NAACP reaction to Rittenhouse verdict

That’s like a person getting car jacked wouldn’t happen if they stayed home or didn’t own a car.
Not quite.

It's more like someone hearing there is a string of carjackings in an area or neighborhood and going down there with a gun to see what you can do about it, then getting into trouble.
That same logic applies to everyone who was present at those riots. It means nothing.
You're correct. It does apply to everyone as choices have consequences. Rittenhouse was the only one that killed anyone though and it wasn't like it happened outside his door.
For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.
I got a different definition of judge, jury and executioner.

The penalty for rioting isn't death.
Dumbass. And the one rioter was shouting the N word. Wtf does this verdict have to do with black people?

Edit by black people I mean racism against black people weren’t involved in this verdict.
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For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.
IANAL, but I believe they are two different things that are often conflated and it varies by state.

Indiana has no "Stand your ground law", nor does it have "duty to retreat", or it least it didn't have SYG law when I took my class a few years ago. It was just assumed and codified that if you feel your life is in danger, you're within your rights to defend yourself using reasonable force that could include deadly force. Lots of Force Continuum exercises and scenarios were reviewed as part of the class. For example if an unarmed 5'2" 105lb lady started screaming and coming at 6'3" 240lb me, I needed to smile and walk away because I ran the risk of going to jail for causing her any physical harm. If she had a knife as she advanced, then I had a wider range of options, including using a gun. It worked the other way too. If I was the unarmed aggressor, her use of force could skew in her favor given the size disparity.

My takeaway was do everything possible to not play stupid games and avoid the stupid prizes.

Edited to add unless you're breaking into my house, then all bets are off.
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For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.
Who caused this problem?
For the lawyers: Does this verdict sound the death knell for the concept of "duty to retreat"? I understand it was being weakened with Stand Your Ground, but this seems to take it back even further.

Unless I've been missing something KR was running away, up the street, fell, and was accosted by the last two people he shot. Don't know about the first person shot, haven't been able to make out what happened there.
Just so you understand what self defense actually is.

n. the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or members of the family from bodily harm from the attack of an aggressor, if the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger. Self-defense is a common defense by a person accused of assault, battery or homicide. The force used in self-defense may be sufficient for protection from apparent harm (not just an empty verbal threat) or to halt any danger from attack, but cannot be an excuse to continue the attack or use excessive force. Examples: an unarmed man punches Allen Alibi, who hits the attacker with a baseball bat. That is legitimate self-defense, but Alibi cannot chase after the attacker and shoot him or beat him senseless. If the attacker has a gun or a butcher knife and is verbally threatening, Alibi is probably warranted in shooting him. Basically, appropriate self-defense is judged on all the circumstances. Reasonable force can also be used to protect property from theft or destruction. Self-defense cannot include killing or great bodily harm to defend property, unless personal danger is also involved, as is the case in most burglaries, muggings or vandalism.
Methinks you don’t understand the definition of reasonable in reasonable force
Methinks you don’t understand the definition of reasonable in reasonable force
Not sure at this point you are reasonable.
Reasonable force is anything necessary to neutralize the perpetrators. If it results in death so be it. Obviously the jurors thought so. Great thing to have an impartial jury. I’m telling you if any of those guys advanced on me I’d hope to have as much restraint as Kyle did.
A gun nut idiot shoots three Antifa thugs.

Sounds like a self cleaning oven to me.
Same thing happened with George Floyd. Both idiots tempted fate to many times. Sometimes trash takes out the trash. In both cases some people are better off not using up precious resources.
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Triggered is the people in this thread that can’t comprehend what took place these last few days. You included.

The Loony Left picks some real winners to ride to the bottom. If an innocent person gets screwed, they’ll start telling you why Manson was right instead.

They bought the lie that this kid was a racist who chased down and shot innocent peaceful protestors with his illegal “assault weapon” (dog whistle) and even the video couldn’t change their minds. They are physically ill that he was not sent to prison for life for defending himself.
Same thing happened with George Floyd. Both idiots tempted fate to many times. Sometimes trash takes out the trash. In both cases some people are better off not using up precious resources.
And rittenhouse is just the kid to decide who has used up too many precious resources
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And rittenhouse is just the kid to decide who has used up too many precious resources
With all due respect, you should just exit this thread and not return.

You’re clearly responding with emotion and not reason. Heck, even your fellow liberals are taking you to task.

Just take the L and come back another day.

You’re acting totally ridiculous and it’s making you look bad.
I hope they erect a statue to Kyle Rittenhouse!
How about a statue based on the picture of him in the bar wearing his “Free as F***” t-shirt and giving the white power OK sign?

Title it: “The Modern Conservative Man”
How about a statue based on the picture of him in the bar wearing his “Free as F***” t-shirt and giving the white power OK sign?

Title it: “The Modern Conservative Man”
Liberals checking in:

Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., said in a tweet that the outcome of the trial was itself an indictment of the U.S. judicial system.

“The judge. The jury. The defendant. It’s white supremacy in action. This system isn’t built to hold white supremacists accountable,” she wrote. “It’s why Black and brown folks are brutalized and put in cages while white supremacist murderers walk free. I’m hurt. I’m angry. I’m heartbroken.”

More alarming I give you our President:

In a longer statement released minutes later, the president acknowledged that “the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included,” but urged “everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law.”

Why does the verdict leave him feeling "angry and concerned."

And of course AOC weighing in w/ her typical ridiculousness:

"Does anyone believe Rittenhouse would be released if he were Muslim & did the same thing in a diff context? For people who say “systemic racism doesn’t exist,” this is what it looks like: protection of white supremacy baked deep into our carceral systems. Law and disorder."
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How about a statue based on the picture of him in the bar wearing his “Free as F***” t-shirt and giving the white power OK sign?

Title it: “The Modern Conservative Man”
He isn’t old enough to be in a bar.
You should hide for a while.

Us righties have carte blanche to shoot us some liberals, and I’m sure you top several lists.
This is a good example as to why people are upset about this verdict. I think you’re joking, but I know that many idiots out there are taking this exact stance for real.

Really dumb & bizarre for you to post this.
This is a good example as to why people are upset about this verdict. I think you’re joking, but I know that many idiots out there are taking this exact stance for real.

Really dumb & bizarre for you to post this.

Lefties everywhere - including the NBA players and talking heads - are claiming this as truth. Fools everywhere believe it. You may be the only one anywhere to see the absurdity.
Also, I’m not going to report you because I don’t roll like that, so just putting it out there.

I’ll be shocked if someone else doesn’t though. You’re dumb sorry ass should be gone from this board for life.
You being so stupid and biased that you can’t take a joke is a you problem.

Go ahead and report me, ya Li’l Nancy. Here - I’ll help ya:


Any other mods you want me to include?

Tell the Internet Police too.

Sure must suck for you to have to suffer seeing the law applied equally and a few liberal hypocrisies exposed.
This is a good example as to why people are upset about this verdict. I think you’re joking, but I know that many idiots out there are taking this exact stance for real.

Really dumb & bizarre for you to post this.
This has nothing to do with why people are upset with the verdict. This verdict is more racism. One of the thugs shot was shouting the N Word along with his wife. But you know, Rittenhouse is the racist. There’s no damn reason for BLM or anyone else to be protesting this verdict.
Just watched the Joy Reid show, talk about something scary. Racism on steroids.