Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

I think it's remarkable that he quoted verbatim the main part of that passage from The Sign of the Four but claimed he was secondhand quoting a relative, not remembering a passage in a book. Surely he reads, but why disguise it?
Might be afraid he would be thrown off the "team".
these are pretty good tho
Of course. It can never be Donnie’s fault. It’s the judge. It’s the jury. It’s the attorneys. Anyone but Donnie. Must be sad having to twist yourself into a pretzel to make excuses for a man like him.
Nah, it's just recognizing reality.
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Can you then explain why she told her friends that it happened at the time ? And one of her friends is a well published author who would have a lot to lose for lying under oath. You think a woman just suddenly decides to call up a friend and tell her she’s been raped out of the blue? For fun? Speaking of horseshit….
lmao There is no threat of her being charged for lying when it's a 30 year old he said-she said. And the psycho wasn't raped. You keep saying that and you're wrong. You could be sued for slander yourself by saying that.

In any case, the SOL ran out and NY had to pass a 'special' one-year only #metoo bill so she could file right after it was passed. No, that's not suspicious at all.
Yep. Insane doesn't even begin to describe this woman.

Eh they hate trump. That woman’s too old to have fun with it. If I ever hit Powerball I imagine I’ll suffer the same cruel cosmic joke. Altho I imagine she’ll get her dough fairly soon. If trump’s hot lawyer didn’t know how to introduce shit at trial zero chance she knew how to preserve errors for appeal
If trump’s hot lawyer didn’t know how to introduce shit at trial zero chance she knew how to preserve errors for appeal
I am not a lawyer but even I know that at in a sentencing trial, where guilt has already been established by a jury, no judge is ever going to let the jury hear anything whatsoever related to legal arguments for innocence. The only thing Tump's hot lawyer could do was try to throw some red meat to the dbm cult so that their checks keep rolling in and so she becomes Trump's first lawyer to get paid in full.
I am not a lawyer but even I know that at in a sentencing trial, where guilt has already been established by a jury, no judge is ever going to let the jury hear anything whatsoever related to legal arguments for innocence. The only thing Tump's hot lawyer could do was try to throw some red meat to the dbm cult so that their checks keep rolling in and so she becomes Trump's first lawyer to get paid in full.
These lawyers shouldn’t care about getting their bills paid by trump. The exposure should fund a lifetime of trump fan clients. They don’t take the case thinking about legal fees billed to trump
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I am not a lawyer but even I know that at in a sentencing trial, where guilt has already been established by a jury, no judge is ever going to let the jury hear anything whatsoever related to legal arguments for innocence. The only thing Tump's hot lawyer could do was try to throw some red meat to the dbm cult so that their checks keep rolling in and so she becomes Trump's first lawyer to get paid in full.

So will be paid in full as the next Stormy Daniels lol
What do you think Rudy's bank account looks like at the moment? Clients don't seem to be forming a line at his door.

I wonder if there is a list of attorneys that have not been paid or gotten punished due to their defense of Trump (similar to Rudy Giuliani who both didn't get paid and lost his license)

Here's an article I found but only includes those that have quit since 2020.
I wonder if there is a list of attorneys that have not been paid or gotten punished due to their defense of Trump (similar to Rudy Giuliani who both didn't get paid and lost his license)

Here's an article I found but only includes those that have quit since 2020.
Nuance matters. There’s a difference between an 80 year old non practicing no firm rudy, big firm defense billable lawyers, and this Alina who is young with a small firm. She got millions of dollars worth of free advertising that she can parlay into clients, other gigs, etc. that she was terrible won’t matter
Murt you could just read Hickory's link and google a few names
Joe Tacopina is 57
Chad Siegel is 37
Matthew DeOreo is 44
Drew Findling is 64
Jim Trusty is 59
John Rowley is 56

All have decided it is not in their interest to defend Trump. None are ancient and all want nothing to do with your guy.
Murt you could just read Hickory's link and google a few names
Joe Tacopina is 57
Chad Siegel is 37
Matthew DeOreo is 44
Drew Findling is 64
Jim Trusty is 59
John Rowley is 56

All have decided it is not in their interest to defend Trump. None are ancient and all want nothing to do with your guy.
Does it say what business was generated as a result of the free exposure? And again it depends on the firm and type of practice etc
Murt you could just read Hickory's link and google a few names
Joe Tacopina is 57
Chad Siegel is 37
Matthew DeOreo is 44
Drew Findling is 64
Jim Trusty is 59
John Rowley is 56

All have decided it is not in their interest to defend Trump. None are ancient and all want nothing to do with your guy.
Trump is a lawyer's worst nightmare, and his failure to pay the bills is only part of it.

He can't be controlled. One of the lawyers for Carroll said that a key theme of their case was that Trump is a bully and doesn't play by the rules. She commented that when Trump abruptly got up and stormed out during their closing, he demonstrated exactly that. She said she felt like she and her team almost didn't need to say anything; Trump did the work for them. There's a lot of speculation that his little tantrum factored into the high punitive damages award.

He'll pull this same shit (or worse) during the criminal trials and will again hurt his own case.

One of Carroll's lawyers also noted that Habba's (Trump's incompetent but attractive trial counsel) courtroom demeanor was dictated by whether or not Trump was present. When Trump was in the room, Habba was hostile and combative with the judge. When Trump wasn't around, she was respectful and deferential. Good trial attorneys know that you never get anywhere by behaving like an asshole in open court. Clearly his attorneys are playing for an audience of one. They're focused more on staying in Trump's good graces rather than being the best possible trial advocate.

Finally, another "con" to serving as counsel to The Con is there's a good chance you'll end up getting sued or indicted.
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Murt you could just read Hickory's link and google a few names
Joe Tacopina is 57
Chad Siegel is 37
Matthew DeOreo is 44
Drew Findling is 64
Jim Trusty is 59
John Rowley is 56

All have decided it is not in their interest to defend Trump. None are ancient and all want nothing to do with your guy.
And remember trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits in his life. Do you realize how many lawyers and firms have made a living off of trump.

Don’t be naive. In your neck of the woods Greenberg traurig alone has made a fortune off trump
Forgot to mention above that one of Carroll's attorneys said Trump was telling Habba when to object! Classic!
lmao There is no threat of her being charged for lying when it's a 30 year old he said-she said. And the psycho wasn't raped. You keep saying that and you're wrong. You could be sued for slander yourself by saying that.

In any case, the SOL ran out and NY had to pass a 'special' one-year only #metoo bill so she could file right after it was passed. No, that's not suspicious at all.
So Sue the judge that said it. Lol
And remember trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits in his life. Do you realize how many lawyers and firms have made a living off of trump.

Don’t be naive. In your neck of the woods Greenberg traurig alone has made a fortune off trump
Yeah if only he paid them…. Two of my girls had dads that did some work for him. He was famous for stiffing them or paying a small percentage of what he owed. But yeah, I’m sure they received some benefits too
Yeah if only he paid them…. Two of my girls had dads that did some work for him. He was famous for stiffing them or paying a small percentage of what he owed.
Stop. Law firms have made a fortune representing trump through the years from small to large. 4,000 cases. Don’t be naive. I can’t imagine how much Greenberg alone has raked in
Stop. Law firms have made a fortune representing trump through the years from small to large. 4,000 cases. Don’t be naive. I can’t imagine how much Greenberg alone has raked in
Oh I’m sure. My point was how many attorneys he has used.
I’m sure he’s a target, but he’s also a walking daily lawsuit waiting.
That man has paid so much in legal fees it’s almost unfathomable. How he has handled the last few years has been odd and makes me wonder if he’s not all there
"And when Kaplan said that Trump acted like the rules and laws didn’t apply to him, Trump stood up and walked out of the courtroom.

The display of temper caused courtroom onlookers to stare in disbelief at the former president’s breach of decorum. The judge noted for the record that Trump had left.

But Kaplan continued her closing, focused solely on the jury and ignored the former president.
'No matter what Donald Trump thinks, and no matter what Donald Trump says, the rules do apply to him,' she said.

Less than seven hours later, after the verdict was read to a packed courtroom, Carroll grasped Kaplan’s hands and they nodded at the jurors."

He just keeps losing. Bigly.

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Murt you could just read Hickory's link and google a few names
Joe Tacopina is 57
Chad Siegel is 37
Matthew DeOreo is 44
Drew Findling is 64
Jim Trusty is 59
John Rowley is 56

All have decided it is not in their interest to defend Trump. None are ancient and all want nothing to do with your guy.
Trump lost 2.9 million jobs in his four years. Now it looks like most of those are his former attorneys.

Trump really is a weak, incompetent loser.
"And when Kaplan said that Trump acted like the rules and laws didn’t apply to him, Trump stood up and walked out of the courtroom.

The display of temper caused courtroom onlookers to stare in disbelief at the former president’s breach of decorum. The judge noted for the record that Trump had left.

But Kaplan continued her closing, focused solely on the jury and ignored the former president.
'No matter what Donald Trump thinks, and no matter what Donald Trump says, the rules do apply to him,' she said.

Less than seven hours later, after the verdict was read to a packed courtroom, Carroll grasped Kaplan’s hands and they nodded at the jurors."

He just keeps losing. Bigly.

Trump is so weak. The constant displays of his weakness are getting to be as boring as his speeches.
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