Kamala Harris will not be the nominee

They know she’s a diversity hire gone wrong
She’s a dunce and they all know it.
This may come as a shock to you, but the kinds of things that you think are obvious, that everyone knows, actual Democrats recognize as complete bullshit.

Harris will be the nominee. That's already obvious. She'll probably be nominated in the virtual roll call before the convention even happens, because no one else who can get the required signatures to even have their name put forward is going to attempt it. Most of her potential challengers have already endorsed her.
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I don't really care how she got into office or who she slept with. If she's really great at her job, cool. But has she been? Has she shown the intellectual firepower or accomplished things (other than being elected) in her time in office that evince an ability to handle the presidency?

Maybe you vote for her because her views align better with your own. Or you don't think Trump is good for the country. Cool. But to think she's "one of the most accomplished" presidential candidates of the last 25 years is silly. If you need to lie about her resume (just like Dems didn't need to lie about Biden's declining mental condition) to win, I don't think that's a winning formula.
I've looked into her career in some detail. I see someone who is competent and accomplished, but also who regularly subjugated her legal judgment for political gain and press releases (I know, like any AG, right?), and I'm not a fan. I've never been a fan.

But she can handle the job as well as any other mediocre self-centered politician, and she's certainly better for national security than Trump, so if she gets the nod, I'm back onto voting again this year.

The betting markets haven’t change much. We will see where they’re at in a month. I will add Harris would have been Trump’s first pick. She’s obviously very beatable.
I assume you know how betting markets work? All they care about is getting even betting on both sides, or to get the end outcome payouts relatively even on both sides, I should say. Naturally, that often appears as if they're predicting who "they" think will be the winner. When, in fact, they don't care who wins.

It doesn't take too much deep thought to think that MAGA voters might be more certain, and more likely, to put actual money on Trump winning. So the early action is probably more heavily on Trump. Vegas has to incentivize votes on the other side.

Its their own version of "turn out the vote". Only they don't care who wins, they just need more people to bet against Trump, and their only way of helping that happen are to make the odds more enticing.
In 2020 she couldn't sniff a vote in Iowa and now she is going to running for the most powerful position in the world. I'm confident our country will f this up again and put this babbling idiot in office. The Dems screwed themselves in 2020 by putting her as VP and trusting that Biden could ride out 2 terms.

Sad part is a ton of American's will vote left only because of Trump. I'm glad my family is well insulted from such idiocy.

I can just see her in big situations, getting nervous and starting to cackle like a hyena.
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This was a big FU to the dems running the show for forcing him out. Biden didn’t do them any favors endorsing Kamala.
Wow you sure seem to know a lot about Dems. Sure you aren’t a mover and shaker? Or much more likely, you’re full of it.
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Remains to be seen, but the people in control of the party do not want Kamala. They know she’s a diversity hire gone wrong that doesn’t have much of a chance vs. Trump.
Who is that exactly? You think she doesn’t have a chance against Trump? I think Trump team is a little nervous today. He’s doing a lot of whining and his minions are sending out messages about her sex life. Why?
Only in America, she was a complete disaster in the 2020 primary. The democrats are good at picking puppets to throw out to the American public.
Republicans are good at throwing out criminals like Trump and then not getting rid of them when they have an opportunity.
Who is that exactly? You think she doesn’t have a chance against Trump? I think Trump team is a little nervous today. He’s doing a lot of whining and his minions are sending out messages about her sex life. Why?
Because she's not Biden. They were licking their lips at the idea of debate #2, and at every interview Biden gave. That doesn't mean they're scared of Harris. Just that they are disappointed they no longer have Biden to run against.
Obama didn’t endorse her and he could have. Let’s allow this to play out. It will not be Kamala. She’s a dunce and they all know it.
He will. He’s waiting to have the spotlight to himself to give another great speech to endorse her, instead of it getting mixed up in the news of yesterday.
How many people truly hate Trump? A number? Any data that sticks there? There may be just as many people out there that despise Harris. The media is going to tell you that “everyone hates Trump.” There may be an equal or greater number that like him as despise him. Even those that don’t like the guy may see him as a better option than Kamala or anyone out of the Biden regime. Just something to consider.
I hate the stupid son of a bitch, if you are doing your own poll
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He will. He’s waiting to have the spotlight to himself to give another great speech to endorse her, instead of it getting mixed up in the news of yesterday.
Don't count on it. Obama is very old-fashioned in this regard. He won't want to put his thumbs on the scale. If he endorses Harris, it will only be after she is already the nominee.
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Because she's not Biden. They were licking their lips at the idea of debate #2, and at every interview Biden gave. That doesn't mean they're scared of Harris. Just that they are disappointed they no longer have Biden to run against.
Oh I think they are scared. They should be. You think women were motivated before? The fundraising was insane yesterday. There were women’s groups , many black, activating via zoom yesterday. Rooms were full at 1000, so they talked to a CEO and got it adjusted. 40,000 people within a few minutes. I know I get algorithms, but there are LOTS of people excited about her. Just like Biden didn’t do well in his previous runs at office, don’t discount her because of that. I have some issues with him, but I think she has energized a whole bunch of people who were less than enthusiastic about voting. Think the conversation IUNorth had is happening all over the country now.
She isn’t a “halfway serviceable alternative”.
She’s better than Trump and she’s not likely to die in four years. That’s all it takes. Besides, isn’t Trump too old? My God he fell asleep during his own trial and every night of the convention.
How many people truly hate Trump? A number? Any data that sticks there? There may be just as many people out there that despise Harris. The media is going to tell you that “everyone hates Trump.” There may be an equal or greater number that like him as despise him. Even those that don’t like the guy may see him as a better option than Kamala or anyone out of the Biden regime. Just something to consider.
Everyone with a sentient brain? I think it’s well established Trump has his devoted base and not much more.
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Oh I think they are scared. They should be. You think women were motivated before? The fundraising was insane yesterday. There were women’s groups , many black, activating via zoom yesterday. Rooms were full at 1000, so they talked to a CEO and got it adjusted. 40,000 people within a few minutes. I know I get algorithms, but there are LOTS of people excited about her. Just like Biden didn’t do well in his previous runs at office, don’t discount her because of that. I have some issues with him, but I think she has energized a whole bunch of people who were less than enthusiastic about voting. Think the conversation IUNorth had is happening all over the country now.
Okay. But woman or man, black or white, the Democratic candidate is still facing a fundamental structural obstacle so great that it makes winning a chore, even if they perform perfectly.

Why did the Tories get blown out in the UK this year? People are second-guessing Brexit? They don't like what they did to the trains? Welfare? The two-child limit? Woke bullshit? No, none of that. The Tories got wiped out because of the cost of living crisis. Period. People vote with their dollars (or pounds), and that's what they did there, and that's what they'll do here. No excitement about a new candidate will change the fact that bread is too expensive, gas is too expensive, housing is too expensive. And none of it may actually be Biden's fault, and it certainly isn't Harris' fault, but it wasn't Sunak's fault, either. It doesn't matter.

The GOP is confident about the election because this election is structurally aligned to punish the party in power, and that happens to not be them right now.
In 2020 she couldn't sniff a vote in Iowa and now she is going to running for the most powerful position in the world. I'm confident our country will f this up again and put this babbling idiot in office. The Dems screwed themselves in 2020 by putting her as VP and trusting that Biden could ride out 2 terms.

Sad part is a ton of American's will vote left only because of Trump. I'm glad my family is well insulted from such idiocy.

I can just see her in big situations, getting nervous and starting to cackle like a hyena.
And there goes the idiocracy…. Her laugh ?
The under-35 people need to vote in big numbers. That demographic still favors the Dems, especially on social issues (abortion, LGBTQ, gender equality, environment, etc.)

No way were they energized by Joe.

Kamala will have her chance to get them engaged in the process, but historically it's super-hard to do.
He bought Kamala expensive gifts like a BMW and appointed her to two influential positions. He named Kamala to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that paid $72,000 a year and also appointed her to the state's Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, a lucrative position that put another $97,088 a year in her pockets.

Brown later faced an FBI corruption investigation for handing out lucrative city contracts and appointments to friends and political allies.

Even after he dumped Kamala in 1995, he still continued to use his influence to promote her career, "I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco." - BrownHarris was elected California's attorney general in 2010 with massive help from Willie and when she ran for United States Senate in 2016, Brown called on her likely opponent, Antonio Villaraigosa, to stay out of the race

And why does anyone care about that? Lol. You’re just mad you don’t have Hunter Biden any more. Sure hope Biden pardons him.
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I think she will too. She was pretty darn competent in some of the hearings she was involved in.
She’s been a terrible communicator with an abysmal approval rating the entire term. She’s the face of identity politics and an awful candidate. If merit were the standard she wouldn’t have a chance. She’s why so many think so little of gov. Her skin color and gender are her strongest assets.

Trump as well re being a poor candidate. Sad
Beshear has an incredibly bright future. If Trump wins in November Beshear will be a top candidate in 2028.
Breshear has done ok but really done nothing to improve Kentucky. Louisville is still a complete disaster and I don't believe they have moved much from their debt. I think at one time they were the 16th most indebt state in the union, Indiana by comparison was like 44 or 45.
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The fact that you post this crap, and think it speaks highly of you and /or Trump is beyond me. Has there ever been a person in political office he acts like a 13 year old mean girl, makes up ridiculous names, and his minions not only applaud, but are proud of retweeting it? Grow up.
Breshear has done ok but really done nothing to improve Kentucky. Louisville is still a complete disaster and I don't believe they have moved much from their debt. I think at one time they were the 16th most indebt state in the union, Indiana by comparison was like 44 or 45.
It's Kentucky. You want to criticize the guy for not having actual magical powers? He got dealt a 2-7 and did okay with it.
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She’s been a terrible communicator with an abysmal approval rating the entire term. She’s the face of identity politics and an awful candidate. If merit were the standard she wouldn’t have a chance. She’s why so many think so little of gov. Her skin color and gender are her strongest assets.

Trump as well re being a poor candidate. Sad
What Vice President has had good approval ratings? Their job is to go to funerals… I know she had mixed reviews in CA ( some for being too tough of a prosecutor, so you all should like that). But she’s held elected office there since 2004, so people for the most part, most have approved of her.
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It's Kentucky. You want to criticize the guy for not having actual magical powers? He got dealt a 2-7 and did okay with it.
I think this is incorrect and trust me I hate Kentucky. Tennessee is doing very well, as is Indiana. Kentucky should be doing just as well as Indiana. As much as it pains me to admit, it’s a nice state.
Republicans are good at throwing out criminals like Trump and then not getting rid of them when they have an opportunity.
Rinse repeat the same weak sauce. People act like every politician is so clean, that is hilarious and such a joke. You don't like Trump I get it, he gives zero shits and that bothers some but the criminal angle is so weak. Just say you don't like his policies and be done with it, the other crap is just that crap.

Harris was running a strong 12 or 13th back in 2020 after the Iowa primary, maybe she is like Secretariat and was saving it all for down the stretch? I mean "what can be, unbudded by what has been".
What Vice President has had good approval ratings? Their job is to go to funerals… I know she had mixed reviews in CA ( some for being too tough of a prosecutor, so you all should like that). But she’s held elected office there since 2004, so people for the most part, most have approved of her.
California people. Her approval as vp I trust stems in part from the fact that she can barely speak
And why does anyone care about that? Lol. You’re just mad you don’t have Hunter Biden any more. Sure hope Biden pardons him.
Can you not read the dialogue? Brad asked what did she accomplish after an All Star bio approval by your beloved Ohio guy. She hasn't accomplished sh!t is my point.

If you're going to join a conversation learn to READ!