lol @ MAGA

I don't understand how a billionaire can't find a hair stylist to do something reasonable with his hair. It's among the worst haircuts ever seen on a famous person. ;)
Who are these “non-partisan election watchers”?

What I trust about elections is that you usually have a member of both parties working the pollls. That’s unless you go to Chicago, Detroit, Philly, or Milwaukee. Where the idea of bipartisan poll workers is anathema.
Nonsense. There are both Republicans and Democrats at every polling place.
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No one says it NEVER happens. Obviously Republicans worked really hard to cheat to overturn the election, especially Trump. Law of averages would assume some would be Democrats. I believe wide spread fraud is what everyone, including nonpartisan election watchers have said doesn’t happen. I believe they found a couple people in the Villages, for example who voted more than once.
What is the threshold or number of votes for widespread. How many votes at how many locations?
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Dems have a strategy of registering as R’s to vote in primaries, why wouldn’t they do the same to be poll workers?
This really isn’t a good look for you. Poll workers are chosen by the parties. Do you think either party will select someone that switched from the other party just before the primary?
He’s one of four posters here (might be under counting) that will never criticize Trump for anything at all. It doesn’t matter how stupid or reprehensible Trump behaves or what lies he spews, they will defend him. DANC in particular likes to project the qualities and policies he prefers on Trump even when it’s obvious Trump doesn’t possess those qualities or support those policies.
Says the guy whose first instinct is to keep the Biden video of his testimony from the public.

Such a hypocrite.
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