With UM winning the NC last night, they are reminding me how obnoxious their fanbase is. What fanbase do you hate? Which do you like?


Hall of Famer
Oct 26, 2001
My #1 is UK for sure. Great fans and support, but when I've been in crowds, they are by far the most obnoxious group of fans. Then after their (fake, imo) claims about feeling threatened by Hoosier fans after the Wat shot, sealed the deal. If they felt threatened, they should try and be the opposing fanbase in one of their crowds.

When I lived in Columbus OH after school, while I had a ton of OSU friends, I hated them, not because they were obnoxious (they were!), but because they were so impatient in games. It always felt like they thought their team should score a TD every time, and the other team should never get past midfield and they should win 144-0. Plus, in bball, they became even more impatient, and it was like their fball background transferred over and they'd get upset every time the other team scored. Never saw a fanbase switch so quickly from cheers to boos. Since moving to Charlotte, my dislike for Buckeyes has mellowed, and I do feel some affinity for the Buckeyes, simply because I still know a lot of them, fellow B10 program, etc...

UM fans have been off my radar lately, but this year especially, they've amped up their irritation factor. Don't think I'm close to a single Wolverine fan, but tired of seeing their sh*t on social media!

Tar Heels: living here, their arrogance, smugness and superiority as a program has been annoying. When I moved here in the early 90s, we had them 5-3 on NCs, now they've surpassed us. Also had to live down the "classy" Dean Smith comparisons to "crass" RMK. Fortunately we still have them on the head to head series, but they're still Carolina and still have MJ. Guessing that's the biggest impact any former player has ever had on a program. I've softened on them though, because my GF is a Heel and I do respect the crap out of their "family" program vibe, especially when our's was so divided after RMK.

Never really hated PU, but the PU interlopers here have certainly made me dislike them. But again, I respect what their program has become, even if they've been their own worst enemy come tournament time. I'd say more dislike vs hatred.

Programs I like:

WVU for some reason. Passionate fans and they've played here in Charlotte several times and they travel well. Really wanted to go see a bball game there too.

NC State. The counter to UNC, and the little brother vs UNC and Duke, plus my son went there. They are the Engineering/Ag school here though, so the fanbase is more PU like, but still not as goofy to me.

SC... Great fans (imo), for virtually no reason. They're always going to be good next year, and they never quite make it, but they keep showing up. No bball tradition however.

Davidson. Gorgeous little campus and a nice bball environment, but more blue hairs per capita than any school in the country I'd guess. I discovered part of that reason as my Mom moved to a retirement community there and they have a "deal" with the school and they get a block of tickets to every game. But, a lot of alumni live in the area and move back there too. Good little arena, but don't be surprised if you get behind someone with a walker. It was crazy when Steph was there.

Washington. Loved reading Boys in the Boat and my sister lived out there. The UW shirt I bought is my go-to when I row for time. Also a beautiful campus on Lake Washington and more cosmopolitan than Btown. Was really cheering for them and Penix this year. But, to me they are mostly the overlooked PAC 10 program that is still fairly successful. (the movie is good, but not nearly as good as the book. If you have an interest, I'd say go see the movie and then read the book, because there are a lot of holes in the story that are in the book).

Hoosierdom. I think we have great fans, especially considering the relative success, or lack thereof, over the last 25 years. Still, Hoosiers have embraced me everywhere I've been and have been as good-natured (imo) as any rabid fanbase can be. Also knowledgeable. I have a good friend in his early 80s here, and he still texts me about games and recruits we are pursuing. Plus, they're Hoosiers. Proud to be one!

didn't know this story:
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Ohio State is at the top of my hated list. UM fans don't even register with me.

I've adopted Wisconsin as my secondary Big Ten team, partly because of the fans and the enjoyment I've gotten out of attending football games up there.
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Hated: PU and Kentucky. It's a tie for wildly different reasons. Duke b/c **** Christian Laettner that's why. And they brought Teddy V onto the radar.
Liked: Wisconsin, Butler, Louisville (mostly b/c they hate Kentucky more than we do)
Hate: purdoo, UK
Can't stand: Duke, UNC, and Rutgers has joined the show in the last few years
Liked: Louisville (because we have a common enemy), Notre Dame (family reasons and Tripucka, Jackson, Woolridge) St. Johns (Mullin)
Hate: purdoo, UK
Can't stand: Duke, UNC, and Rutgers has joined the show in the last few years
Liked: Louisville (because we have a common enemy), Notre Dame (family reasons and Tripucka, Jackson, Woolridge) St. Johns (Mullin)
Good call on Rutgers. I forget about them until we play them. How sad that we are Rutgers (RUTGERS???) bitch.
Don't care for them in this order:

p u & kntuck tie for 1st

"the" o$u, P$U and Michigan tied for 2nd
(the arrogance of their fans knows no bounds)
I'd throw ND in here too... I don't think about them much, so I'd forgotten them...

Nebraska, Iowa and Rutgers tied for 3rd*

James Madison University fans are rapidly closing in on getting rated just due to their incessant whining (but at least they have a good reason to whine)

*Don't care much for Louisville either...
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Fan bases I can’t stand in no particular order…
Ohio State

Went to a game at Tennessee and their fans were great.
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I have lived in Indiana, Dallas, Nashville, Lexington and Georgia.
Texas fans think “their shxxxt don’t stink” worse than any.
I attended a few uk games (not against IU) and pUKe fans seem uneducated about the rules of both bb and fb. They yell at refs for every foul against uk, regardless of how flagrant against uk.
With Nashville being the capital of country music, you would think tenn could come up with a song other than rocky top. I got really sick of that song and only lived there a year.
I can’t really fault UGA fans. And you have to love their bull dog. I wish IU had a good mascot. The bison (🦬 I prefer to call it a Buffalo) would be a natural, but we ought to come up with something. It really doesn’t even need to make historical sense, (Alabama did not have elephants and Auburn didn’t have tigers/maybe war eagles- but they are both in the state of Alabama. Interesting).
I can’t say I’ve ever met a PUke FAN I really like. There are Purdue people I like, but something happens to them when they talk in “boiler-ish” language.
I sometimes feel I should try to be a better person when discussing pu fans. I probably should feel sorry for them, as their campus looks like such a miserable place.
I take it back. Pu fans are the worst!
I grew up in southern Indiana and now live in Columbus OH. So UK and OSU. Not sure which is worse. Leaning towards OSU because I have to hear from them daily.
I lived in Columbus (Worthington) for a couple years out of college. Liked it OK, but yes, OSU fans can be overbearing, but good people away from the Bucs. Nice town too, very livable. One thing I felt I noticed though was that it was often cloudy. Seemed like every time I drove back to IN, about an hour outside of Columbus I'd drive out from under the cloud cover. You could see the sunlight coming. Wondered if 1) that was real or anecdotal, or 2) if it would make me depressed during winters. I like my sunshine!
I lived in Columbus (Worthington) for a couple years out of college. Liked it OK, but yes, OSU fans can be overbearing, but good people away from the Bucs. Nice town too, very livable. One thing I felt I noticed though was that it was often cloudy. Seemed like every time I drove back to IN, about an hour outside of Columbus I'd drive out from under the cloud cover. You could see the sunlight coming. Wondered if 1) that was real or anecdotal, or 2) if it would make me depressed during winters. I like my sunshine!
I didn’t know what sunshine was until I spent 3 years in Twentynine Palms, CA.
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