Eating Cats/Dogs

Well let’s see PJ Brown who played for the Bulls in 2006 called me whitebread cornbread and I never thought it was a racist comment. I also told him he was the only player in the NBA whose wife scored more points in college. we would go back and forth with each other. I know him through my wife who did some work for the coaching staff back then. Great guy. He and Ben Gordon were particularly great to my wife. But the whole team treated her very well.
So I don’t take offense at being called whitehead. I was called a carpet bagger and cracker when I was in West Georgia right out of college. Again no offense was taken and none intended. I guess it all depends on your life experiences and how you treat others regardless of culture or color. Especially proud that my father taught us to treat everyone equally and stand up for those who are less fortunate or who are being mistreated by others. Saw plenty of examples of that from my father when I was growing up.
Theadjack - that's pretty cool about your wife working with the Bulls. Does she still work in/around the NBA?
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You can get a permit to kill them (usually need to qualify it as being for urban control), but otherwise, yes it is illegal.
And, you can buy costumes if you want to close the range before shooting.
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Well let’s see PJ Brown who played for the Bulls in 2006 called me whitebread cornbread and I never thought it was a racist comment. I also told him he was the only player in the NBA whose wife scored more points in college. we would go back and forth with each other. I know him through my wife who did some work for the coaching staff back then. Great guy. He and Ben Gordon were particularly great to my wife. But the whole team treated her very well.
So I don’t take offense at being called whitehead. I was called a carpet bagger and cracker when I was in West Georgia right out of college. Again no offense was taken and none intended. I guess it all depends on your life experiences and how you treat others regardless of culture or color. Especially proud that my father taught us to treat everyone equally and stand up for those who are less fortunate or who are being mistreated by others. Saw plenty of examples of that from my father when I was growing up.

He called him whitebread, not whitehead.

You also knew Brown on a personal level... Will throws out so and so is a racist anytime he thinks someone supports Trump, which is one of the most asinine takes on this board, which is saying something.
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Spell check did me in.
He called him whitebread, not whitehead.

You also knew Brown on a personal level... Will throws out so and so is a racist anytime he thinks someone supports Trump, which is one of the most asinine takes on this board, which is saying something.

He called him whitebread, not whitehead.

You also knew Brown on a personal level... Will throws out so and so is a racist anytime he thinks someone supports Trump, which is one of the most asinine takes on this board, which is saying something.
Spell check did me in on that. I go by the saying that not all Trumpers are racist but all racist are Trumpers. Unless you’re black or brown I’d say the perspective is completely different. My wife’s sister is married to a black man and I’ve learned a tremendous amount from him on this because he comes from a different place. We have never experienced what he or Willdog has and we won’t until after 2050 when white people will be the minority in the US. I’ll be long dead then. Some here will I’m sure hope my demise comes sooner rather than later. 😄
Spell check did me in.

Spell check did me in on that. I go by the saying that not all Trumpers are racist but all racist are Trumpers. Unless you’re black or brown I’d say the perspective is completely different. My wife’s sister is married to a black man and I’ve learned a tremendous amount from him on this because he comes from a different place. We have never experienced what he or Willdog has and we won’t until after 2050 when white people will be the minority in the US. I’ll be long dead then. Some here will I’m sure hope my demise comes sooner rather than later. 😄

I really hope you aren't under the illusion that white people are the only race that can be racists.
The dems have figured out that since they want to make America an equal to Haiti, it only makes sense to bring in conscripts to help with the fight. Under d control, I figure canned cat will be on every shelf in America.
Move somewhere else where your kind are the only ones are around. South Africa before the 90’s would have been your ideal place to live I’m sure. Your racist troupes identify you clearly.
Last 2 attempts to address our broken immigration system were killed by the Republican house. Republican Senate was on board with both. Your kind are part of the problem. No solutions just bitch bitch bitch.
I really hope you aren't under the illusion that white people are the only race that can be racists.
Of course not. There are racist of all stripes. It’s not a mutually exclusive club. It’s more pervasive with whites because we are the majority. MLK said it perfectly when he said that we should be judged by the content of our character not the color of our skin.
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I don’t think you know what “pervasive” means based on that sentence.
Spell check got me again. It was supposed to be predominant. Have to do better proofreading and slow down. But pervasive would work as well based on the definition of the word.
Spell check got me again. It was supposed to be predominant. Have to do better proofreading and slow down. But pervasive would work as well based on the definition of the word.
It would not. Pervasive implies a rate - not volume. Predominant is the right word. Racism in my experience is just as pervasive in communities of color as it is in whites.

What’s your angle on all of this other than White Knighting and telling us all how we suck?
It would not. Pervasive implies a rate - not volume. Predominant is the right word. Racism in my experience is just as pervasive in communities of color as it is in whites.

What’s your angle on all of this other than White Knighting and telling us all how we suck?
I've always assumed he's a troll. His account is from 2002 and he has very few posts.
It would not. Pervasive implies a rate - not volume. Predominant is the right word. Racism in my experience is just as pervasive in communities of color as it is in whites.

What’s your angle on all of this other than White Knighting and telling us all how we
My angle is to call out racist white nationalists posters who claim not to be but yet they spew their racist troupes incessantly. Everyone has their prejudices. The point is to recognize them and be better. I believe the majority of people regardless of skin color are not racist. But as is often the case a small minority paints with a broad brush. As badly as my wife’s sisters husband has been sometimes treated he holds no animosity. He’s a better man than I would be if I was subjected to some of the crap he’s had to deal with. His dad was an absolute saint who dealt with a lot of hate but believed in the general goodness of people.
My angle is to call out racist white nationalists posters who claim not to be but yet they spew their racist troupes incessantly. Everyone has their prejudices. The point is to recognize them and be better. I believe the majority of people regardless of skin color are not racist. But as is often the case a small minority paints with a broad brush. As badly as my wife’s sisters husband has been sometimes treated he holds no animosity. He’s a better man than I would be if I was subjected to some of the crap he’s had to deal with. His dad was an absolute saint who dealt with a lot of hate but believed in the general goodness of people.
You make my eyes hurt every time you write troupe. It’s not a flash mob of dancers
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I love how you push back on cats, but quickly concede they're probably eating geese🤣 Yes, I want to hang my hat on Harris letting 20,000 people invade an American city of 60k.
Why do you love that? I’m basing my take on information and not pulling anything out of my ass.

And no one is invading anywhere. Springfield is having a difficult time adjusting to the large number of new citizens, but trust me, forward thinking adults in the room are going to turn these short term problems into long term wins.

Springfield has steadily declined in population since the 1980s. There are a lot of positives to gain from a sudden population growth. It’s not easy, but I’d bet eventually Springfield will be in a much better spot than it was prior.
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Why do you love that? I’m basing my take on information and not pulling anything out of my ass.

And no one is invading anywhere. Springfield is having a difficult time adjusting to the large number of new citizens, but trust me, forward thinking adults in the room are going to turn these short term problems into long term wins.

Springfield has steadily declined in population since the 1980s. There are a lot of positives to gain from a sudden population growth. It’s not easy, but I’d bet eventually Springfield will be in a much better spot than it was prior.
This is kinda what Snarl and I were discussing earlier. I suspect it is not something we are going to know an answer on definitively for a decade or so at least
As I said earlier, you can go to cities and find the "Little Italy" area. That is a case where the population successfully integrated and is still in place 100 years later. That area obviously thrived with the influx of immigrants.
Snarl had an anecdote about the town he comes from that is more Hispanic now and is still treading water.
I can guarantee that we can find examples of cities that where there was massive foreign immigration and that city later devolved into near ghost towns.

You can probably find a ton of examples that will support your opinion on what you believe to be the future of Springfield, OH one way or the other. I don't think anyone will be able to predict it 100% accurately.
This is kinda what Snarl and I were discussing earlier. I suspect it is not something we are going to know an answer on definitively for a decade or so at least
As I said earlier, you can go to cities and find the "Little Italy" area. That is a case where the population successfully integrated and is still in place 100 years later. That area obviously thrived with the influx of immigrants.
Snarl had an anecdote about the town he comes from that is more Hispanic now and is still treading water.
I can guarantee that we can find examples of cities that where there was massive foreign immigration and that city later devolved into near ghost towns.

You can probably find a ton of examples that will support your opinion on what you believe to be the future of Springfield, OH one way or the other. I don't think anyone will be able to predict it 100% accurately.
You're exactly right. No one can predict what's going to happen.

I'm paying a little closer attention to this seeing as how Springfield is my hometown and my parents, several aunts and uncles, cousins and friends still live there. I've heard first hand accounts and like with anything, there are some good and not so good stories. At least one of my high school classmates has been one of the more vocal anti-Haitian voices at town hall meetings. That said, I still remain hopeful. Springfield has steadily declined in population since the 1980s and the increased population could be the shot in the arm they need. There are definitely complicated growing pains they're dealing with there though.
Why do you love that? I’m basing my take on information and not pulling anything out of my ass.

And no one is invading anywhere. Springfield is having a difficult time adjusting to the large number of new citizens, but trust me, forward thinking adults in the room are going to turn these short term problems into long term wins.

Springfield has steadily declined in population since the 1980s. There are a lot of positives to gain from a sudden population growth. It’s not easy, but I’d bet eventually Springfield will be in a much better spot than it was prior.
Best of luck, but I think it's only going to get worse for the city. I think most of the increased demand came from the Covid stimulus. Eventually that will run out and you have a larger city with a larger percentage of people on some sort of government assistance. This will only increase the brain drain as people who can leave are more incentivized to leave.
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This is kinda what Snarl and I were discussing earlier. I suspect it is not something we are going to know an answer on definitively for a decade or so at least
As I said earlier, you can go to cities and find the "Little Italy" area. That is a case where the population successfully integrated and is still in place 100 years later. That area obviously thrived with the influx of immigrants.
Snarl had an anecdote about the town he comes from that is more Hispanic now and is still treading water.
I can guarantee that we can find examples of cities that where there was massive foreign immigration and that city later devolved into near ghost towns.

You can probably find a ton of examples that will support your opinion on what you believe to be the future of Springfield, OH one way or the other. I don't think anyone will be able to predict it 100% accurately.
My small hometown had 1 Hispanic family when I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s. Now I’d bet it is at least 40% Hispanic. The town has grown significantly with a heavy influx of new industries. Neighbor growing up has been police chief for 14 years and says the Hispanic population is more law abiding than we natives. He has little problems with them and they have opened numerous new businesses that are thriving. When I left there in the late 70’s early 80’s the town was losing population and businesses. I’m sure there are examples that aren’t as positive. Half my brothers and sisters still live there and they love it.
Trump bringing up eating dogs (it was cats by the way) was brilliant. The problem is he can't expand on it like Vance below. Either way it still becomes a national topic that Harris let 20,000 Haitians invade an Ohio city. Congrats on winning a one-year membership to jelly of the month club. It's still going to be a great November.

Hey numbnuts...or possibly no nuts...

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said at a press conference Tuesday that rumors of pets or wildlife being eaten by Haitian immigrants were absolutely false, with zero verified reports of specific claims.

Republican County Commissioner Melanie Flax Wilt: "As a leader in the community, I want to remind my fellow citizens that it is not OK to harass our neighbors, it is not OK to harass anyone for how they drive, for how they look, for how they lead,” Flax Wilt said. “We tell our kids — I’m the mother of three school-aged kids — we tell our kids not to bully one another, and I hear adults in our community saying the most hateful things, the very things we caution our children against. That’s not the community we are. We are Clark County, Ohio. We are Springfield, Ohio, and that is not the community we want to be.”

Flax Wilt said it’s important to take a look at the bigger picture and work toward solutions like the driver’s education programs, stabilizing infrastructure and helping newcomers assimilate. She said stabilizing funding locally entails stabilizing the tax base through sales tax or income tax and assimilating the Haitian population to the community.
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That would be my luck. I lose my job and have to downsize to a trailer park. The only thing that would keep me going is knowing that my neighbor is a gun toting, skoal chewing, Trumper. Nope, my neighbor is a shit lib vegan named Mark 🥲
You forgot to mention that your gun toting, shoal chewing neighbor might be a meth head as well. Do you crap all over him like you do here with folks that don’t share your ideology? Be careful how you label the vegans. We know a few cultists here that are vegan. Never could get the whole vegan thing.
I do however have occasional guilty feelings about eating beef after having the Achilles tendon from a cow grafted onto my rotator cuff. Feel like we are kin under the skin.

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