Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

The pool of past presidents is not that large. Why would Trump want Obama or Clinton in his cabinet, with loyalists who might undermine him.

Why would Obama want Bush given the circumstances surrounding the end of the Bush administration.
Because people, especially ex-Presidents, would put aside petty political squabbles for the betterment of the country?

Obama could have selected Clinton or even Carter. Trump could have used some help.
I'm not sure you're being genuine on this...but I whole heartedly agree with you if you are.

I'll go as far as to say if Shapiro were at the top of the ticket, instead of Harris, I don't think Trump would have had much of a chance to win.

I believe Trump, and his supporters, mostly know that true to Democrats recent form, Harris is one of the few realistic candidates that could have replaced Biden, that Trump is likely to still beat. But sounding happy or excited about that isn't an option. And he/they/you are still pouting because the "easy win" is now gone. If Shapiro, or Kelly, or Beshear had quickly been backed and propped up, you'd all be screaming much more loudly about why Harris was "passed up".

I also think Harris presence touches some nerves that many MAGA supporters would prefer not be touched...some of them will be very open about those nerves though. And I'm sure that worries the more saavy GOP voters and Trump supporters.
Yes I'm being genuine. Pouting? Why because your wife actually would vote for Kamala. That is suicide for this country. The world is counting on a solid leader and she ain't it. NATO will have to endure taking sh!t again with a Trump W and they deserve every bit of it. The rest of the planet wishes for peace which he can probably pull off. Bottom line, especially considering where we are economically and in regards to foreign policy Trump is the clear choice IMO.

HOWEVER, I would have liked to hear other options. Hopefully there is a reasonable thinking dem out there and not so far left to the progressive end that can make a difference. I have no clue how these progressives came to power. There has to be dems that want to preserve law and order and are tired of these democratic created big city sh!tholes. YES? Or is that out of the question. The 3 candidates you mention I'm not sure about what they support, but does it not bother you that they didn't even get a chance. Something could have been put together and fast tracked IMO.

IF the left had a candidate that I agreed with I would have no problem giving that person fair consideration.
Yes I'm being genuine. Pouting? Why because your wife actually would vote for Kamala. That is suicide for this country. The world is counting on a solid leader and she ain't it. NATO will have to endure taking sh!t again with a Trump W and they deserve every bit of it. The rest of the planet wishes for peace which he can probably pull off. Bottom line, especially considering where we are economically and in regards to foreign policy Trump is the clear choice IMO.

HOWEVER, I would have liked to hear other options. Hopefully there is a reasonable thinking dem out there and not so far left to the progressive end that can make a difference. I have no clue how these progressives came to power. There has to be dems that want to preserve law and order and are tired of these democratic created big city sh!tholes. YES? Or is that out of the question. The 3 candidates you mention I'm not sure about what they support, but does it not bother you that they didn't even get a chance. Something could have been put together and fast tracked IMO.

IF the left had a candidate that I agreed with I would have no problem giving that person fair consideration.
When people voted for Biden, they were aware that Harris was next in line. That decision was made in 2020. Under normal circumstances, Biden would have stayed on the ballot and people would have chosen either Trumps team or Bidens team this November. If Biden had won, then in 2028 people would have had more time to reflect on whether they wanted to continue with Harris advancing from VP up, or look into one of the other potential candidates. There just isn't enough time right now though.

I don't really see alot of gnashing of the teeth from Democrats thinking they were robbed. Most Democrats I know have been saying since 2020 that they hoped that Joe was a one-term president, mostly as a bridge to get past the Trump lunacy and back to good candidates. For the past six months, it was looking like we were going to be getting the same two crappy candidates again. Biden wiped the floor with Trump in 2020, and he was the "safe" pick. Harris is not a great pick, but in the eyes of most Democrats, she's an improvement. It's not the best possible solution, but it's progress (at least in their eyes, I know you don't see it that way). We'll find out in a few months whether more people agree with you or not.
Fraud and deception
I Guess If You Say So GIF
Because people, especially ex-Presidents, would put aside petty political squabbles for the betterment of the country?

Obama could have selected Clinton or even Carter. Trump could have used some help.
Don’t think so. Trump’s team has a completely different vision of how the Executive should function than those that preceeded him. There’s no putting that to the side.

I agree that presidents should actively solicit advice from their predecessors. I think most did/ have with the exception of Trump. It should be informal though otherwise it invites all sorts of dual loyalties.
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And yet 14 million voted for Biden in the Democrat Primaries. Many have already sworn allegiance to Harris with no idea what her policies or beliefs are. Many just know she is not white and not a man. You don't consider this a cult?
She’s not Trump. She’s going to get the believing Democrats and all the Not Trump votes. This isn’t hard to understand if you aren’t trying not to understand.
She’s not Trump. She’s going to get the believing Democrats and all the Not Trump votes. This isn’t hard to understand if you aren’t trying not to understand.
My point is democrats believe MAGA is a cult. Because they stand by Trump and show there support for them Just like OSU or Michigan fans obnoxiously show their support. However Democrats will fall in line with Democrat talking points and not question anything. Just before the debate there was plenty of proof that Biden had cognitive issues. The democrat talking points say Bidens speech issues are from a studder. They claim that Biden does more in an hour than most do all day. They claim he is sharp as tack. And MSM and dems rally around and say it is all Deep Fakes and doctored videos. After the debate and now the whole world sees what Conservative media has been saying all along. But just to double down there are many that went as far as to say Biden outperformed Trump at the debate. None of that is cult like behavior?
I'm sure it bothers you Marv that you didn't get a chance to let your voice be heard or at least go through the process.

If this happened to Trump, say in 2020 and we were stuck with Pence I would have been furious.
You’re not serious. I’ve seen the same faux outrage on the wingnut sites and from some of the Trumpsters on Fox News. The Democrats are well within the law and their own processes to do this. I wanted to see more candidates to announce and for them to campaign before the DNC, but no matter what the delegates at the DNC would have selected the candidate.
Sounds like Shapiro is the VP pick.
Article I saw a few minutes ago thought that him and Kelly (Arizona) were the frontrunners. I personally think it should be Shapiro though.

While certain states are always going to be in play, it's fairly likely that is will come down to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump could win Arizona, NC, Georgia, Nevada, and Florida, but in the end, if he doesn't get those three states, he probably loses.

Shapiro helps with that region more than Kelly does.
Yes I'm being genuine. Pouting? Why because your wife actually would vote for Kamala. That is suicide for this country. The world is counting on a solid leader and she ain't it. NATO will have to endure taking sh!t again with a Trump W and they deserve every bit of it. The rest of the planet wishes for peace which he can probably pull off. Bottom line, especially considering where we are economically and in regards to foreign policy Trump is the clear choice IMO.

HOWEVER, I would have liked to hear other options. Hopefully there is a reasonable thinking dem out there and not so far left to the progressive end that can make a difference. I have no clue how these progressives came to power. There has to be dems that want to preserve law and order and are tired of these democratic created big city sh!tholes. YES? Or is that out of the question. The 3 candidates you mention I'm not sure about what they support, but does it not bother you that they didn't even get a chance. Something could have been put together and fast tracked IMO.

IF the left had a candidate that I agreed with I would have no problem giving that person fair consideration.
It does bother me. I think Shapiro, and/or a few others, would be much better overall options.

Your posting history leads me to where I don't believe, for 1 second, that you actually want Trump to face a good, formidable, competitor. He's faced two of the worst POTUS candidates in modern history, from either side, and he went 1-1, losing the popular vote decidedly both times. I don't think Trump, or you, want anything to do with an actual good candidate. Trump, historically, doesn't fare well when things actually get difficult. BKs, product failures, failed projects, his management of Covid, the 20 election, the various down ballot elections since he became President...He loses a lot. I honestly think if he were to lose again this year, that he'll try to run again in 28, and he'll have just as much support. Being a loser evidently hasn't hurt him with his base.

So, yes, I do agree that what seems like a Harris appointment, rather than a choice between her and a few others, is not a good idea. But the delegates were free to do what they want, they technically didn't HAVE to immediately pledge for Harris, like they did. Whether that was forced on them, or not, not sure. Seems like it probably was.

You're "pouting" because Trump no longer gets to run basically unopposed.
It does bother me. I think Shapiro, and/or a few others, would be much better overall options.

Your posting history leads me to where I don't believe, for 1 second, that you actually want Trump to face a good, formidable, competitor. He's faced two of the worst POTUS candidates in modern history, from either side, and he went 1-1, losing the popular vote decidedly both times. I don't think Trump, or you, want anything to do with an actual good candidate. Trump, historically, doesn't fare well when things actually get difficult. BKs, product failures, failed projects, his management of Covid, the 20 election, the various down ballot elections since he became President...He loses a lot. I honestly think if he were to lose again this year, that he'll try to run again in 28, and he'll have just as much support. Being a loser evidently hasn't hurt him with his base.

So, yes, I do agree that what seems like a Harris appointment, rather than a choice between her and a few others, is not a good idea. But the delegates were free to do what they want, they technically didn't HAVE to immediately pledge for Harris, like they did. Whether that was forced on them, or not, not sure. Seems like it probably was.

You're "pouting" because Trump no longer gets to run basically unopposed.
I guess you've made up my mind for me.
Article I saw a few minutes ago thought that him and Kelly (Arizona) were the frontrunners. I personally think it should be Shapiro though.

While certain states are always going to be in play, it's fairly likely that is will come down to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump could win Arizona, NC, Georgia, Nevada, and Florida, but in the end, if he doesn't get those three states, he probably loses.

Shapiro helps with that region more than Kelly does.
I don't get why picking Shapiro makes sense. For one, definitely hurts in MI and MN and Harris absolutely has to have all 4 rust belt states. Second, people don't vote for the VP and most swing voters in PA like Shapiro, at least somewhat like Trump, and despise Harris. If she wins you lose the Governor that you like, now have a President you dislike, and end up with this DEI pick who you probably dislike as your new Governor.

I'm not sure you're being genuine on this...but I whole heartedly agree with you if you are.

I'll go as far as to say if Shapiro were at the top of the ticket, instead of Harris, I don't think Trump would have had much of a chance to win.

I believe Trump, and his supporters, mostly know that true to Democrats recent form, Harris is one of the few realistic candidates that could have replaced Biden, that Trump is likely to still beat. But sounding happy or excited about that isn't an option. And he/they/you are still pouting because the "easy win" is now gone. If Shapiro, or Kelly, or Beshear had quickly been backed and propped up, you'd all be screaming much more loudly about why Harris was "passed up".

I also think Harris presence touches some nerves that many MAGA supporters would prefer not be touched...some of them will be very open about those nerves though. And I'm sure that worries the more saavy GOP voters and Trump supporters.
Ohh hell I forgot. Make sure you share this with your wife. Sure to win over any foreign leader.

I guess you've made up my mind for me.
Long since have given up convincing MAGA types to see reason. But for as long as Trump is still a "thing", pointing out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy, is probably still important.

And...I would say the same thing for far left progressive types. The frustrating thing for people like me, who feel like they're caught in the middle, is both sides keep blasting the other side for being "brainwashed", "killing the country", blah blah... You're saying the Dems should have taken the time, picked a better candidate that is less crazy far left. Democrats were/are saying the same thing about the GOP and Trump.

Alright, on 3, both sides say it at the same time..."Why don't you dumbasses grow up and nominate a good candidate, for a change."
Long since have given up convincing MAGA types to see reason. But for as long as Trump is still a "thing", pointing out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy, is probably still important.

And...I would say the same thing for far left progressive types. The frustrating thing for people like me, who feel like they're caught in the middle, is both sides keep blasting the other side for being "brainwashed", "killing the country", blah blah... You're saying the Dems should have taken the time, picked a better candidate that is less crazy far left. Democrats were/are saying the same thing about the GOP and Trump.

Alright, on 3, both sides say it at the same time..."Why don't you dumbasses grow up and nominate a good candidate, for a change."
It is what it is. I had no problems with the economy or foreign policy when Trump was in office and I'm glad he called out NATO. It was all good until Covid. Thats just my opinion. He made the rounds with every world leader and travelled far and wide.

That does not mean I am limited to just Trump. He was a breath of fresh air in my opinion. I hate stale, dug in, career politicians and Hillary was all that, Trump was the opposite and finally called out all these creeps. Thats why I liked him so much and continue to support that attitude.

Im open, and believe we need fresh sets of minds that make sense. What that means to you and what that means to me is probably miles apart. :)
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Shapiro is a real deal Jew as well. Conservative synagogue, married in Jerusalem, Hebrew school upbringing. Zionist.

He’s not a Bernie Sanders, Doug Emhoff, Tikkun Olam, watered down cultural Jew that wouldn’t be able to tell you if Genesis comes before or after Exodus.

That said, Kamala if elected, would likely be the most anti Israel president in history (although Obama is tough to beat).

If they can keep Shapiro’s Judaism in the closet, things wind down in the ME and Shapiro doesn’t make a fuss they could conceivably pull it off.

This is the choice that scares me most, I don’t think Trump can win without PA.
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Shapiro is a real deal Jew as well. Conservative synagogue, married in Jerusalem, Hebrew school upbringing. Zionist.

He’s not a Bernie Sanders, Doug Emhoff, Tikkun Olam, watered down cultural Jew that wouldn’t be able to tell you if Genesis comes before or after Exodus.

That said, Kamala if elected, would likely be the most anti Israel president in history (although Obama is tough to beat).

If they can keep Shapiro’s Judaism in the closet, things wind down in the ME and Shapiro doesn’t make a fuss they could conceivably pull it off.

This is the choice that scares me most, I don’t think Trump can win without PA.

Zero chance they nominate Shapiro. It will cost them too much far left enthusiasm. After all, we know Jews = Zionists = War Criminals & Oppressors
Do American Jews even agree with Netanyahu?
Do American Jews even agree with Netanyahu?

Very mixed. Many are not a fan of him, same as what occurs in Israel. But, blatantly disrespecting the leader of the country by boycotting (see Pelosi) isn't going to garner any support. Particularly since Harris has been dead silent and worthless when it comes to bringing home American hostages.