Paw Team Six on their way to Springfield

If anything, Springfield is a model in what not to do when it comes to expecting growth. The town attracted plenty of laborers, but didn't do anything to attract the doctors, teachers, police officers, etc., those new laborers would inevitably need. They saw all the potential $$$ coming in, but didn't give any thought to how many of those $$$ would need to be spent to make the change sustainable.
Most of it was Covid driven. When you pump an extra 6-7 trillion dollars into an economy there is going to be a massive spike in demand. This in turn increases demand for labor and politicians don’t give a shit about all of the downstream affects that will come later by allowing in too many legal or illegal immigrants. They just want the growth in the moment to tout how good the economy is doing.
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Most of it was Covid driven. When you pump an extra 6-7 trillion dollars into an economy there is going to be a massive spike in demand. This in turn increases demand for labor and politicians don’t give a shit about all of the downstream affects that will come later by allowing in too many legal or illegal immigrants. They just want the growth in the moment to tout how good the economy is doing.
There are a million different ways the COVID stimulus was a giant boondoggle. Really my only concern in this thread is the false narrative that Harris is flying these migrants directly from Port-au-Prince to Springfield.
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There are a million different ways the COVID stimulus was a giant boondoggle. Really my only concern in this thread is the false narrative that Harris is flying these migrants directly from Port-au-Prince to Springfield.
Of course she's not. There's always a connection in Atlanta.
Let’s ask this another way. Do you think it was a good idea to lift remain in Mexico title 42 3 asylum agreements and cut wall funding?
Don't keep deflecting by acting like you're just asking "questions" as you pretended to do in your Posts No. 26 and 28.

Here is the original question that you ignored: "But why in the world does South African/ Canadian Elon Musk think Trump will do anything about it?"

Hell, you reproduced it twice in your Deflections No. 26 and 28, so we all know you saw it (and then deflected from it twice). You apparently cannot answer the question or know the answer would harm your position. Obvious what you are doing.
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Oh, I'm sure. But when industry started coming back, they should have been able to put together some idea of what could happen. It's not like Amazon just sets up shop secretly in the middle of the night. They submit plans and they brag to the city council about how this new distribution center will create 475 jobs, and so on. So there's no doubt in my mind that this effort was way more successful than they imagined it could have been beforehand. But as it was happening, they had the opportunity to start putting two and two together.
And get those sweet sweet tax abatements.
Don't keep deflecting by acting like you're just asking "questions" as you pretended to do in your Posts No. 26 and 28.

Here is the original question that you ignored: "But why in the world does South African/ Canadian Elon Musk think Trump will do anything about it?"

Hell, you reproduced it twice in your Deflections No. 26 and 28, so we all know you saw it (and then deflected from it twice). You apparently cannot answer the question or know the answer would harm your position. Obvious what you are doing.
You’re deflecting. It’s all you’ve got. Oh I don’t know he wanted to build a wall. Implemented remain in Mexico. Asylum agreements. Made it a priority. Musk probably remembers that lol. Dummy

Wake the fck up

Now answer. Stop deflecting. Everyone can see your bullshit.

Trump has rotted your brain. You can’t see anything else, including actual data
You’re deflecting. It’s all you’ve got. Oh I don’t know he wanted to build a wall. Implemented remain in Mexico. Asylum agreements. Made it a priority. Musk probably remembers that lol. Dummy

Wake the fck up

Now answer. Stop deflecting. Everyone can see your bullshit.

Trump has rotted your brain. You can’t see anything else, including actual data
YAWN. Donald, you're boring.
Two conspiracy theorists leading the Repub Party with Project 2025 in hand and… this is how you soften the blow.
When he said Harris granted 10000 people TPS. It's just not how it works. I understand they need to blame stuff on her politically, but this one is dishonest.
Who should be blamed, if not those in charge?

Or if it truly is dishonest, perhaps they’ve decided to follow the Harris camp’s lead on dishonest claims, ie ‘Trump will ban abortion’.