It's hard to feel sorry for Democrats, but I am starting to . . . . .

All you need to do is watch Hillary and Bill in operation to know how our system of legalized corruption works. They have made an art form out of it. I agree with AOC there are huge problems in our polical finance system. I, and thousands of others, have been commenting about this for years.

Notwithstanding her water is wet speech, her naïveté and inability to apply abstractions to the real world (some people might call that stupidity) is obvious.
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The Democratic party's woke standards for political acceptance is reaching the breaking point.

Consider recent history:

Elizabeth Warren apologies for stolen victimhood.
Kamala Harris is asked by left-wingers to apologize for prosecuting too many people of color.
Joe "Clean Negro" Biden is asked to apologize for complimenting a Republican.
Martin O'Malley is forced to apologize for saying "all lives matter".
Ralph Northam apologizes and is thrown under the bus anyway.
Mark Herring the same.
Kirsten Gillibrand apologizes for having used the term "illegal alien" in her past
Tulsi Gabbard apologizes for having believed marriage is between a man and a woman in her past.
Bernie Sanders is called a racist for upstaging Stacy Abrams.
All white male candidates will undoubtedly have "boys will be boys" events in their pasts.
Finally Stacy "rising star" Abrams receives props from all quarters for doubling down on politics focused on divisive demographics.

The political correct gauntlet the Democrats have created is bad for Democrats, is bad for politics, is bad for government, and is bad for all of us. The gauntlet is not just about politics, it spreads to all aspects of life, even into the simple act of buying razor blades.

As the most woke election season begins, and as oppo research is more thorough than ever, we are in for a very rough and destructive ride to the next POTUS.

In threads below, some posters have said the GOP doesn't care about sexual assault, racism, or other wokey accusations. That's not quite right as I explained in posts saying Ralph Northern should not be expected to resign. We should all be concerned that the politically correct left-wing-media-poltical-woke-complex is poised to take a wrecking ball to politics.
Just find a comfortable seat and let the Dems get as loud as possible. Their policies, as currently being trumpeted, are so unappealing to the large majority of likely voters that the best strategy is to have them broadcast their extreme leftist socialism far and wide. Just imagine the ads showing Cortez and company spouting off and the rest of the Dems finding they have to denounce her.
Just find a comfortable seat and let the Dems get as loud as possible. Their policies, as currently being trumpeted, are so unappealing to the large majority of likely voters that the best strategy is to have them broadcast their extreme leftist socialism far and wide. Just imagine the ads showing Cortez and company spouting off and the rest of the Dems finding they have to denounce her.

This liberal website disagrees with you on how unpopular those ideas are.
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Media poll a month ago long before all the proud leftists announced their myriad of socialist programs and governmental control intentions. Psst - before any of the leftists is the nominee, they'll have to move so far left that they won't be recognizable as Americans (if they are now). The election is 20 months away and there is no election contest yet. The blood bath will be for the Democrat nomination.

EDIT - the wall and the womb are much bigger issues than a tax rate and Dems are dead wrong on both.
Nah. She's horribly ignorant. Shes that woman in Macy's who is always trying to spray my wife with perfume without her consent. If she weren't moderately attractive, nobody would have ever heard of her and as such I expect her to fade back into obscurity sooner than later. Can't knock her enthusiasm for sure.

Hillz, calling AOC "moderately attractive" reminded me of Lady Bird Johnson tabbing her daughters as being " semi beautiful".
Meaningless score keeping. The Democrats own the biggie and that crime for which there were no indictments will never be surpassed.
Nah. Actually, Republicans own the prize.

The highest-ranking U.S. officeholder to be convicted is a Republican, Spiro Agnew, Nixon's first vice president, who (1) arrogantly and constantly lectured the whole country ad nauseum about law and order for years, but then (2) was convicted in federal court of tax evasion in 1973, was fined $10,000 and was placed on three years' unsupervised probation.

The reason Republicans are tempted so often to lecture everyone else about corruption is that Republicans have far more personal experience with it and want to show off their knowledge.
Nah. She's horribly ignorant. Shes that woman in Macy's who is always trying to spray my wife with perfume without her consent. If she weren't moderately attractive, nobody would have ever heard of her and as such I expect her to fade back into obscurity sooner than later. Can't knock her enthusiasm for sure.

AOC is spectacularly naive and her hair is on fire but she isn't ignorant. What she has accomplished in a short time with little help is impressive and if she can avoid stepping on too many land mines early on she will do quite well. Hopefully her positions will come off of the left field wall and become useful.
AOC is spectacularly naive and her hair is on fire but she isn't ignorant. What she has accomplished in a short time with little help is impressive and if she can avoid stepping on too many land mines early on she will do quite well. Hopefully her positions will come off of the left field wall and become useful.

From bartender to one of the most powerful women in congress in 9 months.

All in a country that is sexist and hates Latinos.

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From bartender to one of the most powerful women in congress in 9 months.
Don't get ahead of yourself. She has very little "power". That comes with time and is derived from her relationship with the leadership. What she does have is the spotlight, and she has been adept in making her time there count. It remains to be seen how much real influence she will be able to wield.
The Democratic party's woke standards for political acceptance is reaching the breaking point.

Consider recent history:

Elizabeth Warren apologies for stolen victimhood.
Kamala Harris is asked by left-wingers to apologize for prosecuting too many people of color.
Joe "Clean Negro" Biden is asked to apologize for complimenting a Republican.
Martin O'Malley is forced to apologize for saying "all lives matter".
Ralph Northam apologizes and is thrown under the bus anyway.
Mark Herring the same.
Kirsten Gillibrand apologizes for having used the term "illegal alien" in her past
Tulsi Gabbard apologizes for having believed marriage is between a man and a woman in her past.
Bernie Sanders is called a racist for upstaging Stacy Abrams.
All white male candidates will undoubtedly have "boys will be boys" events in their pasts.
Finally Stacy "rising star" Abrams receives props from all quarters for doubling down on politics focused on divisive demographics.

The political correct gauntlet the Democrats have created is bad for Democrats, is bad for politics, is bad for government, and is bad for all of us. The gauntlet is not just about politics, it spreads to all aspects of life, even into the simple act of buying razor blades.

As the most woke election season begins, and as oppo research is more thorough than ever, we are in for a very rough and destructive ride to the next POTUS.

In threads below, some posters have said the GOP doesn't care about sexual assault, racism, or other wokey accusations. That's not quite right as I explained in posts saying Ralph Northern should not be expected to resign. We should all be concerned that the politically correct left-wing-media-poltical-woke-complex is poised to take a wrecking ball to politics.
The anguished look of a woke conservative:


Better woke before your wake.
Don't get ahead of yourself. She has very little "power". That comes with time and is derived from her relationship with the leadership. What she does have is the spotlight, and she has been adept in making her time there count. It remains to be seen how much real influence she will be able to wield.
She, along with a Senator, were able to list policy positions that will save the world. All in less than 2 months in office.

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