Glad she is doing better and I believe that if the child got the gun from his parents that the parents should face legal consequences.
See how easy that is? We even have an entire thread about this incident where my first inclination was to, checks notes, say that the parents should be charged. Your first inclination was to get mad that I shared a story which paints SOME teachers in Chicago in a bad light. There is a problem there. You open another door to those types of people: hetero, homo, or other to having the types of conversations that lead to this when you insert sex of any kind at too young an age and when you have teachers having non clinical discussions about sex at high school levels.
Finally, there are tons of teachers across the country who like their kids and would go out of their way for them as are there tons who are really just there to collect a check because they don't know where else to go. There are great people and there are ones who would do the types of things listed in the article. There also exists levels in between. If teachers are doing something that parents don't like or something that is just verifiably wrong (like in this article) it is OK to criticize. Everyone gets criticized at work at some point or another.
You don't have to be the good cop covering for the bad cops.