Nikki Haley is trending up!

She remains my favorite in the race. At some point we need to get down to one alternative to Trump and she could be the one.

She would dominate a general election. I can't possibly fathom why Republicans aren't lining up behind her en masse.

(I mean, obviously I can, I'm just saying.)
She remains my favorite in the race. At some point we need to get down to one alternative to Trump and she could be the one.

She would dominate a general election. I can't possibly fathom why Republicans aren't lining up behind her en masse.

(I mean, obviously I can, I'm just saying.)
Agree. I’m sending her more money.
She would dominate a general election. I can't possibly fathom why Republicans aren't lining up behind her en masse.

(I mean, obviously I can, I'm just saying.)
Meh….she’s a female version of Romney is why she isn’t getting more attraction. Her greatest quality is not being Trump.

Also, I don’t think anyone anyone is dominating a general election in the current environment. It’s going to be a tight race no matter the candidate IMO. I call bullshit on there being a bunch of moderates or swing voters.
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Meh….she’s a female version of Romney is why she isn’t getting more attraction. Her greatest quality is not being Trump.

Also, I don’t think anyone anyone is dominating a general election in the current environment. It’s going to be a tight race no matter the candidate IMO. I call bullshit on there being a bunch of moderates or swing voters.
Has nothing to do with moderates. Biden is old and demented, right? That's the narrative. Well, Trump doesn't exactly take advantage of those weaknesses. He's also old and demented. Haley, on the other hand, comes off as smart and attentive, and she's thirty years younger than Biden.

Plus, Republicans are going to have problems with women voters going forward for a while. Who better to mitigate that than someone who is not only a woman, but also pretty much the only GOP candidate who won't make abortion a centerpiece of her campaign?
Has nothing to do with moderates. Biden is old and demented, right? That's the narrative. Well, Trump doesn't exactly take advantage of those weaknesses. He's also old and demented. Haley, on the other hand, comes off as smart and attentive, and she's thirty years younger than Biden.

Plus, Republicans are going to have problems with women voters going forward for a while. Who better to mitigate that than someone who is not only a woman, but also pretty much the only GOP candidate who won't make abortion a centerpiece of her campaign?
I agree she will do better with suburban married women and college educated voters, but is it enough to make up for what she loses with the Trump base? As bad as Trump is he still got 75 million votes. Unfortunately, for Trump he also drove Democrat turnout. I think it will come down to how many people stay home for each party.

I personally view her as more of the same. She’ll say some shit about the border, fund more military endeavors, cut some regulations and stay away from cultural issues. I guess, I’d vote for her, assuming she has a positive stance on Bitcoin.
I agree she will do better with suburban married women and college educated voters, but is it enough to make up for what she loses with the Trump base? As bad as Trump is he still got 75 million votes. Unfortunately, for Trump he also drove Democrat turnout. I think it will come down to how many people stay home for each party.

I personally view her as more of the same. She’ll say some shit about the border, fund more military endeavors, cut some regulations and stay away from cultural issues. I guess, I’d vote for her, assuming she has a positive stance on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin?! She’s in sc. they still use two dollar bills and cuff their jeans.
I read that as cutoff jeans. I love women in cutoff jeans and cowboy boots. Sweet little southern voice and makes great sweet tea. That should be the next lady you impregnate.
yes i love that too!!!!!! not a lot of that here really. only when the country people come to town. morgan wallup or whatever
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She remains my favorite in the race. At some point we need to get down to one alternative to Trump and she could be the one.

She’ll beat Biden to Delaware and back.

Call me naive but I believe that there’s plenty of time for enough of Trump’s supporters to see that Haley is the answer. I see Trump actually backing out at some point due to all of the extraneous issues surrounding him.
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Meh….she’s a female version of Romney is why she isn’t getting more attraction. Her greatest quality is not being Trump.
You say that as if it isn't important.

I call bullshit on there being a bunch of moderates or swing voters.
If by swing voters you mean a bunch of people who would vote for a normal-ish candidate over Trump and Biden, I think you are wrong.
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Remember when Trump said he would make Mexico pay for a PIECE of the wall? LOL!
WTF. are you mumbling about now? I’ll say again, I don’t think there is any such thing as a RINO.
You're "principles follow party" crap. Because following a person is exactly what your party is doing. Principles do what Aloha is doing and fighting both the people and the party mechanisms that support those people.
Has nothing to do with moderates. Biden is old and demented, right? That's the narrative. Well, Trump doesn't exactly take advantage of those weaknesses. He's also old and demented. Haley, on the other hand, comes off as smart and attentive, and she's thirty years younger than Biden.

Plus, Republicans are going to have problems with women voters going forward for a while. Who better to mitigate that than someone who is not only a woman, but also pretty much the only GOP candidate who won't make abortion a centerpiece of her campaign?
On Bill Maher's podcast a few weeks ago, James Carville said he believes that if the Democrats would run a good candidate in the 45-55 age range, they'd easily win 55% of the presidential vote in 2024. He mentioned Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro as guys who could be strong candidates. He mentioned a few others, but those are the two I sort of agreed with. He mentioned Gretchen Whitmer too.
On Bill Maher's podcast a few weeks ago, James Carville said he believes that if the Democrats would run a good candidate in the 45-55 age range, they'd easily win 55% of the presidential vote in 2024. He mentioned Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro as guys who could be strong candidates. He mentioned a few others, but those are the two I sort of agreed with. He mentioned Gretchen Whitmer too.
The contrast in age and mental acuity would be stunning. Trump would be laughed off the debate stage.

At a campaign rally last weekend, Trump literally didn't know where he was. He thinks Hungary shares a border with Russia. He thinks Viktor Orban is the president of Turkey, and is worried that Biden is going to start World War II. He (Trump) claims to have defeated Obama in an election.

He's losing it - - fast.
On Bill Maher's podcast a few weeks ago, James Carville said he believes that if the Democrats would run a good candidate in the 45-55 age range, they'd easily win 55% of the presidential vote in 2024. He mentioned Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro as guys who could be strong candidates. He mentioned a few others, but those are the two I sort of agreed with. He mentioned Gretchen Whitmer too.
Just listen to Shapiro and contrast him with Biden and trump. It’s a joke.
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You say that as if it isn't important.

If by swing voters you mean a bunch of people who would vote for a normal-ish candidate over Trump and Biden, I think you are wrong.
I just look at long term trends and it seems everyone is dug in. Reagan won by 19pts, Nixon 24 pts, Johnson 23 pts and etc. Obama won by a wide margin, but it was still only 6 pts in 2008. Swing voters are a dying breed.
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Should she win what country do we believe she’ll invade first? Word to the wise, if she somehow becomes the nominee you’d be foolish not load up on some sweet sweet Boeing stock.
I think that's one of the biggest knocks on her, for sure.
WTF. are you mumbling about now? I’ll say again, I don’t think there is any such thing as a RINO.
Run Stop And Go GIF by SWR Kindernetz
On Bill Maher's podcast a few weeks ago, James Carville said he believes that if the Democrats would run a good candidate in the 45-55 age range, they'd easily win 55% of the presidential vote in 2024. He mentioned Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro as guys who could be strong candidates. He mentioned a few others, but those are the two I sort of agreed with. He mentioned Gretchen Whitmer too.
I think James is talking out his ass on that prediction. Obama only managed 53% of the electorate and he had the tailwinds of Bush being a disaster.
I think James is talking out his ass on that prediction. Obama only managed 53% of the electorate and he had the tailwinds of Bush being a disaster.
I listened to him on Bari Weiss recently. The Ragin Cajun, ain’t all that ragin anymore. Maybe he was once a great political strategist. Idk. I wasn’t born when Clinton was elected.

He’s gone the John Stewart route.
I think James is talking out his ass on that prediction. Obama only managed 53% of the electorate and he had the tailwinds of Bush being a disaster.

Yeah, I think he kind of was. He and Bill were just shooting the sh!t, not really analyzing election data. I do think there is merit to what he was saying though. If it's Biden-Trump, a fair number of people will vote against Trump as opposed to voting for Biden. If they could position a 'good' candidate as the future of the party with a lot of potential, they'd get some people excited to actually vote for said candidate.
She's definitely the strongest general election candidate but the Trumpkins will never allow a winner to be nominated
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She’ll beat Biden to Delaware and back.

Call me naive but I believe that there’s plenty of time for enough of Trump’s supporters to see that Haley is the answer. I see Trump actually backing out at some point due to all of the extraneous issues surrounding him.
That’s why he has to stay in. So he can pardon himself.
You're "principles follow party" crap. Because following a person is exactly what your party is doing. Principles do what Aloha is doing and fighting both the people and the party mechanisms that support those people.
That’s pretty lame. Trump was correct about the border, immigration, energy, criminal justice reform, tax reform, German reliance on Russian gas, and Iran. If he wasn’t right about those things, his poll numbers would be zilch. The Dems have no response. All you can do is scream TRUMPISM!

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