I’ve changed my mind.

Wonder how many of those purged were voters who had moved and temporarily were registered at two addresses with the purged registration being the old address.

Was a ward chairman many years ago. Had a great many apartment communities in my ward. Apartmemt dwellers tend to be highly tramsient so voters registered in more than one polling place was common. The potential threat of course being they could vote more than once.

Neither party was overly concerned about someone actually voting twice. Our focus back then for both parties was getting people registered and voter turnout, not purging.
It would be so easy to vote twice. I don't think precincts do any cross checking. I could be wrong, but the systems are so antiquated I doubt they do it. And it would be relatively simple to do.
You should have seen the stink eye I got when I registered to vote in NC with my Florida driver's license.

I had to bring up an online bank statement and a water bill to prove my address. Then, when I voted right after in the Primary, some guy was hanging around me, making small talk, trying to find out my background.

I'm fine with it - I hope the do it to everyone who registers.
You dry gulch him?
NC alone has removed almost 1M people from its voter rolls since 2020. The rolls are probably even much worse in the really crooked states like NY, PA, MI, IL etc and almost all were sent mail in ballots. And we know the rejection rate was virtually 0. But keep up the lies.

This is like reporting that the HOA requires the grass in your neighborhood be cut. Purging voter rolls is required by law (as it should be) and finding suspected ineligible voters to purge is a good thing which doesn't equate to voter fraud in any way.
It would be so easy to vote twice. I don't think precincts do any cross checking. I could be wrong, but the systems are so antiquated I doubt they do it. And it would be relatively simple to do.
Of course they check. We have the polls for two separate districts right down the street within about 300 yards of each other. I went to the first one (at the church) in 2022 because I thought that was the right one for me. They quickly told me I wasn't eligible to vote there and directed me to the right one which is at the VFW 300 yards away (I'm a member, incidentally) so went there and voted. They do a good job with the elections here in Ohio.
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Wonder how many of those purged were voters who had moved and temporarily were registered at two addresses with the purged registration being the old address.

Was a ward chairman many years ago. Had a great many apartment communities in my ward. Apartmemt dwellers tend to be highly tramsient so voters registered in more than one polling place was common. The potential threat of course being they could vote more than once.

Neither party was overly concerned about someone actually voting twice. Our focus back then for both parties was getting people registered and voter turnout, not purging.

You should have seen the stink eye I got when I registered to vote in NC with my Florida driver's license.

I had to bring up an online bank statement and a water bill to prove my address. Then, when I voted right after in the Primary, some guy was hanging around me, making small talk, trying to find out my background.

I'm fine with it - I hope the do it to everyone who registers.
Read this.

NC alone has removed almost 1M people from its voter rolls since 2020. The rolls are probably even much worse in the really crooked states like NY, PA, MI, IL etc and almost all were sent mail in ballots. And we know the rejection rate was virtually 0. But keep up the lies.

That post is brilliant!! Thnks for posting it!!

In 2020, Trump carried NC 2,758,775 to 2,684,292, and NC's response is to purge the voter rolls, we assume to keep it from happening again.

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It’s not uncalled for or over the top. For the past 8 years your party (Democrats) and the MSM has continually brainwashed the masses (and you) that Trump is Hitler, threat to Democracy, and blah blah blah. The predictable end result is a couple nuts believed it and tried to blow his head off. It’s not surprising at all.
I say again, how did that shooter get to within 130 yds of Trump? Why was he not seen? Why did the authorities ,ot react when many in the crowd were yelling he was up there?
They have slow walked no investigations. Bill Barr headed up the JD, ffs. What are you even talking about? There’s no there, there.
What 51 intelligence people? What are you even talking about?
Media to toss objectivity in the dumpster. What “media” had to pay $788 million dollars to Dominion for lying to its viewers about voter fraud? That objectivity? Again, WTF are you even talking about? For the record, there are many, many Republicans on MSM because their Grand Old Party has been hijacked by a con man, demagogue.
The only diminished election confidence is because Trump did and continues to lie about the results of the 2020 election. He lost. There were no fraudulent votes. To say so is bull$hit. That’s Bill Barr’s word, not mine.
Social media was and continues to be attacked by foreign adversaries , specifically Russia and China.
You reap what you sow. Trump has used violent rhetoric far more than any other person in higher office, over the last 8 years.
Covid is over. Why do we have mail in voting during this election? How are these votes secured?

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