Nikki Haley is trending up!

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Haley is just hanging around to collect money from fools.
Eleven paid gigs in '23 grossed $2.3 million, while the January '24 booty included $9.8 million in direct donations and another $5.8 million PAC haul..the WSJ reports in the February 21st edition.
Pundits acted surprised when Haley left the Ambassadorship, but it was always about the $$.
A subsequent brief one year stint on the board of Boeing resulted in a +$300k cash and stock reward, according to Forbes, published August 8th, '23.

She is the candidate of the eternal war machine, the US security state, hedge funds and Wall Street banksters.
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Hard to say. Put a gun to my head I'd say Noem or Tucker or Tulsi. Gut says it will be Tulsi.

Keep an eye on Vance. Will definitely be someone the Aloha's of the world hate almost as much as Trump.

Why not ask Tulsi … about any relevant administration position.
She comes across as a talented, clear, independent thinker … and not a sycophantic ‘yes man’ to me.
Diversity of thought is what is necessary.
A traditional thinker might think Tulsi would appeal to those targeted suburban women. … so I’m probably wrong.
Prepare to vote for Trump @UncleMark 😉

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Haley just won the DC primary...

This is the shot in the arm her campaign needed! #Joementum
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The McCain-Romney-McConnell-McCarthey-Wolf
Rinopublican party is sucking it's last few breaths ....good riddance....
You are a dumbass and an insult to conservatives.

Haley is every bit as conservative as Trump, maybe more, but she does it with tact, temperament and class. I’ve mentioned I’ll chose Trump in a heartbeat over Biden, even if Biden wasn’t a demented doddering fool. He’s a disaster. But that doesn’t mean I like Trump. He is just an asshole when it comes to dealing with people who disagree with him. We can’t have that and have a well-functioning government.

Trump needs all the Haley voters if he hopes to beat even a senile moron. Including those Democrats who support her. He belittles and insults her voters. But even if Trump pulls it off, you can kiss off retaking the Senate or keeping the house. Not all the Democrats seeking those offices are demented morons and Trump will be a liability to most of our candidates there.
You are a dumbass and an insult to conservatives.

Haley is every bit as conservative as Trump, maybe more, but she does it with tact, temperament and class. I’ve mentioned I’ll chose Trump in a heartbeat over Biden, even if Biden wasn’t a demented doddering fool. He’s a disaster. But that doesn’t mean I like Trump. He is just an asshole when it comes to dealing with people who disagree with him. We can’t have that and have a well-functioning government.

Trump needs all the Haley voters if he hopes to beat even a senile moron. Including those Democrats who support her. He belittles and insults her voters. But even if Trump pulls it off, you can kiss off retaking the Senate or keeping the house. Not all the Democrats seeking those offices are demented morons and Trump will be a liability to most of our candidates there.
No coh different conservatives. What Haley/Romney believe/support is very different than mas and dbm and so many others. Probably myself too. And that’s okay. Trump is a prick but when he’s done those beliefs won’t change. I’ve said the Dems are like two parties with progressives and the cult and the Lars type. Well republicans are essentially two parties today too. It just is what it is
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No coh different conservatives. What Haley/Romney believe/support is very different than mas and dbm and so many others. Probably myself too. And that’s okay. Trump is a prick but when he’s done those beliefs won’t change. I’ve said the Dems are like two parties with progressives and the cult and the Lars type. Well republicans are essentially two parties today too. It just is what it is
Eh . . . .not so sure. I think Haley, Trump and me are pretty close on major issues. Romney is a little more centrist, but I admire his accomplishments and executive skills which imo is #1 POTUS qualification.

I think most of the strident Trump supporters are those who love his in your face bluster. Most of his detractors hate that personality type.

Since I am an in your face type of guy, I don’t need Trump to fulfill that need for me. ;)
I never get an answer to this question:

Were Trump supporters uncivil asses before supporting Trump, or did they become uncivil asses after supporting Trump?

Are you really looking for an answer? If you are, then I suggest you find a Trump supporter and ask him or her. If you specifically want to know whether I was an uncivil ass before Trump started running for office and if there is a correlation, then I would tell you that:

Trump isn't the symptom of my being an uncivil ass, he is but the cudgel with which I can voice my uncivil assed frustration towards 3 plus decades of the Republican party trotting out establishment candidates to do political combat, sacrificial lambs destined to lose elections. Losses that have resulted in the promulgation of progressive liberal ideals that have torn and continue to tear at the very fabric of this country.

Before you ask a question like you did in the post of yours quoted above, ask yourself this instead. In 1989, after coming of of 8 years of Reagan and heading into HW's first term, could you have envisioned America as derelict as it is today?

Trump didn't do that...the Republican Party running milquetoast candidates for the last 30 plus years did that.
A topic for Debate:

'Should a multi-party form of political organization replace the USA's current system'?

Comparative advantage.


Focus of government

Feel Free to revise and extend.
Are you really looking for an answer? If you are, then I suggest you find a Trump supporter and ask him or her. If you specifically want to know whether I was an uncivil ass before Trump started running for office and if there is a correlation, then I would tell you that:

Trump isn't the symptom of my being an uncivil ass, he is but the cudgel with which I can voice my uncivil assed frustration towards 3 plus decades of the Republican party trotting out establishment candidates to do political combat, sacrificial lambs destined to lose elections. Losses that have resulted in the promulgation of progressive liberal ideals that have torn and continue to tear at the very fabric of this country.

Before you ask a question like you did in the post of yours quoted above, ask yourself this instead. In 1989, after coming of of 8 years of Reagan and heading into HW's first term, could you have envisioned America as derelict as it is today?

Trump didn't do that...the Republican Party running milquetoast candidates for the last 30 plus years did that.

Cool story. Ignoring the fact that Trumpism has been losing on the ballot ever since 2016. Who turned an entire GOP controlled govt into a Dem one in a matter of 4 years? Hell the Dems won a Senate seat in freaking Alabama during his disastrous tenure.
Are you really looking for an answer? If you are, then I suggest you find a Trump supporter and ask him or her. If you specifically want to know whether I was an uncivil ass before Trump started running for office and if there is a correlation, then I would tell you that:

Trump isn't the symptom of my being an uncivil ass, he is but the cudgel with which I can voice my uncivil assed frustration towards 3 plus decades of the Republican party trotting out establishment candidates to do political combat, sacrificial lambs destined to lose elections. Losses that have resulted in the promulgation of progressive liberal ideals that have torn and continue to tear at the very fabric of this country.

Before you ask a question like you did in the post of yours quoted above, ask yourself this instead. In 1989, after coming of of 8 years of Reagan and heading into HW's first term, could you have envisioned America as derelict as it is today?

Trump didn't do that...the Republican Party running milquetoast candidates for the last 30 plus years did that.
The Alternative Right likely includes 30% of what calls itself the Republican Party today. An additional 20-40% are highly concerned, and are now noticing this society's trajectory and they are frightened by what they see.
The moral and ethical decline, the loss of the Rule of Law, the failure of trust in and respect for our institutions and leadership are demeaning American society.

This will stop!

One way or another.
Trump... is but the cudgel with which I can voice my uncivil assed frustration towards 3 plus decades of the Republican party trotting out establishment candidates to do political combat, sacrificial lambs destined to lose elections.
Trump is the poster boy of losing bigly, in 2018, 2020, 2022...

Sounds like a sure bet to me.
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A topic for Debate:

'Should a multi-party form of political organization replace the USA's current system'?

Comparative advantage.


Focus of government

Feel Free to revise and extend.
The system is fine. We need better people.

The list of people who are wrecking the system is long and includes all stripes.

I remember when the nation was taken with these words:

Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.​
While the guy who said those words was elected president, the guy who said those words disappeared and never was president. We need good people committed to making government work. That doesn’t mean getting your way.
Eh . . . .not so sure. I think Haley, Trump and me are pretty close on major issues. Romney is a little more centrist, but I admire his accomplishments and executive skills which imo is #1 POTUS qualification.

I think most of the strident Trump supporters are those who love his in your face bluster. Most of his detractors hate that personality type.

Since I am an in your face type of guy, I don’t need Trump to fulfill that need for me. ;)

So I bought up Haley a few months ago to some Trumpesque type neighbors... They didn't really like Trump all that much but preferred DeSantis and Vivek... But would certainly support him over Haley.

Anyway.. Haley was met with immediate and complete disgust 'warmonger' 'globalist' , RINO, etc.... Same playbook your see both here and elsewhere from the Trump wing.

I think you are really kidding yourself if you don't see how the populists and isolationists have taken over the party.

Perhaps on domestic issues there is some agreement, but huge difference in viewpoints when it comes to things like trade and foreign policy.
I think you are really kidding yourself if you don't see how the populists and isolationists have taken over the party.
I have no problem with populism. With big media, social media, education,, democrats, big tech, entertainment, and big money on pretty much the same ideological page, the only countermeasure is populism. Individualism is being crushed under the weight of conformity, obedience, and group think. Too bad we have a Trump for the antidote, but we do need a populist antidote.

I think this whole notion the Trump and Trump supporters are isolationists is a crock. Trump stuck his neck out with Israel, he had Iran in a shrinking tight box, we had Putin‘s number, especially with energy, and he was so unpredictable and decisive, that I don’t think we’d see all these arracks in the Red Sea and against our ME bases with him as CIC.

Based on Haley’s history in the UN and some of her remarks during the campaign, I don’t think there is as much daylight. between her and Trump on foreign policy as Trump supporters like to imagine.
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There's your answer...

The McCain-Romney-McConnell-McCarthey-Wolf
Rinopublican party is sucking it's last few breaths ....good riddance....
You have a leader and party doomed to failure. Get ready for epic losses.
They didn't really like Trump all that much but preferred DeSantis and Vivek... But would certainly support him over Haley.

Anyway.. Haley was met with immediate and complete disgust 'warmonger' 'globalist' , RINO, etc.... Same playbook your see both here and elsewhere from the Trump wing.

So they regurgitated the Trump talking points they'd gotten from the wingnut media and socials.
You know this because you have a history of picking winners...

Chris Christie

Yeah who did you vote for? Probably not the Republican and then bitched about Obama for 8 years. Then you backed loser Trump. Trump couldn’t win the popular vote the last two elections, had a miracle EC win in 2016 and lost by 7 MILLION votes in 2020 and lost the EC. He lost us two Senate seats in Georgia by spreading his voter fraud lies. Republicans have underperformed nationally since they hitched their wagons to the loser Trump. He and the party is doomed to failure with him as leader and Trumpster sycophants as followers. So much losing.
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Yeah who did you vote for? Probably not the Republican and then bitched about Obama for 8 years. Then you backed loser Trump. Trump couldn’t win the popular vote the last two elections, had a miracle EC win in 2016 and lost by 7 MILLION votes in 2020 and lost the EC. He lost us two Senate seats in Georgia by spreading his voter fraud lies. Republicans have underperformed nationally since they hitched their wagons to the loser Trump. He and the party is doomed to failure with him as leader and Trumpster sycophants as followers. So much losing.


Your loser picks, loser.
The MAGA shitheads hate GHWB & GWB too.
So they also hate winners.
In fact, they hate everybody who doesn't slurp the tiny orange schlong (does he use bronzer all over, dbm?).
The MAGA shitheads hate GHWB & GWB too.
So they also hate winners.
In fact, they hate everybody who doesn't slurp the tiny orange schlong (does he use bronzer all over, dbm?).
They hate many things. They’re a miserable joyless bunch.

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