Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

Very mixed. Many are not a fan of him, same as what occurs in Israel. But, blatantly disrespecting the leader of the country by boycotting (see Pelosi) isn't going to garner any support. Particularly since Harris has been dead silent and worthless when it comes to bringing home American hostages.

This is how I view the left. These folks.
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Very mixed. Many are not a fan of him, same as what occurs in Israel. But, blatantly disrespecting the leader of the country by boycotting (see Pelosi) isn't going to garner any support. Particularly since Harris has been dead silent and worthless when it comes to bringing home American hostages.
Then again, she’s not yet the official nominee. It’s only been a couple days and the timing of his visit is not going to hurt her at all. It doesn’t hurt that she’s married to a Jew, either. I see this as the right playing politics and trying to stir up trouble, when none exists.
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This is how I view the left. These folks.
What about the muslims and right wing anti-jews in the crowd who are protesting. they are not from the left. I concede the protesters are in a majority on the left ... but this isn't purely a left/right thing. To frame it as such is a bit dishonest.

Hint to the logic disabled: the Muslims in the crowd are not liberal progressives. *eyeroll*
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What about the muslims and right wing anti-jews in the crowd who are protesting. they are not from the left. I concede the protesters are in a majority on the left ... but this isn't purely a left/right thing. To frame it as such is a bit dishonest.

Hint to the logic disabled: the Muslims in the crowd are not liberal progressives. *eyeroll*
Liberal progressives is an oxymoron.

This is mostly a coalition of the left. You know it, I know it. These morons are your J6 people.
Liberal progressives is an oxymoron.

This is mostly a coalition of the left.
the first sentence I'll just ignore because its dumb AF and I don't argue dumb AF.

The second, I just said that they were. Is the hate causing eye blurriness? Read better.

Are you telling me you think the Muslims in the crowd - and there are many - are leftists. Really?

Read. A. Book.
the first sentence I'll just ignore because its dumb AF and I don't argue dumb AF.

The second, I just said that they were. Is the hate causing eye blurriness? Read better.

Are you telling me you think the Muslims in the crowd - and there are many - are leftists. Really?

Read. A. Book.
Point out the Muslims in the crowd for me.

(That video is whiter than Christmas in Alaska)
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the first sentence I'll just ignore because its dumb AF and I don't argue dumb AF.

The second, I just said that they were. Is the hate causing eye blurriness? Read better.

Are you telling me you think the Muslims in the crowd - and there are many - are leftists. Really?

Read. A. Book.
Read a book from the guy posting meidas videos 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You don’t argue dumb AF. You just are dumb AF. At least we know where you get your goofy news
Read a book from the guy posting meidas videos 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You don’t argue dumb AF. You just are dumb AF. At least we know where you get your goofy news
Very mixed. Many are not a fan of him, same as what occurs in Israel. But, blatantly disrespecting the leader of the country by boycotting (see Pelosi) isn't going to garner any support. Particularly since Harris has been dead silent and worthless when it comes to bringing home American hostages.
Kamala and Joe are meeting at the WH with Netanyahu later this week. Can’t get any better than that.
New nominee... same old gaffes

She's a moron. They all know she is a moron. Not one of them was interested in her in 2020 when she ran because she passed up the Patricia Principle a long time ago. The vast majority of them aren't going to defend her on her merits, they will say she isn't Trump. Which is basically why some of us are going to vote for him, because the Democrats basically suck to begin with and I'd rather vote for a moron who will have a Republican administration than a moron with a rehash of the Obama/Biden crew.

"But she is so much better than Trump who is the grand high evil Satan...." Give me a break. She is a moron who slept with the right dude to get her in a position to win elections in a state where a turnip with a (D) next to its name on the ballot wins and then she checked the right boxes after getting stomped in the primary to make a geriatric white dude more palatable to a party fully bought into the idea that the color of your skin and your vagina are two very qualifying things, even if you are a complete dullard.
She's a moron. They all know she is a moron. Not one of them was interested in her in 2020 when she ran because she passed up the Patricia Principle a long time ago. The vast majority of them aren't going to defend her on her merits, they will say she isn't Trump. Which is basically why some of us are going to vote for him, because the Democrats basically suck to begin with and I'd rather vote for a moron who will have a Republican administration than a moron with a rehash of the Obama/Biden crew.

"But she is so much better than Trump who is the grand high evil Satan...." Give me a break. She is a moron who slept with the right dude to get her in a position to win elections in a state where a turnip with a (D) next to its name on the ballot wins and then she checked the right boxes after getting stomped in the primary to make a geriatric white dude more palatable to a party fully bought into the idea that the color of your skin and your vagina are two very qualifying things, even if you are a complete dullard.
APSA has her as the 9th best president in US history. Early leak
She's a moron. They all know she is a moron. Not one of them was interested in her in 2020 when she ran because she passed up the Patricia Principle a long time ago. The vast majority of them aren't going to defend her on her merits, they will say she isn't Trump. Which is basically why some of us are going to vote for him, because the Democrats basically suck to begin with and I'd rather vote for a moron who will have a Republican administration than a moron with a rehash of the Obama/Biden crew.

"But she is so much better than Trump who is the grand high evil Satan...." Give me a break. She is a moron who slept with the right dude to get her in a position to win elections in a state where a turnip with a (D) next to its name on the ballot wins and then she checked the right boxes after getting stomped in the primary to make a geriatric white dude more palatable to a party fully bought into the idea that the color of your skin and your vagina are two very qualifying things, even if you are a complete dullard.
California politics is so insulated and self-referential.

You don’t need to win over voters. You need to win over Democratic leaders. And do enough favors, shake enough hands and win enough favor that they will put you forward as an appointee or a favored Democratic nominee.

Then they’re shocked when they put forward people like Harris, Pelosi and Newsom nationally and the rest of the country is repulsed by them.
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What about the muslims and right wing anti-jews in the crowd who are protesting. they are not from the left. I concede the protesters are in a majority on the left ... but this isn't purely a left/right thing. To frame it as such is a bit dishonest.

Hint to the logic disabled: the Muslims in the crowd are not liberal progressives. *eyeroll*
A question I ask, only due to ignorance----Can you have an opinion, without being label "left/right"? THis post is not directed at you. Just a question in general.

What determines if you are left---or right? Can you be both?

One problem with todays world----To many fukin labels. There just is.

"hes a righ wingt, progressive, extreme liberal.."

Me: Why?

Society: He's wearing a rainbow bracelet...

Me; Oh, ok...

Its just silly. I guess I can blame it ony my lack of knowledge, in the world of politics. Here is what I stand for.

1. I think abortion is wrong----UNLESS its in the case of rape or could cause health issues for either the mom/baby. I don't think it should be used, "just because.".
2. I think prayer/bible should be in schools. If your child is offended, or you are---ok----have them step out in the hall.

3. AS a Vet, I am not offended by those kneeling to the flag. MOF, it shows what we done, those who died, did so for meaning. We fought for freedoms----rights. We don't get to choose how those rights are exercised. When boots hit the ground, rather some wanna agree or not, we were fighting for the right for people to be able to protest, i.e. kneel to the flag. If you see that differently, I am sorry.

4. Leave gender alone. Just stop it.

5. If you're a dude, but think youre a chic---Cool. But don't push that down society's throat. And no, I do not think transgender females should be allowed to participate in womens athletics.

6. Quit using racism as a political tool. Just stop it.

7. I need an ID to shop at Sam's CLub----but not to vote. Stop it, already. A prime example of using racisim as a political tool.

8. No issues with owning guns. Guns are not the problem. People are. I have owned guns for over 20+ years. Not once has one of my rifles got down from the gun rack, laoded in my car, drove to WalMart, and shot 40 people. Not that know of anyway.

9. We need secured borders. THis administration has shown exactly why.

What else is there?

So with tis information----Whats my label?
A question I ask, only due to ignorance----Can you have an opinion, without being label "left/right"? THis post is not directed at you. Just a question in general.

What determines if you are left---or right? Can you be both?

One problem with todays world----To many fukin labels. There just is.

"hes a righ wingt, progressive, extreme liberal.."

Me: Why?

Society: He's wearing a rainbow bracelet...

Me; Oh, ok...

Its just silly. I guess I can blame it ony my lack of knowledge, in the world of politics. Here is what I stand for.

1. I think abortion is wrong----UNLESS its in the case of rape or could cause health issues for either the mom/baby. I don't think it should be used, "just because.".
2. I think prayer/bible should be in schools. If your child is offended, or you are---ok----have them step out in the hall.

3. AS a Vet, I am not offended by those kneeling to the flag. MOF, it shows what we done, those who died, did so for meaning. We fought for freedoms----rights. We don't get to choose how those rights are exercised. When boots hit the ground, rather some wanna agree or not, we were fighting for the right for people to be able to protest, i.e. kneel to the flag. If you see that differently, I am sorry.

4. Leave gender alone. Just stop it.

5. If you're a dude, but think youre a chic---Cool. But don't push that down society's throat. And no, I do not think transgender females should be allowed to participate in womens athletics.

6. Quit using racism as a political tool. Just stop it.

7. I need an ID to shop at Sam's CLub----but not to vote. Stop it, already. A prime example of using racisim as a political tool.

8. No issues with owning guns. Guns are not the problem. People are. I have owned guns for over 20+ years. Not once has one of my rifles got down from the gun rack, laoded in my car, drove to WalMart, and shot 40 people. Not that know of anyway.

9. We need secured borders. THis administration has shown exactly why.

What else is there?

So with tis information----Whats my label?
You knew it would take about 5 minutes. The same people who claim that Jill Biden is a stuck-up ho, that Michelle Obama is a male ape, that Hillary Clinton is a murderous lesbian tyrant, that Taylor Swift is an evil witch, and on and on. Any woman in a position of power or even just high visibility needs to be marginalized, in their minds.

It's a mindset that DRIVES violent misogyny in this country.

They need to keep it up, because that isn't winning over any independents, and I'm not just talking about women and minorities.
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Democrats can continue to call Trump a convicted criminal but most people including some independants and some former democrats know that the cases are a sham.
"Most people" know that Trump initiated treasonous acts against the United States by attempting an insurrection and by trying to subvert an election.
The fact that he isn't yet in prison can only be explained by a life spent devoted to fraud and avoiding prosecution.

He corrupted the Federal courts with his biased appointees and we are all now paying for it as he has avoided jail time to date.

I'm equally baffled by Trump still running for office as a free man, and by his supporters inability to consider ethical standards in supporting a Presidential nominee.
I think she will too. She was pretty darn competent in some of the hearings she was involved in.
Her Senate hearings were vacuous school marming. Remember those questions to Kavanaugh about the law firm? Complete nonsense line of questioning that she pulled out of rectum.

But she does excel at being a bully, which is why those hearings put her in a better light than normal. Her staff has 93% turnover in less than four years because she’s such a bully. You think Trump had bad turnover?

Wait until people have to work with this woman who simultaneously knows nothing but thinks she knows everything. Is painfully insecure and manifests that by being meaner.
Her Senate hearings were vacuous school marming. Remember those questions to Kavanaugh about the law firm? Complete nonsense line of questioning that she pulled out of rectum.

But she does excel at being a bully, which is why those hearings put her in a better light than normal. Her staff has 93% turnover in less than four years because she’s such a bully. You think Trump had bad turnover?

Wait until people have to work with this woman who simultaneously knows nothing but thinks she knows everything. Is painfully insecure and manifests that by being meaner.
Wasn't that one of Trump's criticisms of Biden that he failed to fire more people?
Wasn't that one of Trump's criticisms of Biden that he failed to fire more people?
I don’t think Kamala’s high turnover is due to firings.

I’m not in favor of firing people for the sake firing them. Manifest incompetence is worthy of firing. Stuff like getting Marines blown up unnecessarily, leaving Americans and military equipment behind in a country taken over by 8th century barbarians, sneaking off on months of paternity leave or extended hospital stays without informing anyone or anyone noticing, presiding over the most porous border in history, allowing a former president to come within centimeters of assassination.

I’d fire people for stuff like that.
Trumps turnover was heavily driven by people finally saying no to the illegal immoral and unethical crap he insisted they do.
I think a lot of it is due to the fact he relied on others recommendations for cabinet appointments initially and came to find they didn’t share similar visions or philosophy.

As an example, it had to be annoying to have Mattis and Bolton in your ear every day.

“When are we going to bomb Iran Mr President? Mr. President you really should think about bombing Iran. Sir, it’s time to bomb Iran. No it won’t be another Iraq, we’ll make it quick we promise. Can we bomb Iran now Mr President?”
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"Most people" know that Trump initiated treasonous acts against the United States by attempting an insurrection and by trying to subvert an election.
The fact that he isn't yet in prison can only be explained by a life spent devoted to fraud and avoiding prosecution.

He corrupted the Federal courts with his biased appointees and we are all now paying for it as he has avoided jail time to date.

I'm equally baffled by Trump still running for office as a free man, and by his supporters inability to consider ethical standards in supporting a Presidential nominee.
I laugh at the hypocrisy of this. Rioters burned and looted private shops and federal buildings and Democrats and MSM called it peaceful protests. They have defaced monument s now even the Liberty Bell. The Democrats send protestors to get in people's faces no matter where they are. Democrats have challenged elections for years. Trump has a speech in which he tells people to go and protest patriotically and peacefully and some do not and he is an insurrectionist.
A question I ask, only due to ignorance----Can you have an opinion, without being label "left/right"? THis post is not directed at you. Just a question in general.

What determines if you are left---or right? Can you be both?

One problem with todays world----To many fukin labels. There just is.

"hes a righ wingt, progressive, extreme liberal.."

Me: Why?

Society: He's wearing a rainbow bracelet...

Me; Oh, ok...

Its just silly. I guess I can blame it ony my lack of knowledge, in the world of politics. Here is what I stand for.

1. I think abortion is wrong----UNLESS its in the case of rape or could cause health issues for either the mom/baby. I don't think it should be used, "just because.".
2. I think prayer/bible should be in schools. If your child is offended, or you are---ok----have them step out in the hall.

3. AS a Vet, I am not offended by those kneeling to the flag. MOF, it shows what we done, those who died, did so for meaning. We fought for freedoms----rights. We don't get to choose how those rights are exercised. When boots hit the ground, rather some wanna agree or not, we were fighting for the right for people to be able to protest, i.e. kneel to the flag. If you see that differently, I am sorry.

4. Leave gender alone. Just stop it.

5. If you're a dude, but think youre a chic---Cool. But don't push that down society's throat. And no, I do not think transgender females should be allowed to participate in womens athletics.

6. Quit using racism as a political tool. Just stop it.

7. I need an ID to shop at Sam's CLub----but not to vote. Stop it, already. A prime example of using racisim as a political tool.

8. No issues with owning guns. Guns are not the problem. People are. I have owned guns for over 20+ years. Not once has one of my rifles got down from the gun rack, laoded in my car, drove to WalMart, and shot 40 people. Not that know of anyway.

9. We need secured borders. THis administration has shown exactly why.

What else is there?

So with tis information----Whats my label?
A Free Thinking American would be my label
I laugh at the hypocrisy of this. Rioters burned and looted private shops and federal buildings and Democrats and MSM called it peaceful protests. They have defaced monument s now even the Liberty Bell. The Democrats send protestors to get in people's faces no matter where they are. Democrats have challenged elections for years. Trump has a speech in which he tells people to go and protest patriotically and peacefully and some do not and he is an insurrectionist.
The poster you respond to here is discussing Trump not any of the people or things you refer your accusation of "hypocrisy" does not apply. Have that discussion and see where he lands...then consider applying the term.
Her Senate hearings were vacuous school marming. Remember those questions to Kavanaugh about the law firm? Complete nonsense line of questioning that she pulled out of rectum.

But she does excel at being a bully, which is why those hearings put her in a better light than normal. Her staff has 93% turnover in less than four years because she’s such a bully. You think Trump had bad turnover?

Wait until people have to work with this woman who simultaneously knows nothing but thinks she knows everything. Is painfully insecure and manifests that by being meaner.
Interestingly, Trump’s key staff turnover rate was 92 percent and his cabinet turnover was far and away the highest of any President since they’ve been tracking it (since Reagan). Both rates are the highest. Terrific, greatest in recorded history - fantastic!

Scroll down to see charts:

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Kamala denounced the acts of the rioters yesterday. So there goes one the talking points of some on this board.
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Interestingly, Trump’s key staff turnover rate was 92 percent and his cabinet turnover was far and away the higher of any President since they’ve been tracking it (since Reagan). Both rates are the highest. Terrific, greatest it recorded history - fantastic!

Scroll down to see charts:

It’s amazing how we get lost in this stuff when articles are coming out stating that Harris wants Corp taxes at 35 percent. We lose the forest for the trees … a gov led by someone as dumb as she wants 35 percent. No.
wrong, we will just see with Democracy on the line.
It's not on the line. People on your side say this so much I kind of wish for Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome to happen.
I am not a victim. I hate Project 2025. I do not want to go back to the thirties not like your racist gop buddies. I do not want my civil and voting rights taken. What do you believe , Do you believe in white nationalism where you had everything handed to you or are you a white supremacist?
Dude, you aren't going to lose any rights, we aren't reverting back 100 years. STFU with this nonsense.