Archie Talks Open Scholarships Next Year

oh hell, I'll bite....who takes Smith's place next yr? Who fills in the points and rebounds? And the extra 5 fouls he has to burn?

Aside from TJD, everyone else on the team scores less than Smith. So based on actual game results- games are decided by numbers ie points scored, everyone else on this squad (sans TJD) contributes less than Smith. Brunk scores much less. Does he leave? Phin? Hunter?

Does TJD just play one-on-five every game next yr? (assuming he doesn't go Pro- which he won't as he hasn't made a shot outside of 5 feet all season)

Smith doesn't seem to have a lot of fire in him but his per-game output is better than what you are willing to acknowledge. Just saying "he sucks, ok?" is a purely emotional response. LIke arguing with my wife. I'm a numbers guy. Math doesn't lie. It's not subjective.

Like him or not, if Smith goes the grad Tx route this spring we have a huge hole with no one in line to fill it.
Tjd, Brunk and Jerome is your starting frontcourt but I’m sure pretty boy Justene will still start I really hate that guy
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Jerome Hunter
If u can’t make NCAA with those guys forget about it
that really doesn't answer my question. Phin, Franklin, Leal, Galloway- none of these guys are replacing Smith's numbers. Race has spurts of good play, but isn't the scorer and hasn't been able to stay healthy through an entire season. He's shown no willingness to attempt an outside shot and isn't a slasher either. So, very limited to garbage points under the basket.

TJD and Brunk are already on the court with Smith.

Like it or not, Smith' departure- of which there is zero evidence of any risk- just this stupid thread- would leave a hole next yr.

On the other hand I would be shocked if Anderson returns. Just don't see any playing time in his future at IU.

CAM cannot afford to pull another Fitzer this summer...if he has 1-2 open schollys he has to bring in someone who can really contribute.
No, they are Crean's initial recruits playing for Archie

You can tell yourself that if that makes you feel better. If they are on our team and playing for our Coach, they are his players. If he didn't want them, or they didn't want to be here, that would have been worked out by now. You can't build a team atmosphere treating guys differently. And while I don't think the views of this board are actually reflected to the team, if they were, that would lead to chemistry problems like we seem to be having. It'd be like telling an adopted kid, "you're not mine because someone else is your Mom/Dad". Once you commit, they're yours. When he chose to keep them for more than that first year and they agreed to stay, they became fully his players, imho.
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that really doesn't answer my question. Phin, Franklin, Leal, Galloway- none of these guys are replacing Smith's numbers. Race has spurts of good play, but isn't the scorer and hasn't been able to stay healthy through an entire season. He's shown no willingness to attempt an outside shot and isn't a slasher either. So, very limited to garbage points under the basket.

TJD and Brunk are already on the court with Smith.

Like it or not, Smith' departure- of which there is zero evidence of any risk- just this stupid thread- would leave a hole next yr.

On the other hand I would be shocked if Anderson returns. Just don't see any playing time in his future at IU.

CAM cannot afford to pull another Fitzer this summer...if he has 1-2 open schollys he has to bring in someone who can really contribute.

I'd also be surprised if Smith isn't back, but if he wanted to leave I also wouldn't sweat it. Obviously we need to fill that spot, but we're already proving (again) that we're not that good having to play him and if he chose to bail, well, that would tell me his attitude was part of the problem to begin with. I'd rather make do with guys who want to be part of the team, than to hold on to a guy just because he produces sometimes.
I'd also be surprised if Smith isn't back, but if he wanted to leave I also wouldn't sweat it. Obviously we need to fill that spot, but we're already proving (again) that we're not that good having to play him and if he chose to bail, well, that would tell me his attitude was part of the problem to begin with. I'd rather make do with guys who want to be part of the team, than to hold on to a guy just because he produces sometimes.

well yeah, never want players there, who don't want to be there.

I don't know enough about Smith to know if he's one of the 'bad apples' or if he's just a kid born with freakish athletic skills but without competitive fire.

I would think (hope) that if he were a disgruntled team member, he would see his playing time drop substantially ( ala Green, who still gets minutes but no longer starts and sits late in the game during key moments). But Smith continues to start. If CAM thought Smith was leaving, don't you think he'd give more of those minutes to Race? Or Hunter?

None of this really points to things getting any better for the team next year.
Surely Archie didn’t slip up and hint he will be forcing someone out. He is struggling to win, but he isn’t dumb. He was very clear about having two for next year though. Are there any logical explanations out there?

Archie may have already been informed by one of the players of the player's intent to transfer after the season ends. Smith is graduating early, and DA has barely played the past 5 games.
Someone may have already indicated to Archie that they aren't coming back.
If so, is that something Archie should be sharing with the media with eight games left in the season? It seems like a mistake for him to talk about it. I guess the other way to look at it is that he is not concerned with losing players that don’t want to be there. Either way, I don’t agree with it.
Yeah because he shoots as well as all the guards on the team. You act like this team shoots 40% from behind the arc. Do you watch the games or just post after you see the final score.
If you can not make a high % of 3pt shots, then you should not be shooting them.
Yeah because he shoots as well as all the guards on the team. You act like this team shoots 40% from behind the arc. Do you watch the games or just post after you see the final score.
He sucks ive seen 3 years of his lazy lolly gagging he makes Kareem Abdul Jabaar look like Usan Bolt
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I’m much more interested in knowing if there are open spots on the coaching roster here.....say the head coaching position for starters? That is much more intriguing.
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I'm friends with mom we grew up together. She said no way is he leaving...
So Smith will be our 2nd best player in that case. Either way we shouldn’t be wanting Smith to leave unless you’re rooting for losses.
I’m much more interested in knowing if there are open spots on the coaching roster here.....say the head coaching position for starters? That is much more intriguing.
You're starting to sound a lot like the emotionally overwrought BRCB from early in the football season. How many times would you have fired Tom Allen in the last three years ? Why not relax and let the season play out.
Smith will never be the best player on any team. He doesnt even like basketball that much. Much more focused on the KSB. Can't blame him for that, but also don't want him on the team because of it.

TJD Franklin and Hunter could go to any D1 team in the country next year and make the tourney if Chris Beard was the coach. Those are the only 3 that need to return.
Franklin?! He’s one of our worst players. What have you been watching?
And if you think he’s NBA ready then you’re fooling yourself. He doesn’t finish near the rim enough and has no mid-range shot.
The NBA doesn’t care if you’re “ready”. If they see potential, they’ll get you ready. Much better development programs in the nba than in college.
You're starting to sound a lot like the emotionally overwrought BRCB from early in the football season. How many times would you have fired Tom Allen in the last three years ? Why not relax and let the season play out.

Nah.....I know a good train wreck when I see one.
I was at the bowl. Disappointed but better than anything we had before. I feel like Allen and staff are “all in.” Cannot fault the effort there.
This basketball staff on the other hand?
They raised the white flag four games ago.
Nah.....I know a good train wreck when I see one.
I was at the bowl. Disappointed but better than anything we had before. I feel like Allen and staff are “all in.” Cannot fault the effort there.
This basketball staff on the other hand?
They raised the white flag four games ago.

Since you think the fellas have finished up their season, what do you think tomorrow night is going to be like?
Since you think the fellas have finished up their season, what do you think tomorrow night is going to be like?

Ugly. Double digit loss. Fans show up out of curiosity to see if changes were made. They are disappointed to find out it’s status quo.

Guessing the score is probably not as challenging as guessing how many empty seats there will be.
while I am on record, many times, saying that Smith can drive me nuts, he is our 2nd leading scorer and 3rd leading rebounder. That's not what I would define as being "so bad". Nor would I consider that production easy to replace, considering who we have returning and who we have coming in.

In addition to Smith being our 2nd leading scorer and 3rd leading rebounder, he is our best defensive player. Yet so many are convinced that IU would be better without him...
The NBA doesn’t care if you’re “ready”. If they see potential, they’ll get you ready. Much better development programs in the nba than in college.
Really then why did Morgan return, so he could work on his three point shooting. You can’t be an inside threat only in the NBA at 6’9”.
Really then why did Morgan return, so he could work on his three point shooting. You can’t be an inside threat only in the NBA at 6’9”.
He (and every other prospect) has a better chance improving their shot in the NBA than in college.