


Just wanted to introduce myself, since I'm a long time lurker since 1999, first on Peegs and now this site. I've never participated in internet message boards (in fact I just figured out how to start a thread this morning). But I started intently watching these boards during our most recent coaching search (you can tell who I wanted by my username), and for the first time, read this Water Cooler board. I've found some of your conversations really interesting. I live in the Chicago suburbs and don't hear much diversity of opinion where I live.

I recently binged Ted Lasso and loved it so much, I'm actively attempting to adopt some of his life philosophy. So I'm trying to "Be curious, not judgmental." Go easy on me; I might be too thin skinned to last long on here.
Just wanted to introduce myself, since I'm a long time lurker since 1999, first on Peegs and now this site. I've never participated in internet message boards (in fact I just figured out how to start a thread this morning). But I started intently watching these boards during our most recent coaching search (you can tell who I wanted by my username), and for the first time, read this Water Cooler board. I've found some of your conversations really interesting. I live in the Chicago suburbs and don't hear much diversity of opinion where I live.

I recently binged Ted Lasso and loved it so much, I'm actively attempting to adopt some of his life philosophy. So I'm trying to "Be curious, not judgmental." Go easy on me; I might be too thin skinned to last long on here.
That’s a great Ted Lasso scene!

Welcome, I can tell by your taste in books you’re one of the good ones.
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