It's hard to feel sorry for Democrats, but I am starting to . . . . .

CO. Hoosier

Hall of Famer
Aug 29, 2001
The Democratic party's woke standards for political acceptance is reaching the breaking point.

Consider recent history:

Elizabeth Warren apologies for stolen victimhood.
Kamala Harris is asked by left-wingers to apologize for prosecuting too many people of color.
Joe "Clean Negro" Biden is asked to apologize for complimenting a Republican.
Martin O'Malley is forced to apologize for saying "all lives matter".
Ralph Northam apologizes and is thrown under the bus anyway.
Mark Herring the same.
Kirsten Gillibrand apologizes for having used the term "illegal alien" in her past
Tulsi Gabbard apologizes for having believed marriage is between a man and a woman in her past.
Bernie Sanders is called a racist for upstaging Stacy Abrams.
All white male candidates will undoubtedly have "boys will be boys" events in their pasts.
Finally Stacy "rising star" Abrams receives props from all quarters for doubling down on politics focused on divisive demographics.

The political correct gauntlet the Democrats have created is bad for Democrats, is bad for politics, is bad for government, and is bad for all of us. The gauntlet is not just about politics, it spreads to all aspects of life, even into the simple act of buying razor blades.

As the most woke election season begins, and as oppo research is more thorough than ever, we are in for a very rough and destructive ride to the next POTUS.

In threads below, some posters have said the GOP doesn't care about sexual assault, racism, or other wokey accusations. That's not quite right as I explained in posts saying Ralph Northern should not be expected to resign. We should all be concerned that the politically correct left-wing-media-poltical-woke-complex is poised to take a wrecking ball to politics.
They’ve sailed right over the edge into insanity. But I say, keep it up. Better to know who the loons are.

My favorite-apologizing for saying “all lives matter”. I mean, just stop and think that one through. LMAO
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They’ve sailed right over the edge into insanity. But I say, keep it up. Better to know who the loons are.

My favorite-apologizing for saying “all lives matter”. I mean, just stop and think that one through. LMAO

And now you'll have to worry/despair that we'll never get to where we want to be environmentally due to all that bovine flatuence.
The Democratic party's woke standards for political acceptance is reaching the breaking point.

Consider recent history:

Elizabeth Warren apologies for stolen victimhood.
Kamala Harris is asked by left-wingers to apologize for prosecuting too many people of color.
Joe "Clean Negro" Biden is asked to apologize for complimenting a Republican.
Martin O'Malley is forced to apologize for saying "all lives matter".
Ralph Northam apologizes and is thrown under the bus anyway.
Mark Herring the same.
Kirsten Gillibrand apologizes for having used the term "illegal alien" in her past
Tulsi Gabbard apologizes for having believed marriage is between a man and a woman in her past.
Bernie Sanders is called a racist for upstaging Stacy Abrams.
All white male candidates will undoubtedly have "boys will be boys" events in their pasts.
Finally Stacy "rising star" Abrams receives props from all quarters for doubling down on politics focused on divisive demographics.

The political correct gauntlet the Democrats have created is bad for Democrats, is bad for politics, is bad for government, and is bad for all of us. The gauntlet is not just about politics, it spreads to all aspects of life, even into the simple act of buying razor blades.

As the most woke election season begins, and as oppo research is more thorough than ever, we are in for a very rough and destructive ride to the next POTUS.

In threads below, some posters have said the GOP doesn't care about sexual assault, racism, or other wokey accusations. That's not quite right as I explained in posts saying Ralph Northern should not be expected to resign. We should all be concerned that the politically correct left-wing-media-poltical-woke-complex is poised to take a wrecking ball to politics.

i'd have "liked" your post, but don't really want to stick my head out of the foxhole.
They’ve sailed right over the edge into insanity. But I say, keep it up. Better to know who the loons are.

My favorite-apologizing for saying “all lives matter”. I mean, just stop and think that one through. LMAO

as i've pointed out before, the interests that fund the DNC want the Pubs to win more than they want the Dems to. (probably way truer than most want to believe).

they only bought the DNC to cover their bases, just in case.

absent the internet and the associated troll farms that live in it that are driving all this, nobody would give a hoot about that stupid pic or the other stuff listed above.
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I've been criticized for saying it, but this is the nonsense that helped drive people to a nut like Trump.

Most politicians are soulless shitheads. Screw the lot of them.
Okay lets go back to Nixon, there have now since been 6 Republican presidents including Nixon and 3 Democrats. The Democrats have combined for a total of four people in their administrations getting indicted. The Republicans have combined for 127 people in their administrations getting indicted. That's an average of 1.33 people indicted per Democrat and 21.66 per Republican (with plenty more soon to come with Trump). I'd say having 16.28x more indictments per administration is quite a bit.

If you want to go with people convicted in the same timeframe, the Democrats have combined for a total of 2, while the Republicans finish with a nice 86.

I'd to love to show you the full picture of the Republican corruption if you'd like. Republicans want you to think that both sides are the same because low voter turnout= W for Republicans
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I don't feel sorry for Democats or Republicans.

I feel sorry all those future Americans who may not have all the advantages of being Americans which current and past Americans enjoyed.

what do you mean "current Americans"?

we haven't been able to burn one at rock concerts since Reagan.
Okay lets go back to Nixon, there have now since been 6 Republican presidents including Nixon and 3 Democrats. The Democrats have combined for a total of four people in their administrations getting indicted. The Republicans have combined for 127 people in their administrations getting indicted. That's an average of 1.33 people indicted per Democrat and 21.66 per Republican (with plenty more soon to come with Trump). I'd say having 16.28x more indictments per administration is quite a bit.

If you want to go with people convicted in the same timeframe, the Democrats have combined for a total of 2, while the Republicans finish with a nice 86.

I'd to love to show you the full picture of the Republican corruption if you'd like. Republicans want you to think that both sides are the same because low voter turnout= W for Republicans

is that true?
This is the Internet, isn't it? Duh.
It all depends on how you count them, obviously. It's also worth noting that of the 127 the poster mentioned (he got it from a Daily Kos article, so, yeah...), 76 of them were during Nixon. Another 26 were during Reagan. 16 during Bush II. Trump only accounts for 7 so far (the total doesn't include furrners hiding in Russia).
It’s a little ironic that the party that elected Trump is trying to portray AOC as stupid. I’d take her in a debate on facts with Trump any day of the week.
Okay lets go back to Nixon, there have now since been 6 Republican presidents including Nixon and 3 Democrats. The Democrats have combined for a total of four people in their administrations getting indicted. The Republicans have combined for 127 people in their administrations getting indicted. That's an average of 1.33 people indicted per Democrat and 21.66 per Republican (with plenty more soon to come with Trump). I'd say having 16.28x more indictments per administration is quite a bit.

If you want to go with people convicted in the same timeframe, the Democrats have combined for a total of 2, while the Republicans finish with a nice 86.

I'd to love to show you the full picture of the Republican corruption if you'd like. Republicans want you to think that both sides are the same because low voter turnout= W for Republicans

Meaningless score keeping. The Democrats own the biggie and that crime for which there were no indictments will never be surpassed.
It’s a little ironic that the party that elected Trump is trying to portray AOC as stupid. I’d take her in a debate on facts with Trump any day of the week.
Nah. She's horribly ignorant. Shes that woman in Macy's who is always trying to spray my wife with perfume without her consent. If she weren't moderately attractive, nobody would have ever heard of her and as such I expect her to fade back into obscurity sooner than later. Can't knock her enthusiasm for sure.
Nah. She's horribly ignorant. Shes that woman in Macy's who is always trying to spray my wife with perfume without her consent. If she weren't moderately attractive, nobody would have ever heard of her and as such I expect her to fade back into obscurity sooner than later. Can't knock her enthusiasm for sure.

Interesting that you'd make a comparison to someone demoing fragrances at Macy's as she was all over the MSN landing page a coupe of weeks ago, apparently sharing her beauty secrets in Instagram.
Interesting that you'd make a comparison to someone demoing fragrances at Macy's as she was all over the MSN landing page a coupe of weeks ago, apparently sharing her beauty secrets in Instagram.
MSN landing page? Please tell me you're kidding.
MSN landing page? Please tell me you're kidding.

Why would I be kidding you? I wasn't suggesting that this was some Hard News story, just a comment (in response to the Macy's Fragrance thing) that the congresswoman was sharing beauty tips with her followers.
I don't feel sorry for Democats or Republicans.

I feel sorry all those future Americans who may not have all the advantages of being Americans which current and past Americans enjoyed.

And carry the load of an even devicive society. I could see violence just like we see all over Europe and South America. When we cant live together we fight.
Why would I be kidding you? I wasn't suggesting that this was some Hard News story, just a comment (in response to the Macy's Fragrance thing) that the congresswoman was sharing beauty tips with her followers.
I just have a hard time imagining someone having an MSN landing page. I suppose there are still lots of default droids out there.
It’s a little ironic that the party that elected Trump is trying to portray AOC as stupid. I’d take her in a debate on facts with Trump any day of the week.

What is a debate on facts? Is that where we discuss the validity of certain facts? Seems productive.

And thanks for your addition to the thread “But Trump”.
I just have a hard time imagining someone having an MSN landing page. I suppose there are still lots of default droids out there.

LOL. It's just a landing page. How else am I going to keep up with Tom Brady's and Gisellelellesss diet info?
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The Democratic party's woke standards for political acceptance is reaching the breaking point.

Consider recent history:

Elizabeth Warren apologies for stolen victimhood.
Kamala Harris is asked by left-wingers to apologize for prosecuting too many people of color.
Joe "Clean Negro" Biden is asked to apologize for complimenting a Republican.
Martin O'Malley is forced to apologize for saying "all lives matter".
Ralph Northam apologizes and is thrown under the bus anyway.
Mark Herring the same.
Kirsten Gillibrand apologizes for having used the term "illegal alien" in her past
Tulsi Gabbard apologizes for having believed marriage is between a man and a woman in her past.
Bernie Sanders is called a racist for upstaging Stacy Abrams.
All white male candidates will undoubtedly have "boys will be boys" events in their pasts.
Finally Stacy "rising star" Abrams receives props from all quarters for doubling down on politics focused on divisive demographics.

The political correct gauntlet the Democrats have created is bad for Democrats, is bad for politics, is bad for government, and is bad for all of us. The gauntlet is not just about politics, it spreads to all aspects of life, even into the simple act of buying razor blades.

As the most woke election season begins, and as oppo research is more thorough than ever, we are in for a very rough and destructive ride to the next POTUS.

In threads below, some posters have said the GOP doesn't care about sexual assault, racism, or other wokey accusations. That's not quite right as I explained in posts saying Ralph Northern should not be expected to resign. We should all be concerned that the politically correct left-wing-media-poltical-woke-complex is poised to take a wrecking ball to politics.

That was an extremely poor effort at trolling. I know you have better in you.
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It’s like watching a baby fawn learn to walk. Each day she incorporates some new leftist talking points into her vernacular. Each day growing stronger and stronger.

My gosh. How intelligent.

Pointing out that special interest, self dealing and dark money are rat f$cking our democracy is a “leftist” talking point? Do you read what you post?