Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

You are just as insane as E Jean Carrol. Probably live in the woods alone with your dog Tits and cat Vagina. Complete whack job.

You seem big mad poor Donnie is in trouble again. Maybe if he’d stop sexually assaulting women and learn to shut his fat trap? He’ll never learn. Morons never do.
And you're fine with it. Says everything.
What it says is most people don’t think it’s ok to sexually abuse women and then defame them. You seem to be cool with it tho. Says everything. No doubt
Judge wouldn't allow evidence in that proved his innocence. The fact that everyone shopping in the store gets a personal shopping assistant and no one is ever alone in the store. Aloha doesn't care though. He's a fascist.
You've seen her videos and you think she's his type? lmao That woman is not any guy's type unless he likes crazy.

And what I posted was true - you just don't like the truth.

That woman is a nut job and nothing but a gold digger. But, after 30 years, dupes like you take what she says as gospel.
Crazy likes crazy. PS. She was a beauty queen. Truth? You talking about truth?
lol. I thought you were a down home trailer park boy. You’re actually entertaining this bullshit? I’ll remember to count you among the Manhattan socialite “defamation” crowd moving forward. God forbid somebody use their right to free speech and ruin your “reputation” whatever the **** that means.

You’re a fraud. A poser. A pussy.

I wish Americans would be more serious. This shit is all nonsense.
You have Mark confused with your paycheck to paycheck living coach.
Isn't it amazing how any testimony against Trump, no matter which court, is not allowed?

Almost like it's coordinated or something.....
There's not a person on this board including Aloha who actually believes anything this whack job has alleged. They don't care though. Says everything about who they are
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There's not a person on this board including Aloha who actually believes anything this whack job has alleged. They don't care though. Says everything about who they are
The jury unanimously believed the preponderance of the evidence supported her allegations and found in her favor - in both of those trials. I believe in due process and the rule of law, so I believe the findings are justified.

Why do you post as if the findings were against you? How can you logically justify your apparent belief that every investigator, prosecutor, grand juror, judge, witness and trial juror are conspiring to unfairly persecute Trump? Do you actually believe he’s a completely innocent man and all this is “election interference?” Do you know how supremely implausible and illogical that is? It’s impossible.
No he will pay. And now they’ve got Vince McMahon in their crosshairs. I read mr mcmahon is worth 3 billion dollars. Hell of a thing when guys like the iron sheik have to borrow ten bucks for his crack medicine

Those texts were over the top gross.
Yes, how many turtles were killed, pollution dumped into the area, carbon emissions, etc?
The board was much more civil when she was there, destroying the local environment.
Haha. I know. First time with internet for awhile. Still there. Just decided to get on and shitpost since I just saw the verdict.
So you interrupt your vacation just so you can admittedly 'shitpost'?

You're obsessed. And not in a good way.
No he will pay. And now they’ve got Vince McMahon in their crosshairs. I read mr mcmahon is worth 3 billion dollars. Hell of a thing when guys like the iron sheik have to borrow ten bucks for his crack medicine
Trump donors are paying most of his legal fees through his PAC - about $57 million through the end of 2023 (the linked article says $37 million from January 2023 to October 2023, but I read in the paper that it was up to $57 million for the entire year). I'm surprised that's legal since the PAC is to support his campaign, not his legal defense, but I have to think having donors pay off the judgments would be illegal. If it's not, some of our posters here will be hit of for some big donations. I hope dbm is independently wealthy.

This wasn’t a “he said she said” case. She won that part. This case was only about how much. There is a lot of trial jury research showing that how mad the jury is at the defendant plays a big role in how much money they award. (Remember McDonalds hot coffee?) Evidence and arguments don’t matter.

Trump’s big mouth and juvenile courtroom conduct cost him. He is the easiest person in the US to get mad at.
I agree with you 100% about Trump, especially that evidence matters. He doesn't always seem to defend these cases against him.

Re: McDonalds coffee: Plaintiff was Stella Liebeck and she suffered third-degree burns, was hospitalized for eight days and had to receive skin grafts for her burns.

Her evidence matters too. And, McDonald's coffee is much better now that they no longer serve it boiling hot and use better coffee. Everyone used to burn their mouth with McDonalds coffee back in the day,
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Trump donors are paying most of his legal fees through his PAC - about $57 million through the end of 2023 (the linked article says $37 million from January 2023 to October 2023, but I read in the paper that it was up to $57 million for the entire year). I'm surprised that's legal since the PAC is to support his campaign, not his legal defense, but I have to think having donors pay off the judgments would be illegal. If it's not, some of our posters here will be hit of for some big donations. I hope dbm is independently wealthy.

I don’t know anything about campaign fund rules
The jury unanimously believed the preponderance of the evidence supported her allegations and found in her favor - in both of those trials. I believe in due process and the rule of law, so I believe the findings are justified.

Why do you post as if the findings were against you? How can you logically justify your apparent belief that every investigator, prosecutor, grand juror, judge, witness and trial juror are conspiring to unfairly persecute Trump? Do you actually believe he’s a completely innocent man and all this is “election interference?” Do you know how supremely implausible and illogical that is? It’s impossible.
I think its even money that the jury got this wrong.

First of all, NY passed special legislation to even allow this case.

She appears to be a sexually obsessed person. In court she came across as pure as the driven snow, and the judge excluded all evidence to the contrary. Normally that kind of evidence is excluded in a rape case, but that is criminal, not civil. This was almost 100% she said/he said “. There is no confirming extrinsic evidence. Trump was an asshole in court and the jury had to decode between little red riding hood and the big bad wolf. That makes it easy.
I agree with you 100% about Trump, especially that evidence matters. He doesn't always seem to defend these cases against him.

Re: McDonalds coffee: Plaintiff was Stella Liebeck and she suffered third-degree burns, was hospitalized for eight days and had to receive skin grafts for her burns.

Her evidence matters too. And, McDonald's coffee is much better now that they no longer serve it boiling hot and use better coffee. Everyone used to burn their mouth with McDonalds coffee back in the day,
Plus McDonalds lawyers and representatives were arrogant as hell in the courtroom. The Plaintiff was everybody’s grandmother.
SMH all those words for blaming the victim. So because she did something stupid, she deserved to be raped. Shame on you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Tell me that’s not saying she served to be raped. Despicable. Just despicable. And anyone who likes that post is just as bad. Despicable.
Has there been a criminal charge and conviction of Trump for raping her? Why do keep saying she was raped?
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Has there been a criminal charge and conviction of Trump for raping her? Why do keep saying she was raped?
“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.' Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” - Presiding Judge Lewis Kaplan
“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.' Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” - Presiding Judge Lewis Kaplan
😂 This judge and jury are a joke as is Carroll.
Was OJ innocent?
Oj Simpson Whatever GIF
Trump’s lawyers participated in the jury selection process for both these trials. Are they incompetent at it? 😉
Didn’t matter what his lawyers did. The NY City pool just like a DC pool would not have enough non Trump haters to get one on the Jury.
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