It’s Mueller Time ....running thread

Except it was Mueller who put that in his report when there is no precedence for him doing so.
Special Counsels have lots of leeway in their reports.

Ken Starr even went to the level of directly recommending impeachment for Clinton, far beyond the purview expected.
Trust you guys don't play on public golf courses which are subsidized by taxpayers (partial freebies):cool:.

No subsidy. We play at Oak Meadow Country Club. I am a member there and also Victoria National Golf Club. Buddies at Victoria do lot of traveling so I needed second club to find a game.
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Main stream media is far from perfect, but it's better than Fox News which is straight up gaslighting the American public.
Lol. Right. Maybe I missed where Fox News constantly tries to tell the American people that Trump is compromised and that he collided with Russia. I must have missed that. That must be why Fox has such high ratings comparatively. Lol. So dumb....

Again, Trump has really done a number on some people’s sanity.
I disagree. When she said she didn’t pull the US diplomats out of Libya when some of our allies and NGO’s did, because “nobody recommended that to her,” she exposed herself as an out of touch figurehead with no leadership abilities. She ran her campaign in a similar fashion and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Agreed she was campaigning at those hearings.

I've always been under the impression Ambassador Stevens was on a mission and wanted to stay. Given this, why would the State Department rush to pull the diplomats?

Personally I felt the diplomats should have been pulled given the circumstances in Libya with Benghazi being particularly treacherous in spite of what Stevens was doing or saying.
I’m sure the last two years have taken a heavy toll on him with the constant vilification by Trump and his media outlets all in the name of trying to do his duty. Life isn’t always fair to those that serve.

Between his military service and jobs he’s held I can’t imagine the Special Counsel job bothered him too much. As I’ve grown older with many of my clients, I’ve watched folks fail quickly.
I’m sure the last two years have taken a heavy toll on him with the constant vilification by Trump and his media outlets all in the name of trying to do his duty. Life isn’t always fair to those that serve.
Between his military service and jobs he’s held I can’t imagine the Special Counsel job bothered him too much. As I’ve grown older with many of my clients, I’ve watched folks fail quickly.
There comes a point during a persons decline where things start going downhill at a rapid clip. I noticed it with my dad, am seeing it with a coworker, and seeing it with myself physically.
Do you understand that the FBI has a counter intelligence investigation currently open, in which the public has little if any details on?

I want a media that reports facts. I don't care which side it hurts. Trump wants everything to be shutdown so he can do whatever he wants. It's fascinating to me that you are okay with no checks and balances. Even if nothing turns up, we need accountability in government. Accountability for the Clinton's, Trump's and whoever else is taking advantage of the system

Main stream media is far from perfect, but it's better than Fox News which is straight up gaslighting the American public.
What “checks and balances” have been removed? Who is ok with no “checks and balances”?

Seems to me like we just went through two years and 40 million dollars worth of investigative “checks and balances” which Trump could have shut down at any time, only to find out that no laws were broken. What do you call that?

You talk about Fox News gaslighting while you do the very same thing in the same post.

Jesus. I’m so sick and tired of the sky is falling, the end is here mentality some of you people have. Talk about sheep.
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What “checks and balances” have been removed? Who is ok with no “checks and balances”?

Seems to me like we just went through two years and 40 million dollars worth of investigative “checks and balances” which Trump could have shut down at any time, only to find out that no laws were broken. What do you call that?

You talk about Fox News gaslighting while you do the very same thing in the same post.

Jesus. I’m so sick and tired of the sky is falling, the end is here mentality some of you people have. Talk about sheep.
You're right. We should have just let Trump do whatever he wants. Nothing to see here, I'm sure he is being totally honest. I hope you felt the same way about Benghazi.
lol ..

"No laws were broken?"

Then claims someone is "gaslighting" .. while adding fumes to the gaslight.


Cult ..
No laws were broken sums up both trump and his supporters. Everyone knows he tried obstruct the investigation by tampering with witnesses but his defenders claim no laws were broken.

What happens to the republican (trump) party and his followers when he's gone? Does the party and his followers wake up like a someone coming out from under anesthesia or do things take a more drastic turn? Prior to the election everyone that paid attention had at least an inkling of what he was. Now after a couple of years there is no doubt about his lack of character and disdain for anything that this country prided itself on. Are his supporters just stubborn, like Pontiac Aztec buyers who couldn't admit until years after the fact they had indeed bought a turd, or are they just like him?
What “checks and balances” have been removed? Who is ok with no “checks and balances”?

Seems to me like we just went through two years and 40 million dollars worth of investigative “checks and balances” which Trump could have shut down at any time, only to find out that no laws were broken. What do you call that?

You talk about Fox News gaslighting while you do the very same thing in the same post.

Jesus. I’m so sick and tired of the sky is falling, the end is here mentality some of you people have. Talk about sheep.

There was a time when Dems and Pubs shared a colleagual connection as members of Congress and took the task of checks and balances differently than today. Presidents were held somewhat at arm's length and were expected to consult with leaders of both parties on issues facing the country including foreign affairs.

Today loyalty to party and the party's president reigns supreme. Presidents don't seem to feel the need to consult even with leaders of their own party. Executive orders have replaced the need for Congressional approval, consultation, and legislation. A member of a political party in today's world is unlikely to offer public opposition to his party's president much less join forces with members of the other party in a checks and balance effort.
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I can't believe they are still squawking "no laws were broken" .. They've created this fantasy bubble of alternate reality around them that no truth can penetrate. There's no sense in attempting educate them, they refuse to read, and refuse to listen, it's as senseless attempting to shame them, as it's obvious that they have no shame. They constantly claim fake news, while the biggest practitioner of fakery and lies is the the guy they support ..
OJ didn't do it, either.
I can't believe they are still squawking "no laws were broken" .. They've created this fantasy bubble of alternate reality around them that no truth can penetrate. There's no sense in attempting educate them, they refuse to read, and refuse to listen, it's as senseless attempting to shame them, as it's obvious that they have no shame. They constantly claim fake news, while the biggest practitioner of fakery and lies is the the guy they support ..

It's a cult ... there's no other word to describe how they act and think.
By all means, educate me.

What laws were broken?

Keep in mind, I hate Trump. Pence would be a MUCH better president.
There was a time when Dems and Pubs shared a colleagual connection as members of Congress and took the task of checks and balances differently than today. Presidents were held somewhat at arm's length and were expected to consult with leaders of both parties on issues facing the country including foreign affairs.

Today loyalty to party and the party's president reigns supreme. Presidents don't seem to feel the need to consult even with leaders of their own party. Executive orders have replaced the need for Congressional approval, consultation, and legislation. A member of a political party in today's world is unlikely to offer public opposition to his party's president much less join forces with members of the other party in a checks and balance effort.
I agree with all of this.
What laws were broken? What checks and balances has Trump ended?

Should be a simple answer.
We can start with Trump ignoring congressional subpoenas. Oh and also telling his staff to falsify or destroy records in regards to Mueller's investigation.
We don’t discuss politics often. He never has good answers about him paying more taxes for all the “free stuff” his friends want to give away.

He’s a tightwad.
He is himself.
He is his family.
He is his groups.
He is his nation.
He is his world.
He is his planet...

He frugally invests in the broad array of who he is.
There comes a point during a persons decline where things start going downhill at a rapid clip. I noticed it with my dad, am seeing it with a coworker, and seeing it with myself physically.

I had husband and wife come in to have their taxes done for over 30 years. The wife always seemed a little eccentric but I never thought anything about it. She worked in government her entire work life. 4 years ago they came and she didn’t know me and couldn’t take her jacket off. Very sad but even worse, it’s killing her husband. He’s devastated that he had to put her in a Nursing Home. It’s destroying his health and breaking him financially.
Special Counsels have lots of leeway in their reports.

Ken Starr even went to the level of directly recommending impeachment for Clinton, far beyond the purview expected.
Buy that's different. Clinton is a Democrat. Therefore, he deserved it. Trump is s Republican, well at least he says. Therefore, he is not guilty by definition. Right, SNU? And you are welcome! After all, what are friends for? ;)
No subsidy. We play at Oak Meadow Country Club. I am a member there and also Victoria National Golf Club. Buddies at Victoria do lot of traveling so I needed second club to find a game.
Victoria is harder than Chinese Algebra. I'm older than your buddy and play the up tees, but I haven't figured out Victoria - haven't played there enough I guess. I'm a low number at home, but take me to Victoria and I'd be happy to shoot mid 80s - real happy.
Do you understand that the FBI has a counter intelligence investigation currently open, in which the public has little if any details on?

I want a media that reports facts. I don't care which side it hurts. Trump wants everything to be shutdown so he can do whatever he wants. It's fascinating to me that you are okay with no checks and balances. Even if nothing turns up, we need accountability in government. Accountability for the Clinton's, Trump's and whoever else is taking advantage of the system

Main stream media is far from perfect, but it's better than Fox News which is straight up gaslighting the American public.
What “checks and balances” have been removed? Who is ok with no “checks and balances”?

Seems to me like we just went through two years and 40 million dollars worth of investigative “checks and balances” which Trump could have shut down at any time, only to find out that no laws were broken. What do you call that?

You talk about Fox News gaslighting while you do the very same thing in the same post.

Jesus. I’m so sick and tired of the sky is falling, the end is here mentality some of you people have. Talk about sheep.
Trump is ordering his administration to ignore subpoenas from the House. He continues to obstruct. Why all the lies if they aren’t covering up?
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I had husband and wife come in to have their taxes done for over 30 years. The wife always seemed a little eccentric but I never thought anything about it. She worked in government her entire work life. 4 years ago they came and she didn’t know me and couldn’t take her jacket off. Very sad but even worse, it’s killing her husband. He’s devastated that he had to put her in a Nursing Home. It’s destroying his health and breaking him financially.
Meh. Shoulda done his own taxes and invested the difference.
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lol ..

"No laws were broken?"

Then claims someone is "gaslighting" .. while adding fumes to the gaslight.


Cult ..
What laws were broken? What checks and balances has Trump ended?

Should be a simple answer.
Individual 1 took campaign funds to bribe his porn star. Individual 1 lied about his finances in order to secure loans. Individual 1 obstructed justice time and again, lied about it, and ordered his staff to do so.
Individual 1 took campaign funds to bribe his porn star. Individual 1 lied about his finances in order to secure loans. Individual 1 obstructed justice time and again, lied about it, and ordered his staff to do so.
Individual 1 is not guilty of any crimes.
Victoria is harder than Chinese Algebra. I'm older than your buddy and play the up tees, but I haven't figured out Victoria - haven't played there enough I guess. I'm a low number at home, but take me to Victoria and I'd be happy to shoot mid 80s - real happy.

We all say par is 80. Most difficult course I’ve ever played. I had lower back problem and started year playing bad right after tax season. In fact had to stop playing for week and a half. A PT has saved by back and golf game the last month and a half. My lowest score from the member tees is 74 this year. Last weekend in the Senior Club Championship I shot 41-35 for a 76 the first day. Choked to an 83 the second day and lost. Lol.
Meh. Shoulda done his own taxes and invested the difference.

Doubt he would have much of an investment. I wasted my time with return that I’ve never charged more than $175. Only met with them and wasted my time because they were friends of my parents and they are good people.
Doubt he would have much of an investment. I wasted my time with return that I’ve never charged more than $175. Only met with them and wasted my time because they were friends of my parents and they are good people.
I was just kidding. If your back problem is sciatica related, you might try the McKenzie Method. It's outstanding and you can do it yourself. Book is short and easy to read also.
Anyone who takes the findings of the Mueller report seriously should know there is cause for concern about Russian meddling in our federal elections and that there are some major red flags with this president and his administration. Take away the names and the D and R designations and even the most ardent, level-headed conservative would agree (although I'm beginning to think this is an oxymoron).

That said, I flipped over to Fox News last night and it's almost shameful how people here, on Facebook and other places are lapping up the talking points being rammed through on all those shows. To sum up their messaging in a few words, they essentially believe Mueller was a talking head who has a fading mental capacity. They created a new boogie man out of whole cloth - Andrew Weissman is now the anti-Christ who has been secretly pulling the strings to bring down St. Trump. And if you were a godly man like Donald Trump who was as pure as driven snow, of course you'd do anything in your power to thwart an investigation you're involved in!

It's insanity, but that isn't too far from the gist of the messaging I took away from Tucker Carlson and all the other jokers on Fox News.
IF there was Russian meddling that affected the 2016 Election (and NO, that has not been proven) then it happened on the previous administration’s watch and what did they do about it? Better than that, let’s just see and listen to the previous Commander in Chief on what he believed about the election being rigged...

Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way, will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are...not to be found.

There is no serious person out there, who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized, and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that has has happened in the past or there are instances that will happen this time.

October 18, 2016
IF there was Russian meddling that affected the 2016 Election (and NO, that has not been proven) then it happened on the previous administration’s watch and what did they do about it? Better than that, let’s just see and listen to the previous Commander in Chief on what he believed about the election being rigged...

Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way, will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are...not to be found.

There is no serious person out there, who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized, and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that has has happened in the past or there are instances that will happen this time.

October 18, 2016

No one that I know of claims voter fraud. Ok, the right claims is continuously though there is no evidence. The left says Russia ran highly effective social media campaigns targeting white males in specific stayes to influence their vote.
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No one that I know of claims voter fraud. Ok, the right claims is continuously though there is no evidence. The left says Russia ran highly effective social media campaigns targeting white males in specific stayes to influence their vote.
If you can't win arguing the facts, argue a different point.
IF there was Russian meddling that affected the 2016 Election (and NO, that has not been proven) then it happened on the previous administration’s watch and what did they do about it? Better than that, let’s just see and listen to the previous Commander in Chief on what he believed about the election being rigged...

Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way, will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are...not to be found.

There is no serious person out there, who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized, and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that has has happened in the past or there are instances that will happen this time.

October 18, 2016
I second Marvins remarks. Also there was this:

Russians targeted our elections through social media campaigns in certain states. The Mueller Report listed out instances where Manafort gave polling data to foreign entities for certain swing States.
No one that I know of claims voter fraud. Ok, the right claims is continuously though there is no evidence. The left says Russia ran highly effective social media campaigns targeting white males in specific stayes to influence their vote.
Netflix has a new show “The Great Hack” which is about the Trump’s campaign strategy to win enough votes in key states to win the electoral vote.
IF there was Russian meddling that affected the 2016 Election (and NO, that has not been proven) then it happened on the previous administration’s watch and what did they do about it? Better than that, let’s just see and listen to the previous Commander in Chief on what he believed about the election being rigged...

Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way, will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are...not to be found.

There is no serious person out there, who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized, and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that has has happened in the past or there are instances that will happen this time.

October 18, 2016
A couple of points about that.

1) It has been proven that Russian meddling happened in the 2016 election and those in the know are concerned that it will happen again in 2020.

2) Voter fraud and Russian meddling are two different things. Russia didn't stuff the ballot box, they influenced voters, hacked DNC computers and generally influenced stupid/easily gullible people into believing things like Hillary Clinton running a made up pedophila ring in a made up basement of a pizza restaurant.
A couple of points about that.

1) It has been proven that Russian meddling happened in the 2016 election and those in the know are concerned that it will happen again in 2020.

2) Voter fraud and Russian meddling are two different things. Russia didn't stuff the ballot box, they influenced voters, hacked DNC computers and generally influenced stupid/easily gullible people into believing things like Hillary Clinton running a made up pedophila ring in a made up basement of a pizza restaurant.
3) Trump likes all things Pussian.
Just a reminder to everyone that when the 2020 election arrives, a vote for Trump or a decision to stay home or a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for SNU and for undermining the basic principles of our republic. All the talk about taxes and judges and immigration is total BS. You're a patriot or you're not.