Bitch slapped Republicans

I cannot emphasize how far outside legitimate consideration Trump ought to be.

He graduated from fancy schools, but he talks like a four-year-old. His vast ignorance should be impossible in a person who's lived seventy years. (He makes Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar.) He's a full-on raging clinical narcissist who talks about himself like a fool. He's either pathologically gullible (he believes everything he reads and "hears"), or he's pathologically dishonest. He's grandiose, thin-skinned, delusional, hot-tempered, undisciplined, erratic, and pretty much every other thing you wouldn't want the President of the United States to be. He eagerly embraces conspiracy theories and other mental tics that only kooks and morons affect to have. He is a bright noisy blinking strobe lighted klaxon sounding alarm that apparently purrs like a kitten if you're a Republican.

On the other hand, of course, Hillary Clinton used a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.
I still won't be voting for Trump, but I won't be voting for HRC either. What she did was far more than using " a private email server while serving as Secretary of State." She clearly used the server to avoid the FOIA and she put national security information at risk. I think she likely broke the law. She's demonstrated monumentally poor judgment and piss poor leadership capabilities - and she lies as much as her husband, but less artfully. I won't be voting for her, but I wish the Democrats were running a candidate I could vote for. That's the first time I've thought that since ceasing my membership in the Democratic party in 1992. Trump is so bad I'd vote for Kerry this time if he were running.

We have the choice of two absolutely horrible candidates - the worst in my lifetime, any maybe among the worst in history. I'll have to vote for the Libertarian or no one for President. I'm not going to be part of putting either of these people in office by voting for him or her. This election really sucks.

See if you can figure it out.

I've reviewed our exchange and am still unable to make the connection between 169 suits filed in Federal Court against Trump and Co (and whether or not that's a big number) and the alleged number of people that "Reagan had indicted."

Given that the Full Frontal Lobotomy Walk In Clinic is closed tonight, you're gonna need to explain it to me.
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To the extent that Trump has never held an elected office he is an "outsider". But he is no outsider at all. He is what is on the inside. The one who buys and sells politicians like furniture. He IS the Establishment.
Very good point! I've never thought it that way, but it makes perfect sense.
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If we could all agree that any Presidential candidate should be upfront and avoid any appearance of impropriety especially violations of governmental rules and possible crimes. Then and in that event we would could get Biden on the ticket and have someone we could all get behind. Defending the indefensible only prolongs our agony and promotes Trump. If we put partisan politics ahead of the good for America we all lose.
Are you kidding?

If Biden becomes the Democratic candidate, I will bet my farm that the same folks who decry Clinton's email problems as the national catastrophy will hit Biden with some other charge they've "just discovered." Charges can be he did not serve in the military, graduaged 506 out of 688 students, played football instead of baseball, was a VP under Obama, etc., etc.

And our own Dave says we should not play partisan politics! :(
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Are you kidding?

If Biden becomes the Democratic candidate, I will bet my farm that the same folks who decry Clinton's email problems as the national catastrophy will hit Biden with some other charge they "just discovered." Charges can be he did not serve in the military, graduaged 506 out of 688 students, played football instead of baseball, was a VP under Obama, etc., etc.

And out own Dave says we should no play partisan politics! :(
I'd vote for him over Trump. You need to dial back on your partisanship.
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I've reviewed our exchange and am still unable to make the connection between 169 suits filed in Federal Court against Trump and Co (and whether or not that's a big number) and the alleged number of people that "Reagan had indicted."

Given that the Full Frontal Lobotomy Walk In Clinic is closed tonight, you're gonna need to explain it to me.

You clearly don't speak Neanderthal.
So, Doug, is this how you envisioned this place when you "moved on"?

Where a "go f#ck yourselves" is now the standard? And you, in a classic case of dousing the wrong house (Lucy's) while the house next door is in flames, would ban Lucy were you still in charge? Well, okay, I guess. Cowardice is as cowardice does.

"At least she isn't Trump."

I hope you remember that, say in 2018, when Hillary sends up for nomination to the Supreme Court nominees so excruciatingly far to the left that our country will be severely damaged by the rulings of a radical leftist court should one of these loons be approved.

I hope you remember that as executive actions are taken that put into place further restrictions on our freedoms that no founding father ever foresaw.

I hope you remember that as businesses are further hamstrung by the exponential increase in taxes, regulations, penalties and fines driven by an out-of-control, unchecked and unrestrained federal bureaucracy. And I hope you'll remember that as the economy suffers as a result.

I hope you remember that as the military is further decimated. Read "Dereliction of Duty" to get an understanding of how the Clintons really feel about the military.

I hope you remember that as all of us horrible, dastardly, "should be burned in ovens" (according to a sage on the OTF) white guys shell out through the nose, ass and wallet for all of the snowflakes and their free educations and healthcare and we foot the bill for their self-induced student loan debt.

I hope you remember all of this and more, say, two years from now, when the chickens have come home to roost and those who failed to help defeat the dangerous radical lurching of the Democrat Party to the far, far left, with all of the consequences so perfectly demonstrated by the sickening lure of Bernie Sanders, will hang their heads in shame for not standing up.

For wide is the gate and broad is the road ........

Here's the problem with literally everything you wrote. There is no guarantee that Trump won't govern even further to the left than Hillary. His background and prior statements are indicative of someone who has a political belief system that is the total antithesis of traditional small government. He has no loyalty or ties to the GOP, and will be happy to give the right the bird at every opportunity. He won't nominate anyone better/worse to the court than Hillary. He supports single-payer health care. He will take executive orders to a level never before seen. He'll attempt to sue (and will certainly attempt to punish) any press towards him that is negative.

Add all of that to the fact that he has a legitimate personality disorder.

You've been duped. You think that because he chose the GOP as the party to infect with his celebrity he's somehow better. If there window was there in the other party he would have gone that way.

I've voted for the GOP POTUS candidate every cycle of my voting eligible life. That ends this year. Anyone that votes for this man is a bad citizen, IMO.
Here's the problem with literally everything you wrote. There is no guarantee that Trump won't govern even further to the left than Hillary. His background and prior statements are indicative of someone who has a political belief system that is the total antithesis of traditional small government. He has no loyalty or ties to the GOP, and will be happy to give the right the bird at every opportunity. He won't nominate anyone better/worse to the court than Hillary. He supports single-payer health care. He will take executive orders to a level never before seen. He'll attempt to sue (and will certainly attempt to punish) any press towards him that is negative.

Add all of that to the fact that he has a legitimate personality disorder.

You've been duped. You think that because he chose the GOP as the party to infect with his celebrity he's somehow better. If there window was there in the other party he would have gone that way.

I've voted for the GOP POTUS candidate every cycle of my voting eligible life. That ends this year. Anyone that votes for this man is a bad citizen, IMO.
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This is where I have to step in for one second, Rock. What really is HER baggage?

If he's actually elected President, there will be blame to go around. (I'm looking at you, white men.) I remain boggled, though, that a major political party would nominate someone so obviously unfit for any public office, let alone President of the United States. It's unreal to watch the Republican Party coalesce around him with barely a shrug.

I get that many people really dislike Hillary. She's a center-left Democrat, so conservatives have reason to oppose her, and there's all the Clinton baggage. If I were a Republican, I'd vote Libertarian or sit this one out if I couldn't bring myself to vote for Hillary. But anyone who votes for the buffoonish huckster because "at least he's not Hillary" is reprehensible. If this is a close election, we have a serious problem in this country.
But can you state this when you attacked President Obama as if he were the second coming of Satan throughout his entire presidency? The guy was a diplomat and a gentleman and a I honestly don't see how anyone can't be proud of Obama.

Great post and intellectual contribution! Makes one wonder why so many on the left are angry and dysfunctional when it comes to contributing to the political debate. The candidates on both side of the aisle are well deserved as proof positive where our society is headed.
I never thought I'd agree with DougS so often. Kudos.

To the extent that Trump has never held an elected office he is an "outsider". But he is no outsider at all. He is what is on the inside. The one who buys and sells politicians like furniture. He IS the Establishment.
TRUMP-MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Remember Carter? History is repeating itself yet again. An adult always has to clean up the mess left by a socialist president.
Hmmmmm....but your party's representitives won't even SPEAK with one of the most centrist Supreme Court nominiees in decades. You reap what you sow. You should be ashamed of yourself for even mentioning SCOTUS.

So, Doug, is this how you envisioned this place when you "moved on"?

Where a "go f#ck yourselves" is now the standard? And you, in a classic case of dousing the wrong house (Lucy's) while the house next door is in flames, would ban Lucy were you still in charge? Well, okay, I guess. Cowardice is as cowardice does.

"At least she isn't Trump."

I hope you remember that, say in 2018, when Hillary sends up for nomination to the Supreme Court nominees so excruciatingly far to the left that our country will be severely damaged by the rulings of a radical leftist court should one of these loons be approved.

I hope you remember that as executive actions are taken that put into place further restrictions on our freedoms that no founding father ever foresaw.

I hope you remember that as businesses are further hamstrung by the exponential increase in taxes, regulations, penalties and fines driven by an out-of-control, unchecked and unrestrained federal bureaucracy. And I hope you'll remember that as the economy suffers as a result.

I hope you remember that as the military is further decimated. Read "Dereliction of Duty" to get an understanding of how the Clintons really feel about the military.

I hope you remember that as all of us horrible, dastardly, "should be burned in ovens" (according to a sage on the OTF) white guys shell out through the nose, ass and wallet for all of the snowflakes and their free educations and healthcare and we foot the bill for their self-induced student loan debt.

I hope you remember all of this and more, say, two years from now, when the chickens have come home to roost and those who failed to help defeat the dangerous radical lurching of the Democrat Party to the far, far left, with all of the consequences so perfectly demonstrated by the sickening lure of Bernie Sanders, will hang their heads in shame for not standing up.

For wide is the gate and broad is the road ........
Hmmmmm....but your party's representitives won't even SPEAK with one of the most centrist Supreme Court nominiees in decades. You reap what you sow. You should be ashamed of yourself for even mentioning SCOTUS.
Although a number of our Republican friends here on this forum are themselves thoughtful and reasonable people, Republican leadership has easily become a farce. I still think there is a very real chance we are seeing the end of the party. Johnson picked a smart running mate in Bill Weld. He's making a move at old-school establishment conservatives.
No one cares.

I still won't be voting for Trump, but I won't be voting for HRC either. What she did was far more than using " a private email server while serving as Secretary of State." She clearly used the server to avoid the FOIA and she put national security information at risk. I think she likely broke the law. She's demonstrated monumentally poor judgment and piss poor leadership capabilities - and she lies as much as her husband, but less artfully. I won't be voting for her, but I wish the Democrats were running a candidate I could vote for. That's the first time I've thought that since ceasing my membership in the Democratic party in 1992. Trump is so bad I'd vote for Kerry this time if he were running.

We have the choice of two absolutely horrible candidates - the worst in my lifetime, any maybe among the worst in history. I'll have to vote for the Libertarian or no one for President. I'm not going to be part of putting either of these people in office by voting for him or her. This election really sucks.
Pat Buchanan makes it explicit: Trump is the Great White Hope:

The world has been turned upside-down for white children. In our schools the history books have been rewritten and old heroes blotted out, as their statues are taken down and their flags are put away.

Children are being taught that America was "discovered" by genocidal white racists, who murdered the native peoples of color, enslaved Africans to do the labor they refused to do, then went out and brutalized and colonized indigenous peoples all over the world.

In Hollywood films and TV shows, working-class white males are regularly portrayed as what was once disparaged as "white trash."

Republicans are instructed that demography is destiny, that white America is dying, and that they must court Hispanics, Asians and blacks, or go the way of the Whigs.

. . . White males, now down to 31 percent of the population, have become the only Americans against whom it is not only permissible, but commendable, to discriminate.

When our cultural and political elites celebrate "diversity" and clamor for more, what are they demanding, if not fewer white males in the work force and in the freshman classes at Annapolis and Harvard?

What is the moral argument for an affirmative action that justifies unending race discrimination against a declining white working class, who have become the expendables of our multicultural regime?

"Angry white male" is now an acceptable slur in culture and politics. So it is that people of that derided ethnicity, race, and gender see in Donald Trump someone who unapologetically berates and mocks the elites who have dispossessed them, and who despise them.

Is it any surprise that militant anti-government groups attract white males? Is it so surprising that the Donald today, like Jess Willard a century ago, is seen by millions as "The Great White Hope"?
Note that in my first quoted paragraph Buchanan regrets the disfavor into which our Confederate "heroes" have fallen. Which reminds me of the joke about Buchanan that he lost a relative in the Holocaust: His drunk grandfather fell out of a guard tower. As Buchanan explains, though, Trump is the ugly face of white identity politics. This is what the Southern Strategy gets you.
The Republican Party screwed itself with its various (failed) attempts at pushing through amnesty. Trump is a backlash to that.

Hopefully the regular Republicans will come to their senses, do a mea culpa on the issue, get serious about securing the border before anything is done regarding normalization of those here, and we can move beyond this. But the early signs aren't hopeful. They seem to be digging in their heels -- which probably means more backlash.
You're misdiagnosing the problem. Trump isn't winning with immigration policy wonks. He's winning with white people who feel threatened by various Others. You can put all the lipstick you want on that pig, but it's still a pig.
L'il Marco has reportedly apologized for making fun of Mr. Trump's small . . . hands. Nothing could better illustrate what a sad sack group of pathetic losers Republicans now are.

Look, guys, you've nominated a buffoon as your presidential candidate. A huckster. A clown. A cartoon character. A punchline. And you're okay with that. Because eGhazi! or something. It was bad when you were okay with the ignoramus Sarah Palin as your VP, but now your presidential candidate is the ignoramus. The top of your ticket is literally a joke.

By character, intellect, and temperament, the clown Trump shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the White House. But you picked him anyway. Your party and your candidate, but our problem. Thanks very much for living down to everything I've ever thought about you.

People are making a category error about Trump. The problem has nothing to do with his supposed policies. The problem is that people imagine that he has policies. He doesn't. He has only a collection of ignorant impulses. He knows less about how government or the world works than even Sarah Palin. He demonstrates this every time he speaks.

Read James Fallows' accumulating summary of Trump's idiocies. The "Mexican" federal judge he says is a "disgrace." His assurance that there is no drought in California. The fact that he knew nothing about immigration when he decided it was his biggest issue. The ridiculous conspiracy theories. The birtherism. His absurd ignorance. His repeated lies. (Politifact has never seen anything like it.) But, then again, he didn't have a private email server when he was Secretary of State.

But ultimately the problem isn't Trump. It's you guys and your awful dysfunctional excuse for a political party and your pathetic mewling acquiescence that "at least he's not Hillary." Go f#ck yourselves. Seriously.
In order to vote for Hillary Clinton, one would have to deem it acceptable for the Clintons to use the United States and their positions of power for their own personal wealth. Billary doesn't care about anything other than lining their own pockets and they use voter blocs as pawns in their personal enrichment game. Do they care about people? No, they are complete frauds.

The reason Hillary had her own personal server was because she wanted to cover up all the pay to play political deals she was cutting as secretary of state and avoid FOIA.

Biden should have run and Bernie should have hit her harder, earlier in the debate cycle. Instead the Democrats are looking at chaos at the convention and probably thereafter.
Links, please?

In order to vote for Hillary Clinton, one would have to deem it acceptable for the Clintons to use the United States and their positions of power for their own personal wealth. Billary doesn't care about anything other than lining their own pockets and they use voter blocs as pawns in their personal enrichment game. Do they care about people? No, they are complete frauds.

The reason Hillary had her own personal server was because she wanted to cover up all the pay to play political deals she was cutting as secretary of state and avoid FOIA.

Biden should have run and Bernie should have hit her harder, earlier in the debate cycle. Instead the Democrats are looking at chaos at the convention and probably thereafter.
L'il Marco has reportedly apologized for making fun of Mr. Trump's small . . . hands. Nothing could better illustrate what a sad sack group of pathetic losers Republicans now are.

Look, guys, you've nominated a buffoon as your presidential candidate. A huckster. A clown. A cartoon character. A punchline. And you're okay with that. Because eGhazi! or something. It was bad when you were okay with the ignoramus Sarah Palin as your VP, but now your presidential candidate is the ignoramus. The top of your ticket is literally a joke.

By character, intellect, and temperament, the clown Trump shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the White House. But you picked him anyway. Your party and your candidate, but our problem. Thanks very much for living down to everything I've ever thought about you.

People are making a category error about Trump. The problem has nothing to do with his supposed policies. The problem is that people imagine that he has policies. He doesn't. He has only a collection of ignorant impulses. He knows less about how government or the world works than even Sarah Palin. He demonstrates this every time he speaks.

Read James Fallows' accumulating summary of Trump's idiocies. The "Mexican" federal judge he says is a "disgrace." His assurance that there is no drought in California. The fact that he knew nothing about immigration when he decided it was his biggest issue. The ridiculous conspiracy theories. The birtherism. His absurd ignorance. His repeated lies. (Politifact has never seen anything like it.) But, then again, he didn't have a private email server when he was Secretary of State.

But ultimately the problem isn't Trump. It's you guys and your awful dysfunctional excuse for a political party and your pathetic mewling acquiescence that "at least he's not Hillary." Go f#ck yourselves. Seriously.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
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The democratic party is nothing more than organized crime. The Clinton's have way to much information to ever be indicted and tossed to the curb. Those that support them are the problem in today's society.
Link please.

The democratic party is nothing more than organized crime. The Clinton's have way to much information to ever be indicted and tossed to the curb. Those that support them are the problem in today's society.
Uhm, have you watched this entire season? Trump has launched nothing but ad homing attacks. Little Marco, Lying Ted, and a host of others. Verbal attacks ARE Trump's camain strategy.

Efficiency is a Trump quality

All campaigns engage in ad hominem attacks. Clinton, and Obama for that matter, spent millions and hired scores of people to do "opposition research" so to define their opponents. They devote whole segments of speeches, including, in Obama's case, commencement speeches, on ad hominem attacks.

Trump? He defined his political opponents in single words in moments, his own words. This kind of efficiency is important to a good chief executive.
You're misdiagnosing the problem. Trump isn't winning with immigration policy wonks. He's winning with white people who feel threatened by various Others. You can put all the lipstick you want on that pig, but it's still a pig.

I'm not really sure what you mean by "immigration policy wonks."

But, yes, of course he's winning with people who feel threatened. This was largely the point that mjvcaj was making in his thread about populism. I don't really think the fear is race/ethnicity driven as much as you apparently do. I would argue that the threat people feel is almost entirely economic. In other words, if you ask those displaced IT folks at Disney about their thoughts on immigration policy, I doubt their gripes would have much to do with the race or ethnicity of those who displaced them. And I doubt they'd have been comforted much if the cheaper replacements they had to train before they were let had been Dutch.

The point is, there very much is a lot of pent-up, long-term economic angst. And much of that -- here as elsewhere -- is being directed at various facets of economic globalization. Candidates like Trump are seizing on that angst. And he's able to only because the political establishment (of which I am, generally, supportive) has allowed him the space to do so by repeatedly fanning these flames.

It doesn't really matter what you think of the people in question or of the legitimacy of their gripes. Nor does it matter if you think they're a bunch of racists just looking for some plausible political vehicle upon which to channel their racism. Their votes count as much as yours and mine do.

The answer is for the political establishment to pivot in such ways as to address their qualms WITHOUT succumbing to such populist demands like destructive trade protectionism.
I don't really think the fear is race/ethnicity driven as much as you apparently do. I would argue that the threat people feel is almost entirely economic.
The data says otherwise.

Racial resentment isn't the only thing driving Trump's support, but it's the biggest single thing. That's why Trump's support isn't undermined by his overtly racist appeals. His supporters regard this as a feature, and not a bug.