
The problem is it becomes "A pox on all their houses" moment. I really am in favor of a compromise with the moderates in the GOP without demanding too much. This morning I heard that could be Fred Upton, recently retired R from Michigan.

For the Ds who want partisanship, think of it this way. Saying Ds put country over party to help Republicans choose a Republican would have to play well in any of the more districts.
The problem is, the GOP doesn't need the Dems if McCarthy bows out. So there isn't really a scenario where Dems support an alternative nominee. The only way the Dems get involved is to bail out McCarthy, and he's so unpopular among Dems, they'll need a lot of concessions to even consider it.
In Florida, a bill would ban teachers from saying “racial colorblindness” is racist. In South Carolina, a bill would ban teaching that “equity is a concept that is superior to or supplants the concept of equality.” In New Hampshire, “promoting a negative account or representation of the founding and history of the United States of America” could become illegal, if a bill were to pass.

Oh, you mean they want common sense instead of leftist woke bullshit?

I'm talking about the federal government. Let states run the education system in their state. Save $11.3 billion by getting rid of the Dept of Education.
That limited "amnesty" was part of the compromise that was struck. That's how compromise works. That's the only way it passed the Senate. The House Pubs blew it up, and here we are ten years later.
Didn’t the opposition want to wait on amnesty until the rest of the bill was put in place and enforced?

The republicans can agree to amnesty for 20 illegals but they know with certainty the democrats will go right back and let new law breakers stream through the border with no consequences.
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I think dysfunctional is considered a positive among their constituents.
I'm not sure that would work.

Even if McCarthy becomes Speaker, he would have to deal every day with Bobo and several others of the 20 who have sworn they'll oppose McCarthy forever. The Bobos will always have a veto over anything McCarthy tries to do. That kind of thing is what drove Boehner and Ryan out.

McCarthy can't have any answer for how to deal with them. I saw Bobo get in an argument with Hannity (one of her kindred spirits) last night, and Crenshaw now calls all 20 the "enemies." Trey Gowdy has said too that they are just interested in getting publicity. Hard/impossible to deal with people like that.
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I was thinking own goal after own goal after own goal but you're right of course.
Soccer Fail GIF
Correct, if Dems want to play the long game. If they all voted Present - or enough of them - McCarthy could punish the dissenters and leave them off key committees - that would presumably help a Democrat agenda - in the long run.

But I don't think they're acting strategically.

Pretty funny they are putting up a vocal Election Denier at their Speaker candidate.
Dems shouldn't do that without getting some binding, public concessions from McCarthy up front.

Boebert and others are already calling McCarthy a liar, saying he changed his mind on some things he had already agreed to which they really care about. And, we all saw McCarthy blast Trump, then visit Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring and then express his total loyalty to Trump.

Even if he's not really a liar, McCarthy is not reliable.
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this must be just a complete blast for the Dems in that chamber.
Realistically, they don't know how to solve it either.

If the Dems misplay their hand, they could end up with someone far worse than McCarthy, plus share part of the blame for such result.
The problem is it becomes "A pox on all their houses" moment. I really am in favor of a compromise with the moderates in the GOP without demanding too much. This morning I heard that could be Fred Upton, recently retired R from Michigan.

For the Ds who want partisanship, think of it this way. Saying Ds put country over party to help Republicans choose a Republican would have to play well in any of the more districts.
Uh, yeah.
I don't believe unfounded rumors.
Unlike the attempts at false equivalency you're trying to make, at least 6 former OSU wrestlers testified under oath in a court of law that they personally brought their allegations of abuse by (team doctor) Strauss to Jordan's attention...

In addition a referee filed suit against OSU over an incident with Strauss, and in his lawsuit that ref specifically mentioned bringing the matter to Jordan's attention...

Now no idea why you'd think this is some sort of "Dem plot", most of the people involved likely support Jordan as far as his political views go. What they don't support is his lack of honesty and failure to take responsibility on a personal level. In fact it appears it was this blanket denial from Jordan in 2018 that inspired both the 2019 and 2020 lawsuits...

"Since the scandal emerged, Jordan has emphatically denied that he knew anything about Strauss’ abuse during his own years working at OSU, between 1987 and 1995. “Congressman Jordan never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State,” his congressional office said in 2018."

Funny how Jordan did not make those denials UNDER OATH. And as a result of him issuing that denial multiple people basically called him a liar, and had no problem calling him out while they were UNDER OATH.
That was a save by the goalie, right?
Technically, no.

The ball hit the frame of the goal so the shot is not considered "on goal", hence no save. In fact, had the ball rolled into the goal, it would have been attributed as an own goal for the goalkeeper. Which is pretty humiliating in an of itself without getting hit in the face.
I'm not sure that would work.

Even if McCarthy becomes Speaker, he would have to deal every day with Bobo and several others of the 20 who have sworn they'll oppose McCarthy forever. The Bobos will always have a veto over anything McCarthy tries to do. That kind of thing is what drove Boehner and Ryan out.

McCarthy can't have any answer for how to deal with them. I saw Bobo get in an argument with Hannity (one of her kindred spirits) last night, and Crenshaw now calls all 20 the "enemies." Trey Gowdy has said too that they are just interested in getting publicity. Hard/impossible to deal with people like that.
Not all 20 just want publicity. About half want real concessions from McCarthy, which is fine. That’s normal push and pull within a party.

But yes, there are about 10 or so with no plan other than stomping their feet.
Not all 20 just want publicity. About half want real concessions from McCarthy, which is fine. That’s normal push and pull within a party.

But yes, there are about 10 or so with no plan other than stomping their feet.
By all accounts he's given them everything they asked for. So why are all 20 still against him?
The problem is it becomes "A pox on all their houses" moment. I really am in favor of a compromise with the moderates in the GOP without demanding too much. This morning I heard that could be Fred Upton, recently retired R from Michigan.

For the Ds who want partisanship, think of it this way. Saying Ds put country over party to help Republicans choose a Republican would have to play well in any of the more districts.
By all accounts he's given them everything they asked for. So why are all 20 still against him?
For yucks. It’s fun. In the spotlight
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The CLF has agreed to what was asked. If McCarthy has agreed to the rules changes that were asked then they need to vote for McCarthy. I agree with them holding out for the three things originally discussed. If those are official then it’s time.

You assume they were negotiating in good faith. I would not make that assumption.
You assume they were negotiating in good faith. I would not make that assumption.
Then McCarthy should go to the media with receipts. Show that he has agreed to the rules changes they requested.
The Freedom Caucus makes up roughly 20% of the caucus…they should ask for that percentage in committee leadership. But shouldn’t expect more.
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Then McCarthy should go to the media with receipts. Show that he has agreed to the rules changes they requested.
The Freedom Caucus makes up roughly 20% of the caucus…they should ask for that percentage in committee leadership. But shouldn’t expect more.
He'd look like an even bigger b*tch than he does now. Admittedly difficult but I don't put it past him.
As a Republican, what I want is pretty simple:

- a DOJ that doesn't have a double standard, depending on your political bent

- A government that pays for its spending, within a balanced budget.

- Strong defense so other countries aren't tempted to confront us.

- Restructure Social Security and Medicare so they are financially viable.

- Implement a guest worker program and enforce immigration laws

- a government that stays the hell out of private businesses and stops censuring opposing political views (see the DOJ comment above)

- stay the hell out of schools - all schools

That's really about all I want. It's up to the legislature and executive branch to figure out how to implement - I'm available for consultation.

I would think these would be the goals of Democrats, too, and instead of worrying about 'equity', worry about equal opportunity. I realize that's like hoping there are unicorns.

DANC, appreciate your candor in listing what you as a Republican expect government to do and not do.

The views I share with you such as balancing budgets and funding .non discretionary huge budget items Social Security and Medicare over the long pull are problems which have existed for decades.

Just aren' t hearing current pols on either side of the aisle providing solutions to problems which have been unattended for way too long.

Lots of lofty rhetoric such as serving the public but no solutions. Solutions which require compromise instead of looking at the other guys as the enemy.
As a Republican, what I want is pretty simple:

- a DOJ that doesn't have a double standard, depending on your political bent

- A government that pays for its spending, within a balanced budget.

- Strong defense so other countries aren't tempted to confront us.

- Restructure Social Security and Medicare so they are financially viable.

- Implement a guest worker program and enforce immigration laws

- a government that stays the hell out of private businesses and stops censuring opposing political views (see the DOJ comment above)

- stay the hell out of schools - all schools

That's really about all I want. It's up to the legislature and executive branch to figure out how to implement - I'm available for consultation.

I would think these would be the goals of Democrats, too, and instead of worrying about 'equity', worry about equal opportunity. I realize that's like hoping there are unicorns.

I wouldn't disagree with any of these policy goals, but getting there is the problem.

For example, I wholeheartedly agree with

Restructure Social Security and Medicare so they are financially viable.

But then we have to decide how we're going to go about doing that. Me, I'd like to see the emphasis be placed on the revenue side, starting with lifting the cap on income subject to SS withholding. I don't know where you would stand, but the default Republican response to that would be to scream Tax Increase!!! and instead propose raising the retirement age.
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So Gaetz officially nominated Trump. Did anyone nominate Donalds? Not that it matters, they can vote for anyone, nominated or not. Just wonder if this means most/all of the 20 are going to vote for Trump.
So Gaetz officially nominated Trump. Did anyone nominate Donalds? Not that it matters, they can vote for anyone, nominated or not. Just wonder if this means most/all of the 20 are going to vote for Trump.

If I've been reading the Kommie channel graphic correctly, just McCarthy and Trump were nominated. Any other votes (like for Donalds) are under Others.

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