Legaliazation: Unintended Consequences

Simple explanation THC-8 equals hemp derived. Some hemp can also contain THC-9 but like THC-8 only in very small amounts.

Of note - Hemp is a sativa.

Regular edibles, those that come from varieties of cannabis which were bred to produce much higher amounts of THC are THC-9.

It's a complicated plant ... and there's other chemicals at play .. Terpines, flavorines, CBN, CBD, 1000s of cannabinoids other than THC-A that also have an effect ...
Thx, so last question would you choose 9 over regular weed or edibles? Why/Why not.
I’ve seen more absolutely burnout wastoids the past 5 years than I saw in my first 20 years of practice. It’s not a good drug for most people
We make gummies. Suckers. We’ll probably get whacked. Not good.

You sure that’s cannabis doc and not opioids? You’re in the boonies right? (Not intended as offensive)
Thx, so last question would you choose 9 over regular weed or edibles? Why/Why not.
Delta 9 is the main THC in regular dispensary bought edibles. fwiw - I prefer flower, either smoked or dry vaped. Not really into edibles. Different buzz .. more body and far lazier .. not my thing. And yes, I prefer high quality cannabis over hemp extracts.
LOL. Can't imagine why Cav would take umbrage at that.
He’s a doc. Is what it is. I can tell you our target parking lot smells like weed every time we pull up. Are all these people driving under the influence? Were there ever that many drunk drivers? We’ll see how it plays out in time but I’m not sure it’s a positive
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We make gummies. Suckers. We’ll probably get whacked. Not good.

You sure that’s cannabis doc and not opioids? You’re in the boonies right? (Not intended as offensive)
Actually the restrictions on opioids has helped somewhat. Still a major issue. I’m actually all for legalizing marijuana, cannabis , THC, whatever you want to call it. Criminalizing it isn’t doing shit. I’m just saying it’s still a mind altering drug and that in general doesn’t produce positive results over time. Occasional recreational use? Have at it. I wasn’t pure in my day and enjoyed plenty of extra Whoppers from late night munchies
Ha. Thanks. Sales is no problem for us. Killing it. Apparently our products are great. Investors, regs, costs, shitty margins, industry. That’s another story
Are you able to deposit monies in a corporate bank account? I thought I understood since it’s illegal federally that monies cannot be deposited in banks?
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Are you able to deposit monies in a corporate bank account? I thought I understood since it’s illegal federally that monies cannot be deposited in banks?
That’s a mess but there are cannabis friendly banks in Illinois
There was a report that some illegal Chinese immigrants were forced to work in illegal grow operations. Taking a page from those cartels who learned that it’s easier to grow in the US than pack it across the border. In many areas, the black market has undercut state licensed dispensaries. I guess the sin taxes are too high.
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There was a report that some illegal Chinese immigrants were forced to work in illegal grow operations. Taking a page from those cartels who learned that it’s easier to grow in the US than pack it across the border. In many areas, the black market has undercut state licensed dispensaries. I guess the sin taxes are too high.
California and state with like high taxes do. Places like Michigan and Colorado it's almost non existent because it's so cheap. Way cheaper than the black market was. Not worth a criminals time.
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Cav got pissed and called me a liar when I said a patient of mine who works in intervention said that the #1 drug he deals with now that causes psychosis is weed because of the incredible potency now compared to our day
I don’t know how anyone could legitimately debate the potency differences. I was talking about this with a friend just this weekend. Even back in day it wasn’t a big thing for me, but the stuff today is just not enjoyable for me. I don’t like how it makes me feel at all.
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I don’t know how anyone could legitimately debate the potency differences. I was talking about this with a friend just this weekend. Even back in day it wasn’t a big thing for me, but the stuff today is just not enjoyable for me. I don’t like how it makes me feel at all.
I drink lightly socially, maybe a high noon or bourbon after golf or at dinner. Smoked a joint a few times in college. Never any illegal drugs except the pot.

A few months ago we were at a friend’s house playing corn hole and having some drinks. I had a bourbon and diet coke. I’d say two shots of bourbon in my Yeti. Later in the night I tried a gummy. There were 4 50mg gummies in package from MI. My wife warned me I was such a rookie that I should do no more than 1/4. Big stuff me did half. About hour later near midnight my head was spinning. I had a panic attack and was sure I was going to die. I doubt I ever try one again. 😂
I don’t know how anyone could legitimately debate the potency differences. I was talking about this with a friend just this weekend. Even back in day it wasn’t a big thing for me, but the stuff today is just not enjoyable for me. I don’t like how it makes me feel at all.
It's all about dosing. You guys are trying to act like your 18 again. Slow your roll. 5mg tops to start. I'm an everyday guy and usually only take 10mg to relax. 20mg to become a zombie.

This is one of the reasons it needs federal legalization and regulations. It would go a very long way in terms of destigmatizing it's "taboo" status and educating people on its proper use. It's light-years safer than the legal pills we have now. Safer than alcohol too.
It's all about dosing. You guys are trying to act like your 18 again. Slow your roll. 5mg tops to start. I'm an everyday guy and usually only take 10mg to relax. 20mg to become a zombie.

This is one of the reasons it needs federal legalization and regulations. It would go a very long way in terms of destigmatizing it's "taboo" status and educating people on its proper use. It's light-years safer than the legal pills we have now. Safer than alcohol too.
Every day!! 🤣. Fing hell
It's all about dosing. You guys are trying to act like your 18 again. Slow your roll. 5mg tops to start. I'm an everyday guy and usually only take 10mg to relax. 20mg to become a zombie.

This is one of the reasons it needs federal legalization and regulations. It would go a very long way in terms of destigmatizing it's "taboo" status and educating people on its proper use. It's light-years safer than the legal pills we have now. Safer than alcohol too.
Just once every day? meh... :)
One really long session after work. 😂. I am not one of those people that can work after partaking. So it's always after work. The people that can do that are mystifying to me.
And that is where that song "I was gonna ____, but I got high" came from. lol
Gotta get at least 30mg of THC-9 or no buzz!!! Budpop sells them online and each gummie has 15mg. I think the Delta-8 gummies each have 25mg of delta 8.. So 2 of them are like 50mg and works great. I eat 2. I tried 3 once but whammo. Couldn't sit still. Might be good for goint out to a concert or a sporting event. I like the black market dispensaries. They are far cheaper than those I've seen in legalized places. Just get the govt. out of the business world.
Gotta get at least 30mg of THC-9 or no buzz!!! Budpop sells them online and each gummie has 15mg. I think the Delta-8 gummies each have 25mg of delta 8.. So 2 of them are like 50mg and works great. I eat 2. I tried 3 once but whammo. Couldn't sit still. Might be good for goint out to a concert or a sporting event. I like the black market dispensaries. They are far cheaper than those I've seen in legalized places. Just get the govt. out of the business world.
Black market is not cheaper in Michigan or Colorado.
Black market is not cheaper in Michigan or Colorado.
The IL dispensaries are all over the map. Some sell our shit for 3x what others do. But you can get it as cheap as $14 for a ten pack. $1.40 a gummie That’s less than a beer and way more potent. One full gummie of ours would knock most people on their ass. I’ve only had one buddy say it did nothing and when we were in college he was growing his own weed and never stopped. 30 years of endless use. I took piss tests for him as I’ve never smoked anything. He was mr highlife before Mr highlife. And he was always in the top 10 for D1 scorers 🤣.

Altho we went back for our first reunion 3 years after graduating and he was still a student 🤣
Black market is not cheaper in Michigan or Colorado.
I will add that with these prices I don’t see how this business is ever going to be that lucrative. MSO’s will be fine but for others I’d sell out. Sell whatever licenses you have now. They’re already declining in value
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I drink lightly socially, maybe a high noon or bourbon after golf or at dinner. Smoked a joint a few times in college. Never any illegal drugs except the pot.

A few months ago we were at a friend’s house playing corn hole and having some drinks. I had a bourbon and diet coke. I’d say two shots of bourbon in my Yeti. Later in the night I tried a gummy. There were 4 50mg gummies in package from MI. My wife warned me I was such a rookie that I should do no more than 1/4. Big stuff me did half. About hour later near midnight my head was spinning. I had a panic attack and was sure I was going to die. I doubt I ever try one again. 😂

You did 25 MG as a beginner?

I bet you thought the earth was spinning at a rate never before seen in human history.
It's all about dosing. You guys are trying to act like your 18 again. Slow your roll. 5mg tops to start. I'm an everyday guy and usually only take 10mg to relax. 20mg to become a zombie.

This is one of the reasons it needs federal legalization and regulations. It would go a very long way in terms of destigmatizing it's "taboo" status and educating people on its proper use. It's light-years safer than the legal pills we have now. Safer than alcohol too.

I usually take 20-30 MG a day depending on how I'm feeling and what time of day it is.

I'm also a bigger guy and have taken them for some time so my tolerance is higher then most.
I will add that with these prices I don’t see how this business is ever going to be that lucrative. MSO’s will be fine but for others I’d sell out. Sell whatever licenses you have now. They’re already declining in value
Consolidation will happen. Needs to in a certain extent.

I see the dispensary model going away too. It will be sold in liquor stores someday. Once it gets federally legal I see the ATC taking over and adding it to the 3 tier system. That will drive prices up but dramatically increase convenience. And hopefully profits for suppliers.

*Already rethinking my second thought. Point is we are still in the infant stages of this industry.*
Consolidation will happen. Needs to in a certain extent.

I see the dispensary model going away too. It will be sold in liquor stores someday. Once it gets federally legal I see the ATC taking over and adding it to the 3 tier system. That will drive prices up but dramatically increase convenience. And hopefully profits for suppliers.

*Already rethinking my second thought. Point is we are still in the infant stages of this industry.*
The requirements to procure (win) licenses are very different than selling them. So I think you’re right
It's all about dosing. You guys are trying to act like your 18 again. Slow your roll. 5mg tops to start. I'm an everyday guy and usually only take 10mg to relax. 20mg to become a zombie.

This is one of the reasons it needs federal legalization

You did 25 MG as a beginner?

I bet you thought the earth was spinning at a rate never before seen in human history.
Like I said I thought I was going to die. My wife got me home and got me on the bed and I laid there for few hours sure I was dying. I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep so laid there until it wore off. 😂

Scared the hell out of me. My wife went to the living room. She laughed at me and reminded me she warned me. 😂
Like I said I thought I was going to die. My wife got me home and got me on the bed and I laid there for few hours sure I was dying. I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep so laid there until it wore off. 😂

Scared the hell out of me. My wife went to the living room. She laughed at me and reminded me she warned me. 😂
If you would have played some Pink Floyd while laying there, it changes the whole experience. I friend told me.
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Like I said I thought I was going to die. My wife got me home and got me on the bed and I laid there for few hours sure I was dying. I was so anxious I couldn’t sleep so laid there until it wore off. 😂

Scared the hell out of me. My wife went to the living room. She laughed at me and reminded me she warned me. 😂

I would have eaten a whole container of oreo's.

This last weekend my wife took my youngest to Michigan for a girls night while my middle kid spent the night with a friend so I had the house to myself. I didn't want to go anywhere so I stayed in and took a 50 after the game.

I was watching a movie that eventually looked like the people were created by the people that did Toy Story. I couldn't look away.
Cav got pissed and called me a liar when I said a patient of mine who works in intervention said that the #1 drug he deals with now that causes psychosis is weed because of the incredible potency now compared to our day
It doesn't cause it .... it can though increase risk if the person is already susceptible but so does alcohol.
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It doesn't cause it .... it can though increase risk if the person is already susceptible but so does alcohol.
Yup. I see it all the time in my volunteer work. People with underlying mental health problems will many times go overboard with booze or drugs in an attempt to self medicate. Getting on the right psych meds is necessary for long term recovery.
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