Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

Didn’t matter what his lawyers did. The NY City pool just like a DC pool would not have enough non Trump haters to get one on the Jury.
Trump chose to live, work and engage in egregious (and criminal) misconduct in both New York and Washington. That's his problem.

And juries, irrespective of party, take their jobs extremely seriously and almost always get it right.
Yeah but there is truth to it. Jury pools make a difference. Trump in the so dist of fla is very different than dc

No, there's not.

It gives fire to people who think the only way Trump can lose is to have a all left jury. Do you honestly think that happened or do you think there could have been people like Brad or Lars on the jury that can think for themselves and came to their own conclusions.

It's putting people in a circle, which is very dangerous. We're going backwards with that thinking.
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No, there's not.

It gives fire to people who think the only way Trump can lose is to have a all left jury. Do you honestly think that happened or do you think there could have been people like Brad or Lars on the jury that can think for themselves and came to their own conclusions.

It's putting people in a circle, which is very dangerous. We're going backwards with that thinking.
uh no offense but you have zero idea what you are talking about. forum shopping is a common practice in law. it can occur between fed and state court, courts in different states, etc. so as to maximize your likelihood of prevailing where concurrent jurisdiction exists. the notion behind it is that not all courts/rules/jury pools are the same. a jury in dc will look very different than a jury in the southern dist of the free state of fla where there's a very strong likelihood a DBM lives. and all it takes is one. so again where matters take place is vitally impt. just reality. has nothing to do with the facts of the case has to do with bias
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They only get so many objections. How many of Trumps peers do you think are in the NY Jury pool?
Depends on what you mean by peers. I'm sure the jury weren't all rich white narcissistic pricks, but probably at least 30 percent of the pool would be Trump voters. You don't think his lawyers were competent enough to get 2-4 of them on the jury? Verdict was unanimous. I know - they're all RINOs now! ;)
This is the kind of thing that grows divide in our court system and is no better then when people complain about others who cry racism.
I have never ever read a biography of Hilter saying.... I'm guilty and intentionally planned to over throw the greatest country in the human world. I have however, found that the most evil person(s) in recent history has claimed to own/ overthrow/ control that countries judiciary throw means that were planned for years,
Millions died because they didn't see the "divide" until they were breathing chlorine gas. the "hey maybe those idiots may have been right" moment didn't come until the oxygen was slowly replaced from their ankles, slwly moving it's way up and then filled the lungs. Once in the lunges, it's heavier than air sooooo Nancy Pelosi gets some more power and and more stooges that never create divide.
You have won a family pack of train tickets for your family to a forever vacation. You really won't be able to come back. Where can we deliver the tickets? Please respond, NOW!
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I have never ever read a biography of Hilter saying.... I'm guilty and intentionally planned to over throw the greatest country in the human world. I have however, found that the most evil person(s) in recent history has claimed to own/ overthrow/ control that countries judiciary throw means that were planned for years,
Millions died because they didn't see the "divide" until they were breathing chlorine gas. the "hey maybe those idiots may have been right" moment didn't come until the oxygen was slowly replaced from their ankles, slwly moving it's way up and then filled the lungs. Once in the lunges, it's heavier than air sooooo Nancy Pelosi gets some more power and and more stooges that never create divide.
You have won a family pack of train tickets for your family to a forever vacation. You really won't be able to come back. Where can we deliver the tickets? Please respond, SHNELL!
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Depends on what you mean by peers. I'm sure the jury weren't all rich white narcissistic pricks, but probably at least 30 percent of the pool would be Trump voters. You don't think his lawyers were competent enough to get 2-4 of them on the jury? Verdict was unanimous. I know - they're all RINOs now! ;)
Kari Lake just turned down 30mil. I'm sorry that your blinders can't see the special treatment and "new York/ DC" rules in place. This is war, at the expense of the historical American judicial system. It is forever exposed and becomes unjust from this point on. Thanks Dem's and "I'm not a dem" people who will not give up their power.
You're DOD (and will always be), I get it that you have been conditioned to play the game, with POWERFUL people on your side.
Rick the Janitor see's whats going on and see's himself vulnerable to a DC dictatorship at their whim. FYI, you are not immune of you walk into the cross hairs accidentally.
Kari Lake just turned down 30mil. I'm sorry that your blinders can't see the special treatment and "new York/ DC" rules in place. This is war, at the expense of the historical American judicial system. It is forever exposed and becomes unjust from this point on. Thanks Dem's and "I'm not a dem" people who will not give up their power.
You're DOD (and will always be), I get it that you have been conditioned to play the game, with POWERFUL people on your side.
Rick the Janitor see's whats going on and see's himself vulnerable to a DC dictatorship at their whim. FYI, you are not immune of you walk into the cross hairs accidentally.
30 million for what? Link, please.

This is simple, what you believe about the judicial system is illogical and implausible. Do you know how many people it would take to conspire to get "completely innocent" Donald Trump in all these trials? It's absolutely impossible.
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30 million for what? Link, please.

This is simple, what you believe about the judicial system is illogical and implausible. Do you know how many people it would take to conspire to get "completely innocent" Donald Trump in all these trials? It's absolutely impossible.
A relative of mine once said, if you remove the impossible, no matter how improbable, what remains must be the truth. MIL Spec SOP creates funnel thinking. Towards their own security. And that is toward support, no matter how evil as long as the evil pays you.
Why do keep saying she was raped?

Determined by a judge.

Yes and no.

IIUC, NY law defines rape specifically as penile penetration. Carrol could not say with certainty whether she was penetrated with a dick or a finger. Hence the sexual assault finding, rather than rape.

Judge Kaplan's statement was referring to the fact that in the common vernacular, forcible penetration, whether penile or digital, is all the same -- that she was raped.
Yes and no.

IIUC, NY law defines rape specifically as penile penetration. Carrol could not say with certainty whether she was penetrated with a dick or a finger. Hence the sexual assault finding, rather than rape.

Judge Kaplan's statement was referring to the fact that in the common vernacular, forcible penetration, whether penile or digital, is all the same -- that she was raped.
And as an analogy, it was a trial to se if someone jaywalked, so to prove jaywalking they decided to determine of the defendant had ever ran over the complainant in a crosswalk.
Create a specific, narrowly focused law to be able to do that.

Nothing to see here. Are you ready to get in this plush cattle car now? It's already standing room only. We promise, it's like nothing you've ever experienced before, but your willingness will pave the way for many more. That is what the swam donkeys are doing, just like hitler did.
And as an analogy, it was a trial to se if someone jaywalked, so to prove jaywalking they decided to determine of the defendant had ever ran over the complainant in a crosswalk.
Create a specific, narrowly focused law to be able to do that.

Nothing to see here. Are you ready to get in this plush cattle car now? It's already standing room only. We promise, it's like nothing you've ever experienced before, but your willingness will pave the way for many more. That is what the swam donkeys are doing, just like hitler did.
You attended the trial? ;)
As much as I could but I wasn't there the whole time. You? Did you even attend any of it? I didn't see your bald head there that all. Maybe when I wasn't there?
Nope. Don't need to be. I'm a law-and-order guy and as are most Republicans are (or used to be) and the due process and verdict are enough for me to move on from this one. It's no skin off our noses that the sumbitch did some bad things and has to pay for them, is it?
Nope. Don't need to be. I'm a law-and-order guy and as are most Republicans are (or used to be) and the due process and verdict are enough for me to move on from this one. It's no skin off our noses that the sumbitch did some bad things and has to pay for them, is it?
So you should be all for the ORDER part of that then, no problem. If you suspect that the system was being overpowered by corrupt intent, your law and order stance, would think that one "successful" overthrow of the intentions of our entire legal system, would be more harmful than one possibly guilty person going free. Right?
Or are you Law and Order and just follow what ever they tell you to follow, and would dismiss anyone that has founded suspicion that is other then yours.
We ALL know the answer. It was rhetorical your honor.
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Has there been a criminal charge and conviction of Trump for raping her? Why do keep saying she was raped?
I think statute of limitations saved him from criminal trial.

But the judge and jury said the evidence pointed to there being rape, which is why he is guilty of defamation.
So you should be all for the ORDER part of that then, no problem. If you suspect that the system was being overpowered by corrupt intent, your law and order stance, would think that one "successful" overthrow of the intentions of our entire legal system, would be more harmful than one possibly guilty person going free. Right?
Or are you Law and Order and just follow what ever they tell you to follow, and would dismiss anyone that has founded suspicion that is other then yours.
We ALL know the answer. It was rhetorical your honor.
I think the idea that the system is "being overpowered by corrupt intent" is nonsense driven by Trump and those that believe anything he says.

Just think about the huge number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy theory. It's not possible.
And as an analogy, it was a trial to se if someone jaywalked, so to prove jaywalking they decided to determine of the defendant had ever ran over the complainant in a crosswalk.
Create a specific, narrowly focused law to be able to do that.

Nothing to see here. Are you ready to get in this plush cattle car now? It's already standing room only. We promise, it's like nothing you've ever experienced before, but your willingness will pave the way for many more. That is what the swam donkeys are doing, just like hitler did.
Speaking of a specific law. #metoo Good for one year. And guess who filed charges right after it was passed.....

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I think the idea that the system is "being overpowered by corrupt intent" is nonsense driven by Trump and those that believe anything he says.

Just think about the huge number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy theory. It's not possible.
Not that many people actually. There are super centers of power(ful) people in DC, thanks to being there 50 years. All it takes is one to start a war. Their minion line up, because you don't gain power without have dirt under your fingernails, dirt from everyone of those minions back yards.
The decision makers are not questioned and have backup when they are, and the minion look at an odd situation and go, meh I get paid Friday and I'd love to wake up Saturday morning. Sergeant major of the Army don't get eff'd with. They could pull it off.
A relative of mine once said, if you remove the impossible, no matter how improbable, what remains must be the truth. MIL Spec SOP creates funnel thinking. Towards their own security. And that is toward support, no matter how evil as long as the evil pays you.
Next time, instead of quoting a anonymous relative, just quote Sherlock Holmes:

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"​

-- Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of the Four, 1890​
And, get off our military's ass.
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Biden got almost 90% of the vote in Manhattan last time. A jury of his peers my ass. Some of you are completely clueless. Probably deranged.
Maybe he should tone down illegal behavior there, then? Poor little native New Yorker, gets a jury of New Yorkers. What a victim! The grievance campaign. Wah!
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I think the idea that the system is "being overpowered by corrupt intent" is nonsense driven by Trump and those that believe anything he says.

Just think about the huge number of people that would have to be involved in this conspiracy theory. It's not possible.
It doesn’t take a bunch of people at all. The media has done a number on Trump and deservedly so in some instances. The media keeps it up all day every day.

Half the people hate him in this country. In some cities, NY and DC it may be 80/90%. Not hard at all to see him have difficulty in trials in those cities.

Bring the Carroll trial to Indy, Trump walks.
Next time, instead of quoting a anonymous relative, just quote Sherlock Holmes:

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"​

-- Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of the Four, 1890​
And, get off our military's ass.
To be fair, do you think it's more likely that Joe has read Doyle, or that he sat on a porch drinking with a relative who read Doyle?
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Wait... I thought that, according to Trump, he could SHOOT SOMEONE on 5th Avenue and get away with it. Did he lie about that, too?
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It doesn’t take a bunch of people at all. The media has done a number on Trump and deservedly so in some instances. The media keeps it up all day every day.

Half the people hate him in this country. In some cities, NY and DC it may be 80/90%. Not hard at all to see him have difficulty in trials in those cities.

Bring the Carroll trial to Indy, Trump walks.

What about the half that defends and yabbuts anything he issue with that half?
  • Haha
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It doesn’t take a bunch of people at all. The media has done a number on Trump and deservedly so in some instances. The media keeps it up all day every day.

Half the people hate him in this country. In some cities, NY and DC it may be 80/90%. Not hard at all to see him have difficulty in trials in those cities.

Bring the Carroll trial to Indy, Trump walks.
All it takes is a few leaders at the top of the FBI. It's already happened, so I don't know why anyone would say it takes a 'bunch of people'.