Future Indictments

There are plenty of outcomes where Trump is neither president nor in prison in 2025: another Republican winning, hung juries or acquittals, a victory on appeal, or perhaps even Biden commuting a sentence to home confinement. There are a narrow band of political moves he can make now that could trigger real legal (and thus by extent, political) ramifications for him. Obviously he’s not risking any of his defenses or constitutional protections by attacking the judge, but a winter trial isn’t what he wants, and a gag order would not be good for his campaign and fundraising.
I don’t think there is any outcome that will make the US better, stronger, more respected, or unified. These indictments are a huge blunder driven by all the emotions that drive a bad divorce.
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You’re lost on this one.
I don’t think so. Trump has caused people to lose friendships, marriages and family bonds. These indictments spread all all those destructive emotions over the whole country. As I mentioned above, we have some huge problems to solve, what to do with Trum is way d.own the list.
I don’t think so. Trump has caused people to lose friendships, marriages and family bonds. These indictments spread all all those destructive emotions emotions over the whole country. As I mentioned above, we have some huge problems to solve, what to do with Trum is way d.own the list.
He is running for president. So you think it best that he be excused of what has become overwhelming evidence that he attempted to fix an election? And be allowed to run again? Do you recognize and appreciate just how illogical that is? Having huge problems to solve has nothing to do with trump. those problems can still be addressed/solved. Trump IS a problem that also needs to be addressed. Had he rode off into the sunset i would possibly agree with you. as a candidate no one should agree with you
Just stop. I have never excused Trump’s bad behavior. Not once. Not ever.
Just stop. You have said over and over and OVER again that you loved many of his policies / purported accomplishments* so much that in your opinion his crimes were overblown in comparison. You have liked and echoed other posters who tried to label his problems as being associated with merely being a "mean tweeter".

You may not be a true unwavering member of the Trump cult, but you've been in lock-step (goose-step?) with them.

*so-called accomplishments, as spun by Fox News and his cult
He is running for president. So you think it best that he be excused of what has become overwhelming evidence that he attempted to fix an election? And be allowed to run again? Do you recognize and appreciate just how illogical that is? Having huge problems to solve has nothing to do with trump. those problems can still be addressed/solved. Trump IS a problem that also needs to be addressed. Had he rode off into the sunset i would possibly agree with you. as a candidate no one should agree with you

People act like we can't try to fix all our problems while Trump deals with all these cases at the same time.

It's kind of a wild thing to think about.
People act like we can't try to fix all our problems while Trump deals with all these cases at the same time.

It's kind of a wild thing to think about.
i have never disliked a group of politicians more than biden, harris and their admin. i like trump much better. at least he is what he is and you know it. plus i think he's funny and entertaining. there's nothing redeeming about the dem crew. but for the life of me i can't understand why some conservatives can't be objective about trump and recognize that he isn't a victim. that everything visited upon him is a result of his own doing, and wasn't necessary. and that he's wholly unfit for office as a result of his actions.
i have never disliked a group of politicians more than biden, harris and their admin. i like trump much better. at least he is what he is and you know it. plus i think he's funny and entertaining. there's nothing redeeming about the dem crew. but for the life of me i can't understand why some conservatives can't be objective about trump and recognize that he isn't a victim. that everything visited upon him is a result of his own doing, and wasn't necessary. and that he's wholly unfit for office as a result of his actions.
He’s not funny…he’s an asshole.
I should know.
He is running for president. So you think it best that he be excused of what has become overwhelming evidence that he attempted to fix an election? And be allowed to run again? Do you recognize and appreciate just how illogical that is? Having huge problems to solve has nothing to do with trump. those problems can still be addressed/solved. Trump IS a problem that also needs to be addressed. Had he rode off into the sunset i would possibly agree with you. as a candidate no one should agree with you
Keep posting content like this and your reaction score will reach heights like nobody's ever seen before - - and far better than anything the Dream Team could ever do for you. Speaking of the DT, where are those guys? I was gone for a week and a half and now there's no trace of them.
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Winning the presidency won’t help Trump in Georgia.

It’s hard to say Democrats will be the ones locking him up there, since the state CoA and Supreme Court are both entirely Republican. Other than the Bragg case, Trump’s ultimate fate is in the hand of very conservative appellate judges.
Winning the presidency won’t help Trump in Georgia.

It’s hard to say Democrats will be the ones locking him up there, since the state CoA and Supreme Court are both entirely Republican. Other than the Bragg case, Trump’s ultimate fate is in the hand of very conservative appellate judges.
There is at least one avenue to get state charges on matters crossing state lines for Federal employees tranferred into the Federal system. Someone on CNN was discussing this last night. No idea how likely it is to work, but Trump would certainly like that, as it would open the avenue to a pardon. But maybe other states will follow suit and he can't transfer them all.

When you are a serial felon, sometimes it's hard to wiggle out of accountability, despite your money and influence.
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Winning the presidency won’t help Trump in Georgia.

It’s hard to say Democrats will be the ones locking him up there, since the state CoA and Supreme Court are both entirely Republican. Other than the Bragg case, Trump’s ultimate fate is in the hand of very conservative appellate judges.
Has Trump ever given a specific denial to any of these allegations?

I know he claims generally that he didn't do anything wrong, claims the charges are politically motivated, claims it's a witch hunt, claims the prosecutor is nasty, etc.

But has he ever given a substantive denial like "I didn't do that because I was somewhere else at Location XYZ," or "I was in a meeting with the Pentagon at the time you claim I did it" or "That email was not even from my email account."

I don't think he ever offered specific denials and, as much as he rants about other things, think it seems unusual he wouldn't offer a specific denial or two (which would be more effective).
There is at least one avenue to get state charges on matters crossing state lines for Federal employees tranferred into the Federal system. Someone on CNN was discussing this last night. No idea how likely it is to work, but Trump would certainly like that, as it would open the avenue to a pardon. But maybe other states will follow suit and he can't transfer them all.

When you are a serial felon, sometimes it's hard to wiggle out of accountability, despite your money and influence.
It would certainly be a constitutional crisis, but there’s nothing in the document itself suggesting that SCOTUS would all of a sudden gain the ability to vacate a state conviction. If anything, Article II and the 25th Amendment both seem to suggest that the Vice President’s role would be to act as President if the President is unable to discharge his duties, which a prison term would make him unable to do.
Winning the presidency won’t help Trump in Georgia.

It’s hard to say Democrats will be the ones locking him up there, since the state CoA and Supreme Court are both entirely Republican. Other than the Bragg case, Trump’s ultimate fate is in the hand of very conservative appellate judges.
The irony is not just that in all of the indictments (except possibly New York) the overwhelming majority of prosecution witnesses are Republican. In fact I'm not sure any of the witnesses are Democrats, and while Willis is an elected Democrat, Jack Smith is an unelected Republican who cut his teeth on prosecuting Serbian (and other) war criminals at Den Haag.

But the true irony is that it was the GOP GA Legislature who wrote the RICO act, and they made it very easy to prove violations because they wanted to be able to charge not only criminal masterminds but street dealers. It's been used to prosecute 1000s of (largely minority) suspects, Prosecutors love it and Defense Attorneys hate it. Not only does it bar a Governor or any other politician from pardoning someone convicted, but it also madates a minimum period of 5 years in jail before a case can even be brought in front of the Pardons board...

That means the other 18 co-indictees as well as the 30 unindicted co-conspirators will have massive pressure to cooperate and try to save themselves.It will also be interesting to see which members of the Legislature are motivated to try and revise the law, and how rapidly they move in that direction...
Having huge problems to solve has nothing to do with trump. those problems can still be addressed/solved.
This is a common fallacy around here. Ignore one problem because something else is so much more important. As if we can't do both. As if the prosecutors in Georgia all need to take a leave of absence to help the feds address immigration.
There are plenty of outcomes where Trump is neither president nor in prison in 2025: another Republican winning, hung juries or acquittals, a victory on appeal, or perhaps even Biden commuting a sentence to home confinement. There are a narrow band of political moves he can make now that could trigger real legal (and thus by extent, political) ramifications for him. Obviously he’s not risking any of his defenses or constitutional protections by attacking the judge, but a winter trial isn’t what he wants, and a gag order would not be good for his campaign and fundraising.
The convention is gonna be wild. How do I get a ticket?

No...but, they do say there's no accounting for taste.
He's funny in that he creates situations which are a gold mine for actually funny people. I mean, I kinda miss the press conferences. Those were gold.
I know I'm weird, but a person being funny is pretty low on my list of priorities of qualifications for president.

I'd vote for a guy with Bob Dole's personality if he could pass a new common sense Healthcare bill and a bipartisan solution to border security.
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The irony is not just that in all of the indictments (except possibly New York) the overwhelming majority of prosecution witnesses are Republican. In fact I'm not sure any of the witnesses are Democrats, and while Willis is an elected Democrat, Jack Smith is an unelected Republican who cut his teeth on prosecuting Serbian (and other) war criminals at Den Haag.

But the true irony is that it was the GOP GA Legislature who wrote the RICO act, and they made it very easy to prove violations because they wanted to be able to charge not only criminal masterminds but street dealers. It's been used to prosecute 1000s of (largely minority) suspects, Prosecutors love it and Defense Attorneys hate it. Not only does it bar a Governor or any other politician from pardoning someone convicted, but it also madates a minimum period of 5 years in jail before a case can even be brought in front of the Pardons board...

That means the other 18 co-indictees as well as the 30 unindicted co-conspirators will have massive pressure to cooperate and try to save themselves.It will also be interesting to see which members of the Legislature are motivated to try and revise the law, and how rapidly they move in that direction...
I'm wondering too whether Trump's campaign fundraising can raise enough money to provide free lawyers to so many co-defendants, They all have different interests, so more defense lawyers likely will be needed.

The Georgia indictment alleges different roles for various groupings of the 19 co-defendants such as, intimidating witnesses, organizing slates of fake electors, using falsehoods to pressure Georgia state officeholders etc. The 19 defendants did not all participate in the same activities. This variety will make it very difficult to provide coordinated, consistent, economical legal defense for defendants with so many diverse interests.

Legal expense is just one more pressure encouraging defendants to try to settle with the prosecutor. At some point, Trump will stop sharing his defense funds with them.
I know I'm weird, but a person being funny is pretty low on my list of priorities of qualifications for president.

I'd vote for a guy with Bob Dole's personality if he could pass a new common sense Healthcare bill and a bipartisan solution to border security.
Bill Clinton was funny. Bush was funny. Obama was funny. Reagan was hilarious.

Funny means having a personality. I want the president to have a personality. He has to deal with the entire world and a dry guy isn't putting our best foot forward.

I'll bet Bob Dole was funny as hell when he wanted to be.
Bill Clinton was funny. Bush was funny. Obama was funny. Reagan was hilarious.

Funny means having a personality. I want the president to have a personality. He has to deal with the entire world and a dry guy isn't putting our best foot forward.

I'll bet Bob Dole was funny as hell when he wanted to be.
dole was hilarious. came out too late. he was on a talk show after the election and i think it was leno said: well bob it's been more than six months since the election. are you keeping busy? what are you doing these days?
dole goes: well yes i am. i've been with a DC law firm now for the past six months. leno goes: how's that going. dole goes: great, great. and leno goes good guys? and dole goes: oh great guys. yes. absolutely. then he paused for a few beats and said: one of these days i'm going to have to meet them
Bill Clinton was funny. Bush was funny. Obama was funny. Reagan was hilarious.

Funny means having a personality. I want the president to have a personality. He has to deal with the entire world and a dry guy isn't putting our best foot forward.

I'll bet Bob Dole was funny as hell when he wanted to be.

dole was hilarious. came out too late. he was on a talk show after the election and i think it was leno said: well bob it's been more than six months since the election. are you keeping busy? what are you doing these days?
dole goes: well yes i am. i've been with a DC law firm now for the past six months. leno goes: how's that going. dole goes: great, great. and leno goes good guys? and dole goes: oh great guys. yes. absolutely. then he paused for a few beats and said: one of these days i'm going to have to meet them

He’s not funny…he’s an asshole.
I should know.
Yeah he has zero sense of humor, what he thinks is funny is bullying others. If he wasn’t running for President, he’d be unintentionally funny with all his nonsense. You have to be somewhat self effacing to have a really good sense of humor and he has none.
I'm wondering too whether Trump's campaign fundraising can raise enough money to provide free lawyers to so many co-defendants, They all have different interests, so more defense lawyers likely will be needed.

The Georgia indictment alleges different roles for various groupings of the 19 co-defendants such as, intimidating witnesses, organizing slates of fake electors, using falsehoods to pressure Georgia state officeholders etc. The 19 defendants did not all participate in the same activities. This variety will make it very difficult to provide coordinated, consistent, economical legal defense for defendants with so many diverse interests.

Legal expense is just one more pressure encouraging defendants to try to settle with the prosecutor. At some point, Trump will stop sharing his defense funds with them.
He wouldn’t give a ish about anyone else having attorneys except he’s trying to keep them from flipping. He’s had several who started talking once they got out from under his provided attorneys.
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The wire fraud charges isn’t just because he used the money for his legal defense. It would likely be because he raised the money under false pretenses (i.e. that he would fight to overturn the election that he knew he lost) and used it for other purposes.

Trump better have an excellent campaign finance attorney advising him, and he had better be listening to this person’s advice. It is very, very easy to catch a campaign finance charge when you are expending donor funds on things not directly related to a run for office. He is running a risk if he comingles campaign and defense fund solicitations without following the correct procedures
The wire fraud charges isn’t just because he used the money for his legal defense. It would likely be because he raised the money under false pretenses (i.e. that he would fight to overturn the election that he knew he lost) and used it for other purposes.

Trump better have an excellent campaign finance attorney advising him, and he had better be listening to this person’s advice. It is very, very easy to catch a campaign finance charge when you are expending donor funds on things not directly related to a run for office. He is running a risk if he comingles campaign and defense fund solicitations without following the correct procedures
Plus, while Trump may be able to blur the line enough to use campaign donations for some of his own legal expenses, I would think it's more difficult to blur the line enough to use campaign donations for the legal expenses of 18 other indicted conspirators and 30 unindicted conspirators in the Georgia case plus 6 other co-conspirators in the federal elections case.

I figure Trump will claim he had nothing to do with at least a few of those.
Bill Clinton was funny. Bush was funny. Obama was funny. Reagan was hilarious.

Funny means having a personality. I want the president to have a personality. He has to deal with the entire world and a dry guy isn't putting our best foot forward.

I'll bet Bob Dole was funny as hell when he wanted to be.
Don't get me wrong, I would love a president that was effective, smart, charasmatic, and not corrupt.
I'm just saying that if I have to drop one of those four, charismatic is the first to go.

Lately, we've been saddled by presidents who barely meet two of the four.
I'm wondering too whether Trump's campaign fundraising can raise enough money to provide free lawyers to so many co-defendants, They all have different interests, so more defense lawyers likely will be needed.

The Georgia indictment alleges different roles for various groupings of the 19 co-defendants such as, intimidating witnesses, organizing slates of fake electors, using falsehoods to pressure Georgia state officeholders etc. The 19 defendants did not all participate in the same activities. This variety will make it very difficult to provide coordinated, consistent, economical legal defense for defendants with so many diverse interests.

Legal expense is just one more pressure encouraging defendants to try to settle with the prosecutor. At some point, Trump will stop sharing his defense funds with them.
Looks like I may be right about Giuliani's finances:

It would certainly be a constitutional crisis, but there’s nothing in the document itself suggesting that SCOTUS would all of a sudden gain the ability to vacate a state conviction. If anything, Article II and the 25th Amendment both seem to suggest that the Vice President’s role would be to act as President if the President is unable to discharge his duties, which a prison term would make him unable to do.
I was thinking about this earlier. If this is even remotely true, can you imagine what happens in 6 months if Trump is the Republican nominee with regards to his VP pick? GOP sycophants will be sucking up to him at unheard of levels because there is a decent chance that Trump picking them means that person would be the defacto president if / when Trump goes to jail.

If I am DeSantis, I'm putting myself at the front of the line, because it's a win-win situation for him. He gets the presidency, gets the support of all the Trump supporters, and can potentially serve three terms.
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