NAACP reaction to Rittenhouse verdict

Yep, one of my best friends. Finishing up great career with Edward Jones.

Yep. Great guy. Known for 40 yrs. As a 10 yr old, we'd stay at his place between regional games. My dad and I have been in the same company since '74 and '99 as Bubs. Just another city. My dad retired in 05.
For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.
I think the broad duty to retreat was mostly dead already. However, there are still limited circumstances where a duty to retreat (or something analogous) could remain relevant. One of them appeared in this case over the issue of provocation. In most jurisdictions, someone cannot successfully claim self-defense if he provokes the attack. However, if the provoker breaks off the engagement and retreats to safety, but the provoked pursues him, then the roles reverse, and the original provoking party can again claim self-defense.
How about a statue based on the picture of him in the bar wearing his “Free as F***” t-shirt and giving the white power OK sign?

Title it: “The Modern Conservative Man”
Might as well make shirts and sell them at the lotus festival. Only place that might buy that load of crap.
The Loony Left picks some real winners to ride to the bottom. If an innocent person gets screwed, they’ll start telling you why Manson was right instead.

They bought the lie that this kid was a racist who chased down and shot innocent peaceful protestors with his illegal “assault weapon” (dog whistle) and even the video couldn’t change their minds. They are physically ill that he was not sent to prison for life for defending himself.
I grew up in Bloomington. I know all about the loony left and their cause. I can’t believe people willingly follow that religion. It’s really a cult. Crazy idiots ideologues. If it don’t fit their lockstep beliefs it’s all out war. F them!
The memes around this are gold.

It is if you threatened and chase a guy willing to protect his/herself. This case just set precedence. If you are a mob then you don’t have a right to chase and kick, grab or point a gun at anyone without consequences. The right verdict got handed down today.
I'm not surprised by the verdict. Reading the facts of the case it's not difficult to understand the verdict on the serious charges as I understand them and how self defense is interpreted in the US. I can't comprehend the not guilty verdict on "Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18" as well as the other weapons charges. Apparently an AR-15 isn't a dangerous weapon or Rittenhouse was over 18 (he wasn't).

This is just another classic example of guns exacerbating a volatile situation and doing the opposite of their intended purpose (Rittenhouse himself said he had no interest in shooting anyone and thought carrying the AR-15 was "intimidating" and "looked cool"). :rolleyes:

Gaige Grosskreutz, an EMT on the scene to provide medical help, is very pro-gun and very pro-Second Amendment (he was quoted as saying when he leaves the house, it's "keys, wallet, gun"). When he arrived on the scene, he was under the impression Rittenhouse was an "active shooter" and drew his weapon. Rittenhouse almost blew his arm off.

American gun culture is a disaster and a global embarrassment. Nothing positive was achieved by guns in Kenosha that night. Just more slaughter for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm not surprised by the verdict. Reading the facts of the case it's not difficult to understand the verdict on the serious charges as I understand them and how self defense is interpreted in the US. I can't comprehend the not guilty verdict on "Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18" as well as the other weapons charges. Apparently an AR-15 isn't a dangerous weapon or Rittenhouse was over 18 (he wasn't).

This is just another classic example of guns exacerbating a volatile situation and doing the opposite of their intended purpose (Rittenhouse himself said he had no interest in shooting anyone and thought carrying the AR-15 was "intimidating" and "looked cool"). :rolleyes:

Gaige Grosskreutz, an EMT on the scene to provide medical help, is very pro-gun and very pro-Second Amendment (he was quoted as saying when he leaves the house, it's "keys, wallet, gun"). When he arrived on the scene, he was under the impression Rittenhouse was an "active shooter" and drew his weapon. Rittenhouse almost blew his arm off.

American gun culture is a disaster and a global embarrassment. Nothing positive was achieved by guns in Kenosha that night. Just more slaughter for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.

You guys just can't help yourselves can you... 🤣 Say it enough and click your heels together three times and maybe the lies will come true...🙄

Grosskreutz was and is Not an EMT. Just volunteering to pretend to be a Medic for Black Lives Matter and wearing a hat with "Paramedic" emblazoned on it does not make one an Emergency Medical Technician... (which begs the question as to if he's even pretending to be a Medic why isn't he attempting to help the first guy who was shot 🤔)...

Here's who Gaige Grosskreutz Really is:

Great guy... Really impressed by how he treated his grandmother...

Face it, all your heroes in this particular saga are scumbags...

A for effort though... Problem (for you) is no one with an IQ above 30 believes anything you people say anymore (for good reason)...

By the way, your hero GG knew exactly what he was doing when he pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse... Anyone who knows what they're looking at recognized the way GG had his weapon and body aligned as a classic CQC stance which would allow him to fire at close range without risking Rittenhouse being able to take the weapon from him...

Firearms aren't the problem (the individual employing them may be though, as in the case of your hero GG; who was just a little too slow on the trigger) and in this case they Were the solution to having to deal with crazed left wing felons... Problem Solved.
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You guys just can't help yourselves can you... 🤣Say it enough and click your heels together three times and maybe the lies will come true...🙄

Grosskreutz was and is Not an EMT. Just volunteering to pretend to be a Medic and wearing a hat with "Paramedic" emblazoned on it does not make one an Emergency Medical Technician...

Here's who Gaige Grosskreutz Really is:

Great guy... Really impressed by how he treated his grandmother...

Face it, all your heroes in this particular saga are scumbags...

A for effort though... Problem (for you) is no one with an IQ above 30 believes anything you people say anymore (for good reason)...

By the way, your hero GG knew exactly what he was doing when he pointed his weapon at Rittenhouse... Anyone who knows what they're looking at recognized the way GG had his weapon and body aligned as a classic CQC stance which would allow him to fire at close range without risking Rittenhouse being able to take the weapon from him...

Heroes? To whom?

Is a seventeen year old kid with an AR-15 your "hero"? Good grief that's sad.

Um, I think I made it clear in my post that in my opinion Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the most serious charges. As I understand self defense, Rittenhouse feared for his life and acted like the high school kid that he is. Does that make him any less an imbecile? No. One guy had thrown a plastic bag of toiletries at him the other was holding a skateboard like a baseball bat. I'm operating under the assumption that a stupid 17 year old probably was scared to death. I think that was pretty clear by his sobbing on the stand. The fact that he obtained an AR-15, though, is disgusting and bizarre.

Grosskruetz was previously certified as a Paramedic by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. According to their public database, Grosskruetz’ certification expired on March 31st, 2017 when it was not renewed. The NREMT is the only national certifying body for EMR, EMT, AEMT’s and Paramedics in the United States. By your standards, Rand Paul isn't a doctor, right?

I think the entire group is a bunch of idiots and the fact that a 17 year old Rittenhouse somehow obtained an AR-15 is insane, but not more insane than a grown man (I'm assuming you're an adult) thinking of Rittenhouse as a "hero".

The entire episode was stupid, top to bottom. His weapon caused people's reactions and instead of making him feel "safe", it made him fear for his life. In his own testimony, he feared that someone would get the rifle away from him and shoot him with it, so he freaked.

Tragically stupid and embarrassing.
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Heroes? To whom?

Is a seventeen year old kid with an AR-15 your "hero"? Good grief that's sad.

Um, I think I made it clear in my post that in my opinion Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the most serious charges. As I understand self defense, Rittenhouse feared for his life and acted like the high school kid that he is. Does that make him any less an imbecile? No. One guy had thrown a plastic bag of toiletries at him the other was holding a skateboard like a baseball bat. I'm operating under the assumption that a stupid 17 year old probably was scared to death. I think that was pretty clear by his sobbing on the stand. The fact that he obtained an AR-15, though, is disgusting and bizarre.

Grosskruetz was previously certified as a Paramedic by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. According to their public database, Grosskruetz’ certification expired on March 31st, 2017 when it was not renewed. The NREMT is the only national certifying body for EMR, EMT, AEMT’s and Paramedics in the United States. By your standards, Rand Paul isn't a doctor, right?

I think the entire group is a bunch of idiots and the fact that a 17 year old Rittenhouse somehow obtained an AR-15 is insane, but not more insane than a grown man (I'm assuming you're an adult) thinking of Rittenhouse as a "hero".

The entire episode was stupid, top to bottom. His weapon caused people's reactions and instead of making him feel "safe", it made him fear for his life. In his own testimony, he feared that someone would get the rifle away from him and shoot him with it, so he freaked.

Tragically stupid and embarrassing.

Yes you are...

By the way, if you're not Certified and haven't been for several years you aren't an EMT no matter how much you may wish it to be...

Click You heels together three more times and it just might become true (hold your breath while doing so)...
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I think it's just as likely Rittenhouse will be sued in civil court by the three people who were shot, a la OJ Simpson.

So you think the pedophile victims will sue Rittenhouse since they can’t sue the animal that abused them?
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Heroes? To whom?

Is a seventeen year old kid with an AR-15 your "hero"? Good grief that's sad.

Um, I think I made it clear in my post that in my opinion Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the most serious charges. As I understand self defense, Rittenhouse feared for his life and acted like the high school kid that he is. Does that make him any less an imbecile? No. One guy had thrown a plastic bag of toiletries at him the other was holding a skateboard like a baseball bat. I'm operating under the assumption that a stupid 17 year old probably was scared to death. I think that was pretty clear by his sobbing on the stand. The fact that he obtained an AR-15, though, is disgusting and bizarre.

Grosskruetz was previously certified as a Paramedic by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. According to their public database, Grosskruetz’ certification expired on March 31st, 2017 when it was not renewed. The NREMT is the only national certifying body for EMR, EMT, AEMT’s and Paramedics in the United States. By your standards, Rand Paul isn't a doctor, right?

I think the entire group is a bunch of idiots and the fact that a 17 year old Rittenhouse somehow obtained an AR-15 is insane, but not more insane than a grown man (I'm assuming you're an adult) thinking of Rittenhouse as a "hero".

The entire episode was stupid, top to bottom. His weapon caused people's reactions and instead of making him feel "safe", it made him fear for his life. In his own testimony, he feared that someone would get the rifle away from him and shoot him with it, so he freaked.

Tragically stupid and embarrassing.
He’s not a hero or a murderer.
The Justice system worked. That is what we should all be happy about.
Yes you are...

By the way, if you're not Certified and haven't been for several years you aren't an EMT no matter how much you may wish it to be...

Click You heels together three more times and it just might become true (hold your breath while doing so)...

Can you quote where he said he was there in some official capacity? He's a trained EMT and stated that he went there in case someone was injured.

Is Rand Paul a doctor?
I think it's just as likely Rittenhouse will be sued in civil court by the three people who were shot, a la OJ Simpson.

You're forgetting that Kyle is innocent while OJ clearly was not.
I think it's just as likely Rittenhouse will be sued in civil court by the three people who were shot, a la OJ Simpson.

You should have read your own article...

"Nothing legally bars a civil suit against Rittenhouse, but I can’t imagine it happening"

That's from Weisberg...
Can you quote where he said he was there in some official capacity? He's a trained EMT and stated that he went there in case someone was injured.

Is Rand Paul a doctor?
What..., you've gotten over your DTS and have moved onto Rand Paul now?

Tell ya what, next time you're injured go see Rand...; we'll all be rooting for ya...
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Can you quote where he said he was there in some official capacity? He's a trained EMT and stated that he went there in case someone was injured.

Is Rand Paul a doctor?

Read your own post...

G. G. "an EMT on the scene to provide medical help"
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I think it's just as likely Rittenhouse will be sued in civil court by the three people who were shot, a la OJ Simpson.

Ha Doc that'll be the emptiest judgment ever achieved. It wouldn't be worth the filing fee. That kid has no assets and there's no insurance for intentional torts
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Heroes? To whom?

Is a seventeen year old kid with an AR-15 your "hero"? Good grief that's sad.

Um, I think I made it clear in my post that in my opinion Rittenhouse was not guilty of any of the most serious charges. As I understand self defense, Rittenhouse feared for his life and acted like the high school kid that he is. Does that make him any less an imbecile? No. One guy had thrown a plastic bag of toiletries at him the other was holding a skateboard like a baseball bat. I'm operating under the assumption that a stupid 17 year old probably was scared to death. I think that was pretty clear by his sobbing on the stand. The fact that he obtained an AR-15, though, is disgusting and bizarre.

Grosskruetz was previously certified as a Paramedic by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. According to their public database, Grosskruetz’ certification expired on March 31st, 2017 when it was not renewed. The NREMT is the only national certifying body for EMR, EMT, AEMT’s and Paramedics in the United States. By your standards, Rand Paul isn't a doctor, right?

I think the entire group is a bunch of idiots and the fact that a 17 year old Rittenhouse somehow obtained an AR-15 is insane, but not more insane than a grown man (I'm assuming you're an adult) thinking of Rittenhouse as a "hero".

The entire episode was stupid, top to bottom. His weapon caused people's reactions and instead of making him feel "safe", it made him fear for his life. In his own testimony, he feared that someone would get the rifle away from him and shoot him with it, so he freaked.

Tragically stupid and embarrassing.
Rittenhouse was carrying a legal weapon. Grosskreutz was not.

Rittenhouse has no criminal record. Grosskreutz has an extensive criminal record.
I heard someone yesterday suggest that going to that protest "to render medical aid" with a rifle over his shoulder is like going to a 3-alarm fire with a full gas can.

He lied about being an EMT. He was there to find trouble, and some people assisted him in finding it. I said based on what little I saw on the trial I did not think he was guilty. But he sure as heck is NOT the hero the right is making him out to be. He wanted trouble, he found people that obliged.
You should have read your own article...

"Nothing legally bars a civil suit against Rittenhouse, but I can’t imagine it happening"

That's from Weisberg...
Now quote the other guy.
I heard someone yesterday suggest that going to that protest "to render medical aid" with a rifle over his shoulder is like going to a 3-alarm fire with a full gas can.

He lied about being an EMT. He was there to find trouble, and some people assisted him in finding it. I said based on what little I saw on the trial I did not think he was guilty. But he sure as heck is NOT the hero the right is making him out to be. He wanted trouble, he found people that obliged.
Not a hero, But you think George Floyd is. Give me a break!
What..., you've gotten over your DTS and have moved onto Rand Paul now?

Tell ya what, next time you're injured go see Rand...; we'll all be rooting for ya...
Try to think about this. You're telling me the guy who was a registered EMT untill 2017 no longer remembers how to provide first aid...yet Rand Paul has not been registered to practice medicine since 2002. So, again, is Rand Paul a doctor under your standards?
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