Kamala Harris booked exclusive interview with Brett Baier on Fox

Don’t get it twisted. Democrats are the party of war and violence. The GOP was co-opted by Aloha’s for two or three decades but overwhelmingly our largest conflicts are started by small men, big government Democrats.

Why do blood soaked monsters like Cheney and daughter support Harris?

Chicago Fine, how did you feel about our military response to 9/11 when we sent our military might into Iraq and Afghanistan ?

Just curious.

By the way, where were you and how old were you on 9/11 ?
Chicago Fine, how did you feel about our military response to 9/11 when we sent our military might into Iraq and Afghanistan ?

Just curious.

By the way, where were you and how old were you on 9/11 ?
I was in 2nd grade on 9/11, my mom was doing school drop offs for the three of us when we first heard over the radio.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq.

That’s about what I think of adults who supported it at the time and those who still do. They have the emotional maturity and foresight of a second grader.
I was in 2nd grade on 9/11, my mom was doing school drop offs for the three of us when we first heard over the radio.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq.

That’s about what I think of adults who supported it at the time and those who still do. They have the emotional maturity and foresight of a second grader.
Like a Young Sheldon. Amazing
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I was in 2nd grade on 9/11, my mom was doing school drop offs for the three of us when we first heard over the radio.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq.

That’s about what I think of adults who supported it at the time and those who still do. They have the emotional maturity and foresight of a second grader.
On both Iraq and Afghanistan?

Clearly Iraq was wrong. I don't see options to Afghan, do we really let a nation harbor someone who staged a major attack on our soil?

Now invading, overthrowing, leaving should have been an option.

“The key takeaway is not that she did not answer the question, even though she did not. The key takeaway is that there are no answers that would help Harris politically. The facts are what they are.”
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I was in 2nd grade on 9/11, my mom was doing school drop offs for the three of us when we first heard over the radio.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq.

That’s about what I think of adults who supported it at the time and those who still do. They have the emotional maturity and foresight of a second grader.

Chicago Fine, appreciate your honest and frank response.

Remember going to the bank on 9/11. A trembling teller told me Indianapolis would soon be under attack.

Asked her why, She firmly replied, "Because we have Eli Lilly and Naval Avionics here".

My point being, the entire country was in a panic subject to wanting our leaders to do something.

Early on our leaders had high ratings for the military response in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The same leaders who are now in retrospect (Monday Morning Quarterbacking) held in low regard for wasting money and men.
Trump is all for policies that will drive inflation and out of control national debt increases, including tons of free cheese.
Harris is all for different policies, but also ones that will drive inflation and out of control national debt increases, including tons of free cheese.

To try to draw a distinction between them on that issue is silly.

Both are far removed from fiscal conservatism that many prefer (and that I would also support)
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On both Iraq and Afghanistan?

Clearly Iraq was wrong. I don't see options to Afghan, do we really let a nation harbor someone who staged a major attack on our soil?

Now invading, overthrowing, leaving should have been an option.

Iraq was wrong. Unless Saddam unleashes a smart bomb of gas in the US and kills thousands. Then what does the media say about Bush? What does history say?

It's always easy to Monday morning quarterback when we don't know what unfolds in the alternative timeline.
Iraq was wrong. Unless Saddam unleashes a smart bomb of gas in the US and kills thousands. Then what does the media say about Bush? What does history say?

It's always easy to Monday morning quarterback when we don't know what unfolds in the alternative timeline.

I supported Bush in Iraq here on this board. But when it turned out the WMDs were our stupidity in buying Curveball's story, I switched.

Why would Saddam attack the US? His chief fear was Iran, Iraq barely survived their war. Saddam knew another war would result in an Iranian decapitating him with a dull spoon.

We did not give him tremendous amounts of weaponry in their war, but we gave them dual use equipment and farm credits. In a war like that, every little bit counts

Saddam was not a religious fanatic, he had no belief he was fighting a holy war against the US. He knew he would not survive another war against us, either we would get him or we would leave his army so weak the dull spoon could walk in.

He was a very bad man, but he didn't believe he had superpowers nor faith in 72 virgins. He had no interest in tangling with us again. He only did it the first time because he did not think we would respond. He would be free from that thought by attacking us.
I think Baier is pretty terrific, really. He might be the only one left at Fox since Chris Wallace left.
Chris Wallace has proved what a great journalist he is, hasn't he? He's whiffed after he left Fox because he was a joke.

He was so in the bag for the Democrats, it wasn't funny. He lived on his dad's reputation for so long and finally everyone saw him for what he was - a phony.
Wallace has addressed this. He was mortified that, in his view, Fox was aiding and abetting Trump with the lie that the 2020 election outcome was the result of fraud.

I don’t watch cable news. So I can’t say how much they were doing this. But I do know they paid out a helluva settlement over a defamation claim regarding voting machines. So clearly they were doing it some.

I think Chris Wallace is, and long has been, one of the best in the business.
If he's the best, why doesn't he have a regular show?
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I don’t know what he said about the laptop.

But keep in mind that many media people were taking their cues from intelligence veterans who punked them (and the rest of us) by declaring publicly that they believed the laptop was a Russian plant.

It still amazes me that these people (Brennan, Clapper, Morell, Hayden, Panetta, etal) are treated as credible…by the very same media they duped.

It makes you wonder if nobody in the press actually believed them to begin with…but just went with it out of a sense of duty in seeing Trump defeated.
The media believed it - MAGA didn't. The media believes any negative rumor about Trump and nothing negative about Democrats.

It's nothing new.
I supported Bush in Iraq here on this board. But when it turned out the WMDs were our stupidity in buying Curveball's story, I switched.

Why would Saddam attack the US? His chief fear was Iran, Iraq barely survived their war. Saddam knew another war would result in an Iranian decapitating him with a dull spoon.

We did not give him tremendous amounts of weaponry in their war, but we gave them dual use equipment and farm credits. In a war like that, every little bit counts

Saddam was not a religious fanatic, he had no belief he was fighting a holy war against the US. He knew he would not survive another war against us, either we would get him or we would leave his army so weak the dull spoon could walk in.

He was a very bad man, but he didn't believe he had superpowers nor faith in 72 virgins. He had no interest in tangling with us again. He only did it the first time because he did not think we would respond. He would be free from that thought by attacking us.

Ok. You're arguing the reasons not to go to war. But you don't know what today would be like if we hadn't. You have absolutely zero idea. None. Zilch. Nada. I gave one example of infinite possibilities if we hadn't gone.

My point isn't to debate the war, but to state you don't know that it was "clearly wrong" as you don't know the results of the other infinite possibilities.
Cheney is not a fraud. He is a war head and goes where there is support for his agenda to push for war.

Harris is the biggest phony and liar in the political scene. If not a liar then she is really struggling to push the puppet masters message who appointed her to be the candidate without a single vote.

Now for something completely different, Scumbag Zelensky is threating to become a Nuclear nation if not let into NATO. Who couldn't predict that Ukraine would eventually become an enemy. Imagine going to an interview to present your case to join an alliance and that is what you respond with. I'd say F off and no more money or backing from the US. I've already said that. Of course the current US regime ponies up 425 mil more in money and weapons.

You'd do the same, if you were Zelensky. Having nukes has proven to be THE main deterrent to attacks.

I'm all for him getting nukes and developing their own defense industry. Get us out of it. Putin will have a change of heart if he knows there's a good chance his dacha will be vaporized if he continues his land grab.
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Ok. You're arguing the reasons not to go to war. But you don't know what today would be like if we hadn't. You have absolutely zero idea. None. Zilch. Nada. I gave one example of infinite possibilities if we hadn't gone.

My point isn't to debate the war, but to state you don't know that it was "clearly wrong" as you don't know the results of the other infinite possibilities.

That is true about everything, so nothing could ever be wrong. Mc blames Biden for inflation, without Biden's spending it is impossible to know that the US didn't fall into a great depression leading to massive riots. So we cannot say Biden was wrong.

Heck, it could be after Pearl that if we simply forgave Japan, they and Germany unconditionally surrender after seeing such a magnanimous gesture. I doubt it, but we cannot prove it to be wrong. So we cannot even say going to war after Pearl was right.

I thought we liberals were blamed for relative thinking. This seems the most relative thinking ever, nothing can ever be right or wrong.

We attacked Saddam over WMD, he had virtually none, it was wrong. The weakening of Iraq unleashed ISIS on the world, a very bad result. Based on what we know, it was wrong
That is true about everything, so nothing could ever be wrong. Mc blames Biden for inflation, without Biden's spending it is impossible to know that the US didn't fall into a great depression leading to massive riots. So we cannot say Biden was wrong.

Heck, it could be after Pearl that if we simply forgave Japan, they and Germany unconditionally surrender after seeing such a magnanimous gesture. I doubt it, but we cannot prove it to be wrong. So we cannot even say going to war after Pearl was right.

I thought we liberals were blamed for relative thinking. This seems the most relative thinking ever, nothing can ever be right or wrong.

We attacked Saddam over WMD, he had virtually none, it was wrong. The weakening of Iraq unleashed ISIS on the world, a very bad result. Based on what we know, it was wrong

To some extent, you are correct. But we have actual data based on mathematical laws that can show the effects of decisions on inflation, jobs, etc.

I just think to say after only 20 years Iraq was clearly wrong is an overstatement.

Don't have time to say more.
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Sorry, Marv, but what you're arguing is that "it's all just in your mind. This feeling you have is your fault because you haven't 'reset your price point and moved on.'" That dog won't hunt in the political sphere.

I wonder if you'd feel the same way in relation to other issues? "Oh you think college costs too much? Well, it's not coming back down, so just reset your price point in your head and go to that community college instead of your dream school." Or why not apply the same reasoning to the other side of the equation--income: "Oh, social security benefits were cut? Quit crying about it and just reset your expectations and move on. No point letting it affect you."

Regarding why people aren't resetting, it's because inflation is supposed to be (we think of it as or are accustomed to it being) gradual. One can both psychologically and financially deal with gradual change. Increase the amplitude or frequency of the change, though, and humans have a hard time adjusting. That's what we are seeing in the polling data--people still haven't adjusted to the quick, large increase in cost of living (which they refer to as inflation).
Great post. Inflation is evil and wrong. It steals the only scarce thing we have, our time. It just becomes more obvious when it increases.

Don’t worry, Brad, I’m not giving up on a Bitcoin standard. I’ve already crossed the Atlantic. As a matter of fact, I’m with Washington on the Delaware and shoeless. And about to kick the Germans ass. Merry Christmas.
Chicago Fine, appreciate your honest and frank response.

Remember going to the bank on 9/11. A trembling teller told me Indianapolis would soon be under attack.

Asked her why, She firmly replied, "Because we have Eli Lilly and Naval Avionics here".

My point being, the entire country was in a panic subject to wanting our leaders to do something.

Early on our leaders had high ratings for the military response in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The same leaders who are now in retrospect (Monday Morning Quarterbacking) held in low regard for wasting money and men.
My favorite memory from the Iraq war was when Donald Rumsfeld came to my high school (he was an alum) to give a talk. This would have been around 2009. Some smartass kid started in with rude questions during the Q&A and Rumsfeld made the kid cry with his response. The teachers were furious. Kid really thought he was going to stump a former SecDef or something.
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I was in 2nd grade on 9/11, my mom was doing school drop offs for the three of us when we first heard over the radio.

I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq.

That’s about what I think of adults who supported it at the time and those who still do. They have the emotional maturity and foresight of a second grader.
Respectfully, your hindsight opinion on something you had no say in back then is kind of irrelevant. You would have made the same decisions as everyone else back then because you wouldn't have hindsight to retroactively weigh cost/benefits in the moment that you do now 23 years later.
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We could hang, yo.
I’m the same. I have quite a few really good bottles right now - Old Forester 1924, Blantons, McKenna 10, Weller 12 - but the bottles are largely open and I drink them. I despise the collectors. They’ve made it almost impossible to find Buffalo Trace which really pisses me off.
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That is true about everything, so nothing could ever be wrong. Mc blames Biden for inflation, without Biden's spending it is impossible to know that the US didn't fall into a great depression leading to massive riots. So we cannot say Biden was wrong.
Oh good Lord, Marv. When Biden became President, the vaccine - which he claimed would stop the virus - was here and people were going back to work.

There was zero chance the economy would fall into recession, much less a depression.
To some extent, you are correct. But we have actual data based on mathematical laws that can show the effects of decisions on inflation, jobs, etc.

I just think to say after only 20 years Iraq was clearly wrong is an overstatement.

Don't have time to say more.
Based on what we were told, it wasn't clearly wrong.

What I find disturbing is that Cheney and Bush KNEW the real situation with WMDs and didn't tell the public.

They wanted Saddam out, period. I don't blame them for that, but they didn't plan very well the aftermath when they disbanded the Iraqi military and turned loose thousands of men without jobs and status.

We always think these countries have enough leadership to implement Western style governments, and that just isn't the case. We can't change their basic society.
I supported Bush in Iraq here on this board. But when it turned out the WMDs were our stupidity in buying Curveball's story, I switched.

Why would Saddam attack the US? His chief fear was Iran, Iraq barely survived their war. Saddam knew another war would result in an Iranian decapitating him with a dull spoon.

We did not give him tremendous amounts of weaponry in their war, but we gave them dual use equipment and farm credits. In a war like that, every little bit counts

Saddam was not a religious fanatic, he had no belief he was fighting a holy war against the US. He knew he would not survive another war against us, either we would get him or we would leave his army so weak the dull spoon could walk in.

He was a very bad man, but he didn't believe he had superpowers nor faith in 72 virgins. He had no interest in tangling with us again. He only did it the first time because he did not think we would respond. He would be free from that thought by attacking us.
You are absolutely right that we don't know the outcomes for different decisions. In this particular example, while it is very likely that Saddam would never have attacked the US, there is no reason to believe that if he had WMDs that he couldn't have sold them to some other country / organization that would not have been as hesitant to use them. Saddam gets money and revenge against the US and no fingers to point back to him, win-win.
Oh good Lord, Marv. When Biden became President, the vaccine - which he claimed would stop the virus - was here and people were going back to work.

There was zero chance the economy would fall into recession, much less a depression.
I don't think I necessarily agree with that. The supply chain issues of 2021/2022 combined with gas prices climbing had a definitive cascading negative affect. Several economists had been predicting (at minimum) a recession during that whole time (heck, some still are). In my industry, getting things like transformers on order for new buildings had lead times in the 60 week range (yes, seriously). There were projects that I know of that were cancelled on that fact alone.

It's been a slow recovery. I'm willing to bet there are many ways this administration could have screwed things up even more that lead to a recession / depression.
That is true about everything, so nothing could ever be wrong. Mc blames Biden for inflation, without Biden's spending it is impossible to know that the US didn't fall into a great depression leading to massive riots. So we cannot say Biden was wrong.

Heck, it could be after Pearl that if we simply forgave Japan, they and Germany unconditionally surrender after seeing such a magnanimous gesture. I doubt it, but we cannot prove it to be wrong. So we cannot even say going to war after Pearl was right.

I thought we liberals were blamed for relative thinking. This seems the most relative thinking ever, nothing can ever be right or wrong.

We attacked Saddam over WMD, he had virtually none, it was wrong. The weakening of Iraq unleashed ISIS on the world, a very bad result. Based on what we know, it was wrong
I don't think I necessarily agree with that. The supply chain issues of 2021/2022 combined with gas prices climbing had a definitive cascading negative affect. Several economists had been predicting (at minimum) a recession during that whole time (heck, some still are). In my industry, getting things like transformers on order for new buildings had lead times in the 60 week range (yes, seriously). There were projects that I know of that were cancelled on that fact alone.

It's been a slow recovery. I'm willing to bet there are many ways this administration could have screwed things up even more that lead to a recession / depression.
I don’t blame Biden for inflation. I blame him AND Harris as she was the far lefty coming in for making it worse. They were warned to stop that inflation would get worse but their ideology to expand welfare prevented them.
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Based on what we were told, it wasn't clearly wrong.

What I find disturbing is that Cheney and Bush KNEW the real situation with WMDs and didn't tell the public.

They wanted Saddam out, period. I don't blame them for that, but they didn't plan very well the aftermath when they disbanded the Iraqi military and turned loose thousands of men without jobs and status.

We always think these countries have enough leadership to implement Western style governments, and that just isn't the case. We can't change their basic society.
Yup. The last paragraph in particular. The only way that was going to happen was if we literally overtook their country and made them part of the US, which we don't have the desire to do (probably rightfully so). It's not something you can do as a half measure. You are either all-in or need to get out as fast as possible.
I don’t blame Biden for inflation. I blame him AND Harris as she was the far lefty coming in for making it worse. They were warned to stop that inflation would get worse but their ideology to expand welfare prevented them.
Exactly. Economists were in agreement that such spending would ignite inflation. And then Joe/Kamala decided to declare war on fossil fuels and - what do you know! - energy prices rose immediately.
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Exactly. Economists were in agreement that such spending would ignite inflation. And then Joe/Kamala decided to declare war on fossil fuels and - what do you know! - energy prices rose immediately.
That first year whek they had control was an epic disaster on all fronts. Crazy welfare expansion immediately all in on electric open the border right up. Pure insanity
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You are absolutely right that we don't know the outcomes for different decisions. In this particular example, while it is very likely that Saddam would never have attacked the US, there is no reason to believe that if he had WMDs that he couldn't have sold them to some other country / organization that would not have been as hesitant to use them. Saddam gets money and revenge against the US and no fingers to point back to him, win-win.
Exactly, and the intelligence Bush received was wrong.
That first year whek they had control was an epic disaster on all fronts. Crazy welfare expansion immediately all in on electric open the border right up. Pure insanity
This is why we need a divided gov the next four years to mitigate the damage until Trump finally disappears.
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I don’t blame Biden for inflation. I blame him AND Harris as she was the far lefty coming in for making it worse. They were warned to stop that inflation would get worse but their ideology to expand welfare prevented them.
My response was not denying the rise in inflation. The response was with regards to whether a true recession / depression was possible (DANC saying that it would not have happened). I contend that it was possible. There are several things that could have screwed things up even further. The LA port issue a few years ago where they had container ships filled with cargo that couldn't be unloaded. That could have gone downhill and not been resolved for an even longer period of time. The decision to dig into our gas reserves to help (somewhat) alleviate gas prices (regardless of the process that lead to the need to do so), if Biden had decided against doing that gas prices might still be above $4.50. Despite the pork of the infrastructure bill (and yes, there was a ton of it), there are jobs that were created and helped stimulate the economy there, but that bill could have been shot down for some reason.

There are several things that could have changed that could have been worse, and with the benefit of hindsight, a whole lot of things that could have been done better, but without breaking out our Sliders Modules, we wont ever know what those outcomes would have been. We tend to think we know that changes we could have made would have made everything better, but there are always unintended consequences that we never consider.
Exactly. Economists were in agreement that such spending would ignite inflation. And then Joe/Kamala decided to declare war on fossil fuels and - what do you know! - energy prices rose immediately.

I keep hearing this war on fossil fuels yet we are producing more today than ever. Saudi Arabia decided that oil should cost $100 and based their production on that price point. They just abandoned it and will increase production in December.

This is good because it completely screws Russia which needs high oil to fund the war.

So when we look at the cost of oil, even if we produced more oil, OPEC+ would have reduced production even more to keep it at $100.
Exactly. Economists were in agreement that such spending would ignite inflation. And then Joe/Kamala decided to declare war on fossil fuels and - what do you know! - energy prices rose immediately.
Economists are also in agreement on which Presidential candidate's expressed policies would be worse for inflation and the debt. Makes no difference to you. Don't pretend that you listen to them. You only refer to them if you can use them to support your non-expert opinion.
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Economists are also in agreement on which Presidential candidate's expressed policies would be worse for inflation and the debt. Makes no difference to you. Don't pretend that you listen to them. You only refer to them if you can use them to support your non-expert opinion.
No, they’re not in agreement.