NAACP reaction to Rittenhouse verdict

I would think they'd be going after future earnings. The inevitable ghost written memoir, for example.
Maybe; but that's certainly not the contingency model. Recording an empty judgment, renewing it, and playing collection agent into perpetuity trying to track assets and seize same is miserable. The job is miserable enough when you know there's a policy waiting to tap. And all of that presupposes you'd ever win
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She's simply posturing. She's a former prosecutor. I'm sure she knows how weak and unwinnable the case was.
So she's lying. Awesome. She's dangerous. Every bit as dangerous as Trump. Every bit as disgusting. Cops are murderers and the judicial system doesn't work.

What a message. Imagine being a 17 year old black kid sitting home listening to this idiot: cops are murderers and judicial system doesn't work. How frightening. These people can't be voted out fast enough
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So she's lying. Awesome. She's dangerous. Every bit as dangerous as Trump. Every bit as disgusting. Cops are murderers and the judicial system doesn't work.

What a message. Imagine being a 17 year old black kid sitting home listening to this idiot: cops are murderers and judicial system doesn't work. How frightening. These people can't be voted out fast enough

She's a politician trying to score a few points off of a current event. Nothing more. Nothing less. She's no more or less evil in this instance that every politician who ever breathed air.
She's a politician trying to score a few points off of a current event. Nothing more. Nothing less. She's no more or less evil in this instance that every politician who ever breathed air.
Fortunately their approval ratings reveal how good they are scoring.

Yes she's every bit as evil as Trump. Despicable. We deserve better. The goal shouldn't be "scoring points."
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This is simple IMO. Rittenhouse was not guilty of a crime and that was pretty clear after a few weeks of the incident, and he isn't a hero either. He's not someone anyone should push forward as an example for their cause, whatever it is.
Agree. Something like this was bound to happen after months of rioting and looting. People aren’t going to lay down forever.
I'm not surprised by the verdict. Reading the facts of the case it's not difficult to understand the verdict on the serious charges as I understand them and how self defense is interpreted in the US. I can't comprehend the not guilty verdict on "Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18" as well as the other weapons charges. Apparently an AR-15 isn't a dangerous weapon or Rittenhouse was over 18 (he wasn't).

This is just another classic example of guns exacerbating a volatile situation and doing the opposite of their intended purpose (Rittenhouse himself said he had no interest in shooting anyone and thought carrying the AR-15 was "intimidating" and "looked cool"). :rolleyes:

Gaige Grosskreutz, an EMT on the scene to provide medical help, is very pro-gun and very pro-Second Amendment (he was quoted as saying when he leaves the house, it's "keys, wallet, gun"). When he arrived on the scene, he was under the impression Rittenhouse was an "active shooter" and drew his weapon. Rittenhouse almost blew his arm off.

American gun culture is a disaster and a global embarrassment. Nothing positive was achieved by guns in Kenosha that night. Just more slaughter for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.
Play stupid games, win stupid priizes. Amiright?
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Rittenhouse was under the age of 18. It's illegal for him to possess an AR-15 under federal law.

He didn't buy the rifle.
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A whole group of medics together with ARs? That is a lot of medical firepower.

Which goes to the point I made, he went not to render aid but to be a part of trouble. EXACTLY the same as Antifa.
What would you call Army Combat Medics carrying pistols.

Do you understand why they do?
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The ad video from Biden is up. Truth is an ultimate defense to defamation claims. If that kid has no white supremacist affiliation I would sue the shit out of Biden.
Biden didn't say he did, though. So Rittenhouse would have to prove defamation by implication. Isn't that considered an extremely tough row to hoe?
Rittenhouse was under the age of 18. It's illegal for him to possess an AR-15 under federal law.

Your link doesn't say what you think it does. AFAIK, there is no federal law prohibiting minors from possessing rifles. There is a special prohibition for handguns and handgun ammunition, although it has a ton of exceptions.
Biden didn't say he did, though. So Rittenhouse would have to prove defamation by implication. Isn't that considered an extremely tough row to hoe?
I don't really know. I construed it differently in that the ad read militia AND white supremacists with a picture of KR. I based what I wrote (many drinks ago) off the assumption that he wasn't a white supremacist and was therefore defamed.

I thought defamation by implication was when the alleged defamatory statement was actually true but there was some other element - like intent to harm or knowing it would harm or something. I could be wrong.

I do know all that stuff depends on the state
I don't really know. I construed it differently in that the ad read militia AND white supremacists with a picture of KR. I based what I wrote (many drinks ago) off the assumption that he wasn't a white supremacist and was therefore defamed.

I thought defamation by implication was when the alleged defamatory statement was actually true but there was some other element - like intent to harm or knowing it would harm or something. I could be wrong.

I do know all that stuff depends on the state
No, I think you got it right, and we're really talking about something else here, since it's a political ad that deals in values, not facts. Either way, the ad doesn't explicitly charge KR of being a white supremacist, so I'm not sure how strong a defamation case would really be. I was latching on to implication as the closest analogue, but maybe there really isn't a good one. Is there a case history of defamation in political ads? I'd love to see that.
No, I think you got it right, and we're really talking about something else here, since it's a political ad that deals in values, not facts. Either way, the ad doesn't explicitly charge KR of being a white supremacist, so I'm not sure how strong a defamation case would really be. I was latching on to implication as the closest analogue, but maybe there really isn't a good one. Is there a case history of defamation in political ads? I'd love to see that.
I think, but not certain, this is what used to be false light. I think most states now just use defamation as a catchall. I don't know enough about these claims to opine how they play out - elements etc. I do know many years ago some guy had committed crimes and the local news ran a story on him but instead of including his image they included the image of a guy from my high school. My buddy sued for him and got a meager settlement for him.
Your link doesn't say what you think it does. AFAIK, there is no federal law prohibiting minors from possessing rifles. There is a special prohibition for handguns and handgun ammunition, although it has a ton of exceptions.
I think the only exception to the rule is if someone bought a gun in a private sale...which is completely absurd. Did you know it is illegal for the ATF to have computers? Everything is filed on paper and kept in boxes on shelves.

While federal law requires gun buyers to be 21 to purchase a handgun, in many states anyone 18 or older can buy rifles. This includes the AR-15, a semi-automatic version of the military’s M16 that was also used in recent mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; and San Bernardino, California.
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I think the only exception to the rule is if someone bought a gun in a private sale...which is completely absurd. Did you know it is illegal for the ATF to have computers? Everything is filed on paper and kept in boxes on shelves.

While federal law requires gun buyers to be 21 to purchase a handgun, in many states anyone 18 or older can buy rifles. This includes the AR-15, a semi-automatic version of the military’s M16 that was also used in recent mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; and San Bernardino, California.
There's no federal law that prohibits a minor from possessing a rifle, unless it's fully automatic. The only prohibition is the purchase of a rifle by someone under 18.
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I think the only exception to the rule is if someone bought a gun in a private sale...which is completely absurd. Did you know it is illegal for the ATF to have computers? Everything is filed on paper and kept in boxes on shelves.

While federal law requires gun buyers to be 21 to purchase a handgun, in many states anyone 18 or older can buy rifles. This includes the AR-15, a semi-automatic version of the military’s M16 that was also used in recent mass shootings in Newtown, Connecticut; Aurora, Colorado; and San Bernardino, California.
Buying and possessing are two wildly different things.
Buying and possessing are two wildly different things.
Yes, I was just responding to you and @hookyIU1990. You were right. I misunderstood.

As I now understand it, a 10 year old (or younger) can possess an AR-15. How f’d up is that?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I‘ve been consistent whether George Floyd, Ashley Babbit, Breonna Taylor, these Kenosha degenerates, or whoever. These People put themselves in a position of danger, & some of you can play the blame game all you want, but the root cause is always the same. I’ll shed no tears for criminals & conspirators getting killed in the act of committing crimes.
That is fair enough. It is interesting that at least one of the people that liked your post has called Babbitt's death a murder.
Unless I've been missing something KR was running away, up the street, fell, and was accosted by the last two people he shot. Don't know about the first person shot, haven't been able to make out what happened there.
Yes, you are correct that after the first shooting (Rasmussen) he runs north on Sheridan towards his friends at Ultimate Gas and to the police line at 60th street. The reasons he motivated himself to be running south on Sheridan prior to the first shooting Rasmussen shooting are probably the pivot point for future sad events. He broke the police line at 60th street with one of the adults from the 59th street Auto Source 1 crowd. His stated intention was to provide medical attention to the injured in the rioter crowd. But there is a first class hospital at 63 rd street and Sheridan. Why would someone need or want his help …given he was one of “them“ and not one of “us“ from the rioters view point?

Now beyond the police line and doing some bandaid work, he starts running South towards Auto Source 3 at 63rd and Sheridan. Auto Source 3 was at that time under attack by the rioters. Kyle was running South on Sheridan towards 63rd and not running North to his safe place. I think he was running South towards Auto Source 3 thinking that was his reason for being in Kenosha…to stop the rioters. I don’t think he realized he was being pursued by Rasmussen until very late in the chase. If he knew he was being pursued and was fearful, then why not turn around and run North, or East or West. Or not run South towards the chaos. Kyle ran out of runway and turned to Rasmussen when he was was upon Kyle. He fired , perhaps justifiably, and rendered the potential attacker invalid with one shot that destroyed the pelvis of Rasmussen… why did he need to plug him with a few more to finish him off. Reminds the community of a certain person being shot in the back 7 Times for holding a pocket knife. Yes, the shooting victims had some criminal histories ..but it’s not for us to judge nor applaud the blind shooting of them by someone that probably did not know of them Or their past histories.
The other shootings were the observable results results of the effects of the first shooting. A tribe protecting its own, an agitated populace thinking a loose cannon was running through their tribe. And each shooting re-enforced that thinking.
Their attacks were not random street crimes but reactions to the first action. Flip the script, if Kyle died from a blow from them, would it have been self defense on their part given the confrontation with an armed person that just shot other people.
Its the pits of a moral quandary…several loosers, no winners and no greater good was served. Hard to find a person doing the right thing for the right reasons in this scenario.
Lastly, I am happy Kyle does not have to spend his adulthood in prison ( I don’t think he would be allowed to carry a long gun in general population and so his term could be shorter than the law allows). But some people died and he was at least a catalyst for the deaths. So maybe his haunted conscious is his punishment.
Another reminder of just how insane Democrats are. Jesse is right.

I didn’t watch the video because I have absolutely no idea who this woman is…and whatever this unknown person, pundit, or whoever she is is, she most definitely doesn’t speak for Democrats. You thinking she does shoes just how untethered from reality you are.

Tell me, does this woman represent mainstream Republicans?

Yes, I was just responding to you and @hookyIU1990. You were right. I misunderstood.

As I now understand it, a 10 year old (or younger) can possess an AR-15. How f’d up is that?

You are as dumb as they come on this subject. I owned a mini 14 at 10. Is that absurd? You look at this ar15 like every other liberal. Can’t get past the looks. It functions the same as any regular semi automatic. It’s not an assault rifle. It’s not a military weapon. Smfh.
You are as dumb as they come on this subject. I owned a mini 14 at 10. Is that absurd? You look at this ar15 like every other liberal. Can’t get past the looks. It functions the same as any regular semi automatic. It’s not an assault rifle. It’s not a military weapon. Smfh.
Liberals don’t like BB guns, to them,there is only one way to live. Their way or the highway.
Liberals don’t like BB guns, to them,there is only one way to live. Their way or the highway.
You don’t have to tell me. I grew up around and with the fake ass extremists. They go off looks not facts. They are great at screaming and pointing fingers. Indiana is an open carry state but the loons in Bloomington would look at you like some extremist and follow you around and point. Which is better. A guy that’s legally open or an illegal conceal?
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You don’t have to tell me. I grew up around and with the fake ass extremists. They go off looks not facts. They are great at screaming and pointing fingers. Indiana is an open carry state but the loons in Bloomington would look at you like some extremist and follow you around and point. Which is better. A guy that’s legally open or an illegal conceal?
Legally open for me!
You are as dumb as they come on this subject. I owned a mini 14 at 10. Is that absurd? You look at this ar15 like every other liberal. Can’t get past the looks. It functions the same as any regular semi automatic. It’s not an assault rifle. It’s not a military weapon. Smfh.
I had my first .22 rifle at age 10, used to walk about two miles to friends backyard that dropped off into a deep ravine were we had fashioned a 20 yard range... We'd rope off and flag the entry points (paths) and had a setup almost safer than the last Marion County range I belonged too (and their range officer did a good job of running a tight ship)...

Only got a close look once when a guy pulled up alongside me in his car and gave me a hard look... I just flipped the rifle up to Port Arms and turned it so he could see there was no bolt and no magazine in it and then pulled the bolt out of my pocket and displayed it clearly and he just gave me a nod and drove on...

Amazingly (it would seem if you're to believe the narrative of some folks on the Left) I've never shot myself, anyone in my family, or any other civilian over the course of all these years..., (part of the reason being that I got a serious dose of firearm safety training from age 5 on...)...

I always get a kick out of listening to the talking heads on the left speak breathlessly about "fully automatic" weapons when literally 99.9% of the time they're actually attempting to describe a semi-auto of some type..., of course these are usually the same people that are too lazy to learn about and identify the different Service Branches uniforms so I guess it shouldn't surprise me...
You are as dumb as they come on this subject. I owned a mini 14 at 10. Is that absurd? You look at this ar15 like every other liberal. Can’t get past the looks. It functions the same as any regular semi automatic. It’s not an assault rifle. It’s not a military weapon. Smfh.
My 11 year old daughter handles my AR just fine. She loves shooting it.

I doubt Hoops has ever even seen an AR.
I had my first .22 rifle at age 10, used to walk about two miles to friends backyard that dropped off into a deep ravine were we had fashioned a 20 yard range... We'd rope off and flag the entry points (paths) and had a setup almost safer than the last Marion County range I belonged too (and their range officer did a good job of running a tight ship)...

Only got a close look once when a guy pulled up alongside me in his car and gave me a hard look... I just flipped the rifle up to Port Arms and turned it so he could see there was no bolt and no magazine in it and then pulled the bolt out of my pocket and displayed it clearly and he just gave me a nod and drove on...

Amazingly (it would seem if you're to believe the narrative of some folks on the Left) I've never shot myself, anyone in my family, or any other civilian over the course of all these years..., (part of the reason being that I got a serious dose of firearm safety training from age 5 on...)...

I always get a kick out of listening to the talking heads on the left speak breathlessly about "fully automatic" weapons when literally 99.9% of the time they're actually attempting to describe a semi-auto of some type..., of course these are usually the same people that are too lazy to learn about and identify the different Service Branches uniforms so I guess it shouldn't surprise me...
I used to get off the bus at 10 and take my 20 gauge squirrel hunting. My mom was the bus driver. So I was alone. It’s unreal how fast times have changed. Today if you let a kid do that half the moms would have cps at the door.
You don’t have to tell me. I grew up around and with the fake ass extremists. They go off looks not facts. They are great at screaming and pointing fingers. Indiana is an open carry state but the loons in Bloomington would look at you like some extremist and follow you around and point. Which is better. A guy that’s legally open or an illegal conceal?
I’m with ya buddy. I’m much more comfortable around someone open carrying than I am someone who will ask me my vaccination status.
Evidently it was a first time experience for the Prosecutor... 🤣 I'm still amazed the dumbass actually pointed that rifle at the jury!!! 🙄😖
That was the first thing I learned about guns. Never touch the trigger unless you intend to shoot. That, along with always assume it’s loaded and never point any gun at any person for any reason were the big three on gun safety for my dad.

Prosecutor is a moron.

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