Joe Biggs, leader of the Proud Boys, sentenced to 17 years in federal prison

Biggs, Kelly ruled earlier in the hearing Thursday, was subject to harsher sentencing penalties for domestic terrorism because he ripped down a fence on Capitol grounds during the riot that separated law enforcement officers from the mob, taking the mob one step closer to breaching the Capitol.​

Previously the feds applied this sentencing enhancement for life threatening, or intended mass casualty, events. This seems like a strained enhancement to me.

The lawyers in NY who firebombed a police car, and were caught with material to toss more bombs got a year and no enhancement.
What enhancement do you mean? I'm not sure you are comparing apples to apples.

Biggs and the others were convicted of seditious conspiracy and several other federal crimes, including obstructing Congress, destruction of government property and assaulting law enforcement.

I haven't looked up the sentence provisions of all the other statutes, but the federal seditious conspiracy statute alone calls for a 20-year sentence:

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

What state crimes were charged in the cases you want to compare to the Biggs case?
Damn, Noodle, have a little bit of mercy, will ya

I’m not saying I wouldn’t be scared to death if I were staring down the barrel of 17 years in prison, but why is it all these MAGA tough guys seem to break down and cry when push actually comes to shove.

i guess they’re not the big tough revolutionaries they think they are.
I think a lot of people mistakenly believe that tears will help during sentencing.
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I know. I've gotten a few messages.

The side show is another mod, likely Stoll, keeps unbanning him, which is an egregious violation of mod behavior, so it's game of hide and seek. One I'm willing to play until the initial two is up. I'll keep Stoll busy.
You started the egregious mod misbehavior. At some point the owner will grow tired of you running off paying customers. You’re nothing but a bully.

Why don’t you go add some value to the Premium Board?
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What enhancement do you mean?
Here is an explanation of the enhancement. The court did not apply it. The government asked for it in a number J6 cases. I think the original purpose was to address the terror events I explained above. Using the enhancement for J6 cases is, IMO, an expansion of its original purpose.

I can’t with you people anymore. The amount of stupidity… and then everyone else is duped pigeons. We are doomed.
What's up pigeon. I can't leave an emoji. You all can have your government, msm, fbi orgy. Make sure you give ole Bill Clinton some loving. You don't wanna be on his long hit list
“I wanted to see what would happen,” he said. “My curiosity got the best of me and I’m going to have to live with that for the rest of my life.”

Reports are that the police initially fired rubber bullets at his feet. The first one should have been in his nuts, if that didn’t stop him then one to the neck, if that didn’t work then one to his left eye.

****er can rot in hell.
I think a lot of people mistakenly believe that tears will help during sentencing.
I think most of these guys have no idea what federal charges, courts and sentences are like. They're probably more familiar with state charges and then at their federal sentencing the real world hits them.

At his sentencing hearing, Biggs begged the judge to allow him to “take my daughter to school one day and pick her up.”

Obviously, even at his sentencing, Biggs thought there was a chance he could go home. No wonder he cried when he realized that wasn't going to happen.
I’m partial to the American Legion. My grandfather was a commander in the Legion. Made the mistake of mentioning that to the local Post and they kept pestering me to join (they have an “Auxiliary” division for clods like me who the military wouldn’t take).

Noodle, your post reminded me of Uncle Frank ( WW1 veteran) who was a big shot in the American Legion. Frank desperately wanted me to be a legion member, but my years of service wouldn't allow. It.

Since Frank"s passing the legion has passed changes which now would allow me to join.

Truth be known I never was anxious to join. However, as luck would have it, Frank will never know how I really felt.

P.S. loved being with Frank and other members of the Committee of Commitees when they visited the American Legion Headquaters in Indianapolis. They were all classy gentlemen whom I was honored to chauffeur around Indy..
Noodle, your post reminded me of Uncle Frank ( WW1 veteran) who was a big shot in the American Legion. Frank desperately wanted me to be a legion member, but my years of service wouldn't allow. It.

Since Frank"s passing the legion has passed changes which now would allow me to join.

Truth be known I never was anxious to join. However, as luck would have it, Frank will never know how I really felt.

P.S. loved being with Frank and other members of the Committee of Commitees when they visited the American Legion Headquaters in Indianapolis. They were all classy gentlemen whom I was honored to chauffeur around Indy..
Local post is old school. They used to sponsor pur Cub Scout pack. We still try to go there for fish fry’s during Lent.
In high school I helped my grandfather’s post document in photos all of their past commanders, dating back to the 1920s. I still have all of the negatives.
You started the egregious mod misbehavior. At some point the owner will grow tired of you running off paying customers. You’re nothing but a bully.

Why don’t you go add some value to the Premium Board?
I deleted a post. Then was followed around the board, so I put DANC on vacation.

You've been a little child since then.

You're now deleting other people's posts, including one that outed you for banning another poster...something about a fight.

I posted on the Premie today, but you're too busy...

1) Abusing your mod powers
2) Now, following me around in here

Grow up
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I deleted a post. Then was followed around the board, so I put DANC on vacation.

You've been a little child since then.

You're now deleting other people's posts, including one that outed you for banning another poster...something about a fight.

I posted on the Premie today, but you're too busy...

1) Abusing your mod powers
2) Now, following me around in here

Grow up
The post you mentioned, I deleted because it was not fully factual and the poster knew that.

I had banned a poster who followed me around directing personal insults to me. After I banned him I unbanned because like you did with Danc, I shouldn’t have banned him for insulting me. I immediately corrected my error. You refuse to correct yours.
  • Haha
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The post you mentioned, I deleted because it was not fully factual and the poster knew that.

I had banned a poster who followed me around directing personal insults to me. After I banned him I unbanned because like you did with Danc, I shouldn’t have banned him for insulting me. I immediately corrected my error. You refuse to correct yours.
That's where we differ. I don't think you were in the wrong, and I know I'm not in the wrong over this. If he/she was following you around insulting you, he/she should've been banned. Just because you relented doesn't mean I'm wrong.
That's where we differ. I don't think you were in the wrong, and I know I'm not in the wrong over this. If he/she was following you around insulting you, he/she should've been banned. Just because you relented doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Not by me. I should have been better than let myself be goaded into banning him.
Not by me. I should have been better than let myself be goaded into banning him.
Sometimes people ask for it, or do it because they think they won't get banned. Kind of a like a coach arguing until he gets a tech.

That's how it works sometimes. I've been consistent in how I handle things.
I think most of these guys have no idea what federal charges, courts and sentences are like. They're probably more familiar with state charges and then at their federal sentencing the real world hits them.

At his sentencing hearing, Biggs begged the judge to allow him to “take my daughter to school one day and pick her up.”

Obviously, even at his sentencing, Biggs thought there was a chance he could go home. No wonder he cried when he realized that wasn't going to happen.
Many/most of the J6 defendants aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Unfortunately for them, that's not a defense. Hopefully these sentences will serve as a wake-up call and a deterrent to anyone who might be contemplating behavior like this in the future.
Many/most of the J6 defendants aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Unfortunately for them, that's not a defense. Hopefully these sentences will serve as a wake-up call and a deterrent to anyone who might be contemplating behavior like this in the future.
I was set to storm the Capitol in March, but I cancelled it. F-ing white nationalists ruin everything.
I'm not arguing that. You can literally rape someone, kill someone, or burn down a building and still get less than what guy got. All of those have precedent and existing laws on the books.

I'd like to see some of the same prosecutorial zeal for someone who commits an armed robbery.

I think in Lincoln’s days, people were hanged (thank you Bulk). This wasn’t a protest; It was a coup attempt.
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I’m not saying I wouldn’t be scared to death if I were staring down the barrel of 17 years in prison, but why is it all these MAGA tough guys seem to break down and cry when push actually comes to shove.

i guess they’re not the big tough revolutionaries they think they are.
Don’t say that in a small town!
I’m partial to the American Legion. My grandfather was a commander in the Legion. Made the mistake of mentioning that to the local Post and they kept pestering me to join (they have an “Auxiliary” division for clods like me who the military wouldn’t take).

My father in law was a commander for our legion up here and then went I believe to serve some form of national rank.

We went to Indy when he was sworn in. My God, do those guys party. A group of us went to all the hospitality rooms and did a shot at every room. The next morning was sus.
  • Haha
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My father in law was a commander for our legion up here and then went I believe to serve some form of national rank.

We went to Indy when he was sworn in. My God, do those guys party. A group of us went to all the hospitality rooms and did a shot at every room. The next morning was sus.
I remember my grandfather's post did a Roaring 20's show every year, with the men performing in drag. I was maybe 6-10 years old. I guess they would call that child abuse these days. 🤣

Years ago the Cub Scout pack at our kids elementary needed a new sponsor, as the school district decided to stop being the sponsor (primarily because of social issues). Some parents approached the post to see if they were interested. They immediately said yes, and then asked "how much is this going to cost us?" Of course the answer was absolutely nothing. But the fact that they immediately agreed to be the sponsor, while mistakenly thinking they were going to have to provide funding, says volumes about their character. We also used to have our Pinewood Derby races at their post. The Post members always showed up to serve free drinks to everyone and help run the Derby. They also provided a color guard at nearly all of our Pack meetings and other events.

Hence the reason why we always try to go to their fish fry at least a couple times during Lent. It's probably not the best fish fry in our area, but there is no one better hosting one. Maybe when I retire I'll look into joining their auxiliary. They seemed like a fun bunch of guys. (And, to be honest, one of my hesitations in joining is that I would never want someone to think I served in the military just because. There never seemed to be a way to distinguish auxiliaries from regular members. )
The post you mentioned, I deleted because it was not fully factual and the poster knew that.

I had banned a poster who followed me around directing personal insults to me. After I banned him I unbanned because like you did with Danc, I shouldn’t have banned him for insulting me. I immediately corrected my error. You refuse to correct yours.

My post was factual but that shouldn't matter. Posts shouldn't be deleted because a mod doesn't think it is factual.

If I was a mod and was able to go by that standard, then most of your political posts would get deleted on the spot because I think they aren't factual.

No, you deleted the post because you didn't like being called out for being a hypocrite. The irony is that you are whining and accusing bloom of abusing his mod powers while abusing them yourself.

You got mad at Goat for saying he would unban me if you unfairly banned me...but it is ok for you to unban danc when you think he was unfairly banned. Very interesting
Ohhh well get the bag of d**** trophy for being basement dwelling, Nintendo playing, parent milking, Chazz inbreds.

Mom!!! We need that meatloaf now!
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I remember my grandfather's post did a Roaring 20's show every year, with the men performing in drag. I was maybe 6-10 years old. I guess they would call that child abuse these days. 🤣

Years ago the Cub Scout pack at our kids elementary needed a new sponsor, as the school district decided to stop being the sponsor (primarily because of social issues). Some parents approached the post to see if they were interested. They immediately said yes, and then asked "how much is this going to cost us?" Of course the answer was absolutely nothing. But the fact that they immediately agreed to be the sponsor, while mistakenly thinking they were going to have to provide funding, says volumes about their character. We also used to have our Pinewood Derby races at their post. The Post members always showed up to serve free drinks to everyone and help run the Derby. They also provided a color guard at nearly all of our Pack meetings and other events.

Hence the reason why we always try to go to their fish fry at least a couple times during Lent. It's probably not the best fish fry in our area, but there is no one better hosting one. Maybe when I retire I'll look into joining their auxiliary. They seemed like a fun bunch of guys. (And, to be honest, one of my hesitations in joining is that I would never want someone to think I served in the military just because. There never seemed to be a way to distinguish auxiliaries from regular members. )

Like you, I could join because of my grandfather, but haven't because I haven't been able to locate his dd214 yet.

My father in law has been on me about joining, because membership is way down. The majority of those guys, at least at the post where he goes and I've frequented quite often, don't really care if you've serverd or if you're family member has served. They are there to have a good time and serve the community.

My wife is a member because of her dad. So are my kids (he signed them up... I believe my youngest is still the youngest junior member they have at 10).

My FIL just got back from the national ride yesterday. He does it every year. I haven't talked to him yet but one of the first things he'll tell me is how much money they raised. He loves it and I love that he has so much passion for it.

I'm gonna sign up when I get that document. You should definitely sign up. They need members because unfortunately, the old timers aren't gonna be around forever.
Ohhh well get the bag of d**** trophy for being basement dwelling, Nintendo playing, parent milking, Chazz inbreds.

Mom!!! We need that meatloaf now!
You hate the well educated, don’t you? Those damn elites…
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