have been on Peegs since the last year or two of the Davis era. Jet who never contributes anything worthwhile started this "bot" nonsense, while totally ignoring the nonsense posted by Mas, who is basically just reproducing screeds from every pro-Fascist, anti-Semitic Stormfront-like website out there. And now Mas thinks it's clever to join in labelling me a bot... Mas doesn't just admire Nazis, he delights in using their tactics...
Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell claimed that no protesters were injured, despite footage circulating on social media of police horses trampling protesters at the convoy.

Ottawa Police attempted to justify this extreme behaviour by suggesting “a bicycle was thrown at the feet of one of the horses in an attempt to injure it”, but their account of events has been disputed.

Like all good tyrannts they lie. Without social media we would not know a thing. Australia and Canada tyrannts in training and getting passing grades.
Did you even look at the video the Dulhunty guy tweeted...

Two things jump out... First off he's showing the legs of the horses and suddenly he shifts up so the legs are not visible. You do see a cop reacting with shock and a strange guy in a brown toboggan in the frame. Then AFTER that you see the woman on the ground...

So you can't see anyone throw anything, since the video stops showing the horse's legs. But watching live coverage on CTV, and they just announced that a man had been charged with throwing something at the horse...
Now assuming that is a false charge a good lawyer should be able to easily get the guy off. But the fact that they felt comfortable enough to identify the guy AND charge him says my money is on the guy being found guilty...

And I'm sure you'll be posting that today's round up of protestors included the cops firing tear gas. But again, watching live they read tweets from the police claiming that protestors fired gas at the cops, and were subsequently arrested. And they also pointed out that not a single officer was wearing a gas mask, and that police rules require any police action to protect officers...

No one would know being an a**hole better than you. I'm sure you would be cheering this on with pom poms and a little skirt if it were a lefty issue. You don't even try.
Would I acknowledge the issue if it was lefty...maybe probably.

Would I cheer on kidnapping a city and purposely blocking critical trade routes along with emergency vehicles....not on your life.

Which is the distinction.

If truckers want to protest then protest. Refuse to work and march your asses down to the capital to be heard.

Taking your rigs and purposely blocking critical roads isn't a's an illegal blockaid. Now you are purposely shitting on everything and everyone because you are throwing a temper tantrum.

That's called being a f#$king asshole.

It's been three weeks and guys like Hoops have had their shifts cancelled because they can't get parts due to the illegal blockaid.

Maybe those assholes are visionaries. Future protests will no longer be marching and sit ins...everyone drive their vehicles and block the highways for multiple weeks!

F#$king assholes.
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I cant believe I used to hunt in this country. I could not even imagine traveling there now to a police state country run by a heavy handed tyrannt. No thanks.

In less than 72 hours, it seems the Ottawa Police have decided that the people they serve and specifically those that are peacefully protesting are just human battering rams to be moved aside and possibly squashed. Truly not a good look for our friends in the north that do not have a Bill of Rights to protect them.
Thank God for the First Amendment we have in the United States. Am I right, people?
Trump injects himself into every political discussion, crowds out all other political discussion that doesn't mention Trump Trump Trump ... and then ... of course ... refuses to pay rent or any other fee.

Because that's what Trump does -- disputes the fees charged. He doesn't live "rent free."
Don't know about Canada, but the Jan. 6 occupiers federalized the process themselves, when they beat the shit out of federal officers and stole their shields and other federally-owned equipment.