
That's an encouraging sign.
No, this is an encouraging sign.

By all accounts he's given them everything they asked for. So why are all 20 still against him?
If Donald Trump conceded everything to Liz Cheney that she could ask for, do you think she would agree to put him in charge of the party? Sometimes you have nuked the bridge so bad, there is nothing you can do to repair it but get out of the way.
If Donald Trump conceded everything to Liz Cheney that she could ask for, do you think she would agree to put him in charge of the party? Sometimes you have nuked the bridge so bad, there is nothing you can do to repair it but get out of the way.
I was responding to a claim that at least some of them are opposing on principle over rules, and not because of some personal never-Kevin agenda.

Further reading suggests that the opponents claiming to demand concessions have been continuing to hold out while the final details are ironed out and put on paper.
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I wouldn't disagree with any of these policy goals, but getting there is the problem.

For example, I wholeheartedly agree with

Restructure Social Security and Medicare so they are financially viable.

But then we have to decide how we're going to go about doing that. Me, I'd like to see the emphasis be placed on the revenue side, starting with lifting the cap on income subject to SS withholding. I don't know where you would stand, but the default Republican response to that would be to scream Tax Increase!!! and instead propose raising the retirement age.
Why don't you get some of your Democrat buddies to propose lifting the income cap?

You know why they don't - they don't want to be taxed themselves.

Much easier to demagogue.
DANC, appreciate your candor in listing what you as a Republican expect government to do and not do.

The views I share with you such as balancing budgets and funding .non discretionary huge budget items Social Security and Medicare over the long pull are problems which have existed for decades.

Just aren' t hearing current pols on either side of the aisle providing solutions to problems which have been unattended for way too long.

Lots of lofty rhetoric such as serving the public but no solutions. Solutions which require compromise instead of looking at the other guys as the enemy.
There's too much demagoguing and the media jumps on anyone who suggests plans to accomplish those goals. But you don't hear proposals because they are immediately shot down and politicians cower when they have to stand up for unpopular policies.

Of course it's difficult - that's why we elect Representatives and Senators. We don't elect them to sit on problems, which is what's being done.

Listen to Mayor Pete's speeches sometime - it's nothing BUT 'lofy rhetoric ...... but no solutions". Of course, he's not the only one, but he's the most blatant, imo.
Why don't you get some of your Democrat buddies to propose lifting the income cap?

You know why they don't - they don't want to be taxed themselves.

Much easier to demagogue.
Actually, they do. All the time. Senators, House members, year after year, propose just that. Biden has publicly supported it. Most recently, Angie Craig, D-MN, proposed a bill that included raising the cap, along with Republican Peter Meijer from Michigan. Unfortunately, Meijer also voted to impeach Trump, and ended up getting primaried from the right.
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There's too much demagoguing and the media jumps on anyone who suggests plans to accomplish those goals. But you don't hear proposals because they are immediately shot down and politicians cower when they have to stand up for unpopular policies.
The proposals to raise the cap are very popular among both Dems and Repubs, and plenty of politicians have pushed and supported those proposals. You denying they do this, and dismissing them as demagogues, is just flat out dishonest.
Actually, they do. All the time. Senators, House members, year after year, propose just that. Biden has publicly supported it. Most recently, Angie Craig, D-MN, proposed a bill that included raising the cap, along with Republican Peter Meijer from Michigan. Unfortunately, Meijer also voted to impeach Trump, and ended up getting primaried from the right.
If they've proposed it, where is the vote?

You're gaslighting.
Unlike the attempts at false equivalency you're trying to make, at least 6 former OSU wrestlers testified under oath in a court of law that they personally brought their allegations of abuse by (team doctor) Strauss to Jordan's attention...

In addition a referee filed suit against OSU over an incident with Strauss, and in his lawsuit that ref specifically mentioned bringing the matter to Jordan's attention...

Now no idea why you'd think this is some sort of "Dem plot", most of the people involved likely support Jordan as far as his political views go. What they don't support is his lack of honesty and failure to take responsibility on a personal level. In fact it appears it was this blanket denial from Jordan in 2018 that inspired both the 2019 and 2020 lawsuits...

"Since the scandal emerged, Jordan has emphatically denied that he knew anything about Strauss’ abuse during his own years working at OSU, between 1987 and 1995. “Congressman Jordan never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State,” his congressional office said in 2018."

Funny how Jordan did not make those denials UNDER OATH. And as a result of him issuing that denial multiple people basically called him a liar, and had no problem calling him out while they were UNDER OATH.
So charge him. Or STFU.
Then one of your buddies did on your behalf.
My mistake for trying to engage you again. I don't know why I keep doing this. I guess your ability to act like an adult in the Ukraine thread fooled me into thinking you might have a reasonable discussion about any other topic, too.
The proposals to raise the cap are very popular among both Dems and Repubs, and plenty of politicians have pushed and supported those proposals. You denying they do this, and dismissing them as demagogues, is just flat out dishonest.
So what are the votes on it?

You are believing the propaganda.
My mistake for trying to engage you again. I don't know why I keep doing this. I guess your ability to act like an adult in the Ukraine thread fooled me into thinking you might have a reasonable discussion about any other topic, too.
So don't engage me. You follow me around, waiting to troll me on something you think you can gig me on. Then you have posts deleted that make you look ridiculous.

I know your game. The only reason you claim I 'act like an adult in the Ukraine thread' is because you agree with me.

Don't be such a ****ing baby.
So Gaetz officially nominated Trump. Did anyone nominate Donalds? Not that it matters, they can vote for anyone, nominated or not. Just wonder if this means most/all of the 20 are going to vote for Trump.
To be clear, here, I thought this was a funny impossibility. I do not have an inside line to Rep. Gaetz.

FBI, please reread that last sentence: I do NOT know or communicate with Rep. Gaetz.
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I’m hearing a lot of talk about irregularities in the vote count, ballot dumps and a lot about GPS data coming out. Also, word getting out about an odd amount of bamboo and panda shit all over the place. I’m expecting Kari Lake to declare herself the winner any minute now.
definitely need a movie on this....222 mules?

This is just hilarious. Was he trying to blackmail her? It will be interesting if he actually has evidence of her committing a crime.
The House Rs are being taught a hard lesson on what it’s like to be on the other side of an anti-democratic institutional system where the minority has the outsized power to hijack the process. Just like the founders set up when organizing the House.

We’ll need to cross reference their statements on this with responses to complaints about the EC.
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This is just hilarious. Was he trying to blackmail her? It will be interesting if he actually has evidence of her committing a crime.
Ali Alexander is Claudio Reyna's pseudonym? Huh, never made the connection.

Would this be enough of a sweetener to get dems to help elect a moderate republican?

Personally, i think it would be in the dems best interest to back a moderate republican anyway who will promise equal representation on committees. Gaetz resigning would be a cherry on the top.
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Would this be enough of a sweetener to get dems to help elect a moderate republican?

Personally, i think it would be in the dems best interest to back a moderate republican anyway who will promise equal representation on committees. Gaetz resigning would be a cherry on the top.
No. republicans have shown us time and again who they are and how they operate. These dogs caught the car, let them figure it out.
No. republicans have shown us time and again who they are and how they operate. These dogs caught the car, let them figure it out.
If McCarthy gets their vote by becoming their puppet, then we get to watch 2 years of a shitshow.
You assuming it won’t be a shit show regardless?
Some things will be a pain in the ass no matter what. But that’s politics. No one has clean hands there.

It will be immeasurably worse if McCarthy gives away the store, completely neuters the Speaker position and the House ends up being effectively run by a very small number of fringe folks.
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