H.R. 9218


Nov 11, 2004

I look forward to all Republicans and Democrats supporting this legislation.

If we are to believe what has been posted here then this should pass quickly and without opposition
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I look forward to all Republicans and Democrats supporting this legislation.

If we are to believe what has been posted here then this should pass quickly and without opposition
Unfortunately it seems a large number of Dems could no longer pass 9th grade biology so it has no chance

I look forward to all Republicans and Democrats supporting this legislation.

If we are to believe what has been posted here then this should pass quickly and without opposition
What does it say?
Unfortunately it seems a large number of Dems could no longer pass 9th grade biology so it has no chance

The vast majority of Americans accept the biological fact that men cannot be women.

This should be an easy thing for Congress to pass
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I look forward to all Republicans and Democrats supporting this legislation.

If we are to believe what has been posted here then this should pass quickly and without opposition
agreed but shouldn't they be focusing on something that is actually important?

I despise them all
There are 535 members of Congress. They ought to be able to do at least three or four things at the same time.

The vast majority of Congress, if tasked with simultaneous walking and gum chewing, would either choke to death or trip, fall and become paralyzed from the neck down. As for the remaining Congresspersons, they already are paralyzed...just from the neck up.
You have to ask why do we need a legal definition of “sex”, “male”, “female”?

Why did we not need one previously?
Slippery slope there Spartans.

We define and redefine shit all the time. Not saying male and female need defined any further so I'll wait for the text on this to come through. Just to make sure if it's kookery or an actual good faith attempt (meaning at least the attempt ot snag some middle of the road Dems)
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Slippery slope there Spartans.

We define and redefine shit all the time. Not saying male and female need defined any further so I'll wait for the text on this to come through. Just to make sure if it's kookery or an actual good faith attempt (meaning at least the attempt ot snag some middle of the road Dems)
Why would “sex” need redefined?

“Gender identity” should not be included in Title IX.
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Why would “sex” need redefined?

“Gender identity” should not be included in Title IX.
Is it currently defined? I have no idea

I probably agree with your second point but, admittedly, haven’t thought that much about it.
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Is it currently defined? I have no idea

I probably agree with your second point but, admittedly, haven’t thought that much about it.
I mean, pretty much..

Penis= Man
Vagina= Woman

Seems rather simple.
Defined by law. If so, great. But I doubt it is. Probably because we never had to. But there’s often things that were undefined which, through the course of history, we’ve had to define.

It’s why lawyers are rich.
Huh? Why do some make everything so hard? I mean I wasnt aware there was a law declaring if you had a dick, you were a dude---and if you had a vagina, you were a chic... I found this out in , for real, real----in 6th grade health and science class....And sure I read it about somewhere in this one book----The Bible---Ya know that part where it says, God created MAN/WOMAN.

"Defined by law"?---Seriously?

My goodness....You have a dick---you're a dude...A vagina---A woman.

No laws required---Just some fukin sense.
Huh? Why do some make everything so hard? I mean I wasnt aware there was a law declaring if you had a dick, you were a dude---and if you had a vagina, you were a chic... I found this out in , for real, real----in 6th grade health and science class....And sure I read it about somewhere in this one book----The Bible---Ya know that part where it says, God created MAN/WOMAN.

"Defined by law"?---Seriously?

My goodness....You have a dick---you're a dude...A vagina---A woman.

No laws required---Just some fukin sense.
I think you misunderstood the conversation….
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Why do we now need a precise definition?

Have people challenged the basic definition?
Yes, obviously. Our previous definition conflated sex and gender, and based it almost entirely on genital phenotype, which works 99% of the time, but has become less helpful in the 20th century. Since our previous definition was rooted in the common law (and actually dating back to the Romans, Greeks, and even Arabs - I'm not sure about the Germans/Saxons), if we're going to have a hullaballoo about it, I guess we need to discuss it.

I'm not convinced the constitutional amendment is the way to go, but I'm willing to accept that it might be, once I see her text.
Yes, obviously. Our previous definition conflated sex and gender, and based it almost entirely on genital phenotype, which works 99% of the time, but has become less helpful in the 20th century. Since our previous definition was rooted in the common law (and actually dating back to the Romans, Greeks, and even Arabs - I'm not sure about the Germans/Saxons), if we're going to have a hullaballoo about it, I guess we need to discuss it.

I'm not convinced the constitutional amendment is the way to go, but I'm willing to accept that it might be, once I see her text.
It will have to define based on reproduction and normal development. But it will have to take into account the less than 1% you acknowledge that involve a disorder with regards to development
It will have to define based on reproduction and normal development. But it will have to take into account the less than 1% you acknowledge that involve a disorder with regards to development
The problem with scientific progress is the things we took for granted we can't anymore. For example, lack of a penis is no longer enough evidence that you should play sports with girls.
The problem with scientific progress is the things we took for granted we can't anymore. For example, lack of a penis is no longer enough evidence that you should play sports with girls.
That’s where the Normal development comes in.

Have to account for this:

“Sex chromosome DSDs include Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, and 45,X/46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. In general, patients with Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome do not present with genital ambiguity. Other DSDs include XX sex reversal, XY sex reversal, and ovotesticular disorder”
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What about post-op transexuals? Are you cool with trans women competing with biological women in sports, so long as they have their wangs cut off?
I am OK with this...

If you were born with a penis, you;re a man. If you were born with a vagina, you are a woman.

I know, crazy....But hey, its how I roll.

And FTR, no, I do not think trans women should participate in womens sports.
I am OK with this...

If you were born with a penis, you;re a man. If you were born with a vagina, you are a woman.

I know, crazy....But hey, its how I roll.

And FTR, no, I do not think trans women should participate in womens sports.
You're being inconsistent. If you don't want post-op transexuals competing in women's sports, then defining sex by whether or not you have a penis isn't good enough.
Well that's not true, but it doesn't matter for most issues.

I haven’t seen proof that there are more than 2 sexes.

I haven’t seen proof that there are more than 2 sexes.
There are intersex people. That's a fact of biology. They are rare, but they do exist, and they have for as long as history has been recording things about sex. They make an appearance in all those old forms of law I mentioned. We used to call them hermaphrodites, after a Greek god who was both male and female.
There are intersex people. That's a fact of biology. They are rare, but they do exist, and they have for as long as history has been recording things about sex. They make an appearance in all those old forms of law I mentioned. We used to call them hermaphrodites, after a Greek god who was both male and female.

Intersex is bad terminology. It looks like 0.018% of population. Atypical chromosome. Atypical sex traits.

Still either male or female
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