AI finally mastered creative writing?

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Every attempt so far I've seen from AI trying to tell a story has been awful. This one is different. Read it here, and follow the links to read about it.

Preface this post with some background. Was a student at the U. of Wisconsin and could drink beer at a bar while being at least 18 years of age.

Ran into my freshman creative writing instructor at the Varsity Bar. He recognized me and preceded to critique my writing. Said I was careful about grammar and spelling, but my writing was boring and without originality.

Just like me, have a feeling AI stories might be grammically correct with perfect spelling, but lack originality
Preface this post with some background. Was a student at the U. of Wisconsin and could drink beer at a bar while being at least 18 years of age.

Ran into my freshman creative writing instructor at the Varsity Bar. He recognized me and preceded to critique my writing. Said I was careful about grammar and spelling, but my writing was boring and without originality.

Just like me, have a feeling AI stories might be grammically correct with perfect spelling, but lack originality
Wisconsin has a phenomenal student union. Great campus.
Preface this post with some background. Was a student at the U. of Wisconsin and could drink beer at a bar while being at least 18 years of age.

Ran into my freshman creative writing instructor at the Varsity Bar. He recognized me and preceded to critique my writing. Said I was careful about grammar and spelling, but my writing was boring and without originality.

Just like me, have a feeling AI stories might be grammically correct with perfect spelling, but lack originality
So like a James Joyce novel?
I made several songs using AI, got me laid. I think they call it ML in AI. Think it refers to Man-Learning.

So there you go. Isn't what technology is for—to enhance your life?

Lasted longer than how long it took me to make the songs too. How's that for achievement?
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