Biden dropping out. Wow. Faster than I thought.

Aloha already answered this. Fit to serve means 6 months. Fit to run means 54.

But it's not even actually that. He didn't say he's unfit to run, and neither did I. He's dropping out because he can't win, period. It's politics. Doesn't matter if he's fit or not. He's going to lose, so they have to go with someone who at least has a chance.
It kind of does matter. Do you think he’s fit to serve another 4 years? If not, where were the calls for his resignation previously?

You beat around the bush for a living but figured I try getting straight answer out of you.
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Are you actually advocating a Ukrainian defeat?
Depends what that means. If it means Russia occupying the territory they currently control, a DMZ and no Ukranian admission to NATO as a bargaining chip in return for withdrawal of most Russian forces.

Then yeah. Absolutely. That’s pretty much best case scenario.
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Why make such a dumb statement if you are Sorkin? Yes, it does make some sense, but there is no chance it would ever become reality. Is pragmatism dead?

Sorkin believes people should put country over party. So this is an example. He is right, they should. Unfortunately only about 10 Americans believe that and none are elected. Most are party first, then country.

He said that nothing could show the seriousness of the Democratic Party to the danger Trump represents more than running a Republican to defeat him.
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Sorkin believes people should put country over party. So this is an example. He is right, they should. Unfortunately only about 10 Americans believe that and none are elected. Most are party first, then country.

He said that nothing could show the seriousness of the Democratic Party to the danger Trump represents more than running a Republican to defeat him.

Sorkin rescinded it after Biden withdrew and endorsed Harris. So I guess he’s not one of the 10 after all.
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Get a boner?
Not quite...but it did move a little.

To be fair...I'm not even a Trump fan. I was never even interested politically before I saw how the media and Hollywood went after 1 single person with interests different from their own. That's what pushed a lot of people towards Trump. And they still have no idea that all of their BS tactics,and reporting,is what created his popularity.
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Well, there you go, You are a pro-Russian, anti-.Ukrainian, POS asshole American. That’s what I thought all along because of your disrespectful flag display in your avatar.
**** Ukraine. It's a political sanctuary for money laundering. And the media has created this "poor Ukraine" bs narrative so we keep send billions there needlessly. Russia spends about 65 billion on their military a year. So why have we sent Ukraine 180 billion in 2 years,and they still can't push Russia out? Sheep. Quit being happy to give others people's money away for BS. Why aren't the country's of the region worried about it,yet we act like it's the end all be all? Wake up
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The prosecutor vs. the felon.
Hawk Tuah 2024!!!!!
Kamala Harris Dancing GIF by Joe Biden
Hawk Tuah 2024!
That didn’t take long. Some long knives from Team Biden are being drawn at VP Harris.

I’m less interested in the dirt being flung here (Biden doubts she could win, Harris aides thought she was backgrounded by Biden because he feared she’d outshine him, she’s a crappy boss, she rehearsed for a DC society dinner) than I am the fact it’s being flung (and how quickly).

But given the compressed schedule for the nomination, I guess it’s to be expected.

Scoop: Biden Doubted Harris’ Election Chances
You're the only one I ever call out because you are all time calling out other people.
Lol. Not any more than others.

But thanks for pointing out that you are just an ass hat

But I will keep yabbuting hypocrites regardless
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Sorkin believes people should put country over party. So this is an example. He is right, they should. Unfortunately only about 10 Americans believe that and none are elected. Most are party first, then country.

He said that nothing could show the seriousness of the Democratic Party to the danger Trump represents more than running a Republican to defeat him.

The two party system is a plague.
**** Ukraine. It's a political sanctuary for money laundering. And the media has created this "poor Ukraine" bs narrative so we keep send billions there needlessly. Russia spends about 65 billion on their military a year. So why have we sent Ukraine 180 billion in 2 years,and they still can't push Russia out? Sheep. Quit being happy to give others people's money away for BS. Why aren't the country's of the region worried about it,yet we act like it's the end all be all? Wake up
NATO countries have transferred a lot of weapons to Ukraine too. They’ve also provided training and sanctuary. You should pay attention and know what you’re talking about rather than vomiting through your keyboard.

Russia is also one of the most corrupt countries in the world and its top down.
Sorkin believes people should put country over party. So this is an example. He is right, they should. Unfortunately only about 10 Americans believe that and none are elected. Most are party first, then country.

He said that nothing could show the seriousness of the Democratic Party to the danger Trump represents more than running a Republican to defeat him.
Not true Marv. There are thousands of us Bitcoiners and growing by the day.
Do you believe American isolationism is why Russia invaded Ukraine and Hamas invaded Israel?

I don't know if I would call it isolationism today. Biden isn't showing much interest in retreating into Fortress America.

In Russia's case, I believe they thought we would not have time to respond to stop them from a fait accompli. They expected us to retaliate with various economic sanctions as with Crimea, but note those sanctions never forced Russia out of Crimea. But they expected their initial invasion to cause Z's government to fall and a rapid surrender.

I think Hamas follows the typical COIN playbook, opportunity attacks and hope the opponent overreacts and drives a wedge between the opponent and others. They may have thought Biden would be easier to be driven from supporting Israel, I can't say. I am not sure how accurate that assessment would have been given Biden had a long history of being pretty accepting of Israel. Heck, Biden has called himself a Zionist.
What does Bitcoin have to do with anything? One can be party uber alles and still own bitcoin.
Bitcoin fixes the problem. The foundational issue is a broken monetary that is causing the tribalism. Everyone feels the pain and are expressing their hurt/anger in their own ways. Democrats point fingers at Republicans and Republicans point fingers. Bitcoin will save the country. It’s why Trump embracing it is such a big deal.
So why have we sent Ukraine 180 billion in 2 years,and they still can't push Russia out?

Numerical superiority accounts for a WHOLE lot. First, the initial attack was somewhat successful depriving Ukraine of some troops and equipment and prepared positions. The Russian army as a whole is far, far, larger. One thousand Russians die in Ukraine, 1000 troops can come in to replace them very easily. One thousand Ukrainians die, not so much replacement. 100 Russian tanks are destroyed, 100 tanks are brought back in service. One hundred Ukrainian tanks blow up, well, too bad.

Next up the Ukrainian army was taught to fight using Russian equipment and Russian strategy. American equipment is built for American strategy and tactics. First and foremost, we ALWAYS expect to have air superiority. Ukraine cannot possibly get that.

Next up, we slow walked material to Ukraine. We didn't send them F16s or M1s until recently. And while there is a cost to sending all that we have sent, mostly what we are sending is equipment we are scrapping. So while it may have a book value of X, if we are going to scrap its real value is far less. So when we say we sent them $180 billion, that isn't really a true picture.

The Germans found out in WWII what numerical superiority does. The Soviets just ground down the Wehrmacht until it was a hollow shell. Then they launched Operation Bagration and destroyed that shell.

When Russia's initial invasion failed and the lightning war became a pipe dream, Russia went back to her tried and true self. They are just trying to grind Ukraine down.
NATO countries have transferred a lot of weapons to Ukraine too. They’ve also provided training and sanctuary. You should pay attention and know what you’re talking about rather than vomiting through your keyboard.

Russia is also one of the most corrupt countries in the world and its top down.
I don't care what other countries have done. Quit spending my money on BS.
Bitcoin fixes the problem. The foundational issue is a broken monetary that is causing the tribalism. Everyone feels the pain and are expressing their hurt/anger in their own ways. Democrats point fingers at Republicans and Republicans point fingers. Bitcoin will save the country. It’s why Trump embracing it is such a big deal.

So if King George just had Bitcoin we would all be singing God Save the King? Very little has changed since the old days. The worst US inflation ever was during the Revolution (still on gold), and the worst more modern was 1917 (still on gold).

While the last couple years have not been good inflationary, some inflation is good. I know you don't believe it. But if you actually work for a living, I bet you want to earn more money next year than this. If so, that's inflationary. If my boss gives me 3% more next year, that 3% has to come from somewhere and probably not from their personal wealth. The entire system is designed to have some inflation.
Remember the good old days when even Hillary spoke the truth. When she said, "fix this shit or we are all going to prison".
Oh those were the best of times.
She wasn't lying! Then they conspired and talk about a frenzy. Holy Hell they musta been scared its been non stop for years. In the name of all thats Clinton though...At least Trump wasn't suicided. Right?
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I don't know if I would call it isolationism today. Biden isn't showing much interest in retreating into Fortress America.

In Russia's case, I believe they thought we would not have time to respond to stop them from a fait accompli. They expected us to retaliate with various economic sanctions as with Crimea, but note those sanctions never forced Russia out of Crimea. But they expected their initial invasion to cause Z's government to fall and a rapid surrender.

I think Hamas follows the typical COIN playbook, opportunity attacks and hope the opponent overreacts and drives a wedge between the opponent and others. They may have thought Biden would be easier to be driven from supporting Israel, I can't say. I am not sure how accurate that assessment would have been given Biden had a long history of being pretty accepting of Israel. Heck, Biden has called himself a Zionist.
It’s funny to me that, for all the talk we heard for YEARS about how Trump was a foreign agent, it was after he left that everything went to hell.

And now Iran is so desperate to keep Trump out of the White House, they’re literally trying to assassinate him.

It doesn’t say a lot for Joe, does it.

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