Mayor Pete

The Central Park five were not “exonerated” by DNA evidence, for one thing. They were actually found to have most likely participated in the rape by the Armstrong commission.
Hopefully you’ll have that same understanding of shades of gray when the full Mueller report comes out?
Dude has addressed his sexuality, and did a sick burn on Pence in the process.

"If me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade," Buttigieg said. "And that's the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. That if you got a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me -- your quarrel, sir, is with my creator."​
No way this happened.
You mentioned cages in another post and was saying how Trump put children there. What exactly are you referring to? Are you talking about the separation of families because they come to the border and apply for asylum? I just wanted some clarification. Also are you aware of the Flores Agreement? This did not happen during the Trump administration. It goes back to Bill Clinton. Here is an article on it.
I like him more everytime I hear him or read about him. He's moving up on my list.
Hee appears to be cool, very cool.
However, he is not ready to be the president of the USA. The USA is not ready, and won't be ready for a long time for a gay president. Trump and other holier-than-thou's will totally destroy him and the gays for that matter.
No way this happened.
You mentioned cages in another post and was saying how Trump put children there. What exactly are you referring to? Are you talking about the separation of families because they come to the border and apply for asylum? I just wanted some clarification. Also are you aware of the Flores Agreement? This did not happen during the Trump administration. It goes back to Bill Clinton. Here is an article on it.
We’ve had this discussion multiple times. I’m just assuming you’re either too old or too stubborn to take in any new information. Don’t think it’s age, so...
Hee appears to be cool, very cool.
However, he is not ready to be the president of the USA. The USA is not ready, and won't be ready for a long time for a gay president. Trump and other holier-than-thou's will totally destroy him and the gays for that matter.
I don't know about that. They said America wasn't ready for a black President in 2008 also. We're progressing.
I don't know about that. They said America wasn't ready for a black President in 2008 also. We're progressing.
That one shocked me too. Even Indi-fracking-ana voted for him. Pete just could pull it off.

But times were different in 2008. The racial stuff was there, but it wasn't in-your-face. Even McCain publicly corrected a supporter claiming BHO was a Mooslim. I'm thinking things could get really ugly if Pete got the nod.
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You mentioned cages in another post and was saying how Trump put children there. What exactly are you referring to? Are you talking about the separation of families because they come to the border and apply for asylum? I just wanted some clarification. Also are you aware of the Flores Agreement? This did not happen during the Trump administration. It goes back to Bill Clinton. Here is an article on it.
You don’t even know what you posted. Trump was trying to undermine the Flores agreement and make it tougher for children. His administration has lost children, they may never be reunited with families. The children have been abused and raped. He fired Nielsen because she wasn’t tough enough. He wants to break the law and she refused to go along with it. He says our country is full, we will admit no others. The fact that you as a Christian and as a pastor support this sickens me to the core.
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I'm sure VPM and others will get right on that and meaningfully absorb this and any other information you can provide.
It’s the teacher in me. I find it hard to give up on anyone, even though I know I should.
It is very disappointing to see Buttigieg go out there and castigate Mike Pence, because he feels like that is what is expected of him.

He has said previously that in meeting Mike Pence, Pence was nothing but cordial and professional.

As I've said ad nauseam, Pence has obviously met many gay people in his life, and has never once had a thing to say about Buttigieg or his lifestyle.

The idea that he goes home every night and fumes over "they gays" is leftist horsesh*t.
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So Goat. Let me ask you and please give a real answer. Would it bother you if Mayor Pete was a marxist?

Van, tell me what a modern day Marxist believes, and I'll see if I agree before labelling Mayor Pete.

If the response is along the lines of all progressive Democrats are socialists/ Marxists then I won't agree.
Van, tell me what a modern day Marxist believes, and I'll see if I agree before labelling Mayor Pete.

If the response is along the lines of all progressive Democrats are socialists/ Marxists then I won't agree.

He's not a Marxist but he checks most, if not all, of the boxes that send tingles up the legs of the dupes. Whether it's the Green New Deal, reparations, single-payer healthcare and all of the other non-centristy menu items, he falls right in line, saluting the Bernie statue.

He's come up with "democratic capitalism", which seems to come down to one or the other but not necessarily both, so that if capitalism comes "in conflict" with democracy then capitalism has to capitulate, whatever the hell that means.

He's just another Jacobin.
He's not a Marxist but he checks most, if not all, of the boxes that send tingles up the legs of the dupes. Whether it's the Green New Deal, reparations, single-payer healthcare and all of the other non-centristy menu items, he falls right in line, saluting the Bernie statue.

He's come up with "democratic capitalism", which seems to come down to one or the other but not necessarily both, so that if capitalism comes "in conflict" with democracy then capitalism has to capitulate, whatever the hell that means.

He's just another Jacobin.

My departed sister-in-law claimed to be a reincarnated male who was a Jacobin killed in the French Revolution.

In the life which I knew her, she was unlikely to be a Bernie or Pete enthusiast.

Moral to the story, not all Jacobins are what they used to be.
That one shocked me too. Even Indi-fracking-ana voted for him. Pete just could pull it off.

But times were different in 2008. The racial stuff was there, but it wasn't in-your-face. Even McCain publicly corrected a supporter claiming BHO was a Mooslim. I'm thinking things could get really ugly if Pete got the nod.
McCain was a man of integrity. Trump is just the opposite. That is the reason why I said what I said.:(
So Goat. Let me ask you and please give a real answer. Would it bother you if Mayor Pete was a marxist?
What is a Marxist? Is it just a dirty catchy word or is there a meaning to it?

The only Marxist I know of is Vladimir Putin and his followers. You know the guy who used to be the head of the KGB.

So, you tolerate Trump, who is rumored to be in Putin's pocket because Putin might have done something to get Trump elected. Yet, you cannot tolerate Mayor Pete because somebody started a rumor that he is a Marxist. Is that it?
What is a Marxist? Is it just a dirty catchy word or is there a meaning to it?

The only Marxist I know of is Vladimir Putin and his followers. You know the guy who used to be the head of the KGB.

So, you tolerate Trump, who is rumored to be in Putin's pocket because Putin might have done something to get Trump elected. Yet, you cannot tolerate Mayor Pete because somebody started a rumor that he is a Marxist. Is that it?
Someone started a rumor that his dad was a Marxist. Let's be clear on that.
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Oh, good lord, is that was brought this all up?
Yup. I know I replied to it and so did Marvin. May have been others. Then Poof! it was gone along with the replies. And neither reply was nasty.
Haven't we already had a big long discussion about the difference between Marxist political thought and Marxist criticism in academia?
Yeah, like he would have been able to follow that kind of discussion...
Yup. I know I replied to it and so did Marvin. May have been others. Then Poof! it was gone along with the replies. And neither reply was nasty.

Yeah, like he would have been able to follow that kind of discussion...
And now more posts are missing? I can't even read the conversation, anymore. @Cajun54 can you give us some insight into who did what wrong? I don't recall seeing any posts that were even the least bit inappropriate, on either side. Just people disagreeing with things and talking about them. And now we can't even talk about those things, because half the conversation disappears.
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It is very disappointing to see Buttigieg go out there and castigate Mike Pence, because he feels like that is what is expected of him.

He has said previously that in meeting Mike Pence, Pence was nothing but cordial and professional.

As I've said ad nauseam, Pence has obviously met many gay people in his life, and has never once had a thing to say about Buttigieg or his lifestyle.

The idea that he goes home every night and fumes over "they gays" is leftist horsesh*t.
"Castigate" is a little overboard. Mike Pence has indeed had things to say about Mayor Pete's lifestyle! He has said he believes being gay is a choice, and that keeping gays from marrying was not discrimination but an enforcement of “God’s idea.” Pence believes Mayor Pete is living in sin and contributing to the collapse of society. Given what Mayor Pete has expressed about coming to terms with his own sexuality, and how his marriage makes him a better person and closer to his creator, I don't blame him for articulating his strong disagreement with Pence's views.
You mentioned cages in another post and was saying how Trump put children there. What exactly are you referring to? Are you talking about the separation of families because they come to the border and apply for asylum? I just wanted some clarification. Also are you aware of the Flores Agreement? This did not happen during the Trump administration. It goes back to Bill Clinton. Here is an article on it.
Here’s another for Van. But Trump again today blamed it on President Obama, so we know Van will choose to believe him instead of the actual evidence.
don't care where he went to school, his sexuality, his religion, his age.

what are his stances on key issues.

money in govt,

healthcare, MFA

jobs, wages, minimum wage,


tax policy,

trade policy,

the military,



open internet/title II designation,

monopolies, monopsonies,
so that if capitalism comes "in conflict" with democracy then capitalism has to capitulate, whatever the hell that means.

and yet what's going on, is the exact reverse.

democracy has been bought off and captured by capitalism.

sorry if you don't know what that means.

not exactly rocket science.
Dare we say it's been bought by "Money'd Interests"

could we ever credibly say it hasn't been.

if you allow them to buy it, which we have, 100% chance they will buy it, which they have.

i assume you and Aloha agree with me. (one would pretty much have to be brain dead to not notice our govt being bought).

if not, either or both of you would make a case against, which you never do. (for the obvious reason you have no case against).

you just don't like that i said it. thus the constant "shoot the messenger" thing, as some pathetic change the subject attempt.

come back when either of you think you can actually take me on on this.

i won't hold my breath, but will expect nothing other than the usual personal attacks as your way of backhandedly conceding the issue, for total lack of any actual rebuttal ammo.

next time just concede the issue, and look a lot less pathetic.
He probably said something about sock puppets, but I can only guess.
I don't know which is stranger, the haiku posting style or the single note content.

It makes me think of the mummy in the DirecTv add.

"A storm of sand. Do you think you're dealing with a one trick pony here?"

Why yes, yes i do.
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I don't which is stranger, the haiku posting style or the single note content.

It makes me think of the mummy in the DirecTv add.

"A storm of sand. Do you think you're dealing with a one trick pony here?"

Why yes, yes i do.
I think he’s drunk as a skunk or higher than a kite all the time. I stopped reading his stuff long ago because it’s not worth a headache. I’m still waiting for him to explain why he posts the way he does, but until he does I’ll just assume he’s chemically impaired.
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I think he’s drunk as a skunk or higher than a kite all the time. I stopped reading his stuff long ago because it’s not worth a headache. I’m still waiting for him to explain why he posts the way he does, but until he does I’ll just assume he’s chemically impaired.

could we ever credibly say govt hasn't been bought.

if you allow them to buy it, which we have, 100% chance they will buy it, which they have.

i assume you and Aloha agree with me. (one would pretty much have to be brain dead to not notice our govt being bought).

if not, either or both of you would make a case against, which you absolutely never do. (for the obvious reason you have no case against).

you just don't like that i said it. thus the constant "shoot the messenger" thing, as some pathetic change the subject attempt.

come back when either of you think you can actually take me on on this.

i won't hold my breath, but will expect nothing other than the usual personal attacks as your way of backhandedly conceding the issue, for total lack of any actual rebuttal ammo.

next time just concede the issue, and look a lot less pathetic.
could we ever credibly say govt hasn't been bought.

if you allow them to buy it, which we have, 100% chance they will buy it, which they have.

i assume you and Aloha agree with me. (one would pretty much have to be brain dead to not notice our govt being bought).

if not, either or both of you would make a case against, which you absolutely never do. (for the obvious reason you have no case against).

you just don't like that i said it. thus the constant "shoot the messenger" thing, as some pathetic change the subject attempt.

come back when either of you think you can actually take me on on this.

i won't hold my breath, but will expect nothing other than the usual personal attacks as your way of backhandedly conceding the issue, for total lack of any actual rebuttal ammo.

next time just concede the issue, and look a lot less pathetic.
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don't care where he went to school, his sexuality, his religion, his age.

what are his stances on key issues.

money in govt,

healthcare, MFA

jobs, wages, minimum wage,


tax policy,

trade policy,

the military,



open internet/title II designation,

monopolies, monopsonies,
His academic achievements, his experience, his duty as a Naval officer, etc. are relevant in context of the claim made here that he's "just another loon."
Van, you bounce around from point to random point, and avoid having to deal with any actual response to any of your points. I'm not giving you an answer, not only because the question was stupid, but also because I know from experience that you don't care about the answer.

Something about you makes me want to give you a swirly

I’ll bet you remember those well
They must have changed his meds or dosage. He appears to be shitting on multiple threads with the same argument. The upside is he can copy and paste the same argument. So at least he's efficient.
I use the ignore function very sparingly, but if this keeps up...
couldn't care less.

what are his stances on the issues i listed above?
That you couldn't care less about those things makes me care even less about your views on the topic at hand. That said, regarding Mayor Pete's stances on policy, Google is your friend.
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could we ever credibly say govt hasn't been bought.

if you allow them to buy it, which we have, 100% chance they will buy it, which they have.

i assume you and Aloha agree with me. (one would pretty much have to be brain dead to not notice our govt being bought).

if not, either or both of you would make a case against, which you absolutely never do. (for the obvious reason you have no case against).

you just don't like that i said it. thus the constant "shoot the messenger" thing, as some pathetic change the subject attempt.

come back when either of you think you can actually take me on on this.

i won't hold my breath, but will expect nothing other than the usual personal attacks as your way of backhandedly conceding the issue, for total lack of any actual rebuttal ammo.

next time just concede the issue, and look a lot less pathetic.

Wait...are you suggesting that our governance, maybe even our entire social compact, is influenced by financial considerations? I'd never really considered it, but what a really fascinating insight.

Do you think that's partially to explain why the rich tend to stay rich and the poor tend to stay poor?

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