
NPT, based on a quick read, Nowhere in that article do the writers use the word "engineer" regarding how chickens are different. That is the word of some headline writer who doesn't necessarily understand or has even read the article. Writers don't write the headlines. My wife found that out, writing for a newspaper and having nonsensical or misleading headlines slapped onto her writing.
I was validating what COH said about having bigger breasts. If you'll notice, that is what I replied to.
A Chicago refugee opened an Italian beef joint a few blocks away. Baseball fan and have a great time talking Chicago baseball with her

She taught me how to order the best sandwich around;

Beef, wet, sweet.
Is the italian beef place doing well there? I've never seen it any place outside Chicago.

My local stands call it juicy, sweet (or hot with giardinera) . They call it out in an accent a lot like the Billy Goat Tavern guys on SNL.

On deli's, if you're in Chicago, you have to hit Manny's.

Is the italian beef place doing well there? I've never seen it any place outside Chicago.

My local stands call it juicy, sweet (or hot with giardinera) . They call it out in an accent a lot like the Billy Goat Tavern guys on SNL.

On deli's, if you're in Chicago, you have to hit Manny's.

She survived Covid—barely. I’ve never seen it packed, but always a few other customers. I’ve referred a lot of customers.
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No, Seger family outside of Jasper. Wabash Valley. They are an egg product maker and distributor. Don't think they actually farm
Damn it didn’t dawn on me you were talking about Farbest/Wabash Valley and the Segers. I was a member of the same golf club with Scott Seger for years. Played golf with him a few times.

His son and mine did the golf travel circuit when they were young. Scott’s son ended up at IU on a golf scholarship. My son concentrated on basketball. He should have stuck with golf. He was 6’2 or so in Junior High but stopped growing at about 6’5”. He spent his freshman year guarding Cody Zeller every day in practice. Played a very little in the state championship game.

The Seger family are good people.
I have seen that in a lot of stories. But then I see this from another story, bolding is mine:

Gallegos said “probably 100 percent” of the required farms are already in compliance.​
“And that’s the key point I want to kind of point out: Any producer that has less than 3,000 egg-laying hens do not need to comply with this particular regulation,” Gallegos said. “It’s our bigger egg producers that have more than 3,000 egg-laying hens, so that part of the industry is working towards compliance nationwide that is bringing cage-free eggs into Colorado.”​
That guy from the CO Dept of Ag certainly implies the vast majority of the big farms are already in compliance. Obviously, I don't know if that is true or not. Since other states have already passed that law, my guess is all the huge farms are going to it in order to have their eggs sold at Kroger/WalMart/Etc nationwide.
Really? What a f*cken joke government has become! We have black teenagers shooting other black teenagers across the country on a daily basis, we have a miserable education system, we have millions of migrants housed in public buildings that aren’t meant for housing and we regulate certain chickens but not other chickens?

But we “help” kids with hormone injections and pronoun identification.

The United Stares is not sustainable. The problems are deeply imbedded in state and local urban government. Congress is useless and POTUS is worse,.
But exacerbated in California due to the cruelty/cage free legislation passed in 2018 and fully in effect at the beginning of the year. The prices were high relative to other places when we visited last year too.

California sucks - you should find a better place to visit... (unless you like stepping over people, excrement, needles and trash while walking through clouds of weed smoke or while sitting in horrible traffic in an uber watching your driver post to their instagram account). Which is too bad, that place used to be alright.
California sucks - you should find a better place to visit... (unless you like stepping over people, excrement, needles and trash while walking through clouds of weed smoke or while sitting in horrible traffic in an uber watching your driver post to their instagram account). Which is too bad, that place used to be alright.
You're describing a few urban areas. The majority of the state is beautiful and the people are fantastic.

The politics and policies of LA and Metro San Francisco overriding everyone else is the only reason I wouldn't live there.
You're describing a few urban areas. The majority of the state is beautiful and the people are fantastic.

The politics and policies of LA and Metro San Francisco overriding everyone else is the only reason I wouldn't live there.
Yeah, it's like judging Bloomington based on Seminary Park.
Stop. My favorite part of this forum is the posts of people from Shoals or someplace similar, giving advice on Cali, since Stoll stopped posting his unhinged post of the day.
My ex and the outlaws were just in San Fran and said it was awful. Dirty, run down etc. They went up to wine country to visit her boyfriend’s illegals. Is that true about San Fran? I haven’t been in a while but it’s far and away my favorite city. I hope not.
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My ex and the outlaws were just in San Fran and said it was awful. Dirty, run down etc. They went up to wine country to visit her boyfriend’s illegals. Is that true about San Fran? I haven’t been in a while but it’s far and away my favorite city. I hope not.
I don’t know, tbh. There’s 7 million people that live in the Bay Area, with 350k progressives and youngsters living in The City. Most people only go there for dinner in North Beach or a Warriors or Giants game. People that come in for a short vacation are on their own, unless they hook with me, of course! 😂
I have seen that in a lot of stories. But then I see this from another story, bolding is mine:

Gallegos said “probably 100 percent” of the required farms are already in compliance.​
“And that’s the key point I want to kind of point out: Any producer that has less than 3,000 egg-laying hens do not need to comply with this particular regulation,” Gallegos said. “It’s our bigger egg producers that have more than 3,000 egg-laying hens, so that part of the industry is working towards compliance nationwide that is bringing cage-free eggs into Colorado.”​
That guy from the CO Dept of Ag certainly implies the vast majority of the big farms are already in compliance. Obviously, I don't know if that is true or not. Since other states have already passed that law, my guess is all the huge farms are going to it in order to have their eggs sold at Kroger/WalMart/Etc nationwide.
So why the law? Aren't there more important issues than trying to get that last 1-2% into compliance?
My ex and the outlaws were just in San Fran and said it was awful. Dirty, run down etc. They went up to wine country to visit her boyfriend’s illegals. Is that true about San Fran? I haven’t been in a while but it’s far and away my favorite city. I hope not.
I've posted before about our San Fran experiences. Stay in the touristy areas and it's fine. Get off the beaten path and it's dark and occasionally scary. We used to go all over and never worried about it.

Wifey visited a girlfriend in Alameda for a few days before coming home this week. She loved it and had a great time. They didn't go into the city though, so can't say how things are now.
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You're describing a few urban areas. The majority of the state is beautiful and the people are fantastic.

The politics and policies of LA and Metro San Francisco overriding everyone else is the only reason I wouldn't live there.
Agree that its not the entire state but its most urban areas, not a few. And the urban areas are huge. AND unfortunately not just California anymore. Lived and worked there in and out of CA for about 20 years. Ive seen it go so far downhill so fast its sad. Driving down Santa Monica Blvd a couple months ago (maybe a mile west of Beverly Hills) and saw a dude on the side of the road pissing into a cup. Middle of the day. I see moms pushing baby strollers down the sidewalk avoiding people laying on the sidewalk. Where is this ok? How did it happen and who let it? I pray for the younger generation who are being conditioned to see and accept so many things these days that are just "different" than it used to be. Ill leave it to you political debaters to discuss...
It's not urban decay that keeps me from California, it's climate change. Many of the most beautiful areas that I have ever visited... Lake Tahoe, Sequoia National Park, Redwood National Park, Yosemite, Big Sur, and small towns all around these treasured areas... are almost annually getting hammered by wildfires of the type that used to happen every 1-in-500 years.
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can find. They are low calorie, low fat, and high in minerals and vitamins. Eggs give the consumer good bang for the buck in terms of food value per dollar.

The lowest priced eggs now cost around $4 per dozen, up from around a pre-inflation price of around $2. Fancy pasture-razed eggs are about $10. Cage free eggs are in between.

Cage free and pasture raised eggs are definitely luxury items appealing to those who don’t need to worry much about the price of food.

Enter the Colorado Legislature and Governor Polis. All of them are leftists. Most of them are very wealthy, or married to wealthy spouses. Limousine liberals is a very apt description for Colorado Democrat office holders—but not their constituents. Limousine liberals can afford eggs without worrying about the costs. Limousine liberals can legislate luxury. The can legislate feelings. They can legislate what feels good. All of that can be legislated without much regard for costs.

Colorado Limousine liberals legislated chicken welfare. Effective January 1, eggs in Colorado must come from cage free or pasture raised chickens. Who cares if the single mom who worries about feeding kids doesn’t buy those eggs because she can’t afford them. Not that said single mom doesn’t want chickens to have a good life, but paying for that is an unnecessary luxury expense.

Not any more. To fulfill the insatiable appetite to feel good about themselves, limousine liberals require the poor and near poor get to give chickens a better life in order to buy one of the most nutritious singe food item.

What a country!
I see what you mean about the price of eggs.... at Kroger they are $2.79/dozen around here but down in TN where my daughter lives they are $4.89/dozen.
I see what you mean about the price of eggs.... at Kroger they are $2.79/dozen around here but down in TN where my daughter lives they are $4.89/dozen.
Those damn Tennessee liberals. It's gotta be California's fault. ;)

I all seriousness though, it's a bit of a perfect storm on egg prices. Just gotta wonder if they'll ever come down much if people get used to paying that much. Hope so because they are a perfect food staple.
Those damn Tennessee liberals. It's gotta be California's fault. ;)

I all seriousness though, it's a bit of a perfect storm on egg prices. Just gotta wonder if they'll ever come down much if people get used to paying that much. Hope so because they are a perfect food staple.
If you recall they went up a lot several years ago and I wondered the same thing but they eventually came back down. I would guess that the high prices will do two things: 1) Encourage more people to get into that business and 2) reduce demand. If that happens then eventually there may be more supply than demand the price will come down.
Stop. My favorite part of this forum is the posts of people from Shoals or someplace similar, giving advice on Cali, since Stoll stopped posting his unhinged post of the day.
I could start those posts again. 😂 Biden makes it easy. It’s just not fair going after a mentally challenged old man with a stuttering problem.
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I could start those posts again. 😂 Biden makes it easy. It’s just not fair going after a mentally challenged old man with a stuttering problem.
I had hoped you would never notice why everybody takes it easy on you, stoll, but I guess the secret is out. ;)
So....the Federal Government should step in and control free market prices for eggs because you can't afford an extra $1.50 per dozen? When the prices go down the trope will be "we're killing the small farmers!" Just like gas prices. Dear god.:rolleyes:

Recent events have created a perfect storm to send eggs prices soaring. Some of the components that are contributing to record egg prices and help to explain why eggs are so expensive right now include:

  • Avian Flu
  • Rising Feed Costs
  • Cage-Free Regulations
  • Higher Gas Prices
  • Seasonal Reduction in Laying
  • The Holidays
  • Popularity of Vegetarian, Meatless and Keto Lifestyles
  • "Designer" Eggs
  • Overall Inflation
  • Eggs Being Eaten At all Meals
If you recall they went up a lot several years ago and I wondered the same thing but they eventually came back down. I would guess that the high prices will do two things: 1) Encourage more people to get into that business and 2) reduce demand. If that happens then eventually there may be more supply than demand the price will come down.
They will go back down , maybe not to what we were used to. I never gave much thought to scrambling a cpl more and if it was too much tossing out or catfood for outside strays, I don't anymore. Another thing and I realize small but more people will have a few chickens of their own. I have a friend, she was selling excess eggs for $5 and people were sort of complaining on her FB , free range and eggs were big fresh albeit unwashed and better. I bought some but not close enough for a special trip.

The Egg and I 1947 New Egg Farmers

Just got back from Wally World. Eggs were $3.55 for an 18 pack. I almost fell over.

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