Dang Ol Covid Data - Free Carl Lee’s Data!


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
Short version:

Had to report my Covid/Covid vaccine info to a new doc recently

Had 5 vaccines before I caught actual Covid in July 2022

Took “Lagevrio” (molnupiravir) to survive

2 more vaccines after that

All MD recommended until my RA guy said “stop that”

I had personally believed my immunosuppressant RA drugs protected me from the cytokine storms that killed Covid victims

The algorithms that spy on us constantly now saw my Covid stuff on the computers of the world and sent me a new video from my old Limey YouTube Covid Dude John Campbell - who is still at it, and now mad that the data is not being published by governments or vaccine companies

He here discusses a Canadian study report - not yet peer reviewed - which appears to be an attempt to force data disclosure by “finding” 30,000,000 “excess deaths” during COVID, and hypothesizing (them sciency cats love them some hypotheses) that COVID lockdowns and COVID vaccines were the culprits.

Let the brothers KNOW! Free Carl Lee’s data!

  • Haha
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