Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

I can see coach W. making the pitch right now.

"Kinda got a good news / bad news situation for you X. The good news, we are going to add 1.1 million dollars to your NIL deal. The bad news is, you are going to have to change your name to 'Cat Vagina'. Just sign here please...."
Maybe the IU foundation can get E. Jean to donate some of this money to the school? I don't know that she has any children.
Screw the foundation. NIL money for football and basketball.

Trump goes apeshit and is restrained after jury awards Carroll $10M.

(Not really, but a guy can dream.)

That’s not the point. It’s what happens to evidence and the quality of it. Easier to make shit up and get a friend to back it
Everyone knows that, even the Trump haters.

It's OK - just makes his election more likely.
Trump is an old rich guy he can pay it. And voters won’t be swayed by a civil suit in ny with this crazy lady. But if your kid is drunk in college at a party and some sorority chick is wasted and misremembers things etc and decides to file suit 20 years later bc your kid is rich your kid is F’d trying to mount a defense
That's not what this case is, though. The defamation just happened a couple of years ago.
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What's it matter? You know these lawyers are never going to get paid, anyway. All their invoices are just going to get returned unopened.
Lol I don’t care if they get paid. I’m just curious if that’s who he went with twice lol. I think trump is funnier than shit. The man is a character
Lol I don’t care if they get paid. I’m just curious if that’s who he went with twice lol. I think trump is funnier than shit. The man is a character
I tried to look it up for you but it wasn't obvious who the lawyers were.

Agree with the absurdity of this whole thing. It's very on-brand for Trump. About as on-brand as you one day having child support deducted from your social security check.
He apparently stormed out halfway through Carroll's lawyer's closing arguments and then returned for his lawyer's turn.
He also was supposedly chided by the judge several times for talking while Carroll was on the stand. At one point, the judge gave him a warning indicating that continued talking would result in him getting kicked out of the court room.

You would think that the number of times that Trump has been sued / in a court room, he would know when he is allowed to speak or not.

Even going on the assumption that he is innocent, in a case like this when you are depending on the jury to take your side in the matter and it comes down to a he said / she said, being disruptive and throwing little hissy fits is not going to help your arguement.
Especially when you walk out of the courtroom in full view of the jury at the same time the Plaintiff's lawyer is telling the jury that Trump is a liar who thinks the rules don't apply to him.

They really should have had both cameras and popcorn in that courtroom.
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That’s not real money? I don’t know how much cash he has in the bank, but that would be a lot wouldn’t it?
Yep, real money. $65 million of the $83.3 million verdict was punitive damages. So, the punitive damages are more than three times the actual damages.

Trump may have a chance to get part of the verdict reduced on appeal, especially the punitive damages part.

Then, we'll see if Trump can demonstrate his restraint by not commenting on Carroll again and giving her grounds for yet another lawsuit.
Saw where if he wants to appeal, he'll have to put up 110% as a bond.
110%? That means he'll need to sell a lot of red baseball caps.

Is he still able to sell his name as naming rights for someone else's buildings?

EDIT TO ADD: Commentators on CNN just said Trump would be required to post a bond of 20% of the verdict in order to postpone collection of the verdict while he appeals. They sounded like he could appeal without a bond, but in that case Carroll could try to collect the verdict while the case is on appeal.
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And here they may succeed. Bringing civil suits that are thirty years old is ridiculous
It was a defamation suit from his comments in 2019. Count the years again. He isn't paying money due to his rape/sexual assault. He is paying for his comments against her when she came out about it.
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Saw where if he wants to appeal, he'll have to put up 110% as a bond.
And there will probably be a decision next week in his civil fraud trial, where the state is asking for $370 mill and a lifetime ban from the real estate industry. Also, the presidency provides him no benefit or protection with respect to these civil verdicts. He'll still owe plenty, barring any remittitur (highly unlikely) and/or a viable issue on appeal.

Despite Iowa and NH, 2024 is off to a pretty shitty start for Trump.
It was a defamation suit from his comments in 2019. Count the years again. He isn't paying money due to his rape/sexual assault. He is paying for his comments against her when she came out about it.
She should stay in the public eye, making talk show appearances, etc. Trump can't help himself. He'll defame her again and again, and she'll have new causes of action. He's the gift that keeps on giving.
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And there will probably be a decision next week in his civil fraud trial, where the state is asking for $370 mill and a lifetime ban from the real estate industry. Also, the presidency provides him no benefit or protection with respect to these civil verdicts. He'll still owe plenty, barring any remittitur (highly unlikely) and/or a viable issue on appeal.

Despite Iowa and NH, 2024 is off to a pretty shitty start for Trump.
Can Trump's current pension and expense account as a former president be garnished to pay Trump's judgment(s)?

Now that Trump has taken the position that his financial statements prove he is incredibly rich, he may have trouble claiming he can't afford to pay a judgment.

That would really get his goat.

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