F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia


Hall of Famer
Apr 9, 2012
Tiny Red Dot

Ex-FBI general counsel James Baker: "Not only would it be an issue of obstructing an investigation, but the obstruction itself would hurt our ability to figure out what the Russians had done, and that is what would be the threat to national security."

When there were so many investigations and distractions surrounding Trump, this would have been the only story with any other president.

Frank Figiliuzzi, former FBI head of counter-intelligence just say on TV that aside from all of Trump's Russian-orientated crazy behaviour, the FBI must have something more substantial to have wanted to open this investigation -- from intercepts to recordings.
Tip of the iceberg.
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Republicans don't care. If you gave them tax cuts and right wing judges, they'd support Beelzebub. Who cares if a foreign enemy elected our president if he's a Republican?

I’ve been utterly amazed at either A) the indifference to all of the bizarre behavior towards Russia & B) the justification for all the contacts w/Russia and for many other out of bounds things he’s done.

I guess if you’re going to misbehave, misbehave a LOT, so folks will just accept it as normal and you can continue to get away with it.
I’ve been utterly amazed at either A) the indifference to all of the bizarre behavior towards Russia & B) the justification for all the contacts w/Russia and for many other out of bounds things he’s done.

I guess if you’re going to misbehave, misbehave a LOT, so folks will just accept it as normal and you can continue to get away with it.

I guess you are seeing divergent meanings of being an American or being patriotic means.
I’ve been utterly amazed at either A) the indifference to all of the bizarre behavior towards Russia & B) the justification for all the contacts w/Russia and for many other out of bounds things he’s done.
Politics as usual. All these people are agents of hostile governments. Nothing new here. Besides, Emails, Benghazi, Monica.
Yep, Fox News peddling deep state theories again. What I’m finding interesting, I’m not seeing many people saying Trump certainly isn’t a Russian asset. Rather the argument is that the FBI should not be investigating whether the POTUS is an asset of a foreign adversary. It’s almost as if these people don’t want to know the truth.
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Yep, Fox News peddling deep state theories again. What I’m finding interesting, I’m not seeing many people saying Trump certainly isn’t a Russian asset. Rather the argument is that the FBI should not be investigating whether the POTUS is an asset of a foreign adversary. It’s almost as if these people don’t want to know the truth.

Same folks who have big ass flags on their lawns.
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When there were so many investigations and distractions surrounding Trump, this would have been the only story with any other president.

Frank Figiliuzzi, former FBI head of counter-intelligence just say on TV that aside from all of Trump's Russian-orientated crazy behaviour, the FBI must have something more substantial to have wanted to open this investigation -- from intercepts to recordings.
Tip of the iceberg.

"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.

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"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.

Excellent analysis. Glad that there is no other evidence other than these 3 bad actors. Oh wait....

Remember, the FBI had a bias against Al Capone, John Gotti, Ramzi Yousef, the Unibomber and all these other criminals. They just can't seem to stop themselves from investigating criminals and trying to stop them from committing crimes! They're SO biased!
"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.

You may have nosed-into the lead on the Earl Landgrebe Trophy.
Yep, Fox News peddling deep state theories again. What I’m finding interesting, I’m not seeing many people saying Trump certainly isn’t a Russian asset. Rather the argument is that the FBI should not be investigating whether the POTUS is an asset of a foreign adversary. It’s almost as if these people don’t want to know the truth.
Hard to think Trump is an asset to anybody.

The guy is uninformed, erratic, inconsistent in his commitments, infinitely selfish/egotistic, disloyal to subordinates and business associates, not reliable to complete his contracts and not particularly focused on defined goals, His opponents are gradually learning how to knock him off his game plan, and he does not appear to have either fallback positions or a logic process to develop them on the fly.

Hard to think Putin is actually depending on specifc action by Trump to accomplish anything. Messing up an election is one thing -- from that point, it's quite a leap to think Putin trusts Trump to do anything specific that Putin wants him to do.

In other words, turning a bull loose in a China shop doesn't guarantee the bull will break the specific pieces of China you want.
Same folks who have big ass flags on their lawns.
Do you think there's something wrong with flying the flag?

It's an interesting idea and it just came up last week at our high school swim team reunion when I was talking to a former teammate, and one of my best friends from those days, who's as Democrat as Democrat can be, and very liberal. He told me he's taken to flying the US flag at his house to protest the idea that Democrats aren't patriotic and also to resist the notion that many of his liberal Democratic friends have that there is something wrong with flying the flag. He said one of his neighbors actually asked if he'd become a Trump supporter after he started flying the flag (he of course is not at all a fan of Trump). I just got to wonder WTF is wrong with people if they think flying their country's flag isn't a good thing. Don't nearly all Americans, regardless of party, love their country and are proud to be citizens?

By the way, he says I was his inspiration for flying the flag because I have a 24 foot flagpole and fly the US flag along with various other flags underneath (most often IU, but also several others) and I've posted a few pictures on Facebook on the appropriate days (IU game days, etc.). If any of my neighbors thinks flying the US flag means I'm a Trump supporter, that makes them douchebags and it's their problem. Today I'm flying the US flag and a Dallas Cowboys flag.

Go Cowboys!
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Never heard of “the idea that Democrats aren’t patriotic” (unless you’re watching Fox News). What an odd thing to “protest” and waste your energy on.

Do you think there's something wrong with flying the flag?

It's an interesting idea and it just came up last week at our high school swim team reunion when I was talking to a former teammate, and one of my best friends from those days, who's as Democrat as Democrat can be, and very liberal. He told me he's taken to flying the US flag at his house to protest the idea that Democrats aren't patriotic and also to resist the notion that many of his liberal Democratic friends have that there is something wrong with flying the flag. He said one of his neighbors actually asked if he'd become a Trump supporter after he started flying the flag (he of course is not at all a fan of Trump). I just got to wonder WTF is wrong with people if they think flying their country's flag isn't a good thing. Don't nearly all Americans, regardless of party, love their country and are proud to be citizens?

By the way, he says I was his inspiration for flying the flag because I have a 24 foot flagpole and fly the US flag along with various other flags underneath (most often IU, but also several others) and I've posted a few pictures on Facebook on the appropriate days (IU game days, etc.). If any of my neighbors thinks flying the US flag means I'm a Trump supporter, that makes them douchebags and it's their problem. Today I'm flying the US flag and a Dallas Cowboys flag.

Go Cowboys!
Of course I didn't say that. You can be a patriot and not fly a flag. However, I fly the flag because I'm proud of my country and I'm patriotic - and I want to.

But whose idea was it that Democrats aren't patriotic? And your friend seems to think that by flying a flag it makes him more patriotic. That's what I was responding to.
To quote you:
Go Packers!


Go Colts!
Actually, I have a Colts flag too. I cheer for them a well, except when playing the Cowboys. They put a whooping on the Cowboys this year and I hope there's a rematch in the Super Bowl.
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Never heard of “the idea that Democrats aren’t patriotic” (unless you’re watching Fox News). What an odd thing to “protest” and waste your energy on.
That part he was aiming at certain Republicans who, I have to admit, do think that Democrats aren't patriotic. That's not something I've ever thought, and he knows it.
But whose idea was it that Democrats aren't patriotic? And your friend seems to think that by flying a flag it makes him more patriotic. That's what I was responding to.
My friend is as partisan as a Democrat can be, he's doing it to poke it into the eyes of a subset of Republicans, that unfortunately exist, that think that Democrats aren't as patriotic as they are. Also, he says he enjoys flying the flag to demonstrate pride in the country. It's just not something he had done before.
"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.

Don't understand your point. If all the biased anti-Trump people at the FBI and DOJ have already been driven out, who is left in those positions to file all these recent indictments and convictions of Trump's close affiliates like Cohen, Mantafort etc.?

Must be the remaining, honest non-biased personnel at the FBI and DOJ filing these recent things. Or, are you complaining about them too?
Remember, the FBI had a bias against Al Capone, John Gotti, Ramzi Yousef, the Unibomber and all these other criminals. They just can't seem to stop themselves from investigating criminals and trying to stop them from committing crimes! They're SO biased!
You'd think a lawyer like him would realize that the legal system requires a lot of impartiality from judges and juries, only a little bit of impartiality and fairness from prosecutors and no impartiality and fairness from cops (which is basically what Mueller is).

Courts refuse to throw out convictions based on confessions or testimony from suspects and witnesses that was obtained during interrogations in which police lied about the evidence they have (i.e. like "we have your fingerprints at the scene") or about what the other suspects and witnesses have told them (i.e. like "your brother told us you did it").
"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.

Right on cue.

How about we focus on the behavior of Trump? Isn’t that the issue and what lead to the investigation? Were his actions completely “normal”, or even better, “nothing to see here”?

Tell me, was the FBI justified in doing what they did?

To have a president do the things he did AFTER he fired COMEY was unprecedented. And very alarming. Especially among those that deal with issues that you and I will never see or hear about. I’d say if they were alarmed, they had good reason.

Now here’s the whatabout: If Obama had done ANY of the things Trump did, would you have the same reaction? Assuming everything happened he same way, and Obama was the target of the investigation, of course.

It’s almost as if Trump can do anything, and it’s OK with you. It’s pretty unbelievable. If you haven’t read the Moscow project, please do so. I’d love to see you explain away everything in it. Because I’d guess you’ll probably try.
You'd think a lawyer like him would realize that the legal system requires a lot of impartiality from judges and juries, only a little bit of impartiality and fairness from prosecutors and no impartiality and fairness from cops (which is basically what Mueller is).

Courts refuse to throw out convictions based on confessions or testimony from suspects and witnesses that was obtained during interrogations in which police lied about the evidence they have (i.e. like "we have your fingerprints at the scene") or about what the other suspects and witnesses have told them (i.e. like "your brother told us you did it").

Lol. Good cops and lawyers don’t get demoted, fired, or hauled before a grand jury for being honest and ethical in doing their jobs.
Of course I didn't say that. You can be a patriot and not fly a flag. However, I fly the flag because I'm proud of my country and I'm patriotic - and I want to.

I too, am very proud of this country. It’s far from perfect- but the goods news is that through voting and civil action, we can make it more perfect.

I live in San Antonio. A huge military city. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t thank someone for their service. And I mean it every time. It’s not an afterthought.

That’s why I’m so horrified at what I’m seeing out of the Trump administration. It’s destructive. On many levels.
For all of the hand wringing and innuendo, there has only been one group that has employed and worked with the Russians.

This all about tying up the Presidency for 4 years to try and prevent him from making changes. That’s all it is. You know it, we know it. But there is 4 more years. Time to put an anchor around the neck of Progressivism and send it to the bottom of the lake.... that’s what we are talking about right? One must win for the other to survive.
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But whose idea was it that Democrats aren't patriotic? And your friend seems to think that by flying a flag it makes him more patriotic. That's what I was responding to.

I don’t think people who use the American Flag as a surrogate for the protest du jour are Republicans.
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"the FBI must have something more substantial". LOL. Of those who ran things at the FBI and DOJ:

McCabe was in charge of the FBI--he's been fired and remains under criminal investigation for lying to the FBI about anti-Trump leaks.

Bruce Ohr was in charge of investigating Russian racketeering and was demoted because he concealed conflicts of interest involving the anti-Trump investigations.

Strzok was in charge of counterintelligence. He was humulated and demoted to personnel and then fired because of demonstrated anti-Trump bias in doing his job.
This is what selling your soul looks like.
I wish there was a way to swap out all Trump and Russia references in all these stories with Clinton and China. Then I’d like to see the reaction of the right. They would have impeached her in January 2017.
Actually, I have a Colts flag too. I cheer for them a well, except when playing the Cowboys. They put a whooping on the Cowboys this year and I hope there's a rematch in the Super Bowl.
Don't shoot the messenger but the Boys are getting gored by the Rams tonight.