Carroll wins. Millions in damages.

Again, I would love for Biden to have the balls to bring this up at the first debate. I'd give the odds of Trump not saying something that would cost him another 50 million at about 1 in 1000.

Question is, debate or no debate, will Haley bring it up and start throwing some serious punches at Trump.
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Turned out to be a hoax. This didn’t.
Trump is an old rich guy he can pay it. And voters won’t be swayed by a civil suit in ny with this crazy lady. But if your kid is drunk in college at a party and some sorority chick is wasted and misremembers things etc and decides to file suit 20 years later bc your kid is rich your kid is F’d trying to mount a defense
Says who? Was there a rape kit? Timely police report? Memories fade. People misremember. Evidence gets lost or never procured. What a jury says doesn’t equal justice.

And again it has nothing to do with trump. I don’t think a 20 year sol is okay
You would think with a preponderance of lack of evidence, a decent lawyer would have been able to argue the items you mention.
Trump can bitch and moan all he wants, but at the end of the day his lawyers, who should quite frankly be some of the best that money can buy, couldn't prove otherwise.
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The time gap helped Trump, if anything. Even after all this time, she was right, according to a preponderence of the evidence.

Nobody seems to be worked up over there being no statute of limitations on murder or even wrongful death. I'm not sure that there should be one for rape or sexual assault. Most people would be traumatized for decades by being raped by Donald Trump. Most, except for dbm...
You would think with a preponderance of lack of evidence, a decent lawyer would have been able to argue the items you mention.
Trump can bitch and moan all he wants, but at the end of the day his lawyers, who should quite frankly be some of the best that money can buy, couldn't prove otherwise.
That’s not the point. It’s what happens to evidence and the quality of it. Easier to make shit up and get a friend to back it
Says who? Was there a rape kit? Timely police report? Memories fade. People misremember. Evidence gets lost or never procured. What a jury says doesn’t equal justice.

And again it has nothing to do with trump. I don’t think a 20 year sol is okay
Sometimes they get it wrong, of course. They found OJ not guilty, but the civil trial got it right. This most likely came down to credibility and Trump has none because he’s an extremely dishonest man and liar. It’s no skin off our noses that a billionaire will eventually be paying that woman a ton of money because two juries unanimously came to verdicts against him.
The time gap helped Trump, if anything. Even after all this time, she was right, according to a preponderence of the evidence. Nodoby seems to be worked up over there being no statute of limitations on murder or even wrongful death. I'm not sure that there should be one for rape or sexual assault. Most people would be traumatized for decades by being raped by Donald Trump. Most except for dbm...
What do you mean. Some states have a wrongful death statute as short as a year. Five is the longest I’ve ever seen
Sometimes they get it wrong, of course. They found OJ not guilty, but the civil trial got it right. This most likely came down to credibility and Trump has none because he’s an extremely dishonest man and liar. It’s no skin off our noses that a billionaire will eventually be paying that woman a ton of money because two juries unanimously came to verdicts against him.
None of that is the point. His past being derelict paying bills etc has nothing to do with evidence. Again I couldn’t care less te trump. It’s just a F’d up statute
Trump is an old rich guy he can pay it. And voters won’t be swayed by a civil suit in ny with this crazy lady. But if your kid is drunk in college at a party and some sorority chick is wasted and misremembers things etc and decides to file suit 20 years later bc your kid is rich your kid is F’d trying to mount a defense
Efforts like that have been tried and failed.
And here they may succeed. Bringing civil suits that are thirty years old is ridiculous
Might be. I don’t know how long is too long. Need more than her word against his and there was more. Plus Trump’s deposition and testimony hurt him. I really don’t care much about this trial. I’m interested in the federal trials.
None of that is the point. His past being derelict paying bills etc has nothing to do with evidence. Again I couldn’t care less te trump. It’s just a F’d up statute
No, but his past of A) having multiple women come forward with similar stories about how he tried to do things to them and B) his history of (ahem) excessive abuses of truth, combined with his utterly catastrophic deposition that he gave, apparently was enough to convince a jury.

Maybe he's innocent of this particular crime, but all of the lies and womanizing he has done over the years has finally caught up to him and when the verdict comes down to a He said versus She said-She said-She said, the odds were not good.
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None of that is the point. His past being derelict paying bills etc has nothing to do with evidence. Again I couldn’t care less te trump. It’s just a F’d up statute
Judge wouldn't allow evidence in that proved his innocence. The fact that everyone shopping in the store gets a personal shopping assistant and no one is ever alone in the store. Aloha doesn't care though. He's a fascist.
No, but his past of A) having multiple women come forward with similar stories about how he tried to do things to them and B) his history of (ahem) excessive abuses of truth, combined with his utterly catastrophic deposition that he gave, apparently was enough to convince a jury.

Maybe he's innocent of this particular crime, but all of the lies and womanizing he has done over the years has finally caught up to him and when the verdict comes down to a He said versus She said-She said-She said, the odds were not good.
No, but his past of A) having multiple women come forward with similar stories about how he tried to do things to them and B) his history of (ahem) excessive abuses of truth, combined with his utterly catastrophic deposition that he gave, apparently was enough to convince a jury.

Maybe he's innocent of this particular crime, but all of the lies and womanizing he has done over the years has finally caught up to him and when the verdict comes down to a He said versus She said-She said-She said, the odds were not good.
There are evidentiary rules that govern what you write. I didn’t pay any attention to this trial and have no idea what was allowed in. I also wouldn’t be surprised in the least if he did what was alleged. I’m only commenting on the statute. I’m sure it’s another woke motivated act
Judge wouldn't allow evidence in that proved his innocence. The fact that everyone shopping in the store gets a personal shopping assistant and no one is ever alone in the store. Aloha doesn't care though. He's a fascist.
You believe nonsense.
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I haven't seen, was Trump in the room when the verdict was announced?
He apparently stormed out halfway through Carroll's lawyer's closing arguments and then returned for his lawyer's turn.
He also was supposedly chided by the judge several times for talking while Carroll was on the stand. At one point, the judge gave him a warning indicating that continued talking would result in him getting kicked out of the court room.

You would think that the number of times that Trump has been sued / in a court room, he would know when he is allowed to speak or not.

Even going on the assumption that he is innocent, in a case like this when you are depending on the jury to take your side in the matter and it comes down to a he said / she said, being disruptive and throwing little hissy fits is not going to help your arguement.
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I didn’t see it but saw a bunch of pics on instagram with him and Barron. I was surprised. He looks old and frail. First time I thought it. Too old to be president
Both are. Biden is slipping due to old age. Trump is slipping due to old age as well on top of his mental instability. In a sane country neither would be candidates.
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Both are. Biden is sipping due to old age. Trump is slipping as well in top of his mental instability. In a sane country neither would be candidates.
You know that look old fat guys get when they get kind of skinny. They’re fat skinny. Unique to the really old. He’s morphing into that
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He apparently stormed out halfway through Carroll's lawyer's closing arguments and then returned for his lawyer's turn.
He also was supposedly chided by the judge several times for talking while Carroll was on the stand. At one point, the judge gave him a warning indicating that continued talking would result in him getting kicked out of the court room.

You would think that the number of times that Trump has been sued / in a court room, he would know when he is allowed to speak or not.

Even going on the assumption that he is innocent, in a case like this when you are depending on the jury to take your side in the matter and it comes down to a he said / she said, being disruptive and throwing little hissy fits is not going to help your arguement.
This wasn’t a “he said she said” case. She won that part. This case was only about how much. There is a lot of trial jury research showing that how mad the jury is at the defendant plays a big role in how much money they award. (Remember McDonalds hot coffee?) Evidence and arguments don’t matter.

Trump’s big mouth and juvenile courtroom conduct cost him. He is the easiest person in the US to get mad at.
It's a shame Trump would not allow the DNA test to take place regarding the allegation of his DNA being on her dress. Perhaps that would have proven his innocence?
F noooooo. Didn’t he have that hot chick who didn’t know to get evidence in repping him? She’s going to have to put out big time now. That’s an $83 mil lay
I see your laughing emoji Aloha, please refute any of the points in the tweet. Trump is a scoundrel. He may have done this. If the points listed are indeed true, anyone not truly deranged with Trump on the brain should be questioning this verdict.
You don’t have to get by the first one. It’s blatantly false. In civil trials the plaintiff has to prove its case by the preponderance of the EVIDENCE. The jury unanimously ruled for the plaintiff both times. 24 JURORS. They were in the courtroom, you weren’t. Neither was the Twitter Twit who is wrong. What’s your interest in defending the guy who lost twice?

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