
Not sure where people are shopping. The local Walmart and Kroger both have 12 extra large eggs for anywhere between $2.50-$3 (depending on brand) and an 18 count for between $4-$4.50. Both cheaper than the local Aldi. That’s the crazy part.
Gotta be Walmart and Kroger's scale driving that.
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I've seen some studies that pasture raised eggs are something like 2-3x the nutritional value of conventional eggs. Not really relevant to cage-free discussion, but this is the egghead thread.

Links? If so, I'd at least consider a switch potentially. But quick reasearch show similar nutrition facts

Here's Kroger Large White


vs. Vital Farms Pasteur Raised

I think the hens have been engineered.
Fact-checking moment.

A number of factors go into raising larger, healthier birds than ever before, and producing larger and more nutritious eggs, but genetically modifying chickens to deliver these properties isn't one of them. There have been no hens developed by gene transfer used in commercial farming for either meat or eggs.

GMO chickens do not exist.
The world needs more fact-checkers, not less. Others stepped up here, though, to shine a light on the typical fact-deprived snowflake rant of a chronically offended right-winger
Links? If so, I'd at least consider a switch potentially. But quick reasearch show similar nutrition facts

Here's Kroger Large White


vs. Vital Farms Pasteur Raised

@outside shooter we need your expertise. Is this a fact or not? 😁
Cannot help but believe the Colorado legislators were thinking about the cruel treatment of chickens in those crowded pens found on commercial chicken farms.

However, if allowed to roam freely and given that chickens can eat and digest just about anything, they undoubtedly will consume food which is toxic to them. The list of toxic food for chickens is lengthy and includes the following... raw meat, avocado pits, raw potatoes rhubarb, fruit pits, and the list goes on.

If running for the Colorado legislature my limousine liberal motto would be..Protect our beloved omnivores friends by caging them up for their own welfare.
Thanks. I was hoping somebody would comment on the animal we,dare issue. Humans have always imputed their sense of animal ethics on animals. This is to make humans to feel better, not the animals. While I don’t advocate animal cruelty I think humans over state the issue for the sole purpose of our own feelings. I think a lot if that is at work in agriculture and livestock management. I love schnitzels and other veal dishes. It’s now damned hard to find and when you do, it’s usually chicken or pork.
Fact-checking moment.

A number of factors go into raising larger, healthier birds than ever before, and producing larger and more nutritious eggs, but genetically modifying chickens to deliver these properties isn't one of them. There have been no hens developed by gene transfer used in commercial farming for either meat or eggs.

GMO chickens do not exist.
I said engineered, not GMO. Breeding science is a big deal and been around for decades.
Selective breeding isn't engineering. We know what false bullshit you were spreading. You are like a Niagara Falls of BS.
Selective breeding is engineering, which is the application of science or tech to bring about a desired outcome. 🙂 It is not genetic engineering. I know you’re not big on definitions of words, but you’re wrong again…
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can find. They are low calorie, low fat, and high in minerals and vitamins. Eggs give the consumer good bang for the buck in terms of food value per dollar.

The lowest priced eggs now cost around $4 per dozen, up from around a pre-inflation price of around $2. Fancy pasture-razed eggs are about $10. Cage free eggs are in between.

Cage free and pasture raised eggs are definitely luxury items appealing to those who don’t need to worry much about the price of food.

Enter the Colorado Legislature and Governor Polis. All of them are leftists. Most of them are very wealthy, or married to wealthy spouses. Limousine liberals is a very apt description for Colorado Democrat office holders—but not their constituents. Limousine liberals can afford eggs without worrying about the costs. Limousine liberals can legislate luxury. The can legislate feelings. They can legislate what feels good. All of that can be legislated without much regard for costs.

Colorado Limousine liberals legislated chicken welfare. Effective January 1, eggs in Colorado must come from cage free or pasture raised chickens. Who cares if the single mom who worries about feeding kids doesn’t buy those eggs because she can’t afford them. Not that said single mom doesn’t want chickens to have a good life, but paying for that is an unnecessary luxury expense.

Not any more. To fulfill the insatiable appetite to feel good about themselves, limousine liberals require the poor and near poor get to give chickens a better life in order to buy one of the most nutritious singe food item.

What a country!
Here in Central Pennsylvania whenever we have a snow storm coming there is a run on eggs and bread. I eat eggs twice a week on Sunday and Friday. It is good food. Is there a run on eggs in different states whenever there is a snow storm or is this just a PA thing?
I don't have anyone on ignore but I don't read some people's posts. Cosmics are an essay a lot of times so I skip those because I know he never gets nasty into name calling etc. A couple others I skip because they are just snark... never any meaningful posts (or I should say rarely).
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Normal large white eggs around here are not that expensive. I just looked and the Kroger near us they are $2.39/dozen.
Yeah I was wondering what planet some of these people live on? You can get even better deals at Kroger if you download a FREE digital coupon...
“Compared to eggs from caged hens, pastured hens’ eggs had twice as much vitamin E and long-chain Omega-3 fats, 2.5-fold more total Omega-3 fatty acids, and less than half the ratio of Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acids (P<0.0001). Vitamin A concentration was 38 percent higher (P<0.05) in the pastured hens’ eggs than in the caged hens’ eggs, but the total vitamin A content per egg did not differ.”

Vitamins A, E and fatty acid composition of the eggs of caged hens and pastured hens.

No difference in protein, calories or other things that matter though
California passed similar legislation in the past couple of years. We were out visiting the FiL over Thanksgiving. Got into town in the evening on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We made a Costco run to get it out of the way and not deal with it Wednesday morning. They were out of eggs, which were 3 something/dozen. We asked and were told they get a shipment every morning and they're sold out by noon.

We swung by the local Safeway and they still had eggs available, but nothing under $5/dozen. We thought maybe it was due to it being so close to Thanksgiving, but the next week it was still the same.

Pork production was impacted by the same legislation and pork loin was over $4/lb and bacon was stupid high at between $6-11 for a 12 oz package.

Newsom was on the news one night furious that gas was more expensive in CA than in other states, blaming gas station for price gouging.
California passed similar legislation in the past couple of years. We were out visiting the FiL over Thanksgiving. Got into town in the evening on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We made a Costco run to get it out of the way and not deal with it Wednesday morning. They were out of eggs, which were 3 something/dozen. We asked and were told they get a shipment every morning and they're sold out by noon.

We swung by the local Safeway and they still had eggs available, but nothing under $5/dozen. We thought maybe it was due to it being so close to Thanksgiving, but the next week it was still the same.

Pork production was impacted by the same legislation and pork loin was over $4/lb and bacon was stupid high at between $6-11 for a 12 oz package.

Newsom was on the news one night furious that gas was more expensive in CA than in other states, blaming gas station for price gouging.

He’s such a two faced piece of shit. I hope the Dems run him bc I think he’ll get boatraced in a national election
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can find. They are low calorie, low fat, and high in minerals and vitamins. Eggs give the consumer good bang for the buck in terms of food value per dollar.

The lowest priced eggs now cost around $4 per dozen, up from around a pre-inflation price of around $2. Fancy pasture-razed eggs are about $10. Cage free eggs are in between.

Cage free and pasture raised eggs are definitely luxury items appealing to those who don’t need to worry much about the price of food.

Enter the Colorado Legislature and Governor Polis. All of them are leftists. Most of them are very wealthy, or married to wealthy spouses. Limousine liberals is a very apt description for Colorado Democrat office holders—but not their constituents. Limousine liberals can afford eggs without worrying about the costs. Limousine liberals can legislate luxury. The can legislate feelings. They can legislate what feels good. All of that can be legislated without much regard for costs.

Colorado Limousine liberals legislated chicken welfare. Effective January 1, eggs in Colorado must come from cage free or pasture raised chickens. Who cares if the single mom who worries about feeding kids doesn’t buy those eggs because she can’t afford them. Not that said single mom doesn’t want chickens to have a good life, but paying for that is an unnecessary luxury expense.

Not any more. To fulfill the insatiable appetite to feel good about themselves, limousine liberals require the poor and near poor get to give chickens a better life in order to buy one of the most nutritious singe food item.

What a country!
^^^ chicken hater.
I just bought eggs from a store I always go to and paid $7 a dozen. It wasn't 18 months ago I was paying $.89 a dozen. Prices are out of control because of all the money the gov't has pumped into the economy, but this administration and Congress don't recognize the real cause of inflation. This could be due to the store buying eggs locally which gives us fresher eggs.

The administration has changed the definition of created jobs claiming people returning to work they had previously as a created job, changed a long-time definition of a recession so they can deny we are in a recession, and have been working on the definition of a woman to fit their agenda. A recession impacts the economy whether people recognize the recession or not.
Prices are out of control due to bird flu. Read the news. Im sure retailers are also taking advantage of the inflation to add some margin while they can, but the price change is primarily a function of supply / bird flu
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You can call a janitor a "sanitation engineer" if you want, but there isn't any significant level of engineering involved.

You can call someone who breeds horses, dogs, cats, or chickens a "breeding engineer" if you want, but there isn't any significant level of engineering involved. Engineered breeding implies lab-based gene transfer technology.

But go ahead and use big words to make yourself sound all sciencey.
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You can call a janitor a "sanitation engineer" if you want, but there isn't any significant level of engineering involved.

You can call someone who breeds horses, dogs, cats, or chickens a "breeding engineer" if you want, but there isn't any significant level of engineering involved. Engineered breeding implies lab-based gene transfer technology.

But go ahead and use big words to make yourself sound all sciencey.
What does the word engineering mean?

& thanks for the lesson in elitism…
No difference in protein, calories or other things that matter though

Yeah I remember reading it a while ago and didn't recall the specifics.

I was surprised to see they really weren't that much more expensive here.... maybe an extra $1.50/ dozen.

Honestly I would be as clueless as GHW Bush in a supermarket trying to guess how much anything costs. My wife orders all the groceries online and then picks them up curbside. I'd probably know better than to use the term crudite, however.
Prices are out of control due to bird flu. Read the news. Im sure retailers are also taking advantage of the inflation to add some margin while they can, but the price change is primarily a function of supply / bird flu
But exacerbated in California due to the cruelty/cage free legislation passed in 2018 and fully in effect at the beginning of the year. The prices were high relative to other places when we visited last year too.

It depends on the context. The context here was that an animal was claimed to have been "engineered" to deliver abnormal nutritional properties.
Which it was using scientific methods, which, in spite of your claims of being a scientist you know little about.

Tell us more, person who doesn’t know what engineer means, about your accomplished scientific career.🤣🤣🤣
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I like Costco but some things really go up and down in price. We buy the 4 one pound bacon package all the time. When we started buying it the price was $15.99 and it kept going up til it was $$22.99 then drifted back down to $17.99 then back up to $21.99 and the other day when I was in there it was $16.99.
Pork especially goes up and down along with cycles of processing. Its cheaper at high volume times, so no storage costs. The farmers have to sell at the right time . Beef does the same as well. When they are at size to sell it costs too much to keep feeding even if price is down. I stocked up a lot when covid first hit on pork loins for my freezer. I remember getting ground chuck at Meijer for .59 a pound at one point because there was a glut and they had to sell it.
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