Alec Baldwin fired prop gun that killed woman on film set of Rust

And that's just when he tandem bikes to the CVS in the wilds of Denver with his stoker. ;)
Please. You're lost in the Midwest on this topic. COH lives on the frontier, where there are cowboys and outlaws and the Old West gun culture still dominates. He has plenty of facts to combine with his frontier experience to know what happened.

You're reading novels on a Kindle. You don't relate. I'm sorry.
And I ate breakfast at the Tesuque Village Market near Santa Fe Saturday where real red Chile is eaten by real people.

Alec Baldwin fired prop gun that killed woman on film set of Rust, authorities say

Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins airlifted to hospital, where she died, while director Joel Souza also injured
*****Something that has yet to be mentioned, but should have by now. There was a child on set in this film, a child on a set with an incompetent/careless/dangerous armorer, assistant director producer & actor. The 'Rust' plot revolves around a 13 yr. old orphan & his grandfather (played by Baldwin).

It's one (bad) thing to have the obvious ignorance, carelessness & disregard for common sense safety (gun & otherwise) on a set with lethal firearms being used, it's quit another/MUCH, MUCH worse to have a child on this same set.

God forbid, that child actor would have accidently come into contact with that fatally, loaded revolver.

No charges, but who would want to live with what that young child would have to live with the rest of his life?

Not I.
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*****Something that has yet to be mentioned, but should have by now. There was a child on set in this film, a child on a set with an incompetent/careless/dangerous armorer, assistant director producer & actor. The 'Rust' plot revolves around a 13 yr. old orphan & his grandfather (played by Baldwin).

It's one (bad) thing to have the obvious ignorance, carelessness & disregard for common sense safety (gun & otherwise) on a set with lethal firearms being used, it's quit another/MUCH, MUCH worse to have a child on this same set.

God forbid, that child actor would have accidently come into contact with that fatally, loaded revolver.

No charges, but who would want to live with what that young child would have to live with the rest of his life?

Not I.
You can quit trying so hard now.

There are already several dozen potential defendants and several bizillion reasons one or all may be liable. No need to add 10 or 12 more (unless they're really good ones). 😬
*****Something that has yet to be mentioned, but should have by now. There was a child on set in this film, a child on a set with an incompetent/careless/dangerous armorer, assistant director producer & actor. The 'Rust' plot revolves around a 13 yr. old orphan & his grandfather (played by Baldwin).

It's one (bad) thing to have the obvious ignorance, carelessness & disregard for common sense safety (gun & otherwise) on a set with lethal firearms being used, it's quit another/MUCH, MUCH worse to have a child on this same set.

God forbid, that child actor would have accidently come into contact with that fatally, loaded revolver.

No charges, but who would want to live with what that young child would have to live with the rest of his life?

Not I.
On the good side, the camerman said that Baldwin made the child actor move away in an earlier gun scene.

When asked about how Baldwin treated firearms on the set, Russell said the actor was safe, citing a previous instance when Baldwin made sure a child actor was not near him when a gun was being discharged.​
On the good side, the camerman said that Baldwin made the child actor move away in an earlier gun scene.

When asked about how Baldwin treated firearms on the set, Russell said the actor was safe, citing a previous instance when Baldwin made sure a child actor was not near him when a gun was being discharged.​
Too bad Baldwin didn't show that same caution for Hutchins & others. Sad, but there were at LEAST two other individuals on that set (the armorer & assistant director) that showed a dangerous disregard for common sense & gun safety protocols.

RIP Halyna
It doesn't sound that complicated; which is to say there should never be a mistake....
After taking a course in hand guns, I always check my gun to see if it is loaded before I holster it. After that, I never point the gun at anything I don't intend to kill or destroy. This was just part of the training I was given before I got my license to carry. After 8 years I still hear the instructor's words.

It is difficult for me to believe that relying on another person to tell you that a gun is not loaded absolves you of the responsibility for safely handling of a gun. The ultimate responsibility rests solely with handler of the weapon, in this case, Alex Baldwin. Had he handled the gun properly no one would be dead. That said, my heart goes out to him, to kill someone under those circumstance would be devastating, regardless of the legal issues involved. It will undoubtedly haunt him for the rest of his life.
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After taking a course in hand guns, I always check my gun to see if it loaded before I holster it. After that, I never point the gun at anything I don't intend to kill or destroy. This was just part of the training I was given before I got my license to carry. After 8 years I still hear the instructor's words.

It is difficult for me to believe that relying on another person to tell you that a gun is not loaded absolves you of the responsibility for safely handling of a gun. The ultimate responsibility rests solely with handler of the weapon, in this case, Alex Baldwin. Had he handled the gun properly no one would be dead. That said, my heart goes out to him, to kill someone under those circumstance would be devastating, regardless of the legal issues involved. It will undoubtedly haunt him for the rest of his life.
I fell the same way. I know a person who shot and stopped (not even killed) an attacker. Even though it was completely justified and saved their life, they're not the same and still have emotional issues with which to deal.
u no graduatid tRump u 2?

go bak 2 tRump u

i lurn lot frum tRump u

lik how 2 spel an tipe 2

tanks 2 tRump u 4 everthin

So actually answering why you are an a**hole is beyond your mental capacity? Great I report every post you make

Baldwin should be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter. Sucks but he is the one who pointed the gun
That's the second thing I've read about the guns being left on a cart outside due to COVID restrictions/protocol. I'm interested in hearing more details about that.
CNN reporting on an actor in the movie:

"Rust" actor Ian A. Hudson, in his first principal role on a big film, playing an outlaw who is shot by sheriffs, described “shields” in place to protect the crew and cameras during the shootout scene, but admitted feeling exposed as a performer.​
Hudson said in an interview with TMZ, he “held [his] tongue” but noted that veteran actors were double and triple checking weapons given to them by the armorer to ensure they were “cold or hot,” shorthand on set for empty or loaded with a live round that could be a bullet or a blank.​
“Multiple blank rounds were fired at me over multiple takes. I felt pieces of the blanks hitting my body & my face. I felt the the [sic] heavy thud of air from the shotgun blanks hit me in the chest. I've been reassured that this is normal one too many times,” Hudson said in an Instagram post.​
In the TMZ interview, Hudson explains the existential impact filming the scenes had on him, describing them as “intense,” and “scary, and real.”​
“Having been shot at multiple times and faking my death for the camera was enlightening to me in all the wrong ways. It was life threatening, it felt too surreal,” he said.​
“I think the armorer, having been pressed for time as much as she was, was doing a fantastic job,” Hudson told TMZ. “In fact I even overheard Joel Souza, the director, praise her for being as safe as she was and as consistent, and speedy, too, keeping up with the rushed schedule.”​
Blaming the industry as a whole, Hudson said some things are still being done “the same way they did it then, 30 years ago,” when actor Brandon Lee was killed during the filming of “The Crow.”​
“This tragedy could have been avoided,” Hudson wrote in his Instagram post. “I feel as if I literally dodged a bullet. I'm shaken, selfishly, afraid and humbled, grateful to be alive.”​
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CNN reporting on an actor in the movie:
“I think the armorer, having been pressed for time as much as she was, was doing a fantastic job,” Hudson told TMZ. “In fact I even overheard Joel Souza, the director, praise her for being as safe as she was and as consistent, and speedy, too, keeping up with the rushed schedule.”​

I don't know. considering that they recently reported that the weapon fired by Baldwin contained an actual live round and not even a blank suggests to me an incompetent armorer. How hard is it, really, to make sure that firearms are not loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? And why would a firearm ever need to be loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? This falls under the You Had One Job umbrella.
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I don't know. considering that they recently reported that the weapon fired by Baldwin contained an actual live round and not even a blank suggests to me an incompetent armorer. How hard is it, really, to make sure that firearms are not loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? And why would a firearm ever need to be loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? This falls under the You Had One Job umbrella.
Right now it seems likely someone took the gun out at break and shot cans with it. IF that is true, I suspect that person will face charges. The assistant director that called it a cold gun might face charges, Baldwin will probably face a charge (it seems other actors were checking their guns which means there wasn't a rule on set). The armorer should have had control of the weapons when not in use in the scenes, so she might face a charge too. Even if she doesn't I doubt she will work on a movie again. There is another story of her handling guns wrong on another set, including firing a weapon with no warning next to Nic Cage. They also told of her carrying pistols in her hands and tucking rifles facing backwards under her arms with blank) rounds in them. No way someone should carry a weapon tucked under their arms, and especially backwards. One has no idea when/if someone is in a line of fire.
I don't know. considering that they recently reported that the weapon fired by Baldwin contained an actual live round and not even a blank suggests to me an incompetent armorer. How hard is it, really, to make sure that firearms are not loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? And why would a firearm ever need to be loaded with actual bullets on a movie set? This falls under the You Had One Job umbrella.
..., & it's not like Baldwin didn't know his way around guns, even revolvers like the one he fired on set. He has been in many moves with guns involved, loading them, firing them & UNLOADING them.

If I were the Rust prosecutor, I would go for (& recommend) charges which would incarcerate Baldwin for about six weeks, just so he & others would learn a valuable lesson about gun safety, crime & punishment. Even then, he probably would never be put with any violent felons, like Martha Stewart wasn't. He should do some time. If he doesn't, people will say he got off because he was rich, famous & powerful, & they may be right?

'There are no 'victimless' crimes'

Can't do the time

Don't do the crime :O