
A source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party. According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room. The Guardian has not verified the apparent claims in the letter. It is not yet clear who wrote it.

If this is all this is about, then what a damn waste of time. Seriously, I think Kavanaugh was a teenager in the 1980's, this is the type of thing that would be seen as a prank when I was a teenager in the 90's. If all they did was lock a girl in a room at a party (which you would think would mean even more people there) by herself, then Kavanaugh committed the egregious sin of being a 17 year old boy who did not think things through.
Might as well get comfortable because this is the new normal. Constitutional processes are irrelevant and the work of deligitimizing Kavanaugh as a way of putting an asterisk by every vote he casts has just begun. And it isn't going to end. Ever.
Why can't I be?
That was the first time I've heard of him.
But then, after I asked the question, I googled to find out who he is. Thanks for your semi-insult, but I am neither ashamed of not recognizing his name nor by your semi-insult.

You are less fun than a nun camp run by librarians.
According to the sketchy reports currently available, Diane Feinstein somehow came into possession of a document in which a woman alleges that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her years ago. As I understand it, Feinstein has kept this information mostly to herself, until passing it along to the FBI, which has been involved in Kavanaugh's background checks.

Based on this limited information, I'm able to conclude only that others are able to reach harsh conclusions without any legitimate basis. I'll wait until we have some idea what's actually going on. In the meantime, knock yourselves out.
Yea, about like the anonymous one, don’t ya think?

Did anyone say that the anonymous accusation wrapped it up? Rather, the poster you are responding to expressly suggested that we should all wait for more information. Why you in such a hurry to be a jerk?

Meantime, I'm very leery of questioning Kavanaugh's character based on something that occurred when he was a teen with the obvious caveat that there's a sliding scale based upon the seriousness of any allegation. People make mistakes, sometimes serious ones, when they are young. If he owns that mistake and has moved forward with contrition, then it's something that can possibly make him a BETTER person. While I have no problem with Feinstein referring this to the FBI, I wish everyone on both sides would start growing up and behaving like adults.
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Did anyone say that the anonymous accusation wrapped it up? Rather, the poster you are responding to expressly suggested that we should all wait for more information. Why you in such a hurry to be a jerk?

Meantime, I'm very leery of questioning Kavanaugh's character based on something that occurred when he was a teen with the obvious caveat that there's a sliding scale based upon the seriousness of any allegation. People make mistakes, sometimes serious ones, when they are young. If he owns that mistake and has moved forward with contrition it, then it's something that can possibly make him a BETTER person. While I have no problem with Feinstein referring this to the FBI, I wish everyone on both sides would start growing up and behaving like adults.

If Feinstein believed this was relevant the adult thing to do was ask him when she interviewed him in private.

Instead send it to FBI at the last minute and leak something that left everyone fill in the blanks.
It can’t be true. That’s silly. Thousands of women could say the same and that doesn’t make it false that he did it to one woman. That being said, an anonymous woman, from that long ago, I don’t think can hold much water. If she came forward with witnesses, I’d feel differently.
It can’t be true. That’s silly. Thousands of women could say the same and that doesn’t make it false that he did it to one woman. That being said, an anonymous woman, from that long ago, I don’t think can hold much water. If she came forward with witnesses, I’d feel differently.

I know.
Yea, about like the anonymous one, don’t ya think?
I have no idea how one compares to the other because I have virtually no information about either. I’m also baffled that you think that tweet could rebut anything. It indicates only that, whatever did or didn’t happen, that person (whoever she is) says she doesn’t know about it. Finally, I’m the one who’s conspicuously expressing no opinion on the substance of whatever Feinstein has. I prefer to know what I’m talking about before I start talking about it.
The plot thickens. A letter signed by 65 women that went to high school with Kavanaugh was just released by Republicans. So they obviously knew this was out there.
I have no idea how one compares to the other because I have virtually no information about either. I’m also baffled that you think that tweet could rebut anything. It indicates only that, whatever did or didn’t happen, that person (whoever she is) says she doesn’t know about it. Finally, I’m the one who’s conspicuously expressing no opinion on the substance of whatever Feinstein has. I prefer to know what I’m talking about before I start talking about it.

They don’t compare. Both are a waste of time.
The plot thickens. A letter signed by 65 women that went to high school with Kavanaugh was just released by Republicans. So they obviously knew this was out there.
The reason the GOP was ready for this is that they knew it was more serious than just Kavanaugh and a friend locking a drunk girl alone in a room at a party. Reportedly, the unnamed woman is accusing young Kavanaugh of attempted rape. Those few details being reported are still awfully thin, but they are the kinds of details that don't wash away with age as easily as the more generic "sexual misconduct" allegation being thrown around yesterday.

Side note: How quickly is Ronan Farrow rocketing up the list of today's great journalists?
RBG on the disgusting mess that is Washington:

"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this week called the recent confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh by the Senate Judiciary Committee a "highly partisan show" that stands in stark contrast to how she was treated as a nominee in 1993."

"The way it was was right. The way it is is wrong," Ginsburg said Wednesday at George Washington University Law School. "The atmosphere in ’93 was truly bipartisan. The vote on my confirmation was 96 to 3, even though I had spent about 10 years of my life litigating cases under the auspices of the ACLU."

"That’s the way it should be, instead of what it’s become, which is a highly partisan show," Ginsburg said. "The Republicans move in lockstep, so do the Democrats. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it go back to the way it was."

Sadly, you could say this about virtually anything these days. Washington is a despicable example of how things should be done.
RBG on the disgusting mess that is Washington:

"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this week called the recent confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh by the Senate Judiciary Committee a "highly partisan show" that stands in stark contrast to how she was treated as a nominee in 1993."

"The way it was was right. The way it is is wrong," Ginsburg said Wednesday at George Washington University Law School. "The atmosphere in ’93 was truly bipartisan. The vote on my confirmation was 96 to 3, even though I had spent about 10 years of my life litigating cases under the auspices of the ACLU."

"That’s the way it should be, instead of what it’s become, which is a highly partisan show," Ginsburg said. "The Republicans move in lockstep, so do the Democrats. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it go back to the way it was."

Sadly, you could say this about virtually anything these days. Washington is a despicable example of how things should be done.
Keep up with the workouts, Ruthie. We need you to stick around a few more years.
I have no idea how one compares to the other because I have virtually no information about either. I’m also baffled that you think that tweet could rebut anything. It indicates only that, whatever did or didn’t happen, that person (whoever she is) says she doesn’t know about it. Finally, I’m the one who’s conspicuously expressing no opinion on the substance of whatever Feinstein has. I prefer to know what I’m talking about before I start talking about it.
She? :)
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It was the right thing to hand it to the FBI but if that's was what it all about then, it's petty.
No that wasn't the right thing to do. Assuming, arguendo, that some allegation of a local juvenile offense occurred (and I doubt there's even a grain of truth in this) more than 35 years ago, the jurisdiction is in the local juvenile courts of the jurisdiction where the event happened. That is NOT the FBI's jurisdiction, so giving the info to the FBI (to whom in the FBI, the place is loaded with leftists sabatouers) is the WRONG thing to do. Give it to local juvenile authorities where it happened - IF it happened at all.

This is a desperate play by insane people acting out of pure, unadulterated hatred. It won't work. He'll be confirmed. Then we'll wait anxiously for the next retirement, then the next. This one isn't the biggest deal. The next two by Trump are.
The reason the GOP was ready for this is that they knew it was more serious than just Kavanaugh and a friend locking a drunk girl alone in a room at a party. Reportedly, the unnamed woman is accusing young Kavanaugh of attempted rape. Those few details being reported are still awfully thin, but they are the kinds of details that don't wash away with age as easily as the more generic "sexual misconduct" allegation being thrown around yesterday.

Side note: How quickly is Ronan Farrow rocketing up the list of today's great journalists?

In a statement, Kavanaugh said, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”
Certainly more forthcoming about that than any other question he responded to....
Keep up with the workouts, Ruthie. We need you to stick around a few more years.

it isn't over politicized. it's under politicized if anything.

if the nomination is based in politics, which it is, then the confirmation process must follow suit as well.

but all the media focuses on is judges' stances on social issues, while both parties stack courts with pro corp, pro big money, pro big govt judges.

all that said, the big reason everything has become so politicized, is because SCOTUS judges have way too much power for way too long, and are accountable to no one.

term should be no longer than 4 yrs, (or less).

one term and one term only allowed, and judges get a good govt pension after their SCOTUS term, with no other income of any kind allowed for life for they or their spouse.

decisions shouldn't be able to be decided 5-4 on anything, but should require some greater majority than 1 vote.

SCOTUS judges need to be elected, not appointed, since the job literally requires legislating from the bench rather than allows for it. (current set up is too similar to a limited dictatorship for life).

every second of every SCOTUS session should be televised/streamed live.

the system itself is horribly broken and more of a dictatorial branch of govt rather than the check or balance it was envisioned as, regardless of who is on the bench.
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It can’t be true. That’s silly. Thousands of women could say the same and that doesn’t make it false that he did it to one woman. That being said, an anonymous woman, from that long ago, I don’t think can hold much water. If she came forward with witnesses, I’d feel differently.
Before I punch out for a football weekend I have to post on this. Like most Democrats I'd like to see Kavanaugh voted down but I also don't think it will happen. I'm not feeling good about this coming out at this point in the process. You're right that we don't know if this woman is making a real claim or a false claim and it's been a long time and we haven't heard from any witnesses. Kavanaugh should be able to defend himself too. She might be telling the truth but she might be lying. I was falsely accused of sexual assault when I was in high school and my life was hell for several days while they were investigating it and declared that I wasn't involved at all. To shorten the story so I can go she was at a party and there were some football players there like me and there was some drinking going on. Sometime during that party the girl and one of the football players started making out and at some point he went too far for her according to her. After the party she reported that she was sexually assaulted by me. I wasn't even there because I was lifting working out with some weights and a run. I was alone so no one could immediately verify that is what I was doing instead of being at that party. They finally determined I wasn't there by interviewing people at the party and it was really some other black guy about my size that she was making out with. He also admitted he was making out with her. She was white so I guess we all did all look alike to her and she thought he was me. I knew her from a class but not very well and we didn't socialize. The guy wasn't convicted of anything because it was totally her word against his and she had no physical evidence or witnesses to back up her story. Those that saw them together said they were just making out and nothing was being forced. I don't know if he was lying or she was lying but I do know I had nothing to do with it and until I was cleared my life was hell. I know the guy and I believe his side of the story. The girl made some other claims later that turned out to be false. I think she had some real emotional issues and I hope she's had help with them. Because of this experience I do feel some sympathy for those accused of sexual assault because it's not always true. If it is proven true than hammer the SOB of course.

Now I'm out for the weekend. Hoosiers gonna roll to 3-0 this weekend!
Genius idea. That'd certainly fill the court with the best of the best.

thank you for the genius tag. bwg

although "best of the best" is literally impossible to even quantify, let alone pinpoint, and everyone knows it.

which is the whole point of a limited term and it being an elected position.

it's a political position, so it needs to be filled in a more democratic way, and needs a very limited term to offset the absurdly disproportionate amount of power and current lack of accountability.

there literally is no such thing as a best or most qualified person for the job, and the position thus needs to be treated as such.

and imperfect decisions from imperfect individuals in an imperfect system should not be written in stone, or given any deference what so ever that they should be.
So, an unnamed woman claims that a teenage boy put his hand over her mouth at a party sometime in the early '80's. Wow.

I was at a lot of parties in the early 80's. Color me unmoved by this tale of terror, and sudden reveal at the most opportune time. If this is all it takes to ruin a dude then we're screwed.
thank you for the genius tag. bwg

although "best of the best" is literally impossible to even quantify, let alone pinpoint, and everyone knows it.

which is the whole point of a limited term and it being an elected position.

it's a political position, so it needs to be filled in a more democratic way, and needs a very limited term to offset the absurdly disproportionate amount of power and current lack of accountability.

there literally is no such thing as a best or most qualified person for the job, and the position thus needs to be treated as such.

and imperfect decisions from imperfect individuals in an imperfect system should not be written in stone, or given any deference what so ever that they should be.

You're suggesting just allowing a mass of idiots to elect 9 freakishly powerful politicians. Dumbest idea ever. The role of the Supreme Court is to keep the idiots in check, not lead the charge down jackass boulevard.
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Just so. Since we don't know who the tweeter is, we can't even know that the tweeter is female.

I've kinda gone off about it here, but I feel like there's been a plague of fact-free opinionating lately. People not only are failing to be skeptical, they're being aggressively credulous. That's the way of folly.
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So, an unnamed woman claims that a teenage boy put his hand over her mouth at a party sometime in the early '80's. Wow.

I was at a lot of parties in the early 80's. Color me unmoved by this tale of terror, and sudden reveal at the most opportune time. If this is all it takes to ruin a dude then we're screwed.
An unnamed women claims that a 17 year old young man sexually assaulted her and that the memory of that haunts her to this day. She claims that she brings it up only because this same fellow is now to be elevated to the Supreme Court. I have never been to a party where I witnessed such a thing. Color me moved.
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Just so. Since we don't know who the tweeter is, we can't even know that the tweeter is female.

I've kinda gone off about it here, but I feel like there's been a plague of fact-free opinionating lately. People not only are failing to be skeptical, they're being aggressively credulous. That's the way of folly.
Aggressive credulity is the signature of the right. It ain't new either.
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An unnamed women claims that a 17 year old young man sexually assaulted her and that the memory of that haunts her to this day. She claims that she brings it up only because this same fellow is now to be elevated to the Supreme Court. I have never been to a party where I witnessed such a thing. Color me moved.

My oldest daughter is a college senior. When she was in high school a boy grabbed her ass and made a lewd comment. My daughter, being pretty shy, cried but didn't say anything until a teacher or staff member asked her what was wrong. The kid was hauled in of course, and his parents. He wrote an apology to my daughter and so far as anyone can tell never caused anyone any further trouble.

So in the absence of any further accusations against this then 16 year old kid, would my daughter rush forward 35 years from now with this high school ass grab story in an attempt to ruin the guy? Should she? No effing way.

If there is more to this story, or further accusations or corroboration, then we'll talk. As it is, it's absurd.
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