NAACP reaction to Rittenhouse verdict

Yeah there are a lot of liberties taken in that analysis. Are all militia groups white supremacists?. Again it would depend heavily on the facts involved.
No. Which is why the ad said white supremacists AND militia groups.
I'm not surprised by the verdict. Reading the facts of the case it's not difficult to understand the verdict on the serious charges as I understand them and how self defense is interpreted in the US. I can't comprehend the not guilty verdict on "Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18" as well as the other weapons charges. Apparently an AR-15 isn't a dangerous weapon or Rittenhouse was over 18 (he wasn't).

This is just another classic example of guns exacerbating a volatile situation and doing the opposite of their intended purpose (Rittenhouse himself said he had no interest in shooting anyone and thought carrying the AR-15 was "intimidating" and "looked cool"). :rolleyes:

Gaige Grosskreutz, an EMT on the scene to provide medical help, is very pro-gun and very pro-Second Amendment (he was quoted as saying when he leaves the house, it's "keys, wallet, gun"). When he arrived on the scene, he was under the impression Rittenhouse was an "active shooter" and drew his weapon. Rittenhouse almost blew his arm off.

American gun culture is a disaster and a global embarrassment. Nothing positive was achieved by guns in Kenosha that night. Just more slaughter for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.
So by definition, Grosskreutz was an armed vigilante.
Good point. Maybe. There are claims for "negligent supervision" but unless you could invoke homeowners to cover it you're still most likely looking at an empty judgment. But good point. So maybe.
Eh. I know about the Family Car Doctrine. I don’t know about the Family Gun Doctrine.
Rittenhouse was under the age of 18. It's illegal for him to possess an AR-15 under federal law.

He didn’t buy the gun, you dolt.

He was legally allowed to carry that gun that night. That’s why the weapons charge was dismissed.

Why are you guys so adamant about doubling down on your stupidity on this?

A friend of mine opined that “they really can’t stand the fact that a scary AR was legally used in self defense. It shatters to many of their preconceived notions and biases”.

I’m starting to think he’s on to something.

It’s just bizarre.
Heroes? To whom?

Is a seventeen year old kid with an AR-15 your "hero"? Good grief that's sad.

Um, I think I made it clear in my post that in my opinion Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the most serious charges. As I understand self defense, Rittenhouse feared for his life and acted like the high school kid that he is. Does that make him any less an imbecile? No. One guy had thrown a plastic bag of toiletries at him the other was holding a skateboard like a baseball bat. I'm operating under the assumption that a stupid 17 year old probably was scared to death. I think that was pretty clear by his sobbing on the stand. The fact that he obtained an AR-15, though, is disgusting and bizarre.

Grosskruetz was previously certified as a Paramedic by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. According to their public database, Grosskruetz’ certification expired on March 31st, 2017 when it was not renewed. The NREMT is the only national certifying body for EMR, EMT, AEMT’s and Paramedics in the United States. By your standards, Rand Paul isn't a doctor, right?

I think the entire group is a bunch of idiots and the fact that a 17 year old Rittenhouse somehow obtained an AR-15 is insane, but not more insane than a grown man (I'm assuming you're an adult) thinking of Rittenhouse as a "hero".

The entire episode was stupid, top to bottom. His weapon caused people's reactions and instead of making him feel "safe", it made him fear for his life. In his own testimony, he feared that someone would get the rifle away from him and shoot him with it, so he freaked.

Tragically stupid and embarrassing.
You can readily find the explanation for why the gun charge was dismissed. The law in Wisconsin changes according the barrel length of the gun. The gun was never entered into a proper chain of custody, and therefore couldnt be verified. Not a good look for Wisconsin, IMO.
You can readily find the explanation for why the gun charge was dismissed. The law in Wisconsin changes according the barrel length of the gun. The gun was never entered into a proper chain of custody, and therefore couldnt be verified. Not a good look for Wisconsin, IMO.
This is not correct. The state acknowledged that the barrel of the gun was longer than 16 inches. There was no debate on that.

That is when the weapons charge was thrown out. Rittenhouse was legally allowed to carry that gun that night.
Do you think it will go that far? Teams of lawyers will comb his past to see if he has ever used the the N word or anything else. If I were him I would much prefer some settlement.
Few things: I don't think the N word is dispositive of anything as it relates to white supremacy.

Watching KR in trial he looked like a young, sympathetic kid. Not sure many people would want to put him away for life in a close case. By the same token, Biden has a history of virtue-signaling idiocy, but I'm not sure a group of jurors would be excited about making KR rich. I wouldn't want to. He's not a doctor without borders doing good being defamed. He was out doing dumb shit.

So good case to settle.
Having known some real ones, you are correct he's not a "hero" , that said, he's the closest of any of the protagonists in this saga to being anything, even remotely, close to one...

In reality he's simply a survivor...

Damn good thing (for him) that he had that rifle, otherwise he'd simply be a forgotten statistic (no marches, no riots in his memory, of that you can be certain)...
76-1, you mentioned Rittenhouse as being a survivor. This conforms to my picturing him as not being too different from an young U.S. soldier in the battleground streets of Iraq, or the villages of Afghanistan.

The difference between Rittenhouse and a soldier is that Rittenhouse is a loner without the support of a team. In my estimation, this places Rittenhouse at an even greater risk than a soldier. Thus IMO Rittenhouse is a lucky survivor as compared to a soldier who minimizes his risks so as to live for another day.

As to Rittenhouse carrying a rifle, did this allow him to be a survivor, or did it make him a target ?
Absolutely better to settle.
Agree. But ya gotta take Joe’s deposition first.

This is not correct. The state acknowledged that the barrel of the gun was longer than 16 inches. There was no debate on that.

That is when the weapons charge was thrown out. Rittenhouse was legally allowed to carry that gun that night.
Both posts seem correct to me, but then IANAL.
76-1, you mentioned Rittenhouse as being a survivor. This conforms to my picturing him as not being too different from an young U.S. soldier in the battleground streets of Iraq, or the villages of Afghanistan.

The difference between Rittenhouse and a soldier is that Rittenhouse is a loner without the support of a team. In my estimation, this places Rittenhouse at an even greater risk than a soldier. Thus IMO Rittenhouse is a lucky survivor as compared to a soldier who minimizes his risks so as to live for another day.

As to Rittenhouse carrying a rifle, did this allow him to be a survivor, or did it make him a target ?

The Marines, Soldiers , Naval Aviators, and SEAL's I've met weren't exactly known for "minimizing their risks"...

I've already stated what I thought about the rifle but I'll attempt to explain my thoughts about it again...

I believe that he would have been attacked with or without the rifle because the four guys who attacked him were criminal thugs who once they identified him as not going along with the rioting attacked him with the intent to kill him. Without the rifle he'd be dead and the Left would be happy...

I'm fairly certain 12 other folk recently came to the same conclusion...
Both posts seem correct to me, but then IANAL.
No, he’s wrong. There was no ambiguity and the state knew it. That’s why they didn’t really object to the one charge they may have gotten a conviction on being thrown out.

So what happened?

Hours before closing arguments began on Monday, Judge Bruce Schroeder granted a defense motion to toss out the weapons charge. Rittenhouse attorneys Mark Richards and Corey Chirafsi pointed to an exception in the law that they said allows minors to possess shotguns and rifles as long as they're not short-barreled.

Assistant District Attorney James Kraus argued that the exception renders the state's prohibition on minors possessing dangerous weapons meaningless. But when he acknowledged that Rittenhouse's rifle's barrel was longer than 16 inches, the minimum barrel length allowed under state law, Schroeder dismissed the charge.

To Kenosha-based defense attorney Michael Cicchini, the statute clearly requires a weapon to be short-barreled to apply, and the judge made the right call.

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I wonder if someone wearing Antifa gear showed up to Jan 6 and was attacked and killed 3 how many here, on both sides, would flip their opinions?
This is not correct. The state acknowledged that the barrel of the gun was longer than 16 inches. There was no debate on that.

That is when the weapons charge was thrown out. Rittenhouse was legally allowed to carry that gun that night.
Ok, thanks. I heard that explanation on a podcast and probably misremembered. I do recall there being a logical explanation to the dismissal, but I could have sworn the part about the mismanaged chain of command was true. I don't care to verify that, so I bid you "Good day!" 😆
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No, he’s wrong. There was no ambiguity and the state knew it. That’s why they didn’t really object to the one charge they may have gotten a conviction on being thrown out.

It was never about any state prosecution,
it was to sell the "crossed state lines" narrative...
Why? So the Fed could be justified in their intervention in the State of Wisky.
No gun charge- no Fed intervention.

It says you can't kill in self defense unless it is unavoidable. Rittenhouse was the only one with a gun so I don't think that qualifies.

A biased judge influenced the jury.
You are a damn liar.

One- armed Boi with a gun has his photos, WITH THE HANDGUN plastered everywhere!
It was never about any state prosecution,
it was to sell the "crossed state lines" narrative...
Why? So the Fed could be justified in their intervention in the State of Wisky.
No gun charge- no Fed intervention.

You are a damn liar.

One- armed Boi with a gun has his photos, WITH THE HANDGUN plastered everywhere!

You can't help but marvel at them... They truly appear to believe that if they repeat a Lie often enough it will become truth... 🙄
For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.
There is no duty to retreat in Wisconsin. But the jury was instructed to consider the availability of retreat in determining the reasonable use of force. I don’t think there is an overall message about retreat one way or the other.

A whole group of medics together with ARs? That is a lot of medical firepower.

Which goes to the point I made, he went not to render aid but to be a part of trouble. EXACTLY the same as Antifa.
He went to prevent trouble. Obviously was a bad decision, but he was on the right side of things, just as the jury found. Don’t burn or loot, don’t attack or try to take the gun from an armed man, & you won’t get shot, as evidenced by who did & didn‘t get shot in Kenosha.
The Marines, Soldiers , Naval Aviators, and SEAL's I've met weren't exactly known for "minimizing their risks"...

I've already stated what I thought about the rifle but I'll attempt to explain my thoughts about it again...

I believe that he would have been attacked with or without the rifle because the four guys who attacked him were criminal thugs who once they identified him as not going along with the rioting attacked him with the intent to kill him. Without the rifle he'd be dead and the Left would be happy...

I'm fairly certain 12 other folk recently came to the same conclusion...

"Ooh Rah"
Harris right on cue w/ an inane tweet about the justice system still needing more work re KR verdict.
I’m pretty much fed up with Democrats. The right to trial by jury is deeply imbedded in our judicial system yet they undermine it and the credibility of the judicial system. The Chairman if the House Judiciary Committee called for the DOJ to investigate the verdict. Maybe have the FBI raid the jurors’ homes?

The Democrat President and Vice President are in record law approval territory. The Democrat-led congress polls worse. Yet these clowns think they have the chops to impugn a jury of citizens and an experienced judge?
I’m pretty much fed up with Democrats. The right to trial by jury is deeply imbedded in our judicial system yet they undermine it and the credibility of the judicial system. The Chairman if the House Judiciary Committee called for the DOJ to investigate the verdict. Maybe have the FBI raid the jurors’ homes?

The Democrat President and Vice President are in record law approval territory. The Democrat-led congress polls worse. Yet these clowns think they have the chops to impugn a jury of citizens and an experienced judge?

What concerns me isn't the jury trial system, but the lack of expertise which all too often exists for those representing either the defense or the prosecution.
Have we, how would you feel?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I‘ve been consistent whether George Floyd, Ashley Babbit, Breonna Taylor, these Kenosha degenerates, or whoever. These People put themselves in a position of danger, & some of you can play the blame game all you want, but the root cause is always the same. I’ll shed no tears for criminals & conspirators getting killed in the act of committing crimes.

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